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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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Ep 4
That interview felt more human for Claire than everything in the previous 16 episodes of the series combined.

Because she was trying to portray that, it was all a farce just like everything she does lol. Everything she does is calculated.

Btw, has anyone been able to listen to the Director's Commentary for Season 1 on Xbone? I found the subtitles menu but theres nothing there for the commentary. Works on everything else I own, is it hidden somewhere?


First I just wanted to ask what do you mean by the reporters remaining quiet? But most of all, you nailed it right on the head with the greek analogy. I think the next season will be about all these things coming to bite frank in the ass and having to play damage control while also being president. Then they can focus on him running for president the next year. Maybe he will have someone running against him that he has to defeat. I think this will be a great time for the show to mock the race for the presidency and how illegitimate it really is. What is the big question for next season is who is going to be the new villan for Frank now that Raymond is done and Remy is on Frank's side now.

I meant that Janine is shutting up for now and Tom doesn't seem 100% convinced of whathisface's story. However, if Rachel decides to track down Janine she may decide to get back into things and take down Frank probably along with HaXor's help.


Watched the entire season today... incredible television.

My one complaint is that the Underwoods' endless machinations and manipulations and scheming always succeeding with little more than an occasional hiccup eliminated most of the tension and/or suspense for us by the last few episodes, which diminished the enjoyment factor of watching the show in the very very end.
Finished all of it. I'll spoiler tag my general thoughts, but they will contain no details:

I was incredibly disappointed with the season. The direction felt much more flat; the writing was sloppier; everything felt sprawling and bloated. Most importantly, the situations and characters were wildly unbelievable and unapproachable. I enjoyed the first season for its craft, its sense of fun and mayhem, and this season played out like a "let's top this!" series of events. It just was stupid. There are characters and actors on the show I enjoy, but I don't know if I want to invest another 12 hours on the show.

Specific comments now to follow that contain actual spoilers for the season:

It started off good enough with the sudden and shocking death of Zoe, but as the season progressed, that entire escapade was abandoned (or sidelined for Season 3 shenanigans). The lesbian love affair seemed obvious from the get go, and nothing much came of it with the exception of some female nudity and kissing; Yes, it played a plot in her breakdown and hatred of Stamper, but that was already boiling over prior to the fellowship girl's introduction and seemed salacious to a fault. Christina seemed like such an afterthought, and so was the entire Russo affair after the first few episodes when the show decided to shift its entire focus onto the ludicrous grudge match between Underwood and Tusk. Tusk , such a cartoon villain who kills his own birds (that he loves and this made no sense for his character) and a lousy character from the first season, takes up far too much time in the season along with the sudden appearance of Native Americans and casinos. Honestly, if it was going to venture in to this territory, it should have known that comparisons would be made to the Jack Abramoff movie that Spacey starred in that was more fun, clever, and interesting. My favorite part of the show was the new Whip, but they saddled her with that relationship with Remy. Oh, and even Freddy got a story! Too bad that dead end soaked up all of the Russo, Zoe, Christina, Lucas closure and plot lines.

That's not to say that there's nothing good in the season. It's just that the first season was already treading water such that when this season decided to move even faster and more ludicrous, with its constant double and triple deals and sleaze and sex and whatever, that it approached Michael Bay levels of sustaining noise. What was the point of the threesome or the introduction of the Chinese man having sex with the bag over his head? Nothing, except that the show wanted us to see that stuff because it thinks that's all we want.

Or maybe it is. I don't know. Maybe I am just approaching the show incorrectly and I shouldn't have ever expected a smartly directed or written show, and I should just accept it as melodrama masquerading as high brow made by moderately talented individuals with fleeting moments of greatness.

Ha, as I kept writing, it just kept getting more negative, but I think I just wanted to vent some frustrations.


Episode 11:
I was wondering if they'd bring up his bisexuality this season. :D
I wasn't surprised, I've been expecting them to make some move on him eventually.

They've both been giving him sexy eyes all season.

Indeed, still a bit surprising though haha
Episode 11:
I KNEW IT, I KNEW THERE WOULD BE A THREESOME! Everything makes sense now!

I'm glad I'm not the only one. The signs were there, and I thought I might just be me hoping, lol.

211 :-
Fuck yeah! It's like they were saving all the sexy time budget for this episode. They FUCKING DELIVERED, the previous season had a lot more going for it in that department and I was wondering where that time allocation went to lol.

First the threesome, then Doug's "daughter" and her church buddy? :D

Although it was kinda creepy (to me) at the beginning, I was under the impression that they saw him as the son they never had or something along those lines. Which would make it a symbolic form of incest.
211 :-
Fuck yeah! It's like they were saving all the sexy time budget for this episode. They FUCKING DELIVERED, the previous season had a lot more going for it lol.

First the threesome, then Doug's daughter and her church buddy? :D

Although it was kinda creepy (to me) at the beginning, I was under the impression that they bought saw him as the son they never had or something along those lines. Which would make it a symbolic form of incest.

I think they view him like a loyal pet they can also fuck.


Episode 11:
I think Francis/Claire/Edward threesome is like the hottest thing ever for some reason. I totally, totally, wholeheartedly ship it. Goddamn. I was blushing at the end of that scene.

Favorite episode of the season so far.

Camp Lo

Just finished and I was surprised it was over like at the end of a good rollercoaster, guess that's a side effect of binge watching.


Well I think I'm done for the night. I just watched EP 8. I think the season is weaker than the first so far. It seems the writers simply tried to string as much shocking events they could together. And as a result the plot is kind of a mess. Frank is like a comic book villain now and the show is less about politics and more about showing us how dirtier the Underwoods can get and facing having any consequences for their actions.

Hopefully the last episodes are much better.
S2 E11
Can we just change the OP to that episodes tag? Threesome. It was perfectly done, super sexy, as a straight man how could you say no to fucking Kevin Spacy in that situation.

As for the season as a whole with how little I have left, it was kind of all over the place. Still a great watch due to tension and the last few episodes here are revving things up but not as good as S1 thus far.


I'm on episode 6 right now.
The actor who plays the president is playing him very well, I feel. He seems more comfortable in his role than last season. Do you guys think he is playing more inspired this time around?
episode 5, at the end:

Frank buries a ring that was significant somehow, but I've forgotten how exactly. The other part might be that it's a link to Zoe, but I'm not sure.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
episode 5, at the end:

Frank buries a ring that was significant somehow, but I've forgotten how exactly. The other part might be that it's a link to Zoe, but I'm not sure.

It was his class ring, which I believe was a military academy, maybe West Point. Ties into that episode where he went back for a reunion or something, and ran into his old friends, where they went into that abandoned building and drank.

Also, Frank is fond of tapping on things/doors/walls/tables, and normally it's the ring you hear, whereas it was bare knuckles in season 2, post burial.
It was his class ring, which I believe was a military academy, maybe West Point. Ties into that episode where he went back for a reunion or something, and ran into his old friends, where they went into that abandoned building and drank.

Also, Frank is fond of tapping on things/doors/walls/tables, and normally it's the ring you hear, whereas it was bare knuckles in season 2, post burial.

Ah, that explains it. Thank you. :)
Just finished watching season 2, and I don't know if it was the exhaustion of watching it all on one sitting, or some other thing, but this season wasn't as good as the first IMO. Everything just seemed to lose steam at the end. None of the plans from Francis felt suspenseful like in the last season. I still enjoyed it, but I don't know if I'll keep watching if they don't improve things on season 3.
The last two episodes were weak, and I agree that it lost steam at the end. Too conveniently outcomed, suspense-less....and much more. But everything else about Season 2 was good I thought.

Season 1 is superior though.


Just caught the first episode.
Wasn't expecting Zoey to catch the 3:10 to Yuma. Very Game of Thrones-y.
My mouth was agape the whole scene. And those cufflinks were magnificent.


Episode 3

I'm a fan of Doug, but does he really expect that the heavy handed approach is going to work with Rachel? Telling her to tell him everybody she comes into contact with is going to guarantee that she doesn't do that. Maybe he has some other motive or something.


S2 E11
Can we just change the OP to that episodes tag? Threesome. It was perfectly done, super sexy, as a straight man how could you say no to fucking Kevin Spacy in that situation.

As for the season as a whole with how little I have left, it was kind of all over the place. Still a great watch due to tension and the last few episodes here are revving things up but not as good as S1 thus far.

Agreed. You could feel the drunkness and heat in the air.


Episode 3 again

Sometimes the weakness of the president still surprises me. The exchange he has with Frank about the entitlement reform is just hilarious to me. When Frank mentions Tusk, his first reaction is "Well, he's a politician, so we can't expect him to be informed on everything." Oh really? Then why is every foreign policy decision you're making essentially being made by him? This show has made me want Frank to be the president because at least the country would have somebody with a backbone in charge instead of the spineless president that got elected.


Episode 4

I liked the concept for this episode, but the interview was a tad unbelievable. There's no way the vice president's wife is being asked questions that aren't complete softballs. I did say whoa when she outed the general (or whatever rank he was, I don't remember.) I'm starting to like Jackie more. She went in deep on those two congressmen near the end of the episode. It was great. Also, Frank bursting the doors of his office open to see someone in a clean suit and gas mask was pretty funny.


Episode 1, and BBC Whole Series 2 spoilers:

I honestly didn't see the reporter murder coming in the premiere; when they didn't use it as the capper for the first season, I assumed they were either dropping that plot point or delaying to the season two finale, and branching off wider from the BBC storyline. Which they'd have to, in some ways, because it's not like the US has a king to face off against FU. Interested to see if they have an analog to Maddy's incriminating recording in the US series. And if they introduce another younger woman for FU to bang and later murder, a la the polling expert in BBC series two.

My initial guess is that the US season 2 is going to diverge from the BBC show pretty wildly, but I could be wrong. Good stuff either way.


Also, question about episode 4. Not really spoilers, but I'll tag just in case.

What else has the guy playing the hacker been in? He looks very familiar, and I don't particularly care for him. I feel like I've definitely seen him in something else though.


Also, question about episode 4. Not really spoilers, but I'll tag just in case.

What else has the guy playing the hacker been in? He looks very familiar, and I don't particularly care for him. I feel like I've definitely seen him in something else though.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Also, question about episode 4. Not really spoilers, but I'll tag just in case.

What else has the guy playing the hacker been in? He looks very familiar, and I don't particularly care for him. I feel like I've definitely seen him in something else though.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Breakout Kings

Anyway, great season. I enjoyed it a bit more than the last, but I thought the
hacker plot was pretty cheesy. Especially the beginning parts.

But yeah, the ending for this season was fantastic. It really great way to close it out.
Damn it Stamper. =/ Decent season, it will be interesting to see how the next season goes if they're following the arc of the original trilogy.

Oh, forgot to say that the
hacking shit was fucking abysmally bad and should never be revisited.
Finished all of it.

Final thoughts:
I want to see how Spacey runs the oval office. Also the subtitle for S2 should be "Don't fuck with Claire." Some of it was a bit far fetched sure but it was still engrossing none the less.


Can't say I am a fan of this spoiler tag usage. Like the post above mine. Or this one that I saw somewhere in the last few pages:

holy shit
' is hardly contributing anything, nor is it a spoiler.


I watched the first episode before I went to work tonight and damn.

I have the next two days off, I'll be watching quite a bit of House of Cards hopefully I can finish it.
Does anyone have a decent overview video for series one? Watched the first episode of the new series and already slight confused on who is from the previous series and how the story was left.
I've had a look around and can't find any good videos giving a good recap.


Edit. Found this page which helped, but was looking for a video.


Does anyone have a decent overview video for series one? Watched the first episode of the new series and already slight confused on who is from the previous series and how the story was left.
I've had a look around and can't find any good videos giving a good recap.

Why on earth would you do this? Just watch S1.

edit: May have misunderstood. Netflix has a previously on video running prior to S2 if you need a refresher.
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