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House of Cards S3 |OT| Available now on Netflix! - *Spoilers for all of S3*

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Permanently A

Junior Member
Full season feedback Ep1-13:

I have to say this season is a dip from 1 and 2, though not without some great scenes.

The Bad/Meh:
A lot of the backstories are poorly paced like with Stamper recovering or the whole America Works segments. The Russian stuff is sort of a love/hate thing by being both really silly and implausible but a ballsy attack on Putin-likes and an interesting way to expand the show beyond the usual domestic politics. Sadly the death of Rachel is so poorly built up to that it had almost no emotional impact at all. Totally counter to the death of Zoey in the past, which it was obviously aping.

I think in regards to
Rachel being killed, they actually built it up quite well. Unlike Zoey, Rachel isn't important. What we really care about in this plot point is Doug. We see Doug play with his nieces, learn to appreciate his brother, learn to fight his inner demons, and recover from an injury that would have crushed many. Yet in the end, so close to redemption, he fails. I couldn't give two shits if Rachel is alive or dead... its the choice that Doug made which really impacted me.

Only just finished episode 1, but if for season 4 they're building to
incumbent Frank vs. Claire for the presidency, I might lose my mind.

I got that vibe really hard too, especially when
she was sitting in the chair. I fully expected her to outright divorce him and announce her candidacy in that scene.


Season reaction:
Its was entertaining but feeling a bit disappointing because many episodes end with high notes but nothing seems to follow up, the result of those event simply doesn't add up.

For Claire arc, they make her stood up against Pretrov, write her as people's favorite etc. For a while i though they are setting it up for her to announce her candidacy for 2016.
Season reaction:
Its was entertaining but feeling a bit disappointing because many episodes end with high notes but nothing seems to follow up, the result of those event simply doesn't add up.

For Claire arc, they make her stood up against Pretrov, write her as people's favorite etc. For a while i though they are setting it up for her to announce her candidacy for 2016.

Season spoilers
The most probable outcome to me seems to be Claire as the VP to Frank, which is the one card he can play to win her back. Also, who else could he nominate? Blythe is dead weight, Jackie doesn't want to work under him anymore and Dunbar is out of the question. Cathie? Talk about a lackluster choice.


Season spoilers
The most probable outcome to me seems to be Claire as the VP to Frank, which is the one card he can play to win her back. Also, who else could he nominate? Blythe is dead weight, Jackie doesn't want to work under him anymore and Dunbar is out of the question. Cathie? Talk about a lackluster choice.

Interesting, is that even legal?
Hmn, the show gets a little better towards the end.
I only need to watch the final episode.

The first 4 - 8 episodes were embarrassing imo.
To me it's S1 > S2 > S3, easily.

S2 had a lot of issues, sure, but at least it felt important. It also had some really great tension and buildup going for it, which I missed in S3. Season 3 in general left me feeling like nothing really happened, aside from making me dislike Frank and Claire. Fake Putin was pretty much the only highlight for me.

I think this show should have ended with S2.
Suggestion of Claire being a viable candidate for 2016 was never the focus in my opinion.

If Dunbar is struggling after 20 years of legal work, Claire has no chance especially after the issue with her being US Ambassador

It always felt like 2020 was the earliest she could even dream of
Final Episode:

My god though, that cut to the grave. This season was uneven at best but moments like that can make up for an entire season of aimlessness. That was just astonishing storytelling.

For that alone I give this season seventy-eight stars.


Also (full season)
The writer storyline held up the rest of the season incredibly well. That dude and Kim Dickens were phenomenal together.
Yeah, Viktor Petrov, the bald former KGB Russian president that enjoys taking masculine publicity pictures of himself can't possibly be based on Putin. I'm not saying all aspects fit, but the examples you put are more the general western stereotype of russians mixed in with what is very clearly a Putin analog.

Oh it's obvious they were attempting a V.V.Putz analogue, and Mikkelson is clearly capable of pulling that off. That's what makes his inauthentic portrait so disappointin, a real mirror of Putin's character would be incredibly interesting but the writing is so shallow and ignorant the character ends up resembling eccentric, late-term Yeltsin than Putin.

The Pussy Riot girls who appear on the show also agree Petrov doesn't capture Putin's essence.

“Petrov is more of a little tsar, he is too jolly for Putin, of course."
Finished this last night. I really loved it. Claire is my new favorite character, I hope she
fucking destroys Frank. I understood her motivations, not sure I get the confusion here. Reminds me of BB fans who hated Skyler because she got on the way of the bad guy (Skyler was much worse than Claire though tbf).

The only part I did not like was
the conclusion of Doug's storyline. It ended exactly how last season could/should have ended. He is still a psycho and Rachel is still a non factor. I enjoyed the journey but there was absolutely no payoff. Fuck Doug.


Unconfirmed Member
Finished this last night. I really loved it. Claire is my new favorite character, I hope she
fucking destroys Frank. I understood her motivations, not sure I get the confusion here. Reminds me of BB fans who hated Skyler because she got on the way of the bad guy (Skyler was much worse than Claire though tbf).

People are basically showing Clarie the same contempt they showed Skyler because they think Frank and Walt were the heroes in their respective stories. It's kind of scary that people would be on Frank's side and feel like Clarie is deadweight for having a smidgen of a conscious. Frank (like Walt) is a contemptible person. You might get enjoyment out of seeing his Machiavellian rise, but outright rooting for him and decrying anyone who undermines him through simple acts of humanity is kind of scary.

I will give Frank the fact that he does seem to really respect and cherish his wife. He never really throws her under the bus and provides her all the support he realistically can.


S3 was bound to disappoint after the build up to getting into office, but I'm still enjoying what I've seen so far. It's definitely been more mundane than S1 and 2 though.


I'm 10 episodes into Season 3, and I enjoy this far more than Season 2. There's actual tension surrounding the Underwoods, given that the cast of characters around them
aren't total fucking idiots like in Season 2 and that the Underwoods occasionally, or in this season more than occasionally, suffer setbacks and even defeats. Unlike Season 2, where everything they did worked to perfection and everyone was too stupid to do anything but exactly what they Underwoods wanted etc. It got tiresome, predictable, and eliminated the tension of any scheming given you knew 100% the outcome.
Just finished it. Pretty much sums up my thoughts:
I really liked it but cant help thinking "i watched 13 episodes and im not sure how much the plot was moved forward or if anything really happened"


I feel like (spoilers all)

Claire will become President just like Frank did. Frank will offer her the VP to try to get her back, she accepts, but she will actively plot behind his back to get him impeached, brining all his skeletons out of the closet
Just finished it. Pretty much sums up my thoughts:
I really liked it but cant help thinking "i watched 13 episodes and im not sure how much the plot was moved forward or if anything really happened"

Season 1 is Frank destroying his competition. Season 2 is Frank getting lucky squeaking past his competition. Season 3 is Frank's political armor getting shredded. Season 4 is when the meat gets fed to the wolves.


People are basically showing Clarie the same contempt they showed Skyler because they think Frank and Walt were the heroes in their respective stories. It's kind of scary that people would be on Frank's side and feel like Clarie is deadweight for having a smidgen of a conscious. Frank (like Walt) is a contemptible person. You might get enjoyment out of seeing his Machiavellian rise, but outright rooting for him and decrying anyone who undermines him through simple acts of humanity is kind of scary.

I will give Frank the fact that he does seem to really respect and cherish his wife. He never really throws her under the bus and provides her all the support he realistically can.
It's not that people are on Frank's side. She is not a good person. She did awful things in the first and second seasons. This new, weak, fragile, and emotional Claire is inconsistent with the Claire that had already been established. Her sentimental and conscientious side went out the window when she dumped the artist she was having an affair with. They've instead gone back and negated all the progress that she made as a character so it'd be more convenient to the story they want to tell of Frank's downfall. If people have a hard time believing Claire would allow her emotions to get the best of her and ruin a peace agreement between Russia and the US because she grew a conscience overnight, it's a fault on the writers and not the audience.

And not only does Frank not throw her under the bus -- he bends backwards to get her the position as ambassador. And last season he was going to go ham on the Army guy that raped her in college. There is genuine love there, even if it's not sexual attraction.

I'm assuming that Claire doesn't know that Frank is responsible for Russo's or Zoe's death. How much does she know about them? Because if she knew that Frank had a part -- it'd be extremely hypocritical of her to call Petrov out on his homophobia when her husband is a murderer.
It's not that people are on Frank's side. She is not a good person. She did awful things in the first and second seasons. This new, weak, fragile, and emotional Claire is inconsistent with the Claire that had already been established. Her sentimental and conscientious side went out the window when she dumped the artist she was having an affair with. They've instead gone back and negated all the progress that she made as a character so it'd be more convenient to the story they want to tell of Frank's downfall. If people have a hard time believing Claire would allow her emotions to get the best of her and ruin a peace agreement between Russia and the US because she grew a conscience overnight, it's a fault on the writers and not the audience.

And not only does Frank not throw her under the bus -- he bends backwards to get her the position as ambassador. And last season he was going to go ham on the Army guy that raped her in college. There is genuine love there, even if it's not sexual attraction.

Claire is different from Frank. Frank is a monster who craves nothing but power and serves no one but his own legacy. It is clear that Claire has always had a conscience, but that she was able to ignore it because in her mind, the greater good was achieving power. Now she sees that Frank is a terrible power hungry president, and she feels unfulfilled. She was always able to ignore her apprehensions by thinking of the ultimate goal, and how achieving power would make her life and her sacrifices worthwhile. Now that they have made it, she realizes that this is not what she hoped for. They are so weak that she cannot even take a stand on a issue such as freedom of speech. In her mind, she made a ton of sacrifices to get her and Frank to where they are, and it was for nothing. She gave up on having a family and an independent career. Instead she is now merely a trophy wife who must rely on her husband for favors. This was never what she wanted, even if she was stupid and naive for thinking otherwise or for hoping for more. She became disillusioned and snapped.

She is certainly not a good person. You can infer that the reason she married Frank in the first place was to achieve political power, which is shitty. But her actions are understandable and I am personally rooting for her to take down Frank. If at the end of the day she prevents a murderous tyrant from winning an election, she will be redeemed in my eyes. My issue is with people sympathising with Frank but hating on Claire. How does the fact that Claire is not "good" make her worse than Frank, who is a killer and a tyrant? Especially when Claire still has so much room for redemption, in contrast to Frank.

By the way, I think that an interesting analog to Claire is Jackie. They have both done some clearly fucked up shit in the pursuit of power, but at the end of the day cannot emotionally keep up with Frank's ruthlessness. They should be applauded, rather than lamented, for that. In fact all the women on the show are pretty awesome imo, including Dunbar. The only real certain bad guys have been men in power, who are generally sociopaths in this universe. There is a Feminism in Media 101 essay to be written here.
It's not that people are on Frank's side. She is not a good person. She did awful things in the first and second seasons. This new, weak, fragile, and emotional Claire is inconsistent with the Claire that had already been established. Her sentimental and conscientious side went out the window when she dumped the artist she was having an affair with. They've instead gone back and negated all the progress that she made as a character so it'd be more convenient to the story they want to tell of Frank's downfall. If people have a hard time believing Claire would allow her emotions to get the best of her and ruin a peace agreement between Russia and the US because she grew a conscience overnight, it's a fault on the writers and not the audience.

And not only does Frank not throw her under the bus -- he bends backwards to get her the position as ambassador. And last season he was going to go ham on the Army guy that raped her in college. There is genuine love there, even if it's not sexual attraction.

I'm assuming that Claire doesn't know that Frank is responsible for Russo's or Zoe's death. How much does she know about them? Because if she knew that Frank had a part -- it'd be extremely hypocritical of her to call Petrov out on his homophobia when her husband is a murderer.

This is what bothered me the most. It's not that I view Frank as a hero and want to see him succeed - quite the opposite - it's that he and Claire have always been two peas in a pod and to suddenly see Claire grow a conscience because it would create drama for her to do so was jarring. Also Claire is not stupid, which makes this frustration over only one of them being able to climb to the top confusing to me, because she's always known this. Despite preferring this season over the 2nd, it took a lot of weird liberties with Claire's character. It had her behaving irrationally when that's the opposite of her character.


I just wanted to say that it's really awesome that
Frank hires the writer because of his videogame review, and they play The Stanley Parable together while drunk.


I think Claire knows about Russo and Zoe. In the first episode this season, she makes it clear she knows about Rachel and why she is a threat. Wouldn't that imply she knows about Russo?


Finished it over the weekend. It was entertaining. It had some bright moments, but it felt like padding honestly. Like 5 episodes of plot stretched across 13. The weakest of all three seasons. I give it a 6/10.

Some spoilers:

It felt very much like a transitional season. Whereas I felt season 1 and 2 really had a beginning, middle and end, this one feels like it ends at the middle with Claire leaving him. S1 & S2 also had more forward momentum, this season just kind of drags along.

Also Francis is the worst president ever and AmeriWorks is such a terrible idea. I had to suspend disbelief way more than usual around his political machinations.

Also, the whole Doug/Rachel subplot really pissed me off. Why couldn't he just move on? Why murder her? It just left a really bad taste in my mouth. Here we go again with this show murdering another young woman. For all the strong female characters on display, this show really loves to victimize and murder them. Hopefully next season shows some repercussions or some kind of blowback over all this. It really didn't sit well with me at all. I guess that was the whole point, but still.


Finished it over the weekend. It was entertaining. It had some bright moments, but it felt like padding honestly. Like 5 episodes of plot stretched across 13. The weakest of all three seasons. I give it a 6/10.

Some spoilers:

It felt very much like a transitional season. Whereas I felt season 1 and 2 really had a beginning, middle and end, this one feels like it ends at the middle with Claire leaving him. S1 & S2 also had more forward momentum, this season just kind of drags along.

Also Francis is the worst president ever and AmeriWorks is such a terrible idea. I had to suspend disbelief way more than usual around his political machinations.

Also, the whole Doug/Rachel subplot really pissed me off. Why couldn't he just move on? Why murder her? It just left a really bad taste in my mouth. Here we go again with this show murdering another young woman. For all the strong female characters on display, this show really loves to victimize and murder them. Hopefully next season shows some repercussions or some kind of blowback over all this. It really didn't sit well with me at all. I guess that was the whole point, but still.

out of the three murders on the show, two were women and one was a man. Not really enough to base a conclusion on.


bitch I'm taking calls.
This season was a major letdown. It had some great moments and the usual beautiful scene setting, careful camera work, and excellent acting. But the writing just fucking blows...on the whole it dumbs down or completely neuters existing characters (Seth and Remy are useless all of a sudden, don't get me started on Claire), has inconsistent or vanishing plot-lines and characters (
), and just overall really poor writing.
Doug and Petrov
were two of the bright spots I think that were handled well, but the former was mostly isolated from the main plot and the latter was involved with plot-lines that destroyed a central character
in the worst way.

A lot of people complained about season 2 but I actually rather enjoyed it. I would rate it only a few steps beneath the original debut but season 3 feels like a huge fall. Like they just handed cliffnotes of the characters from the first two seasons to a group of high school kids and asked them to write a new season.
I had thought that Season 3 was the final season for the show, which really caused the ending to have quite an impact on me.

Though, after discussing this season with a coworker, apparently it's never actually been professed that this show is on 3 seasons long. Where could I have gotten that impression from?


out of the three murders on the show, two were women and one was a man. Not really enough to base a conclusion on.

True. I just felt very uneasy about it. And the way it was cross-cut with Claire's story just made it stand out more. I'm sure this was all on purpose, but I just didn't like it.


Claire is different from Frank. Frank is a monster who craves nothing but power and serves no one but his own legacy. It is clear that Claire has always had a conscience, but that she was able to ignore it because in her mind, the greater good was achieving power. Now she sees that Frank is a terrible power hungry president, and she feels unfulfilled. She was always able to ignore her apprehensions by thinking of the ultimate goal, and how achieving power would make her life and her sacrifices worthwhile. Now that they have made it, she realizes that this is not what she hoped for. They are so weak that she cannot even take a stand on a issue such as freedom of speech. In her mind, she made a ton of sacrifices to get her and Frank to where they are, and it was for nothing. She gave up on having a family and an independent career. Instead she is now merely a trophy wife who must rely on her husband for favors. This was never what she wanted, even if she was stupid and naive for thinking otherwise or for hoping for more. She became disillusioned and snapped.

She is certainly not a good person. You can infer that the reason she married Frank in the first place was to achieve political power, which is shitty. But her actions are understandable and I am personally rooting for her to take down Frank. If at the end of the day she prevents a murderous tyrant from winning an election, she will be redeemed in my eyes. My issue is with people sympathising with Frank but hating on Claire. How does the fact that Claire is not "good" make her worse than Frank, who is a killer and a tyrant? Especially when Claire still has so much room for redemption, in contrast to Frank.

By the way, I think that an interesting analog to Claire is Jackie. They have both done some clearly fucked up shit in the pursuit of power, but at the end of the day cannot emotionally keep up with Frank's ruthlessness. They should be applauded, rather than lamented, for that. In fact all the women on the show are pretty awesome imo, including Dunbar. The only real certain bad guys have been men in power, who are generally sociopaths in this universe. There is a Feminism in Media 101 essay to be written here.

There's was a lot of great women in this show. I think Dunbar, Jackie, and the other reporter (not Zoe, I forgot her name) were really good characters.

I think Claire knows about Russo and Zoe. In the first episode this season, she makes it clear she knows about Rachel and why she is a threat. Wouldn't that imply she knows about Russo?
You are right. I'm just wondering how much she knows. Like does she know that Francis personally killed them? I think that might make a big difference to her. Either way, she was being a hypocrite for calling out how bad a person Petrov is -- even though homophobia is a less serious offense than murder.


Finished it.

Claire really should get a grip. She knew what she was getting into: there's only one seat behind the desk in the Oval Office. Also Frank got her the position as the ambassador without clearly having the necessary qualifications for it. And she fucked it up. Though I'm intrigued to see what she's up to next season. Challenging Frank?

For the supporting cast I enjoyed Doug's storyline and not-Putin was brilliant. The hacker guy and the writer not so much.

All in all a decent season. First two were better in my opinion because they were more about political scheming.
Also Francis is the worst president ever and AmeriWorks is such a terrible idea. I had to suspend disbelief way more than usual around his political machinations.

Seriously. Creating more jobs is great and all, but it's incredibly shortsighted to focus on job gains at the cost of social security. From what AmWorks sounds like it's just trickle-down economics with a more specific focus on the money going towards jobs. It's specifically giving corporations and governmental institutions more money and telling them "hire more people." What if they don't hire as much as you expect? Even if they do, what happens afterwards? Nobody will be able to retire because even if they're working it doesn't mean that they're able to save for a retirement fund, and that means future job seekers aren't able to enter the workforce. It's really dumb.


Some of you seem to forget how terrible season 2 was with the whole Tusk thing being dragged on forever and the ridiculous hacker angle that felt so out of place. I felt this season was a lot better paced and the back and forth with the
Russian president
was great.
Finished it.

Claire really should get a grip. She knew what she was getting into: there's only one seat behind the desk in the Oval Office. Also Frank got her the position as the ambassador without clearly having the necessary qualifications for it. And she fucked it up. Though I'm intrigued to see what she's up to next season. Challenging Frank?

For the supporting cast I enjoyed Doug's storyline and not-Putin was brilliant. The hacker guy and the writer not so much.

All in all a decent season. First two were better in my opinion because they were more about political scheming.

Power has changed everyone in this season, or has at least it has given them the courage to be more themselves. Ms Underwood has always demonstrated more moral anxiety than her husband; Claire's breakdown may be hypocritical at this stage in the game, but it's not unexpected. Frank himself is clearly becoming more openly arrogant and has almost completely shed his gentle manipulation tactics which got him so far as a congress whip.


Chapter 35 soundtrack really blew my mind; reminded me so much of interstellar music which was off the charts.

Finished it last night. Still a really good B+ show. Definitely up from season two, which I didn't like very much. I liked the focus on Frank and Claire, even if we didn't learn all that much. It felt very much like a Part One though, with Season Four wrapping everything up and focusing on the election.

Lego Boss

It started slowly, but it's really taken off after episode three and it's easily as good as the other two seasons.

Has the title music changed with more vocals in it? Irrespective, that opening is right up there with The Sopranos as the best ever - and it's almost at that level in terms of quality of content.

Brilliant series.


I knew I should have a week at EP7. Full season spoilers
as a UK breh I loved the focus on Frank as a president. The problem is that apart from his twisting of a few things, he was too much as a good character in this season. He wasn't evil in anything he did, I felt like this Season just tried to justify everything and nothing of his got in the way.

Stamper is useless as a character. It would have been better if he returned to finish the job but Rachel had already been gone. I am waiting for the downfall to be good where everything opens up, but I want it to be done in a way that would otherwise have been in Frank's control, not the hacker exposing everything or something.

As for Claire... I don't recognise her character from the previous seasons. She is probably the biggest hypocrite of the show. I wanted her to say she wanted to be president at least once, since I felt that it was what it was all about. Ultimately I just think that character development was awful in S3, drama was barely there, and while beautifully shot with engaging scenes, it was like a series of President scenes from big movies all put together with no real plot.

Frank has to win at everything in S3 and we knew it from the beginning. I would have enjoyed it more if he personally had to do something fucked up or at least one of his manipulative ideas working. He won that electron for no reason the viewer can see, other than it just happened.

Petrov felt like it was just a way to score humour points comparing him to western media interpretation of Putin. There is too much of a similarity between what kinds of characters they are. I feel as if the whole Jordon Valley thing was a way to parallel with Ukraine irl situation, which would mean they wrote some scenes last minute. That is exactly what this Season felt like.

S1 > S2 > S3


Just finished the season. I actually think it's my favorite. It's a close race with 2 though and I don't know why I don't like season 1 as much. Maybe I just hated Zoey.

As for the season,
there were some episodes that were fucking masterful, like the first two and the debate episode (11?), which come to mind instantly.

I loved all the development Doug had this season, even if his storyline was a bit stretched out. The hacker guy was stupid but every time Doug had a scene I was invested. I don't know how I feel about him killing Rachel though. Definitely mixed right now but I'm super curious how his character will be used in the next season since she's now out of the picture.


Just finished the season. Loved it. Everything below (obviously) contains spoilers, some major.

I rolled my eyes when they revealed Doug wasn't dead, but in the end (just finished the season) I liked his arc this season. Lots of conflicting emotions and it was all well done.

Spacey was masterful as always. Underwood became a little bit hard to watch at times this year; found myself shaking my head, as he let his ego run wild, failing to handle some situations optimally (Jackie Sharp, Claire, Remi, etc)... overplayed his hand on a few occasions... lots of hubris...

REALLY fucking good though. Was my favorite show on TV going into the season, and nothing I saw in season 3 took away from that. Excellent. Can't wait for season 4... gotta wait a whole year???? :( :( :(
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