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'How Did This Get Made?' podcast appreciation thread

I really enjoy this podcast. Could anyone recommend any other funny podcasts where the episode is set around one movie, preferably older films, not new releases?


Homeland Security Fail
If they were going to do a Queen Latifah movie, they should have done Taxi. Or Bringing Down the House.


Homeland Security Fail
Joyful Noise is about the competitive world of gospel singing. Oh boy.

Maybe the guest would only do the podcast, if that was the movie they talked about?

One of the episodes of Comedy Bang Bang I listened to with Jason on it, made it seem like the guests choose the movie sometimes. So, could be something like that?
Brian Posehn was one of their better guests. Funny and was really into it. He did some fact checking before hand.

After relistening to 88 Minutes I have to say Pete Homes is probably my least favorite of the comedian guests. His Pacino was great but he was very loud and aggressive.

I've been marathoning some episodes here at work today since I'm sick of listening to Stern. Re-listened to Sucker Punch, 88 Minutes, All About Steve, and The Back-Up Plan.
After relistening to 88 Minutes I have to say Pete Homes is probably my least favorite of the comedian guests. His Pacino was great but he was very loud and aggressive.

June was noticeably turned off by him.

Funny you say that about Stern, I've been the same way. Skipping around the show a lot, not even listening to Robin's news. Lately, I'd rather listen to Comedy Bing Bong.


Homeland Security Fail
I re-listened to the FJtK episode, amazing. Even more so after watching the movie. I'm about to watch Punisher: War Zone for the first time.
Funny you say that about Stern, I've been the same way. Skipping around the show a lot, not even listening to Robin's news. Lately, I'd rather listen to Comedy Bing Bong.
Ha well it was when Howard told Robin that he tears up listening to Locked Out of Heaven because it makes him think of the times he couldn't get the love he wanted from his mother that I went 'uhhhhhhh I've had enough of this shit for today' and switched over to HDTGM.

I re-listened to the FJtK episode, amazing. Even more so after watching the movie. I'm about to watch Punisher: War Zone for the first time.

Oof so you actually watched FJtK? Kudos to you and your dedication. And Punisher Warzone is seriously great. And not in a bad way like Gigli. Its just legit good. I liked it way more than the Thomas Jane Punisher.
Ha well it was when Howard told Robin that he tears up listening to Locked Out of Heaven because it makes him think of the times he couldn't get the love he wanted from his mother that I went 'uhhhhhhh I've had enough of this shit for today' and switched over to HDTGM.

Oh god ya, I felt like that was such made up bullshit.

man, I wish they'd do the more recent Carpenter movies like Ghosts of Mars and Escape from LA


Escape from LA is a good choice.
I watched like the first 15 minutes and thats all I could handle. Its so hamfisted with bad acting and peppered with weird 'push in' shots. And man, poor Dolly. She not only doesn't look like herself, she just don't look human anymore. She sincerely reminded me of the Joker from Burton's Batman.


Homeland Security Fail
Oh boy, this is probably going to be a boring episode.

Just finished the movie. Nothing bonkers happens.

Except for maybe:

The Chinese country man dying after sex. The ray charles kid. And the bad god-pop songs at the end.

It isn't a bad movie. Not to say its good, but its not the type of movie this podcast should be doing. There isn't cheesy/over-the-line dialogue.

Whoever the guest is, either worked on the film, or hates queen Latifah/dolly.


Homeland Security Fail
Disappointed the punisher episode had the director on it. I stopped listening halfway.

I enjoyed the film, and its craziness. Much better than the first one.


Homeland Security Fail
Definitely one of my least favorite episodes. I checked out multiple times during the episode, maybe it would have been better if I saw the movie. Terrible movie choice, IMO.

I'm about to listen to it, so I will post if it was better if you watched the movie. But like I said before, I doubt it. Nothing happens.


Disappointed the punisher episode had the director on it. I stopped listening halfway.

Yeah, she seemed like a cool person, but you could tell they were holding back because she was there.
Plus Patton was on that episode! Would have preferred if it was just him, he's hilarious!

After relistening to 88 Minutes I have to say Pete Homes is probably my least favorite of the comedian guests. His Pacino was great but he was very loud and aggressive.

That's just Pete Holmes. Have you heard his podcast?
I can listen to it now, but it took a while to warm up to him and he can still be incredibly grating.


Homeland Security Fail
Pretty meh episode. The first half was pretty boring, but I thought the second half was better.

Decent episode. I'm the opposite, I thought the first half was better.

Yeah, she seemed like a cool person, but you could tell they were holding back because she was there.
Plus Patton was on that episode! Would have preferred if it was just him, he's hilarious!

Yeah, sucks that they held back. I mean, I do think they loved the film, but in the Fast 5 episode, that didn't stop them from ripping into it.


Death Prophet
After relistening to 88 Minutes I have to say Pete Homes is probably my least favorite of the comedian guests. His Pacino was great but he was very loud and aggressive.

Totally agree. I listened to that episode, and he was totally overbearing.

Recent episode was meh. :(


I like their new site, where you can vote on the movies they should do. Even though Space Jam is GOAT, I would love for them to do a podcast on that.


Wasn't feeling the movie choice at all. Show is best when it's really bad movies or so bad they're good movies, not this kind of middling dreck.

Anyone who hasn't listened to old episodes should listen to the Smurfs one, or at least the rap at the end.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Disappointed the punisher episode had the director on it. I stopped listening halfway.

I enjoyed the film, and its craziness. Much better than the first one.
It's definitely a departure from the usual, but it was one of my favorite episodes as it really gave some insight into how crazy the movie business is.


Death Prophet
I've been watching Burning Love. Surprisingly funny. I've only been watching June's season, but it's pretty funny. I'm surprised by the amount of celebrities / people I recognize. :p


Looking for movie podcasts the other day I found a similar styled "bad" movie review cast "Yeah, it's That Bad" is a three man podcasts with guys reviewing movies good and bad and asking if they deserve their rotton tomato score. It's a bit more manic than HDTGM, but still pretty funny. If you're like me and you blitzed through the HDTGM catalog I say definitely give it a try.
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