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House of Cards S3 |OT| Available now on Netflix! - *Spoilers for all of S3*

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There were some things I enjoyed and some things I didn't enjoy. I'm still digesting it.

One thing that I really don't like though is a democrat trying to get rid of SS, and M&M. Really the reason I don't like it, is if you k now the numbers SS, isn't as broken as sensationalists will lead you to believe, so I just really dislike that he's hinging his whole freaking campaign on this.

That and as some others have said, he didn't come off as a badass president, but that could be the show just trying to highlight his downfall already.


Episode 9:

"I will put you in your fucking grave."

If I enjoyed Season 1 a lot more than Season 2, is it likely I'll enjoy S3 more than S2?

I'm enjoying it so far more than both season one and two, but that's probably a minority opinion.

I see a lot of complaining.


Bitches love smiley faces
There were some things I enjoyed and some things I didn't enjoy. I'm still digesting it.

One thing that I really don't like though is a democrat trying to get rid of SS, and M&M. Really the reason I don't like it, is if you k now the numbers SS, isn't as broken as sensationalists will lead you to believe, so I just really dislike that he's hinging his whole freaking campaign on this.

That and as some others have said, he didn't come off as a badass president, but that could be the show just trying to highlight his downfall already.

I think one of the intriguing things about Frank is
he's technically a democrat, but the stuff he passes are ridiculously conservative. The education bill, AmWorks... they all have major elements that would make the typical democrat cringe.

I feel like the reasons his presidency was pretty ineffectual were A) to show the start of his downfall, B) him holding the highest office in the land basically makes him the target for everyone, C) a response from season 2 where he pretty much seemed unstoppable.


There were some things I enjoyed and some things I didn't enjoy. I'm still digesting it.

One thing that I really don't like though is a democrat trying to get rid of SS, and M&M. Really the reason I don't like it, is if you k now the numbers SS, isn't as broken as sensationalists will lead you to believe, so I just really dislike that he's hinging his whole freaking campaign on this.

That and as some others have said, he didn't come off as a badass president, but that could be the show just trying to highlight his downfall already.
Isn't frank kind of an ageist? He hates his old man, and I remember him particularly despising older members of congress.
Episode 6:
Dat Claire heat, gawddamn. It feels a little out of character for her to be so shitty at this Ambassador job and for her to be moved by the suicide. She's always struck me as being just as cold and calculating as Frank, maybe even more so.
Episode 6:
Dat Claire heat, gawddamn. It feels a little out of character for her to be so shitty at this Ambassador job and for her to be moved by the suicide. She's always struck me as being just as cold and calculating as Frank, maybe even more so.

That's what is so disappointing about this seasoN. They just turn Claire into
yet another nagging wife character


Episode 6:
Dat Claire heat, gawddamn. It feels a little out of character for her to be so shitty at this Ambassador job and for her to be moved by the suicide. She's always struck me as being just as cold and calculating as Frank, maybe even more so.

I think that's the point.

They're are slowly changing the character. As she gets older she is starting to have a lot of regrets.


Claire was nerfed a bit this season, but she's also the only actual character in the show, so I don't mind it.


Not to sure how I feel thus far on this season. It's all over the place and plenty of character actions and story beats seem far more crazy than prior.


Unconfirmed Member
On next season
I'm guessing a good chunk of the next season will focus on the general election, which (hopefully) won't just feel like a retread of this season. I'm also hoping that it's the last season. We all know his downfall is coming, and they're already setting up for that in many ways. Frank has lost most of his supporters, his friends in Washington, and his wife. Once his downfall begins, people from all camps will rush in to bury a knife in his corpse. What matters to me is who he takes down with him.

Hopefully, they'll just rush through the general election, have him be elected, and immediately dive into his downfall

Finished the whole thing yesterday.
On Frank:
I felt like he wasn't as monstrous as he was in the second season, probably because he had all eyes on him as president. He had to do a lot of compromising this season, so he wasn't nearly as smug. I liked it! One thing that bothers me is that they every season they keep skirting around his sexuality. Tom's last words after that intimate moment seemed to say that he's been closeted for his whole 30 year political career and now is the time (or at least something to that effect). Not that it has to be a huge thing for his character next season, but I'd really like to see it come out of the shadows.

Tom only knew about the relationship he had with his choir buddy in college. He might have assumed that Frank was living a lie his whole life, or maybe just assumed Frank was too cautious to have sex with any men during his 30 year political career.

I don't think Frank's bisexuality really matters that much to what his character is about, aside from providing him a little human depth to round out his brutality. The only way I can see them exploring it is as a means of his downfall (especially if he has to butt heads with his wife in the near future


Unconfirmed Member
Only watch the two first episodes. Stephen Colbert is never that tough on his guests, especially presidents, haha.

I thought that at first too, but then I remembered the 2006 Press Corp dinner.

Dude probably wasn't tough on Obama because he respected him more than Bush. Colbert wouldn't respect Underwood.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Over with it.

I thought it was going well, but the ending is complete, utter and inexcusable shit, especially after S1\2. Just nothing happens.

Claire's plotlines are utterly useless all season.
Every single scene about Claire felt senseless. I thought we were going to pull a massive switcheroo with Claire getting to be president, and that would've been awesome. Instead, we get this shit.
All the work that she's done is shoddy. She's a good support-first-wife, and an absolutely shit-tier ambassador - but no one wants to deal with that! Instead, her approval ratings are somehow starbound.

Doug has ONE good episode, and i thought we'd get him back to proper politics! And the whole Rachel debacle has been waaay, waaaaay, waay too long.

Things i liked:
Writer guy. I honestly like it, and not just because he made Frank play Stanley's Parable. He seemed the only person in the show that actually got what the heck was happening.
Reporter plots, also nice. Especially big boss lady.
Gavin doing social engineering, even if all the ""hacking"" sent me laughing.
Quite enjoyable minute-to-minute, but the ending is a god-damn travesty.
Just finished it.

What the hell was this season? I thought they would finish it at season 3, that this would be when all the crap would surface. Seriously, if they make a season 4 I would rather skip to the downfall, because to me this season, doing a clinical approach, had nothing that made me go "holy shit" like season 1 and 2.

The writer part was bad, Jackie + Remy dragged for too long, Clair being with higher approval than Francis even though she was a major failure as an ambassador was just baffling.

I just wanted to see Francis being an ultimate badass as a president, and the writers did nothing like that. I liked Petrov, though.

The thing that bothers me the most is that his downfall wasn't hard enough and he didn't went up either.


Slightly better than season 2 if just for the fact it's less predictable. I think the past two seasons are just setting the stage for the last one.
Shit I watched 5 episodes straight last night now my ps4 wont turn on fuck. Cant even go to safe mode because the power button just wont respond to any press ;_;. Good thing I got a wiiu and still a ps3

On topic. 6 episodes in I like it just as much the first 5 of s1 and 2. Though I gotta say I miss having a zoe barnes kind of character around. And also the dynamics of Frank doing his thing to climb the ranks and covering his shit up.. those were intense..
They should have done the 3rd season of the UK show.

This wasn't nearly as good as the first 2. Even his talking to the camera was boring. He just did it when he got mad.

I would rather watch Petrov's side of things than this.


Unconfirmed Member
And I think I've found a worse problem with this season besides that he accomplished nothing. The stakes have actually lowered. The best characters of this show (the ones that posed the biggest threat to his political career) are now almost all out of the picture and the evidence that was stacking against him from the first two seasons have diminished. Someone else posted this, but the consequences in the last two seasons was a lifetime in prison. This season? He would've lost the election. That's a huge step backwards for this show.

Frank losing the election IS the worst possible thing for him. As he stated multiple times throughout the season, he doesn't want to be remembered as a caretaker president who came to power under shaky circumstances. He has no children, only his legacy to think about.

I like how they brought up his track record in Congress and that the time during which he served was one of the "least effective periods in Congressional history" or something to that affect. We all know he was a very successful Whip, but he was kind of the King of Shit Mountain. The Congress he ruled was largely ineffectual; he was either unwilling or unable to push through lasting legislation during his 20 years in the House. The Presidency is his last hope to accomplish something he would consider meaningful. I think Frank would rather go to prison as someone who was respected rather than lose the election and die a free man without having done something meaningful to be remembered by.


It started off nice but faded quickly toward the end. Character motivations became confusing, verging on betraying their fundamental characterization at certain points. People change and the best shows portray that, but the evolution these people go through feel forced. It's especially apparent with a backdrop that's designed to mirror the real world political spectrum fairly closely in order to provide the show's charisma and gravitas, but even that is pushed to new comical levels. House of Cards was never a hard political drama, but it seemed to know its limits better.

Nearly everyone took a step back from the prior season, and plot threads were forgotten or unsatisfactorily dismissed one by one. At least the major conflict (
Clair and Francis' growing rift
) was followed all the way through, but even that required the dismantling of a once-before well rounded character. On the whole season 3 was fun, but its greatest value is in what it sets up for the next season, not what it achieved during its run.


Frank losing the election IS the worst possible thing for him. As he stated multiple times throughout the season, he doesn't want to be remembered as a caretaker president who came to power under shaky circumstances. He has no children, only his legacy to think about.

I like how they brought up his track record in Congress and that the time during which he served was one of the "least effective periods in Congressional history" or something to that affect. We all know he was a very successful Whip, but he was kind of the King of Shit Mountain. The Congress he ruled was largely ineffectual; he was either unwilling or unable to push through lasting legislation during his 20 years in the House. The Presidency is his last hope to accomplish something he would consider meaningful. I think Frank would rather go to prison as someone who was respected rather than lose the election and die a free man without having done something meaningful to be remembered by.
I completely agree. That's why he pushed forward
the policies for peace in the Middle East and an end to unemployment. Either of them succeeding would give him a lasting legacy. That they both failed has driven him into a corner.
First 4 episodes of Season 3 feel like a Shonen manga. All of Frank's opponents are a higher level than previous seasons, and
they almost immediately see through his two-faced maneuverings, and counter it with plans of their own.
This is like the 200th floor of Heaven's arena, and he's getting the traditional greeting.

This is the first time in the series where the Underwood's look like they're in over their heads.

Grave pissing
spitting on Jesus
scenes were great, really showing how drunk with power Frank has become.
Ep 4:
Watching as a politics student, the idea that an ambassador to the UN wouldn't know about Uniting for Peace resolutions is frankly laughable. It'd be like someone getting to the presidency and only then finding out about Executive Orders.

Not only that, but they get it totally wrong as well. UoP resolutions were brought into existence to get around Soviet vetos after the Korean War, the Korea op passed the Security Council due to the USSR's boycott in protest of Taiwan retaining the China seat. The first time it was actually used was in the Suez Crisis to get around a British and French veto on the Security Council.

If a politics undergraduate can get it right...


Unconfirmed Member
First 4 episodes of Season 3 feel like a Shonen manga. All of Frank's opponents are a higher level than previous seasons, and
they almost immediately see through his two-faced maneuverings, and counter it with plans of their own.
This is like the 200th floor of Heaven's arena, and he's getting the traditional greeting.

This is the first time in the series where the Underwood's look like they're in over their heads.

Grave pissing
spitting on Jesus
scenes were great, really showing how drunk with power Frank has become.

I think the reason everyone looks "tougher" is because of Frank's position, mainly on two points

- He's the President, so he can't really pick and choose who he goes up against. Everyone knows where to find him, and they know his hands are tied with how he can maneuver in the spotlight he's in.

- Everyone knows exactly what he wants. Very few people even imagined what levels Frank was striving for in Season 1 and Season 2. He used this to his advantage. He could create whatever narratives he needed to manipulate others. Now, everyone knows exactly what he wants: re-election and legacy. His powers of subterfuge are pretty much moot now that his skin in the game is so evident.

His only real sources of power right now might come from his soldiers, but the ones he was left with at the end of Season 2 couldn't match up to Doug's finesse and sheer loyalty. He couldn't trust Remy or Seth to do 10% of the shit he had Doug do in S1 and S2. It'll be interesting to see if Doug can help him turn the tides with all the contacts and relationships he brings back to Frank's camp.
More thoughts after digesting for a bit on characters and others:

I was hoping for a badass president that would think he had everything and then the cracks in the foundation would start to appear, sort of like we did see but I wanted him to achieve something. With that said I'm still iffy on if I like this direction or not, basically show him to be a bad president.
She legitimately would be a fantastic president after some growing pains I think. Shame she probably won't win.
I wanted him to let her live, god dammit Doug, you son of a bitch. Guy is severely messed in the head.
I'm actually still not sure what I think about her and what she'll do. I didn't like the direction that they took with her this season though, still processing. I don't think I will until another watch through. I thought if anything they might build up her to challenge Frank for the nomination or something or force Frank to make her his VP or something crazy. It's really weird now.
As much as I like the character, he seems like a good person. I hope if he's on next season he'll be out of the lime light, dude realized what he was becoming and what he wanted and he fixed his situation.
Glad she found her way and stood up to Frank and did it in her way (not requiring to be bought).
The more I think about this the more angry I am about it. Ugh, it's such a stupid idea.
Next season:
I hope they time skip into the next presidency. I'm assuming Frank will some how win? Maybe mention a skeleton in Dunbar's closet that comes out that ruins her or something. I don't want the general election. I want to see Frank falling apart. I want to see everything come in on him and his house of cards crumble.
Ok and I'm done,
Just finished S03.

It was pretty bad actually that makes me sad because I LOVED S02 even though many of you did not.

To me not enough happened and it was far more slower passed then S01 and S02.
Will continue to watch but still did not like it as much as S01 and S02


Finished it

Just when I thought Claire becomes normal, she gets full shitmode again. Forget her, Francis. She is not worth the trouble


Ok and I'm done,
Just finished S03.

It was pretty bad actually that makes me sad because I LOVED S02 even though many of you did not.

To me not enough happened and it was far more slower passed then S01 and S02.
Will continue to watch but still did not like it as much as S01 and S02

pretty much all the storylines for s03 weren't satisfying for me.


Ok and I'm done,
Just finished S03.

It was pretty bad actually that makes me sad because I LOVED S02 even though many of you did not.

To me not enough happened and it was far more slower passed then S01 and S02.
Will continue to watch but still did not like it as much as S01 and S02

Aww, I really liked s02 too so this is kind of a bummer to hear. Honestly, I'm not too excited to start s03 anyway now that Frank is president, his absolutely ruthless and downright psychopathic ways to climb the ladder were what made the show so interesting to me
pretty much all the storylines for s03 weren't satisfying for me.
Some spoilers below in response:
I 100% agree, NOTHING happens in this season like nothing...............
Where is the drama they build up so much stuff like the monks or piece in the middle east/war with Russia, and nothing happens..................

So stupid.
and OWWWWWW CLAIR I start feeling like I did with the end of Breaking Bad, seriously all those years you put up with all of his shit and even helped him out.
And now when it matters the most you just up and leave like that, just because............


Still love the settings, cloths, most characters, locations and music.
But the story was pretty bad this S0.


it would be pretty cool if more shows come out in the format of true detective/fargo.

same setting/tone/themes etc but new cast of characters for every season.

-they could get bigger stars since it's less of a commitment
-they don't have to worry at all about setting up for a second season, so they can push it as hard as they want and not worry about cleaning things up for the next season

a few people mentioning this was a setup season made me think of this. plus, i tend to forget a bunch between the seasons :(


I can't get over how villainous this mother fucker looks, seriously. It's ridiculous even thinking this actor could ever play a good guy.



Yeah I don't think the guy playing the writer could look any less interested if he tried. Though it doesn't help that his plot was nonsensical and terrible.

Character was doomed from the star tbh. "He's a videogame reviewer!"
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