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House of Cards S3 |OT| Available now on Netflix! - *Spoilers for all of S3*

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The show is still good, but it's getting worse with every season. I don't know how longer I'll keep up with it, but since it only takes me a weekend per year, I'm sure I'll just keep watching it.


Could someone please explain to me the deal with Gavin?

Why is he being forced to work in the FBI and what is the blackmail they have in him?

To work off his hacking charges by helping the FBI with other cyber cases. That, and apparently they've been arresting Gavin's other hacker friends and telling Gavin that it's only a matter of time before one of them rats him out for other crimes that the FBI aren't aware of. Essentially, he has to work for the FBI to get a rid of his charges / lessen his sentence and if he doesn't cooperate then he's screwed.
I'm only on episode 3 so I ducked in to ask this question as I dont want to read any potential spoilers. could someone PM me with the answer as to why
claire almost puked in the sink when frank was making his pb&j, scene?


I'm only on episode 3 so I ducked in to ask this question as I dont want to read any potential spoilers. could someone PM me with the answer as to why
claire almost puked in the sink when frank was making his pb&j, scene?
Just keep watching, it's basically spelled out later on.

Gray Matter

Episode 9:
Rachael is dead? Something tells me that isn't true.

Also, loving the more humanization vibe from some of the characters. They no longer feel like machines, especially Doug.


Full season spoilers

I enjoyed it for the most part. It felt more toned down and low key compared to the ridiculously over the top second season. I didn't like how they gave such a big focus to the writer and the new reporter lady (I can't even remember their names), both of them were pretty boring. I would have preferred more scenes with Seth who was completely ignored this season. Doug's subplot was probably the best part of the season. Remy should have gotten more to do besides his rather uninteresting romance subplot with Jackie. I thought the Putin character worked pretty well as the season's villain. Same with Dunbar. She reminded me a lot of Carcetti from The Wire. I'm happy that they ignored Rachel for the whole season and then finally killed her off. She was pretty boring. The dynamic between Frank and Claire still works well despite both characters being less conniving this season. Frank didn't even break the fourth wall very much.
Overall pretty solid. An improvement over the second season but still not matching up to the excellent first season.


Ep 9:
The whole Stamper/Rachel thing is just dumb now. They didn't have to drag it for another whole season. Rachel actually killing him at the end of S2 would've been better and actually make sense.


Haven't made it very far, but is the general consensus that this season is shit? That's disappointing to hear.

I just finished, and I think Season 3 is a lot better than Season 2. My biggest problem with Season 2 is it just delved completely into unbelievable cartoon villainy. Season 3 dialed it back a bit, with more realistic motivations and actions by all parties involved.

However, probably less meaningful stuff happened in Season 3. It felt more focused to me - more focused on the main characters - and their interactions with the minor characters. It felt like there was a lot less peripheral stuff like "life in the newspaper office". The one character who really got that kind of treatment was
Doug Stamper, and that's b/c it was dealing with how his recovery was going and his efforts to prove his worth and loyalty to Frank

I'd place the seasons S1 > S3 > S2.


Ep 9:
The whole Stamper/Rachel thing is just dumb now. They didn't have to drag it for another whole season. Rachel actually killing him at the end of S2 would've been better and actually make sense.

I agree.

Fucking terrible plotline.

And I can't even really enjoy Doug's plotline because (whole season)
we're just back to the status quo now. They nerfed him and now he's back to exactly where he was when this whole fucking series began. That's the problem with this whole season. Nothing happened. A bunch of incoherent sideways moves that all amounted to nothing. Moves that could/should have been negative or positive, ie. literally everything that happened with the UN plotline, ended up not really mattering. Oh Claire didn't get the votes. But Frank will appoint her anyways. Oh let's work really hard on the Jordan Valley. But they're gonna pull out anyways. Oh let's have Claire fuck up everything. But its okay because her favorables are really high.

This whole season was much ado about nothing.


Just finished it. It was great and all, but the final thrust of the season left me confused about a character.

Basically, did Claire lose her mind or something? Like Francis, I don't really know what she was talking about or what she wanted. It's like this all surprised her or something. She's comparing her accomplishment to the fucking president, and that just doesn't seem logical.

And the entire Russia storyline just fizzled out with a loss. Kind of a bummer.


Overall season:
I feel like people forget that Clair left Francis in Season 1 and how she broke down when she saw how bad the raped army girl was doing, showing she just wasn't a cold bitch that she supports Frank for every decision he makes without question. Her and Frank have had problems throughout the show and the issues in this season just compounded that.


To be fair to this season's Doug plotline, the damage was entirely done in season 2 where the writers felt some bizarre need to do away with any subtlety or pretense to reality and completely assassinate Doug's character and turn everyone into a psycho.

To be less fair: nothing in that plotline justified taking 13 episodes to accomplish. (whole season)
I'm fine with Doug working his way back into the inner circle; that "Go fuck yourself" was satisfying and was the series back to doing what the series does best. But every interaction Doug has with Rachel flattens his character and makes him that much more uninteresting and embarrassing to watch.

and that computer hacker is the worst character this show has ever had, even worse than the writer, and I can't believe he managed to stick around for two seasons. the Doug plot line suffers just by association.


The writer is a terrible actor

On episode 12 now

I'm on episode 5 and so far I prefer it to the second season. The overly political stuff seems to have been dialed back a little. It also feels like Underwood is being challenged more and is not always getting his way all the time. I also like how Claire is trying to step out of Franks shadow and making her own name.

Also can we have more of the Russian president, that dude is fun.


Season spoiler:
Did something happen with the actor playing Mendoza? At the start of one episode he's handwaved away with the new guy introduced but that never really goes anywhere, just seemed really weird.

Solid season overall. Just watched 11 episodes in a row so am still processing it, but definitely a great to binge watch.


Just finished it up. Damn at that ending. Great season.

Season spoilers:
Holy shit, Claire. Why would you do this? You knew that only one of you guys could be President. You were given a shot as ambassador and you failed. Get over it. Yeah yeah, you hate being dependent on someone because you're so strong and independent! Bullshit.

They really wrote her character to be so weak-willed this season. The fact that I'm pissed at her means they must have written it well.


I'm on episode 11, but I like the Stamper/Rachel storyline just for the sake of giving Doug a ton of character development. The premiere alone is one of my favorite episodes in the series since it focuses on his perspective.

Gray Matter

I'm on episode 11, but I like the Stamper/Rachel storyline just for the sake of giving Doug a ton of character development. The premiere alone is one of my favorite episodes in the series since it focuses on his perspective.

Yes, I feel like we finally are getting to know who Doug the person is, not Doug the chief of staff.
Just finished it up.
It was still very enjoyable and entertaining, and had enough moments to keep you on edge, but I have to echo the sentiment that it was a step down from 1 and 2. It also had this very strange vibe, like if you had never watched the first 2 seasons you'd think this was just a regular ol' political drama like West Wing or something...you might even feel a little sympathy for Frank or find him endearing. They don't really touch on what a monster he is. I was waiting for the twist when he went balls out and murdered someone or something and it never came. Same thing with Doug. They sort of make you feel bad for this guy until you remember what a piece of shit he is. The Claire stuff really dragged for me. I understand where her character is coming from but it just felt sort of telegraphed and drawn out. Wish there was more scheming and more Frank fucking people over.

Also the whole thing about Frank playing indie games, and an indie game review (done by a noted author?) inspiring him to have a book written about America Works was kind of dumb. They should have found a better way to introduce the author's character.

The product placement was a little over the top too. Everyone had to make sure they had their windows phones on camera, and the scene where Dunbar is talking to that foreign strategist dude and he's like "Ok hold on let me swipe it from the tablet to this TV so you can see it better" was straight out of a commercial....but I guess they gotta make up the ad revenue somewhere.

Season spoiler:
Did something happen with the actor playing Mendoza? At the start of one episode he's handwaved away with the new guy introduced but that never really goes anywhere, just seemed really weird.

Solid season overall. Just watched 11 episodes in a row so am still processing it, but definitely a great to binge watch.

I think
they needed to get Mendoza out of there and replace him with a leader that wasn't so chummy with Frank, to further the storyline of AmWorks getting shitcanned. They did gloss over some key stuff like this in between episodes that I thought was kind of jarring and annooying. Like Frank announcing he's running for Pres again. I wanted to see the leaderships reaction but next ep comes and it's already established.
Episode 7 is my favorite in the entire series. Happy to see Season 3 dial back on the over the op craziness of season 2.

That said, I have actively hated the score this season. Way too melodramatic.


Fucking goddamnit!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! We've worked so goddamn hard to get Frank here. Fucking damnit do pissed!
I just finished, and I think Season 3 is a lot better than Season 2. My biggest problem with Season 2 is it just delved completely into unbelievable cartoon villainy. Season 3 dialed it back a bit, with more realistic motivations and actions by all parties involved.

However, probably less meaningful stuff happened in Season 3. It felt more focused to me - more focused on the main characters - and their interactions with the minor characters. It felt like there was a lot less peripheral stuff like "life in the newspaper office". The one character who really got that kind of treatment was
Doug Stamper, and that's b/c it was dealing with how his recovery was going and his efforts to prove his worth and loyalty to Frank

I'd place the seasons S1 > S3 > S2.

Totally agreed. I have loved the increased focus on political drama this season.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm seeing a lot of talk about "next season". That's.....kind of a spoiler for anyone who's seen the original House of Cards UK and expects this to be the final season.

So far I've seen up to either episode 7 or 8. I think it's better than the second season but weaker than the first. Season 2 was just too hokey for me. And it's fun to see Underwood as president.


Immediate reaction: S1 > S3 > S2

Reaction with spoilers:
It feels like they put too much emphasis on stuff that ultimately didn't matter. The book guy didn't do a lot aside from becoming filler in a few episodes. His arc goes from writing generic books to writing about the president to not writing about the president. The cop from Gone Girl reporter lady goes from writing about the White House to sleeping with the book guy.

Wrapping up the Rachel arc is good. Wrapping up this portion of the Stamper arc is good. Remy moved on, but I feel like it just ended abruptly. Same goes for Jackie. Claire's motivations in the last three episodes just come up from nowhere. The whole series is about Frank, so I can't really comment on that without knowing what will happen next.

I think the series lost the bit of wit that it had in season 1. There it was about outsmarting the opponents, no matter how big or small they are. Now it just feels like Frank whips out the "I'm president, do what I say" card for those inferior to him, and only Petrov and Dunbar feel like they are even close to even ground with him.

To be honest, I thought when he said he wasn't going to seek the Democratic re-election, he was going to go for the Republican election. It seemed like it was heading that way with Mendoza being a fairly large character in the first few episodes(and then he just disappears, wtf). It was also in the wording of his AmWorks speech that made me think that. I think that would have been a surprise that only the attentive would ahve seen.

The win in Iowa feels like a deus ex machina. Frank doesn't really do anything to win in Iowa, yet he somehow ends up beating Dunbar? Whatever, I'll allow it, I guess.


Just finished. It's better than season 2 but not as good as the first. Spacey was excellent. The score was pretty poor. I liked the storylines for the most part, though they weren't really compelling and I think season 4 should be better in that regard. It's disappointing
how hard Claire got nerfed though. Well, both of them really. They looked in over their heads and I wanted a season of Frank doing well before the fall started (if this is the start of that).

Mind you this could be the start of him doing well too, considering how hard Claire screwed things up for him this season. They could take it either way in S4.


The Monument Valley product placement was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.

Other than that I just finished Episode 5, and I think it's the best season so far. No cornball President Walker helps.
Not product placement. Creators of the game came out and said so. The game was added into the show, intentionally.
I'm just still baffled by how ridiculous AmWorks is. I mean, at least make it somewhat interesting that a horrible man got the presidency.


I feel like the writer is just there to give Claire her final push at the end to leave Frank. I feel like he's a better character if the whole season is focused on Frank running the nation and trying to get Am works to work.

Everybody keeps talking about how crazy and illegal Am works is but they never go into full detail and show how the government is fighting over it. The writer would have been a better character I think if he was just writing about how crazy am works is and we got to see behind the scenes.

Impeachment would have been a better plot for this season instead of rushing into re-election


Just finished episode 6. Fantastic episode. I noticed right off that
there was no talking to the audience for Frank through most of the episode. It did a good job of feeling like we were seeing Claire's perspective instead of Frank's, right from the opening with the aurora all the way to the end. The last line was just the icing on the cake. Frank feels betrayed, not only from Claire but from 'us' for seeing things from her eyes instead of his.


Fuck Doug. Really. Fuck him.
Overall, I really enjoyed the first half of the season but the last several episodes went off the rails.
Just finished season 3, and I didn't like it as much as season 2. Sure, the Russian guy was really good and that one scene where
Claire fucking rekts him
was great but overall it felt meandering. I agree with the poster on the last page who summed it up as "all ado about nothing" because nothing really mattered in the end. You get the feeling by the last episode that they should've done a Breaking Bad and ended while they were ahead towards the middle of the season. I def. agree that next season should be the last, but even then I'm not sure if I'd care enough to watch through it rather than just wiki'ing the story like I did for the Newsroom finale.


Episode 6 spoiler:
FUCK CLAIRE, again she fucks up over a small reason. I hate how the character is so irrational at times. The same happened with the clearwater bill where she fucks up Francis plan just for some stupid thing she wants.

Also, Corrigan was so annoying. Writing felt off in this episode. I like the idea of getting Russia into the play but it feels like the storyline is kind of weak and I wonder if it is because it deviates from the original series.

Permanently A

Junior Member
Man for season 1 and 2 despite the horrible shit that Frank did he was still entertaining and enjoyable to watch as he bulldozed and manipulated.

This season though...
its just depressing how vicious Frank is. Every time Dunbar got on screen I was like "I would vote for her in real life" but shes the antagonist... I dunno. The show is entertaining but the brutality depresses me. Probably because it reminds me that real politics isn't so separate from the fiction.
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