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How do you handle the balance between spoilers and hype?


It's really tough to know what threads to click on these days. That goes for both IGN and gaf.

I really want to see more of etc metroid prime 2, re4, minish cap or whatever, but at the same time I don't want to see or read any important spoilers. It's also fun to discuss screenshots and new media. Right now Metroid Prime 2 is on my media blackout list.

Are you on any media blackouts?
I dont read this forum. My time with this forum is heavily limited to baseless trolling and my own threads.

The rest of the time is OT land


Heh, I'm really careful about what I read and where I go. Somtimes I'll avoid certain forums all together. Like one certain forum where I saw a decent Halo 2 spoiler! I know it is pretty rampant there with spoilers so I'm now not going there again until after the middle to end of November.


I've made it a habit of avoiding pictures of games I'm looking forward too recently. For example, I've found that I'm really enjoying games more now that I know less about them going in. It's nice to get to a certain part in the game and not know what's coming, instead of thinking "oh, I bet that I'm about to fight this boss that I've seen in the trailers".

For instance, I completely avoided practically all media and information about Pikmin 2 before I got around to playing it. I'm a good way into the game, and it's been nice having each new boss and enemy I come across being a complete surprise.

Nowadays, I'll just go into game-specific threads enough to just get an idea of a game is supposed to be good or not, and ignore anything else.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I... am a spoiler-whore. :( I always regret it but I just can't stop myself.
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