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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm not sure how to feel about this season.

On the one hand, the hacking subplot, the idiocy of everyone falling into Frank's traps, the pure shock moments, were all just so lame.

The season had some really good moments as well. Watching people around Frank get hurt was heart wrenching (especially Freddie).

I'm not sure if I can say this season was better than the first. It had its moments but it never quite exceeded my expectations.


So that's a negative right?
I agree. It was better paced and the writing was tighter. The first season dragged in a few episodes and suffered from some slightly wince-worthy lines of dialogue. Although I really liked the Russo storyline and there wasn't really anything with the same emotional punch this time round IMO.

I think people complaining about any over-the-topness must not be familiar with the original mini-series. In many respects this is dialled back. It's not a show about politics, that just happens to be the stage for the Uruqart/Underwood villainy.
I am familiar with the British show and its...
, which is why I hoped this show would improve on it.

It's always the risk of the remake - the inevitable comparison, although I think this show is definitely better than the BBC one already based on just the first season.

I accept that this is a Shakespearean drama about power and scheming. I don't accept the incredibly inept characters acting like competent lions in one episode and then like mewing kittens in another.
Just finished it.

I didn't like it on the whole despite the very strong opening. Here's my ranting and rambling:

I like that they give Frank a challenge, that was sorely lacking in S1.

But... they distance all of the good characters and introduce a bunch of stupid hacker bullshit. They introduce an awesome arc for Rachel and then ruin it all. Sure, personal preference. But the hacker thing is awful and fills the space. There's so much filler in this season and there's no way it is going to pay off. When they killed Zoe Barnes they killed all the tension the show had. Jeannine could have been interesting but they shove her off too.

S1 had some leaps in logic and believability but nothing as bad as this season.The impeachment was the most obvious thing but generally characters have amnesia about a bunch of things and never seem to react in a believable way. The president comes off as the dumbest motherfucker in the world.

Lastly fuck them for fucking Freddy. You bitchesssss.



I am familiar with the British show and its...
, which is why I hoped this show would improve on it.

It's always the risk of the remake - the inevitable comparison, although I think this show is definitely better than the BBC one already based on just the first season.

I accept that this is a Shakespearean drama about power and scheming. I don't accept the incredibly inept characters acting like competent lions in one episode and then like mewing kittens in another.

I'd say it's just different. The original worked well as a miniseries.

As for your second point
I can't say it really stuck out for me although I understand your point. I think Frank had a just tough enough ride for for me that I didn't find it an issue. He could do with a proper nemesis.


I'd say it's just different. The original worked well as a miniseries.

As for your second point
I can't say it really stuck out for me although I understand your point. I think Frank had a just tough enough ride for for me that I didn't find it an issue. He could do with a proper nemesis.
I do think that I would have enjoyed the
rivalry more if Raymond Tusk's character (by the way, they never just say "Tusk," they always say "Raymond Tusk" - like he's the boogeyman or something) was more charismatic. Same with Remy.

I am actually hopeful for the third season because the basis is there for Jacky and the WS(J)T reporter to be the primary thorns in Underwood's side.
The Walkers weren't stupid; they just trusted juuuuuust enough to lose to someone so damn calculating like Frank.
No, actually, they were very fucking stupid. Especially the President's wife- who claire managed to set against her husband with a couple words. Then the classic "CLAIRE YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD PERSON" line- even after she realized she got manipulated by Claire- really? I mean, really? It's tough to enjoy a show when everyone except the main characters are dumb as shit.
Just finished it.

I didn't like it on the whole despite the very strong opening. Here's my ranting and rambling:

I like that they give Frank a challenge, that was sorely lacking in S1.

But... they distance all of the good characters and introduce a bunch of stupid hacker bullshit. They introduce an awesome arc for Rachel and then ruin it all. Sure, personal preference. But the hacker thing is awful and fills the space. There's so much filler in this season and there's no way it is going to pay off. When they killed Zoe Barnes they killed all the tension the show had. Jeannine could have been interesting but they shove her off too.

S1 had some leaps in logic and believability but nothing as bad as this season.The impeachment was the most obvious thing but generally characters have amnesia about a bunch of things and never seem to react in a believable way. The president comes off as the dumbest motherfucker in the world.

Lastly fuck them for fucking Freddy. You bitchesssss.

Pretty much. S1 had some interesting characters besides Frank- on the good side. This season did not.
Just finished it. Definitely a step up from Season 1; better writing and plotting (both in and out of the show) all around. The Underwoods are the only real characters here; everyone else is just a piece to be played.


If I had to do a comparison, Season 1 felt like The Wire mixed in with The Shield, very promising display of how politics work but it's mainly character driven. Season 2 felt like The Wire lite mixed in with Nip/Tuck. I really like Nip/Tuck, and it's really melodramatic. Don't know if that's a good mix for a show like this.
The show reminds me of 24.


The show reminds me of 24.
The show reminds me of Garfield and Friends.
Just finished it. Definitely a step up from Season 1; better writing and plotting (both in and out of the show) all around. The Underwoods are the only real characters here; everyone else is just a piece to be played.

Yep, if you think of every other character (except for the Underwoods) in the show as a chess piece to be sacrificed, manipulated or destroyed, your enjoyment of the series will go up ten-fold. I've learnt that pretty early on in the 1st season itself.

Don't try to ascribe any hopes or expectations towards the "good guys". They're just debris waiting to happen.

It definitely helps that I want the power couple to win. At all costs lol. I enjoy seeing how they do it, from episode to episode. Check your morality out of the door and pick it back up again when you're done with the show, it really helps that way.


Just binged all of Season 2 this weekend. Overall fantastic, but some episodes in the middle of the season kinda stalled the season arch a bit.

As soon as I saw Major Dad Gerald McRaney last season I knew he would fucking kill it this season. That guy was sooo good in Deadwood.

*Final Episode spoiler*
The entire last scene in the Oval Office was predictable as hell, but I still loved it. I knew what was in the box and what would be done with it as soon as Claire pulled it out.


Episode 6

Well, it's about time Frank and Tusk starting going at each others throats. It'll make for an interesting battle for sure. Why's Claire trying to get Christina in trouble? Can't we have one character on this show who's good and good stuff actually happens to? Also, this was a big episode for Doug with him apologizing to Frank as well as almost getting it on with Rachel. The Camden Yards sequence is pretty funny if only for the glare Frank shot Doug when he said he'd never been to Camden Yards.


Surprised at the dislike. I thought Season 2 was equally good as season was.
Yes the show is ridiculous, but that is the charm. I

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Overall Spoilers
Overall the season was a lot more even. Threesome scene aside, there weren't any real clunky moments. Of course, by its very nature the more we see of Fran succeeding against the idiots around him, the more tiresome it becomes. This season lacked the emotional core that Russo/Christina provided and I don't think that was ever replaced. Frank and Claire don't really develop as characters because they are the apex predators and any step down from that would lead to their ends.

However, to get rid of Lucas, Kate Mara, Jeanine etc. and replace them with McPoyle and Ayla was a great move. Ayla was a very enjoyable character because she was actually competent and respectable. Kate Mara didn't do a great job on the programme and was a bit of a dull character, so Ayla was a breath of fresh air. Plus McPoyle's super creepiness was great. The Lucas sub-plot was dull but alot of it was supposed to sound ridiculous because it was all a ploy, right?
So I've seen it up to episode 3 and its still entertaining. It's taking a while to build the storyline but its getting there. I still think the funniest part is the president is a damn figurehead. It's kinda funny watching Frank and Raymond just pushing him around. Also most if not all the politicians in the Washington are ruthless motherfuckers always looking out for themselves. I like that.

Also spoilers up to episode 3
This hacker storyline is kinda annoying me. I don't like anything about it. Maybe because I've been conditioned to think "hacking" and all this internet warfare shit just comes off as dumb from all the movies and shows I've seen. Is all that shit actually true?


Hahahah, Ep. 11.
Looks like everyone was getting some but Stamper and the President. Maybe the President can read stuff to Stamper. lolol

Really amazed at how far removed Lucas and Janine are from the story. Kind of sucks.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Yeah it's from the first episode of the season but what the hell, man, learn how to spoiler tag.

Edit: Yay it's fixed!

You might want to edit your post too. ;)


Up to episode 4, random thoughts so far:

Episode 1
Wat. What the hell was that. I suspected Zoe might bite it eventually but THAT SOON? I was legitimately shocked by this development. Claire is so cold.

Episode 2
Hey I'm liking that Jackie character, this might be interesting. I wonder how she will factor into the overall picture. Also, I like that at least we're seeing some others apart from Frank scheming at last. It was ridiculous how it seemed like Frank was outscheming everyone around in season 1 while everyone else was as cunning as sheep.

Episode 3
Not much, but was that Claire looking at camera for once or was I imagining things :eek:

Episode 4
Nice. Niiice. Claire be decimating. The hacker storyline is getting on my nerves, as cool as it is to hear deep web namedropped on a big TV series it's annoying.

It's still great, it's still gripping, I still love Frank and it's still overrated by the general public. So far I
enjoy Claire's plot threads more than before but oh god is Lucas driving me nuts. I don't know what it is about this character but I hate him. Make it stop.


Welp, did not quite see that coming. Though with his death stares at Claire I was expecting Meachum to make a go at her eventually. Meachum and Stamper are neck and neck in the 'creepiest cronie' category.


All Season

So brilliant. I was hoping the inevitable Oval Office final scene would have a monologue from Frank but it was fine as it was.

I saw Claire sleeping with Meecham coming, I didn't see Frank being there as well coming.

My favourite part was *Looks at camera* "If he's worried about his marriage counselling, he should be" *looks at Walker* "If you're worried about your marriage counselling, you shouldn't be"

I might read the books or watch the miniseries before next season. It'll be interesting to see how it works differently in Westminster. Frank can't set himself up to be next in line to become Prime Minister like he did with the Presidency, he'd have to get elected Tory leader.

Phenomenal season. Beyond phenomenonal finish.

Huge improvement over the meanderfest of season 1. Goodness gracious! Molly Parker >>>>>>>>> *
Finished the second season last night. While I enjoyed it as a whole, I didn't "feel it" like I did the first season. There's an element of predictability to it now, and some of this season's "big" events like Zoe's death felt heavy handed and didn't really impact me at all. Just felt like...Here's a show doing something drastic to be drastic. While I felt like Frank was legitimately plotting and making calculated chess game moves in Season 1 it just seemed like Season 2 was full of...Present Frank with situation, have Frank react counter intuitively to said situation, create chaos, rinse and repeat.

The show seems to be big on throwing away side characters as well. Many characters that were prominent last season are gone, many that were introduced this season, are gone or insignificant. Some many make returns but Connor's story arc for example, seemed strange. Zoe, Lucas, Doug, Connor, Freddy, just to name a few are all basically done. Christina has seemingly disappeared. Maybe some of them will return, but the way minor characters were handled just seemed a bit odd and inconsistent.

It will be interesting to see where they take the show from here. I really can't see them taking it more than another one or two seasons.

Van Owen

Season 1 and Season 2 episode 1 spoilers

It really takes me out of the show when Frank does so much of his own dirty work. Like I will buy he is a cut throat politician that will have people killed, but I really start to roll my eyes when he throws a woman in front of a train right as he's being sworn in as VP of the US. He's bordering on serial killer status at this point.
I'm on EP8 of season two.

It kind of astounds me how stupid and oblivious everyone in this universe is. This is getting to be near Miami Metro Police (ala Dexter) level of incompetence now.
- Paul Harris interviews Gerald McRaney on his podcast
I'm already binge-watching the second season of "House Of Cards" on Netflix, so I was a little ambivalent about interviewing Gerald McRaney, who plays billionaire presidential adviser Raymond Tusk on the show. It wasn't a matter of ruining something for my listeners -- I didn't want anything spoiled for me.

So we didn't talk about the plot, but about whether he sees the series as a paradigm-shifter for the TV industry, and whether doing a series without act breaks changes how he acts. Since McRaney has directed episodes of other series he's done (including "Major Dad"), I asked how Robin Wright did when she stepped behind the camera for the first time to direct a couple of "HOC" episodes.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
1-The whole hacking thing was ridiculous and stupid. I mean, some of that stuff was "Swordfish" level of stupid. "Hey guys, you need to use Tor to access.... THE DEEEEEP WEBBBB" lol come on.
Those are all accurate terms. You're laughing at information that is real.
Season 1 and Season 2 episode 1 spoilers

It really takes me out of the show when Frank does so much of his own dirty work. Like I will buy he is a cut throat politician that will have people killed, but I really start to roll my eyes when he throws a woman in front of a train right as he's being sworn in as VP of the US. He's bordering on serial killer status at this point.
Better to do the deed yourself than have it traced back to you from someone else


Finished. Too lazy to type out detailed thoughts. I very much liked the season but agree on some of the criticisms. Disappointed with what happened regarding
, though I imagine that will be a big part of season 3.

White Man

After ruminating for a full day, my final 3 thoughts:

1. Not as good as season 1.

2. Cashew was the best part of the season.

3. Veep is the better show about VPs.


Homeland Security Fail
Just finished it, I thought it was a good season. Not as strong as the first though. The middle bogged it down for me, as well as the
hacker sub plot. It didn't really go anywhere and seem to fall by the wayside. It was satisfying seeing Frank get back at those that back stabbed him. I hope Lucas and Janine play a much bigger part in S3. Sad to see Stamper go. I really liked his character.


Just finished.

Frank began S1 with a dog analogy, begins S2 with a cat analogy, what can we expect for season 3?

General President Walker spoilers:
His little dance of being mad at Frank, then forgiving him, then being madder at Frank as Walker is ping ponged back and forth by Frank and Tusk got annoying after the third time. And then he takes him back at the end! Walker gave it up way too easily.

Stamper spoilers:
Damn Stamper. He dies to his addiction, what a terrible way to go. Should have just let her get her freak on. At least learn how hipster hacker tracked your movements before letting your hurt spill on to Rachel.

Her initiating the threesome with Meechum was creepy to me because it felt forced. Dude always looks like a deer in headlights; he just wants to go home after a long shift of being a meat shield.

She also is affected by this entire enterprise emotionally. Breaking down crying and the like. Her conscience and pride may become an issue to Frank in season 3.
Season spoilers

I fully believe next season will be the downfall. How do you all expect it to go down? I'm saying Claire cracks.
Also, question about episode 4. Not really spoilers, but I'll tag just in case.

What else has the guy playing the hacker been in? He looks very familiar, and I don't particularly care for him. I feel like I've definitely seen him in something else though.

People have already mentioned Always Sunny and other shows, but he was also recently in White House Down or Olympus Has Fallen as a computer genius/hacker.


Finished the season. Loved it. Quite a ride. A few jaw droppers in there and overall darker than S1. Couple of small details I loved:

when Lucas (and we by proxy) were made to rewatch Zoe's death in detail was oddly funny in a pitch black way. And of course Francis was into GoW ascension multiplayer. He would be!

mr. puppy

its not even remotely surprising that a bunch of kids on a videogame message board think that the
hacker subplot, which was a very minor part of the many story arcs going on in this show, was lame


its not even remotely surprising that a bunch of kids on a videogame message board think that the
hacker subplot, which was a very minor part of the many story arcs going on in this show, was lame

It, along with the rest of Lucas' boring subplot, was over quick enough. Still a few loose ends in that strand, though.

White Man

its not even remotely surprising that a bunch of kids on a videogame message board think that the
hacker subplot, which was a very minor part of the many story arcs going on in this show, was lame

I think many of the people who are complaining (including myself) are only doing so when they are at episode 4 or 5 when it's more prominent, and they do not know it dies down.

...And then the stupidness returns for the last few episodes (with the threat of it continuing next season).
its not even remotely surprising that a bunch of kids on a videogame message board think that the
hacker subplot, which was a very minor part of the many story arcs going on in this show, was lame

Yeah, Im surprised I read so many posts highlighting it, they didn't spend all that much time on it.

I really liked this season, I probably liked the 1st better. Frank had more substantial odds to go up against in S2 but it seemed like he always overcame them with relative ease compared to S1, not as much tension. Still a lot of great moments and I'm pumped to see what happens next.

Although, to be fair, the potential goofiest moment comes from the hacker subplot when dude goes off barking like a dog then says "IS THIS WHAT YOU WAAAANT?" glad that shit ended in a hurry.
Yeah, Im surprised I read so many posts highlighting it, they didn't spend all that much time on it.

I really liked this season, I probably liked the 1st better. Frank had more substantial odds to go up against in S2 but it seemed like he always overcame them with relative ease compared to S1, not as much tension. Still a lot of great moments and I'm pumped to see what happens next.

Although, to be fair, the potential goofiest moment comes from the hacker subplot when dude goes off barking like a dog then says "IS THIS WHAT YOU WAAAANT?" glad that shit ended in a hurry.

Spoiler from Episode #I don't even remember:
If that ended with a sex scene it still would have made more sense than that threesome scene.
Spoilers for Episodes 4 and 10.

Was anyone else disappointed that the anthrax scare was pinned on that guy who tried to bomb Claire? I was so so so so so sure that Frank sent the anthrax. It just made too much sense to me. He made sure to ask to use Jackie's office, so that his office wouldn't be tangled in the mess and it didn't get too big. He needed to convince Blythe so he had an appointment with him, in someone else's office at the exact time. And further, right before it happens, he says "All I need to convince Blythe is time and patience, two things I don't have." Right before he is miraculously given time. I would have liked it so much more if it was a revealed to have been Frank who did it. Not only because it would be another example of his cunning, but also because, in the end, it didn't work. Blythe wasn't any more convinced after the meeting, so it would have been nice to see Frank do something crazy and stupid, and have it not work for once.


Frank is a highly intelligent, malicious, hardcore psychopath. It was a bit careless, but he probably chose to meet there in case he had to do that, and was familiar with the security to know it was an option. Shortly after he didn't even flinch when he said he hadn't killed anyone. His drive to manipulate people and obtain power, it's like a list of symptoms.

EP 1- 5 spoiler
But it doesnt make any sense. Its too convenient for Frank. Like when Zoes bf goes to the cop to see the footage. Why didn't they just rewind it like 2-3 minutes earlier to see her talking to someone and then follow him. Yet no they on happened to notice the part where she is not in frame and getting pushed? Did the people watching the video just ignore all that?

The whole time i was like GOD DAMN IT just rewind the video a bit.
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