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House of Cards S3 |OT| Available now on Netflix! - *Spoilers for all of S3*

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Just thought of an interesting twist

Frank is crashing and burning, it is clear he will lose the election. He has lost Claire. The only way to secure his legacy is to . . . Wait for it . . . stage his own assassination.

He mentioned multiple times this season that his life would essentially be over if he loses this election, and that he refuses to live as a has-been. And it fits into his sociopathic character and is cartoony enough for the show. If there is a JFK reference early next season, this theory is confirmed.



Just thought of an interesting twist

Frank is crashing and burning, it is clear he will lose the election. He has lost Claire. The only way to secure his legacy is to . . . Wait for it . . . stage his own assassination.

He mentioned multiple times this season that his life would essentially be over if he loses this election, and that he refuses to live as a has-been. And it fits into his sociopathic character and is cartoony enough for the show. If there is a JFK reference early next season, this theory is confirmed.


the show is called house of cards. its all going to come crashing down at some point.


What a shitty season. The ending felt more like was mid-season finale than a season finale. Bleh. Pacing was shitty, nothing really happened and in general the presidency theme doesn't suit this show, imho. It imposes too many restrictions on Frank.


I'm have already asked this but it bears reposting:

Episode 6:

How the fuck does Claire not hear the guy hanging himself with her own scarf only 6 feet away from her!? Even if somehow he had strangled himself to death quietly, they had eaten just before, which means upon death he would have shit himself, and Claire still didn't smell it!?


I'm have already asked this but it bears reposting:

Episode 6:

How the fuck does Claire not hear the guy hanging himself with her own scarf only 6 feet away from her!? Even if somehow he had strangled himself to death quietly, they had eaten just before, which means upon death he would have shit himself, and Claire still didn't smell it!?

It takes the better part of a day for a meal to be ready for shitting.


Full season spoilers
This season was lackluster.

Claire's turn against Francis just isn't believable, she's been set up to be equally conniving and cutthroat to this point. Her desire to be the one in control seems forced.

Not Vladimir Putin, aka Hannibals bro clearly stole the show this year. His episodes were by far the most intriguing and engrossing.

The Stamper focus was good, and I really didn't know what was going to happen until the end.

I hope Remy isn't done with the show, he's good in the role and the only character for which Molly Parker really interacts well with.

The writer subplot lacked payoff, as did the new beat reporter that hooked up with him.

For a show that rushed through things in Seasons 1 and 2 it sure slowed down the pace this year. Whatever happened to the Republican Presidential Candidate that disappeared with an offhand comment from Francis? We aren't even done with the primaries after 13 episodes? Dunbar isn't that great of a foil to frank, to be honest. Even if it was portrayed as a heated battle
When the writers are on point with Claire, she really shines.
But I did not like where she went this season, just seemed all over the place.

I really like them as a duo, it's what made the show so enjoyable for me and hated by my fiance (she hates when bad people 'win'). But damn if they didn't write her character into
just another emotional wildcard
that's so typical of television these days.
I hate them.
Most people don't do stupid shit like that when in those types of positions.
on Jerry
? Sure. But First
Lady and
President? Come
not believable
after how dominant they were in the
first two sea

Spoilered for effect.

EDIT: Thought I'd add that this show is still one of the best things to happen to TV. Even with the lackluster S3 after the amazing S1 and S2, it was still very, very good. I just hated seeing the characters written that way, it seemed so ... well, out of character. And I agree with the notion this feels more of a 1/2 season stretched than a full season with a solid arc.


Death Prophet
Ep. 6
Fuck it, I liked that Claire told Petrov off. At least something interesting finally happened. And Frank and Claire are truly pissed at each other, at least temporarily.


Full season spoilers

I'm going to complain some more about the writer character and how his whole subplot makes no sense. Am I really supposed to believe that Frank would start confessing his deepest and darkest secrets about his life and his marriage to some guy he barely knows? He should be a lot smarter than that. It gets even dumber when Claire starts telling the guy all her secrets too! Does this guy have some sort of superpower that forces everyone around him to confess secrets?


Full season spoilers

I'm going to complain some more about the writer character and how his whole subplot makes no sense. Am I really supposed to believe that Frank would start confessing his deepest and darkest secrets about his life and his marriage to some guy he barely knows? He should be a lot smarter than that. It gets even dumber when Claire starts telling the guy all her secrets too! Does this guy have some sort of superpower that forces everyone around him to confess secrets?

Everything about that plot was mind-numbingly awful.


Man. Tough crowd. Sounds like a lot of people were really underwhelmed.

I was not underwhelmed. But I do agree to a point with some of the criticisms.

The novelist plot didn't really... culminate.. unless you count him presumably pushing Claire over the edge. And yeah Claire was kind of out of character at times. Underwood's rant at her in the Oval Office in the final episode went too far, which was a bad move on his part. But it's not like he was wrong. For her to all of a sudden have an issue with how things were playing out.. I guess it wasn't quite sold well enough.

Season 4 will be very interesting. In the book series and BBC adaptation, Francis has a long tenure in the top spot. We'll see if they go a different direction here.


Episode 12.
The woman whose house Claire randomly barges into and instantly confesses her desire to leave her cheating husband, that blowjob she gave to the guy who put her baby's crib together, and her occasional thoughts of smothering her baby.
Downright cartoonish. She was so messed up she even freaked Claire out.


I was mostly disappointed.

The reason I watch this show is because I love how cunning and clever Frank and Claire are together in their quest for power. It's like they are capable of doing anything, but all of sudden they are fucking up at every turn. How did Claire go stupid so quickly? I get that they are unhinged for various reasons, but it felt that they both devolved into far lesser people than they were in the first season.

I would have been much more satisfied watching them take on domestic and international opponents than seeing Claire grow a conscience and abandon Frank. And fuck Doug and Rachel. I am so glad she's dead and we can move on from that BS.

As for next season, I want Claire to stay gone or get back on board and never pull this shit again, I'm done with her change of heart moments. I greatly admire Robin Wright, but I will not continue watching her play an idiot.

I'm have already asked this but it bears reposting:

Episode 6:

How the fuck does Claire not hear the guy hanging himself with her own scarf only 6 feet away from her!? Even if somehow he had strangled himself to death quietly, they had eaten just before, which means upon death he would have shit himself, and Claire still didn't smell it!?

Never stayed up for more than 24 hours? I once slept through someone pounding on my front door, which was no more than 20 feet away and through 10 minutes of a honking horn.


finished. season was really weak and some characters really went.. out of character

I just feel odd about the whole thing. guess ill post more when spoiler tags come off but im just disappointed


This shit is too silly now. I keep falling into the black hole to watch it since I have a Netflix subscription and it seems such a low level of effort to give it a shot, but I think the show really lost me for good. I just can't at this point.

I think it was right around the time
Meechum was like "oh no you stay away from my mans" or maybe weird terrible actor writer guy doing the president's book was being all having his eyes deeply glanced into by the President
but I just can't anymore. It's too poorly written and conceived.


I just feel like I watched a season of a darker west wing, which is not what I wanted nor what this show was


A weak season of this show is still better than the majority of shows that are out there today, so I still enjoyed it.
"Do you want to discuss courage? Because anyone can commit suicide or spout their mouth in front of a camera. but you wanna know what takes real courage? Keeping your mouth shut no matter what you might be feeling, holding it all together when the stakes are this high."

This has got to be my favorite line in almost any show. Just wow, this quote resonated deep inside me.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
So I've been avoiding this thread but I'm fearing the worse in terms of what looks like a war brewing. I'm interested and it might just be too much for me.


Just finished it. Disappointing season.
Did not much care for the character development, especially Claire.


Just finished up the season. Some really high moments, especially in the first half. Petrov has been the most interesting antagonist in the entire series. As a whole I'd probably rank this season below the second though.

At the very least it gave me high hopes for season 4 since
all the shitty subplots for all the characters I don't care about seem to be resolved


Just finished. Solid, but not 'great' like the first two seasons.
I think the biggest problem S3 has is that there is no clear "goal" that was driving every episode forward. S1 was the Vice Presidency, S2 was the Oval Office, S3 was... an incumbent getting the Democratic ticket?

It was such a character driven season, which worked sometimes and failed at others. A success was Doug's arc, and even though I thought the Rachel thing at the end seemed...excessive, he was fleshed out in a really good way. A failure was the goddamn fucking book writer. First of all the whole premise of the book was stupid to begin with. Secondly, could they have picked a more boring, less-interested actor? Jesus christ the guy made every scene he was in come to a grinding halt. An opportunity to pry deeper into Frank and Claire's relationship left me wanting somebody more competent to do it.

I thought Petrov was the highlight of the season, every scene he was in was captivating. The ending was unsatisfying but it'll be interesting to see what happens net with Claire.
Doug arc was TERRIBLE, character assassination. Am I supossed to feel sympathy for this lunatic? Lol.

Sans Doug, I really liked this season. Better than S2, but not as good as S1. Claire was specially good. I like her
moral redemption


Complete season opinion (spoilers):

This was such a weak season and I am sorely disappointed. There were too many storylines going on and the show overall lacked in focus. I think it was the same for season 2. Overall, they are trying to cram too much into the show and many of the storylines don't really go anywhere or could be cut down severely without an issue.
The characters also don't feel well written and this is the biggest reason for my disliking of the season.
Claire is now just another annoying wife character, up there with Skyla from Breaking Bad and the Sopranos wife. She already got on my nerves with her clearwater bill bullshit but this season is unbearable. A lot of her moves feel irrational and her constant whining gets on my nerves. Frank already tries to help her but it is never enough for her. It is just the truth that Frank is the president and whatever small shit she wants to do, doesn't matter. She got played like a fiddle by the Russians and caused problems on several accounts for both of them.
I know she also wants to have power but as Frank already said, it is never enough for her. And it is not like she can't still move to something after the second period of Frank's presidency.

The whole Doug storyline was also useless and led to practically nothing, at least he did kill her in the end. I liked fake Putin but the whole conflict was too weak. I hoped they would write some kind of Ukraine conflict into the show but that might be for the next season.

BBC original spoilers:
The wife was so much better here in the end. I liked that Claire was more involved than in the BBC series but as I said above, her whining sucks. In the original series, it was the wife who pulled the strings behind Francis in the end.
I hoped that the Cyprus conflict would be remade in this season into the whole Ukraine conflict analogy I described above. I also expected Doug to confront Frank more as the protege in the original series did.

The original series is so much shorter in time and not everything is spilled out for the viewer but with the remake being so unfocused now, I think that might have been better.


Literally everyone that Frank yelled at left.
This was a season where him being nice would have actually benefited him greatly.


Literally everyone that Frank yelled at left.
This was a season where him being nice would have actually benefited him greatly.
Yeah. He really could have used the
silver tongue that brought him so far earlier in the series. But now, too much hubris.. over playing his hands with Sharp, Remi, Claire, even the novelist. Who does he have left to trust? Seth probably. Doug is back, but is he the same Doug? And finally Meachem. He'd be really off the deep end if he pisses away Meachem. I think we have an interesting setup for season 4.


End of series guess
Francis betrays Doug in some way and Doug kills him
If it follows the books, Claire will engineer his demise. I guess that is what's kind of happening now in a different way. That's my only real main complaint with the season. I'm okay with the ending, but the lead up to Claire doing what she did wasn't convincing enough. She knew what she was getting into the entire time (per Frank's oval office rant). She made her bed, and should have been expected to lay in it.
Watched the final episode yesterday. Now i'm curious to see where this goes next.
The final episodes saved season 3. The first 6 to 8 or so episodes were horrible imo.


Just watched Ep 6

Wow!!!... the acting... Robin Wright .. Kevin Spacey... they'll probably sweep all the acting awards for this...

Loving the season so far...


Unconfirmed Member
If it follows the books, Claire will engineer his demise. I guess that is what's kind of happening now in a different way. That's my only real main complaint with the season. I'm okay with the ending, but the lead up to Claire doing what she did wasn't convincing enough. She knew what she was getting into the entire time (per Frank's oval office rant). She made her bed, and should have been expected to lay in it.

Claire always thought of herself as one of the two chief architects of the Underwood dynasty. When someone finally forced her to confront her true feelings on the subject (in combination with her general feeling of powerlessness following his Presidency and her menopause forcing her to confront her own mortality), she came to realize that she was not the architect she/Frank once thought her. She's probably the keystone of the structure, but she's not a builder, merely a significant piece that is now rigidly fixed in place.

Clarie is too much like Frank to accept this place on the sidelines for the rest of her life. Maybe if Frank had given her a child like she wanted, she would have been placated, but, like Frank, legacy is her only child, and she had always wanted to achieve something significant on her own terms, since Season One even.

Her about-face isn't anything new; the only difference being Frank's inability to really curb her hesitance to follow him lock-step. As was mentioned before, Frank is slowly losing his ability to win people over, resorting more to threats than ever before. It's not hard to imagine why Claire, someone so much like Frank, would not tolerate their situation anymore and, like Frank did in Season One, change course for something new to achieve for herself.


Finally finished it and I have mixed feelings about it.
The uninteresting Doug/rachel storyline was stretched out far too long yet again. Petrov was a fun addition and a nice villain to stand shoulder to shoulder with Frank.
The acting, cinematography and score continue to be highlights of the show even if the writing lets them down.


Her about-face isn't anything new; the only difference being Frank's inability to really curb her hesitance to follow him lock-step. As was mentioned before, Frank is slowly losing his ability to win people over, resorting more to threats than ever before. It's not hard to imagine why Claire, someone so much like Frank, would not tolerate their situation anymore and, like Frank did in Season One, change course for something new to achieve for herself.

Agreed with the general logic. I just think they could have done a better job with her epiphany, as it were. Nevertheless, I still think Frank's rant had a ton of truth to it. Sure, he was a dickhead about things when he didn't have to be at a few points, but he wasn't wrong. There's only one chair. He forced her down everyone's throat as Ambassador with an overreach, and her failure there wasn't Frank's fault; he didn't throw her under the bus the way he did to others, and in fact gave her every benefit of the doubt within reason. And now by leaving, she's potentially pissing away the rest of her political career. (Unless she has some sort of elaborate plot in mind to avoid that fate.. but that's not really how they portrayed what was going on inside her head.)


Not sure why we have spoiler tags on everything. We should just create a dedicated spoilers thread and be done with it.


This season was an absolute mess - not only in terms of the subplots, but in terms of the pacing. You could honestly just tell someone to watch episodes 1 and 13, because those are the only two episodes in this entire season that you would actually need to watch to know what's going on.

The pacing with the Rachel storyline was absolutely terrible. It took Doug 12 episodes simply to find out the general area in which Rachel was living, yet within one episode, he travels halfway around the world, intimidates Gavin, finds Rachel's specific location, travel's back to the other side of the world to Rachel's location, buys a van and tools, kidnaps her, drives her out to a remote location, digs her grave, decides to let her go, then changes his mind and kills her. These events should have been spaced out throughout the entirety of the season, not crammed into the last episode.

Claire's decisions throughout the film were also downright ridiculous. This was a character that was cunning, controlling, and manipulative during the first two seasons, and yet throughout this season, she was whiny, needy, and irrational. She begged Frank to engage in borderline illegal nepotic act so that she could be the UN Ambassador, only to fail miserably at the position which was topped off with publicly shaming Petrov in front of his country and destroying everything Frank had worked for. Then, she comes home, campaigns a bit, and after ~30 years, only then comes to the conclusion that the marriage isn't working out, and that the problem is Frank? Please. Frank gave her every opportunity to succeed, and she failed. She wanted more and wasn't satisfied, so she walks out on her husband of 30 years, the freaking President of the United States, in the middle of a heated campaign - when, two episodes ago (~5 weeks in the timeline of the plot) she was happily campaigning with him and had just renewed her vows. It just wasn't at all believable.

The rest of the subplots were completely pointless - Russia? Never amount to anything. America Works? They built it up for 8 episodes, it collapsed, and now its gone. We didn't see Frank's reaction to Jackie. Remy just packs up and quits. The Tom subplot was incredibly boring, yet even more irrelevant was all the time wasted with the Tom-Kate dynamic - no one cares.

The entire season was nothing but filler, and one thing was made incredibly clear - Netflix wants to milk this series for as long as possible.

If the writers want to give this series its mojo back, you do one thing - have Frank kill Claire through some sort of intermediary. He knows he can't win the 2016 election without Claire by his side, but if she's dead, he'll gain massive support via sympathy votes. It will be another "card" stacked on the house, and it will reinforce Frank as a rutheless thug who only cares about one thing and one thing only - his own power.
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