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Hot Take: Is Jennifer Lawrence a One-Hit Wonder?

I don't wanna see her face anymore. She's in way too much shit and it's killing my interest in movies in general. I'll stick to the ones that don't rely on overly popular actors that I'm tired of seeing to sell the movie.

lol wut? shes been in how many movies this year? 1?

and the years before that shes been in 2 movies a year.... when how many movies get released a year?

this post was hilarious. 10/10 over reaction
Meryl Streep did not get to where she is today by starring in blockbusters her entire career.

Yeah and JLaw isn't Meryl Streep. But it's interesting you mention the shelf life of actresses in block busters, when JLaw's niche is smaller dramas where she plays characters who are supposed to be in their mid-30s.
Given persistent criticism about her performance as Mystique in the post-trilogy X-Men movies, the failure of Mother! and the mixed reception of Passengers, is it safe to say that the "highest paid actress in Hollywood" has just been coasting on Hunger Games heat this whole time?

I guess the best counterarguments are Winter's Bone (which is underappreciated), and her role in American Hustle, though it's notable that the former was before Hunger Games at all and the latter was midway through the Hunger Games movies.

Joy's probably the strongest counterargument, but i'm not sure of how much staying power that movie's had.

One hit wonder means they have one hit, She's been critically acclaimed in Three movies.
She's great in Mother though. Even if you don't like the movie overall she gives a good performance.

I also liked her in Joy.

1 note as fuck.
Hey stare and look confused. Stare and not react. Get hit. Don't react too much.

But that's all aronofsky.

She's terrible in Mother because she was poorly directed. There wasn't much scope her for her + all the extreme close ups of her passive face.


lol wut? shes been in how many movies this year? 1?

and the years before that shes been in 2 movies a year.... when how many movies get released a year?

this post was hilarious. 10/10 over reaction

That post is the 'I wanna see risky movies but I ignore anything but Star wars'. Except probably worse
I don't wanna see her face anymore. She's in way too much shit and it's killing my interest in movies in general. I'll stick to the ones that don't rely on overly popular actors that I'm tired of seeing to sell the movie.

She has 30 acting credits on imdb spread out over more than a decade. You sound like you are just bad at watching movies tbh.
I'm pretty sure most actors don't become as well-known as she is (particularly women) at her age. She's been cast in what feels like an Oscar contender every year or every other year, kinda like DiCaprio when he was in his 20s. And even for male actors, it tends to be in their 30s that they get to this level.

I think a mixture of insidious, unconscious sexism is at play, as well as her being cast too often and in roles we expect to see older women play. She feels like a ringer that Hollywood has anointed, without consulting any of us.

To be fair, I have a similar problem with DiCaprio. I find him to be a weird actor in that I can rarely see past him as a movie star, and his best stuff (Catch Me If You Can, Wolf of Wall Street) plays off of our perception of Leo The Celebrity. I prefer when actors disappear into roles, and that's hard when you're always the star.
I'm pretty sure most actors don't become as well-known as she is (particularly women) at her age. She's been cast in what feels like an Oscar contender every year or every other year, kinda like DiCaprio when he was in his 20s. And even for male actors, it tends to be in their 30s that they get to this level.

I think a mixture of insidious, unconscious sexism is at play, as well as her being cast too often and in roles we expect to see older women play. She feels like a ringer that Hollywood has anointed, without consulting any of us.

To be fair, I have a similar problem with DiCaprio. I find him to be a weird actor in that I can rarely see past him as a movie star, and his best stuff (Catch Me If You Can, Wolf of Wall Street) plays off of our perception of Leo The Celebrity. I prefer when actors disappear into roles, and that's hard when you're always the star.

At her age she has been nominated more times than any actress in Hollywood history, probably including actors too.

IMO DiCaprio is much more of a "star" than Lawrence is, in order words he can get away with playing himself all the time if he want but he doesn't lean on it. That's probably why he is not loved by the fellow actors.
1 note as fuck.
Hey stare and look confused.
Stare and not react. Get hit. Don't react too much.

But that's all aronofsky.

She's terrible in Mother because she was poorly directed. There wasn't much scope her for her + all the extreme close ups of her passive face.
Not even close being true. So much so that I have to believe you had your eyes closed for half the movie.
"I feel like I'm becoming way too much. Everybody is very fickle. They like me now, but I'm going to get really annoying really fast. Just watch."

She has talent. She became the it girl. She became overexposed in the press. She still is talented. But now people rag on her. This is the story for almost every female celebrity. It's pretty fucking tiring.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Shameless self-quote:

We evidently disagree. I developed an interest in Lawrence's career following [Winter's Bone] and none of the performances she's displayed since securing mainstream success have impressed me even remotely as much. Not all that is her fault, of course, but there's a distinct rawness and sincerity that punctuates emotional scenes in her formative projects that I feel is missing in later ones. She has, in her post-[The Hunger Games] years, continually failed to convince me that she's the character she's portraying, and what frustrates me is that I know she can do better, which is why I chose the phrase that I did. The performances aren't necessarily bad, but all are below what she's truly capable of.

In fewer words, I get the impression that she no longer aims as high as she once did. And that's a shame.

NB: I've not yet seen Mother.

Ivan 3414

Yesterday I overheard a woman at a café say that she's "not that hot." I was confused.

She's regular looking by Hollywood standards, which I suppose is part of her appeal. She doesn't have that pretentious "I'm a Hollywood star" aura about her unlike a lot of her female peers



One and done. One of the best young actresses in a long time. Killer good looks and great acting ability. Silver linings playbook, Winter's Bone and Joy and even American Hustle. She is a young Meryl Streep. You'll see when her career is all said and done.


listen to the mad man
“mother!” Is likely to break even when all is said and done and despite the stupid CinemaScore reporting, has gotten solid critical notice. Personally, it’s easily the most memorable and maybe the best new release film I’ve seen this year

It is unclear which film is intended to be her “one hit”. She has achieved commercial success being the lead in some YA movie, and separately from that received award notice for Winter’s Bone, American Hustle, and Silver Linings Playbook and to a lesser extent Joy.

I’m not sure why a comic book movie would factor into anyone’s appraisal of anyone. Even the “good” X-men movies are not very good and somehow this is a series on the less shifty end of the comic book genre.

I generally find her competent enough to anchor a film although I haven’t seen her do anything revolutionary.
She's not a one hit wonder. Even Chris Pratt's couldn't save passengers

Chris Pratt is not going to elevate any material. Like every other Chris, he’s got decent comedic timing, can look good when the role requires, and seems to enjoy himself. Perfectly well suited for the focus tested blockbusters he gets cast in, but unlikely to outperform poor material.


Passengers is one of the worst fucking movies I've seen in a long time.

The food dispenser acts better than both Pratt and Lawrence.
She's a good actress, but the whole "she's just a regular person who happens to be a beautiful, glamorous, famous actress" thing is kind of annoying.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
She's great, and her performance in mother! was just right for the material.

Yesterday I overheard a woman at a café say that she's "not that hot." I was confused.
As a lesbian I don’t really find her attractive, but she’s still my favorite actress tbh.



Also she was great in mother! so...

The quality of her performance had nothing to do with a weird, challenging, artsy, intense movie bombing with general audiences.
I think most actors would be envious of Winter's Bone and Silver Linings Playbook alone.

Give it a couple years, and maybe you could argue a flash in the pan, but one hit wonder was made false five years ago.


I saw her in Like Crazy with Felicity Jones years before both became A-listers and remember thinking she was pretty good.

Winter's Bone is a tough watch but an excellent film. Had to write about it for a Southern culture class and the shots it takes at Southern masculinity is dead on. She's absolutely incredible in that.

She's shit in X-Men and I hate that they had the franchise revolve around her post First Class but what can you do.
I think she's awful and overrated.

But definitely not a one hit wonder. Not even sure how anyone could even think it with all the success she's had.
Not a one-hot wonder, but clearly overrated.

She's had one great performance in her career, which was Winter's Bone right at the start.

Silver Linings Playbook was certainly good but not academy award worthy.


listen to the mad man
Lol no. Lupita Nyongo is a one hit wonder.

This is sort of a weird claim; since her "one hit", she's been in nothing but blockbusters, all of which have been hits and none of which call for even a moderately interesting performance; in the mean time, she did a Broadway run which got some acclaim. So it's hard to see this as being the case whether you mean commercially or critically -- and this is for an actress whose career is <5 years old
She reminds me a lot of Tom Cruise - not really a fantastic actor, more or less plays the same character in every movie, you never really see them "break out" of their mask but they usually deliver decent movies that are not amazing but not that terrible either.

A contrast I'd say would be someone like Charlize Theron or Emma Stone who have done a real wide range of characters. It'll be interesting to see how Red Sparrow and Bad Blood do, but neither really change the kind of character she usually plays. She really should do a comedy or spoof type of movie to get audiences back on her side, it sort of feels like she is aloof from regular people now for no discernible reason other than the type of characters she has played for a few years now.

Put her in the next fast and furious movie or a comedy with The Rock and I think people would like her a lot more.


She was great in Winter's Bone, which put her on everyone's radar and I think her first starring role, then had several critical and financial successes afterward. So, no.
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