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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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EP 11
They are continuing the trend of adding shocking scenes just for the thrill. The threesome was kind of pointless but at least it was implied it was going in that direction the previous episode. Stamper catching Rachel having sex with her girlfriend was so predictable. You could see that coming.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Episode 1 to 13 (General Thoughts)

Finished the entire season. Might have to think about things more but I felt this was a more "stable" season. Aside from
the Lucas plotline (and maybe Rachel's)
, the lows weren't as low (boring) but the highs weren't as high (schemings.) Like, there was no moment that made me as excited this season as Claire's "betrayal" last season when she told those two reps not to vote for Russo.
On the flipside, I'm glad they didn't have Claire and Frank fighting this season - the show works far better when they're scheming together.

Will have to be a bit before I settle on my full thoughts, but overall I really liked this season and might need to rewatch it soon (paying special attention to
One thing I liked from the final episode was
Stamper's death. What a skeevy creep. Should have just had her lesbo thing and left well enough alone. I don't really like the new guy that took his place either but at least he doesn't seem like he should be doing 5 to 9 years for statutory.
EP 11
They are continuing the trend of adding shocking scenes just for the thrill. The threesome was kind of pointless but at least it was implied it was going in that direction the previous episode. Stamper catching Rachel having sex with her girlfriend was so predictable. You could see that coming.

Just finished that one too...I can kinda see why they added it; some sort of 'victor's bacchanalia' to show that Frank is assured of his complete victory at this point. You were right about the Rachel thing though, kinda predictable. At the same time it had obviously been building to that.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Episode 11 : Sex related
What the fuck was with that threesome with Meechum? I'm so fucking confused. Do they see him as some sort of son/only person they will ever be close to? Shit was weird yo.

They hinted at
Frank's bisexuality last season with his college friend, and Claire made reference earlier that episode (or the previous ep) that they don't really have the "freedom" to have outside partners and so Frank wasn't sleeping well. After the threesome Claire asks Frank how he slept and he said "Like a baby." "That's good," she replied.


Episode 11:
Heh, it wasn't completely shocking as the backyard scene from a couple episodes prior somewhat set the stage (plus I was expecting some "twist", and in the final 10 minutes there was no reason for Claire to keep Meechum around other than to seduce him. Still, I kept thinking, "Are they going there?" Then it happened and I laughed.

I still have two episodes to go, so I still wonder if (ep. 11)
Frank and Claire are somehow manipulating Meechum or setting him up for whatever machinations they are brewing, or if he's just a fuck toy for them.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
my biggest problem for the end: (all s2 spoilers)

the actual impeachable offenses (the dirty money, the counseling, the drugs, etc.) were all Walker's choices. none of that was set into place by Frank. so really, it just makes Walker look even more weak and idiotic than he already did and yet again, Frank really just lucks into being opportunistic once again. this series really needed a good villain to stand toe to toe with Frank and Walker clearly wasn't that and frankly Tusk wasn't really particularly engaging this season either.

Would love to see Jackie and Frank face off against one another in a real bloody, epic struggle of president vs. congress. that would be fun. I just want more Jackie!

the big one (dirty money/Super PAC/casino) Walker had no idea about, and neither did Frank until two or three episodes before. Walker falling on his sword was completely orchestrated by Frank, the other bits were just additional leverage that yes Walker did do on himself, but not without Frank/Claire's input.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
honestly, I rolled my eyes at ep 11. trying to out-HBO HBO

they actually didn't show it
, I really have to disagree with this. And the show
hasn't been prudish before so it's not a case of self-censorship. On an HBO show, the explicit sex would be 50% of the point of the scene.
Finished the season.

Definitely not as good as the 1st (WTF is with all the dropped story threads, replaced by stuff that is so much less engaging?) Also, it's pathetic just how easily manipulated everyone around Frank is- even as they're aware that he's fucked them over multiple times, they consistently let themselves be manipulated by him over, and over again, as if they have the memory and naivety of a gnat. It gets.. boring after a while. Especially the President. What a pathetic shmuck. After realizing how Underwood had manipulated and undermined him, and how he had been deliberately fucking him (and his administration) over, he predictably agrees to take back the Pardon for Tusk, and go with Frank's "plan" instead, which is nothing more than more lies and empty promises? How fucking moronic can you be? What, cause of a letter and a phone call? When everyone around Frank is THAT stupid (especially the president, who seems positively brain-dead), it just gets irritating. Also, did the President not see the risk of fucking Tusk over at the last second, and making him testify with no Pardon? And then, he happily gives over the Presidency to someone he knows is an evil fuck? Unreal.

Also, are we to assume the Rousseau/Zoe thread is permanently dropped now? You know, the real stuff? I fully expect next season to focus on Russian trade relations, instead of Frank's murders coming back t bite him in the ass. How convenient that Stamper is dead.. as is the knowledge of most of what Underwood has done. Who's left that knows anything? Nobody. The hooker barely knows shit herself.


Finished the season.

Definitely not as good as the 1st (WTF is with all the dropped story threads, replaced by stuff that is so much less engaging?) Also, it's pathetic just how easily manipulated everyone around Frank is- even as they're aware that he's fucked them over multiple times, they consistently let themselves be manipulated by him over, and over again, as if they have the memory and naivety of a gnat. It gets.. boring after a while. Especially the President. What a pathetic shmuck. After realizing how Underwood had manipulated and undermined him, and how he had been deliberately fucking him (and his administration) over, he predictably agrees to take back the Pardon for Tusk, and go with Frank's "plan" instead, which is nothing more than more lies and empty promises? How fucking moronic can you be? What, cause of a letter and a phone call? When everyone around Frank is THAT stupid (especially the president, who seems positively brain-dead), it just gets irritating. Also, did the President not see the risk of fucking Tusk over at the last second, and making him testify with no Pardon? And then, he happily gives over the Presidency to someone he knows is an evil fuck? Unreal.

Also, are we to assume the Rousseau/Zoe thread is permanently dropped now? You know, the real stuff? I fully expect next season to focus on Russian trade relations, instead of Frank's murders coming back t bite him in the ass.

I agree completely with what you wrote, it's too far fetched.


Death Prophet
Molly Parker ages like fine wine.

Edit: Whoops, I thought you were talking about Jackie. Janine looks about that age.

I think she looks amazing for her age. I would have thought 35. But Molly Parker also looks good.

Also watching episode 13.
Claire crying on the stairs. Bitch, please.
I think she looks amazing for her age. I would have thought 35. But Molly Parker also looks good.

Also watching episode 13.
Claire crying on the stairs. Bitch, please.

No kidding. Are we supposed to feel any pity, sympathy, or to believe she has some sort of heart/conscience? This lying, manipulating bitch does not bat an eye at murder (she didnt blink at the dead Zoe report, even though she must have known her husband was involved), nor at destroying people's lives.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
No kidding. Are we supposed to feel any pity, sympathy, or to believe she has some sort of heart/conscience? This lying, manipulating bitch does not bat an eye at murder (she didnt blink at the dead Zoe report, even though she must have known her husband was involved), nor at destroying people's lives.

She is Lady MacBeth. The last season hinted at it as well.


Finished the season.

Definitely not as good as the 1st (WTF is with all the dropped story threads, replaced by stuff that is so much less engaging?) Also, it's pathetic just how easily manipulated everyone around Frank is- even as they're aware that he's fucked them over multiple times, they consistently let themselves be manipulated by him over, and over again, as if they have the memory and naivety of a gnat. It gets.. boring after a while. Especially the President. What a pathetic shmuck. After realizing how Underwood had manipulated and undermined him, and how he had been deliberately fucking him (and his administration) over, he predictably agrees to take back the Pardon for Tusk, and go with Frank's "plan" instead, which is nothing more than more lies and empty promises? How fucking moronic can you be? What, cause of a letter and a phone call? When everyone around Frank is THAT stupid (especially the president, who seems positively brain-dead), it just gets irritating. Also, did the President not see the risk of fucking Tusk over at the last second, and making him testify with no Pardon? And then, he happily gives over the Presidency to someone he knows is an evil fuck? Unreal.

Also, are we to assume the Rousseau/Zoe thread is permanently dropped now? You know, the real stuff? I fully expect next season to focus on Russian trade relations, instead of Frank's murders coming back t bite him in the ass. How convenient that Stamper is dead.. as is the knowledge of most of what Underwood has done. Who's left that knows anything? Nobody. The hooker barely knows shit herself.

Not sure if the directors will pursue it, but I see Gavin Orsay as the big danger to Frank. Orsay has access to...pretty much all AT&T data now. Stamper being dead will force him to shift his own game plan. He'll get in touch with Rachel Posner, and she knows enough to give him the lead on Zoe. I'm sure he'll be able to retrieve Zoe's texts with Frank. Could see him meeting up with Lucas (speaking to him on the other side of the glass) to try to piece things together as well. Not that I think he'll take Frank down...but definitely threaten him with it in exchange for his demands, now that he can no longer leverage Stamper.
Also, are we to assume the Rousseau/Zoe thread is permanently dropped now? You know, the real stuff? I fully expect next season to focus on Russian trade relations, instead of Frank's murders coming back t bite him in the ass. How convenient that Stamper is dead.. as is the knowledge of most of what Underwood has done. Who's left that knows anything? Nobody. The hooker barely knows shit herself.

Christine Gallagher
Gavin Osray
Tom Hammerschmidt
Roy Kapeniak

Are all loose ends that know something. Of those I think Gavin is the most likely to bring Frank down

Other than going out with Peter? Seems pretty unfair, although I guess not surprised at the behavior. Just wondering if I was missing something else.

Frank got her into the White House specifically so that Claire could use her to stir up marriage problems with the Walkers. It's not that they dislike her in any way, it's just that she's another Underwood pawn.


Hunky Nostradamus
Ep 4
That interview felt more human for Claire than everything in the previous 16 episodes of the series combined.

Ep 4
Because she was trying to portray that, it was all a farce just like everything she does lol. Everything she does is calculated.

The above quote is pretty much my take on it.

Ep 5
It was his class ring, which I believe was a military academy, maybe West Point. Ties into that episode where he went back for a reunion or something, and ran into his old friends, where they went into that abandoned building and drank.

Also, Frank is fond of tapping on things/doors/walls/tables, and normally it's the ring you hear, whereas it was bare knuckles in season 2, post burial.

Yes, but why (Ep 5)
did he bury it?


I think she looks amazing for her age. I would have thought 35. But Molly Parker also looks good.

Also watching episode 13.
Claire crying on the stairs. Bitch, please.

No sympathy from me for the
crocodile tears
, she doesn't give a fuck and is just as ruthless as Frank.
Some thoughts about possibilities in S3:

Doug's death is actually really interesting, because he was the only subordinate of the Underwoods that knows Frank's involvement with Russo and Zoe if I remember correctly, and was loyal enough to help him resolve those things. His current crop of people like Meechum and Seth (Remy was also hinted at returning, right?) can do his job on the political end but would have to be manipulated and lied to in order to fulfill Doug's other roles.

Also, hacker guy was established as being able to track down Rachel, and now he would have to with Doug dead and the FBI knowing that he was one of the last people he saw. Both of them know something incriminating about Frank but Doug's death means that even as the President he might not have an easy way of dealing with it.


S2 Observation: There seems to be some kind of agenda regarding
sex. Not the gay/bi stuff, but the fingering.


Episode 5

So I guess Frank burying the ring is a symbolic gesture? Also, Lucas couldn't have made that even more obvious as to what he was doing in there. I'm also curious to see whether or not things will get ugly with these communications people Claire's brought in considering how much they've learned about them.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Episode 1 :
It's now simply hilariously bad that Frank can simply kill people that are dangerous to him. First it was Russo and now it's Zoe. It kinds of kill the logic and tension about everything. Why would he needs to go through all kind of deceptions if he can simply off people that are a threat to his plans. I felt it was the weakest part of S1 when he murdered Russo because it felt like the series was stepping out of its boundaries. And now it kinds of cement that thought.

Frank is a highly intelligent, malicious, hardcore psychopath. It was a bit careless, but he probably chose to meet there in case he had to do that, and was familiar with the security to know it was an option. Shortly after he didn't even flinch when he said he hadn't killed anyone. His drive to manipulate people and obtain power, it's like a list of symptoms.


Finished the season.

Definitely not as good as the 1st (WTF is with all the dropped story threads, replaced by stuff that is so much less engaging?) Also, it's pathetic just how easily manipulated everyone around Frank is- even as they're aware that he's fucked them over multiple times, they consistently let themselves be manipulated by him over, and over again, as if they have the memory and naivety of a gnat. It gets.. boring after a while. Especially the President. What a pathetic shmuck. After realizing how Underwood had manipulated and undermined him, and how he had been deliberately fucking him (and his administration) over, he predictably agrees to take back the Pardon for Tusk, and go with Frank's "plan" instead, which is nothing more than more lies and empty promises? How fucking moronic can you be? What, cause of a letter and a phone call? When everyone around Frank is THAT stupid (especially the president, who seems positively brain-dead), it just gets irritating. Also, did the President not see the risk of fucking Tusk over at the last second, and making him testify with no Pardon? And then, he happily gives over the Presidency to someone he knows is an evil fuck? Unreal.

Also, are we to assume the Rousseau/Zoe thread is permanently dropped now? You know, the real stuff? I fully expect next season to focus on Russian trade relations, instead of Frank's murders coming back t bite him in the ass. How convenient that Stamper is dead.. as is the knowledge of most of what Underwood has done. Who's left that knows anything? Nobody. The hooker barely knows shit herself.

(Season ending):
There is no denying that Walker isn't that smart but his last actions can be explained. He took back the pardon because he feared for the impeachment and hoped Frank could help him whipping up votes. The original plan probably wouldn't have saved him. People wouldn't believe that he didn't know anything about it and Frank was the only man behind it, especially if he is giving out a pardon to Tusk afterwards.
The risk of Tusk lashing back was small. The rational thing to do would have been to pledge the 5th because he would admit to commiting crimes if he didn't, what actually happens in the end.
And it's not like he had an alternative to his resignation and giving Frank the presidency.

You can only fault him for not using the letter.


Really disappointed by this. A lot of the issues with season 1 that were bandied about - which I didn't necessarily agree with - are amplified in this season.

It's astounding how dumb as fuck everyone around the Underwoods are - particularly the President and EVERYONE in congress. Sidebar: I don't think it helps knowing the details of the British series, so that's an admitted issue of mine.

This season really missed a thread like Russo's. I like Stamper as a character, and I think the addiction lie (as in a fish lie, not a half-truth) was portrayed pretty well. However, it wasn't compelling enough to me. Seemed more like a means to a (loose) end to carry in season 3.

Jacky turned out to be another knob that Francis could turn like any other at the end of it, which you expected but I was still disappointed by it. Same deal with Remy.

I did really enjoy the scenes where the capitol police were wrangling up the Senators. I do look forward to the WST(J) journalist finishing off what Lucas fucked up. She acted like the most competent person outside of the Underwoods this season.

Pro: Robin Wright was even better this season. Absolutely phenomenal performance. Con: The Underwoods are surrounded by dumbfucks.


I finished the last episode.What a downfall from Season 1.

I have to agree with the people saying it was fairly stupid all along. As I said in this thread before they tried to go for shock value more than a coherent story. Everyone on the show outside of Frank and Claire are deliberately stupid, even borderline moronic. Walker and his wife are complete idiot. They kept walking in traps laid by Claire and Frank but still believed in them even in the end after all they've pulled with Durant, Linda, Megan, the counselor and Jackie.

It made no sense that Frank simply didn't murder Rachel like he did for Zoe and Peter. She's also more easier to deal with than Lucas because there's barely anyone who knows she even exists. She's also a huge threat to him because of Hammerschmidt and the leads he has gotten from Lucas. He could simply have her murdered like he did for the two others and have it that no one even finds her corpse. I've said it before but when you cross the line about what can be done on the show to solve an issue it's hard to make it works when that options isn't simply used again when it should be.

There was some issues with stories ending quickly or simply disappearing altogether. The hacker subplot was excruciatingly boring. It went away for half of the season only to reappear at the end like if some of the writers remembered they had more to do with it. Christina, who was important in the beginning, was tossed asides quickly even though there was an emphasis on her finding the truth about Russo. Wasn't she trying to have Peter's friend run for his seat at some point? The whole Lucas/Janine plot line ended off screen where he agreed to the plea. Not sure what was the point of showing that if the plot lead to nowhere.We don't even get to see what they think about the whole presidency thing. The C.W.I. in the end seemed like only a distraction, after all Claire had done for it during the previous season. It's offered to Jillian as a gift to stop the lawsuit and for some reason Remy didn't even try to use that as leverage when he was looking for dirt on the Underwoods.

The photographer plot was bad writing. He conveniently now has a lover from Bogota who also conveniently happens to have an activist dad that is having issues with the government there. All of this new background created for the whole purpose of having a way for Tusk or Underwood to blackmail him.

Some scenes where there simply for shock values and not much else. Feng has threesome while having a plastic bag on his head, Rachel and Lisa have sex while being watched by Stamper, The Underwoods have a threesome with Meechum and Tusk snaps the neck of the birds that disobey his commands.

Tusk's wasn't a very interesting antagonist. He simply comes up with the "evil plans of the week" only to see them destroyed by Frank. And to repeat he was to big and powerful to fall only to fall in the end.

It was quite a mess, especially when the writers threw the Indian casino money laundering in there. At many points I was doing something else while watching because it wasn't entertaining.

The acting sure is good and you can feel the good production values but it seems the writers delivered a second season with shocking scenes and twists instead of having a well written show.
Just finished it. Liked it. Not as good as the first.
I just had a hard time believing Frank was ever in any real trouble even he said to the camera that he was. Like every time he'd be like "I got beat up in that exchange" I'm like really? I just never felt like he was in peril of anything.
Just finished it. Liked it. Not as good as the first.
I just had a hard time believing Frank was ever in any real trouble even he said to the camera that he was. Like every time he'd be like "I got beat up in that exchange" I'm like really? I just never felt like he was in peril of anything.

Freddy's story was way more compelling.


If Season 1 felt like a HBO show, Season 2 felt like a Showtime show.

If I had to do a comparison, Season 1 felt like The Wire mixed in with The Shield, very promising display of how politics work but it's mainly character driven. Season 2 felt like The Wire lite mixed in with Nip/Tuck. I really like Nip/Tuck, and it's really melodramatic. Don't know if that's a good mix for a show like this.


There are some truly ridiculous over-the-top moments this season....but goddamn did I enjoy every bit of it.

Show has some incredible cinematography.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Episode S2-09 (or 22 of the whole show)

Oh, Freddy... :(
On episode 10 now and after hands down one of the best season premieres of all time, this season is running circles around last season. Loving the coherence of this season versus the nearly episodic at times flow of the first season.


Homeland Security Fail
Episode 9:
Freddy :(. The scene with Frank and him at Freddy's house put a lump in my throat. Such a great moment though,
Episode 9:
Freddy :(. The scene with Frank and him at Freddy's house put a lump in my throat. Such a great moment though,

You made me realize I had the wrong episode in my previous post.

Still episode 9
I think it's mostly that everyone who's been screwed over is still some relatively high power politician or rich dude (with a few exceptions I guess). Freddy's had so little and now even less :(


Unconfirmed Member
S2 All Spoilers:
For people commenting the weakness of the Walkers: Tusk said early on that Walker was easy to manipulate. Tusk likely propped Walker up and groomed him to be President so he could pull the strings from behind the scenes (not unlike Frank would, although Frank would need to be in the chair himself due to his pride).

Just because Walker ended up the most powerful man in the free world doesn't mean he got himself there completely by sheer willpower and calculating manipulation like Frank did. He's likely highly intelligent and calculating compared to the layman, but he places his trust in others (in rare circumstances perhaps, but just enough for someone like Frank to take advantage of). Once the dagger falls, he retaliates, but then sees his downfall coming and desperately tries to cling to any lifeline he's thrown, and his overwhelming anxiety and depression allowed him to see Frank's last gambit as his last way out, even if he was being screwed.

The Walkers weren't stupid; they just trusted juuuuuust enough to lose to someone so damn calculating like Frank. The Underwood's simply conned their way up the chain and severed the loose ends as they went along, with some luck thrown in for good measure (both up and down, the ending seemingly a coin toss that in a real scenario could have gone either way, but needed to go one way to ensure a third season).

Out of everything involving The Walkers, I'm just surprised they didn't realize how much the Underwoods had fucked them the moment they greeted them at Camp David and confronted them as such. I guess once the shock wears off, they likely will.


I just finished the season... Here's are my thoughts.

Overall I liked it but there's some things that bugged me.

1-The whole hacking thing was ridiculous and stupid. I mean, some of that stuff was "Swordfish" level of stupid. "Hey guys, you need to use Tor to access.... THE DEEEEEP WEBBBB" lol come on.

2-Halfway through the season I started to find the whole quest by Frank and Claire to get more and more meaningless. I mean, his whole goal in life is to become President and he does it by destroying and "insulting" the office of the President of the USA. So you know, ok he finally got there, now what? Nothing stops somebody else to do the same thing to him. All the shit he does...for what in the end?
Anyway I know, like somebody said earlier in the thread, that this is the whole point with the Shakespear/Greek comedy thing and season 3 should be his fall so we'll see but in the end Season 2 left me on my appetite.

3-Lol wtf ep 11? I was expecting Claire to sleep with Meechum but not the threesome haha.

Anyway, like I said, overall I liked it but not perfect.


Unconfirmed Member
I just finished the season... Here's are my thoughts.

Overall I liked it but there's some things that bugged me.

1-The whole hacking thing was ridiculous and stupid. I mean, some of that stuff was "Swordfish" level of stupid. "Hey guys, you need to use Tor to access.... THE DEEEEEP WEBBBB" lol come on.

2-Halfway through the season I started to find the whole quest by Frank and Claire to get more and more meaningless. I mean, his whole goal in life is to become President and he does it by destroying and "insulting" the office of the President of the USA. So you know, ok he finally got there, now what? Nothing stops somebody else to do the same thing to him. All the shit he does...for what in the end?
Anyway I know, like somebody said earlier in the thread, that this is the whole point with the Shakespear/Greek comedy thing and season 3 should be his fall so we'll see but in the end Season 2 left me on my appetite.

3-Lol wtf ep 11? I was expecting Claire to sleep with Meechum but not the threesome haha.

Anyway, like I said, overall I liked it but not perfect.

Remy makes explicit mention of the fleeting nature of power near the end of the season. It's true that once Frank becomes President, he'll have 2, 6, or maybe even 10 years of pure power, during which time he'll need to continue dealing with the loose threads of the past as well as new conflicts, but once he finishes his terms, even if he doesn't fall, he'll still need to leave office.

Frank seems like the kind of person who understands that the legacy is what matters. There's a reason he was so interested in his ancestor from the Civil War: Augustus died alone, fighting for the losing side, and is barely remembered by history. Frank doesn't want to end up dying along and leaving nothing for the history books. He wants to be remembered, and the only he knows how to truly be remembered (since he doesn't have any kids, especially) is to become President and exercise power in such a way to make him worthy of being remembered alongside the Lincolns, the FDRs, and the Kennedys/Johnsons


I disagree with almost everyone on this page.
this season was better

I agree. It was better paced and the writing was tighter. The first season dragged in a few episodes and suffered from some slightly wince-worthy lines of dialogue. Although I really liked the Russo storyline and there wasn't really anything with the same emotional punch this time round IMO.

I think people complaining about any over-the-topness must not be familiar with the original mini-series. In many respects this is dialled back. It's not a show about politics, that just happens to be the stage for the Uruqart/Underwood villainy.
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