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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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my theory
it'll be like a monica lewinski spin, and the president has a affair with christina; the girlfriend of that congressman who dies

Just finished 3:

Obviously the plan is for the entitlement reform to go down in flames, but I don't know how he'll make it look like the President's fault yet. I think the guy is obviously working a sting against Lucas, but maybe the info they find in those logs will make them look really hard at Frank. Christina might be the person that ruins the whole thing, or makes it.

I've got one more episode in me before I've got to call it a night. Long day tomorrow, unfortunately.


Ep 4

I guess I was
wrong about the bill failing and it being the president's fault. I don't know what the point of it was at this point, but I guess we'll find out. The current Whip lady...Frank's veep? Maybe? Assuming that he doesn't resign in disgrace before then, of course. The wife's interview was amazing, though the implications are unknown at this point. There's sure to be an enormous backlash to a sitting second lady admitting to being raped and having an abortion.

The first episode is the strongest for me so far, but 2-4 were all excellent. If I didn't have anything to do tomorrow (oh God, it's already tomorrow), I'd sit here until I'd watched every last one.

If there's one thing I'm sad about with this show, it's that
I really liked Zoe....her interactions with Frank were great, and I loved the weird sexual tension there. It made for amazing TV, but there's a huge hole where she once was now.


I've only seen episodes 1 and 2, and while they're amazing one thing keeps bothering me. The product placements. And it's even integrated into lines of dialogue as well. "Hey, you want a Stella?" "Yeah I love Stella!" while he grabs a Stella Artois beer. It felt incredibly forced.

But, other then that, great show!


Ep 1
When it happened I actually yelled out HOLY FUCK.

To be fair it was pretty damn stupid. "Oh hey, are you a murderer? Please tell me while I'm here where no one knows I'm meeting you, right next to these train tracks."

When he looked at me in the mirror I jumped a little.

Ep 3
The whole handcuffing and carrying senators thing seemed a little bit cartoonish.
Seen the first 4 episodes that reviewers saw.

I might be liking it more than season 1.

Ep 4
Claire's interview...Robin Wright should win an Emmy nomination at least for this episode. I actually wish Lucas was also dead so we can be done with that part of the story


Ep 1
Holy shit I did not see that coming at all. Haven't been that shocked by a tv show in a long time. I'm going to miss Zoe and the whole Journalist angle of the show if it's leaving with her. Also the last monologue was brilliant. I was beginning to wonder if Frank wasn't going to break the fourth wall at all in the first episode so it was cool they saved it for last.
Ep 1
Holy shit I did not see that coming at all. Haven't been that shocked by a tv show in a long time. I'm going to miss Zoe and the whole Journalist angle of the show if it's leaving with her. Also the last monologue was brilliant. I was beginning to wonder if Frank wasn't going to break the fourth wall at all in the first episode so it was cool they saved it for last.
that was so good
"Did you think I had forgotten you? Perhaps you hope I had."


Holy shit at that first episode. Like how it ended too with frank at the end. This show has so many good quotes.


Ep 1:

Well I didn't except that twist so early on even though it was pretty obvious from all that foreshadowing. It really was a great opener and it was filmed pretty well.


Spoilers for episode 4 but speculation

I'm guessing Frank is responsible for the "anthrax", seeing as it helped him get more time for the vote. Either him or the new whip.
anyone else feel
Zoe was still attracted to Underwood which is why she went around her 2 colleagues? it also resulted in her..you know...life this despite knowing Underwood was involved in something sinister than he was telling. Honestly felt in her sex scene she wanted him behind her not the other guy


Binged the first four episodes and I'm really enjoying it so far. The political games in the third episode were great fun to watch. And that's it for today, hopefully I can manage to watch the rest over the weekend.


I mean tbh [episode 1]
I was suspecting that if one of the big characters would die this season, Zoe (and/or her boyfriend and that other woman) was the most likely because of what she knew, and was trying to find out, but I didn't think they would kill her off the very first fucking episode.


Episode 1:
HOLY crap. kate, you are beautiful and wonderful and I am sad I wont be able to look at you for 11 more hours. What a great start to the season!


you speak so well
Four episodes in:

Great start. Sure, it's more of the same but I really enjoyed the first season and the second is shaping up to be just as good.
What a fucking way to start the season too. Zoe was the best part of the newspaper storyline and while her death a huge shock to start with, I hope Stamper gets around to getting rid of Lucas so we can be done with it. Robin Wright was phenomenal in episode 4, her interview has been my favorite part of the season so far. New Whip whose name I keep missing is a nice addition to the cast, I wonder how she plays in Frank's larger schemes.

I can't wait to blast through more of this, thank you based Netflix for enabling binge watchers like me.
Episode 1:
HOLY FUCK, what an opener. K. Space is cold as ice, and just chews the scenery with expert precision. And that last monologue ending with the cufflinks? My hype has not been for naught. Once again, HOLY FUCK!
- NY Mag review from Matt Zoller Seitz: Still Tripping On Power
It seems churlish to get hung up on matters of tone when discussing a series as involving as this one. The fourth hour immediately went on my list of the year's best drama episodes; at least half of it is eye-rollingly silly, but the other half is magnificent. Just when you think the Underwoods can be written off as comic strip political cousins of the Macbeths, they do or say something that's genuinely moving, and that makes you realize they have hearts after all, even though they're probably tiny and ice-cold, and only beat for one another.


Episode 1:
Yep, what the fuck?? Can't say I particularly liked that shocking moment though. It definitely takes a huge suspension of disbelief. I don't see why he would take such a huge risk of being spotted/caught, etc. when they had no concrete evidence on him. He could have silenced her much easily and quietly than that.
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