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Hot Take: Is Jennifer Lawrence a One-Hit Wonder?


Hollywood has few people who can open any film and lots of people who can open very specific films as certain types of characters.


She was probably the best part of Passengers, honestly. I also really liked her in Silver Linings Playbook.


She won an Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook, which you failed to mention. She's not a One-Hit Wonder.

If you wanted to argue if she's getting too cocky lately, then that'd be a different story.


the piano man
yeah because an academy award winning actress turned into the highest paid female actress and kept sustaining her career due to hype from a TV series.

come on, JL haters are really desperate


Only nerd movies exist. That's why Lawrence and Natalie Portman are rightfully considered the worst actresses of all time.

Lol, Natalie Portman and Jennifer Lawrence aren't really comparable. Portman has a bunch of bad perfomances not counting Thor or Star wars while Lawrence is pretty stellar in everything that isn't an X-men movie.


JLaw isn't a one-hit wonder. She just needs to stick to David O. Russell movies.
That's not necessarily a bad thing, either. Leo keeps making movies for Scorsese and people don't knock his acting pedigree for it.


No, she's had a lot of really good films.

Also, I've admittedly not seen mother! and probably won't, but I think it's a bit much to blame its failure on Lawrence here, because every criticism I've heard of it, has to do with the subject matter and content, not the acting.
Usually it's not fair to blame the actor. It's on the director and casting directors.

Actors and actresses are tools. They cannot see how they are doing through the frame. It's the responsibility of the director to get the right people and the right performances for the camera.

Mystique is an incredible uncompelling character, but not due to the actress who plays her. She is just another sexy action heroine written by men for men. Just like many other female action heroines played by milla jovovich and angelina jolie, it's just shallow characters who kicks ass, and that is incredible boring.

If you gave her something good, I think she would do well.


Thats a short list you got there.. Leo, Hanks, Crowe, The Rock to name a few also have that type of star power.

I did forget about Leo and Hanks but Crowe really shouldn't be on that list. The Rock feels like he's more in the RDJ category of star where it depends on the role/franchise.


I don't know that Jennifer Lawrence has the greatest range, but she is good at what she does if she cares.

Winter's Bone

She's a great actress just not great in X-men or hunger games but look at the source material.. it's not her fault.

X-Men is her fault for not giving a shit. The acting in that franchise is very uneven, but let's not pretend that no one was able to turn in a good performance. It's the entire reason that Logan worked so well.


I don't think she qualifies as a one-hit wonder under any criteria. She's been in financially successful non-HG movies, turned in decent performances in other movies, and in mother! turns in a solid performance in a non-mass-commercial-appeal money. I don't know that her future career will have anything in it as big of a deal as Hunger Games, but she seems to be doing alright from both the commercial and artistic sides.
Mother!'s success/reception isn't the fault of Jennifer Lawrence. Though I enjoyed it, it was marketed wrong and it's a very devicive film.

but Jennifer Lawrence was great in it. Especially being that literally the Camera was on her almost 100% of the whole movie.

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
I don't particularly care for any of her movies if I'm being honest. She was good in Silver Linings and Winter Bones, but even still I'm not in any rush to rewatch those movies anytime soon.

Hari Seldon

X-Men is her fault for not giving a shit. The acting in that franchise is very uneven, but let's not pretend that no one was able to turn in a good performance. It's the entire reason that Logan worked so well.

If you want to see an actor not giving a shit, check out Renner in Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunter lololol.


I thought she was great in Silver Linings. I saw her in a few other things and thought she was pretty good. I want to see American Hustle.


If you want to see an actor not giving a shit, check out Renner in Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunter lololol.

It's not a rare occurance among actors who can act when they are in movies that mainly attracted them with the paycheck.

Natalie Portman is pretty famous for it. To the point that we get posters here who think that she is universally terrible, because they mainly stick to action films.
I think audiences show up for the characters she plays, but I don't think her name recognition is putting all that many butts in theater seats.

If her name can't get butts in the theater she couldn't command that high of a paycheck anyway. Even that sci-fi movie sold decently.

Except Mother! The audiences smelt the rotten movie and avoided it.


She's ok. Maybe people just got burnt out on her and don't care about her anymore.

I think this is it. Some of her performances have been... uneven, but I think the bigger issue is that Lawrence was extremely overexposed. The huge push that she got soured me on her, particularly in light of how her acting sunk the X-men franchise. She was TERRIBLE in those movies, and nearly every scene with her on-screen was a damn chore.

Jlaw should be able to have continued success but I don't see her being a big blockbuster lead. She's ill-suited for that role.


Silver Linings Playbook is still her best movie.
It's not her fault a bunch of shitty scripts attached to big money keeps getting thrown at her.
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