Might vary with age too. I can absolutely tell the difference between a 6 hour and 8 hour sleep. I feel more energetic and am able to solve tougher physics questions with more ease at 8 hours. More than 8 definitely starts to dampens the energy and makes me lazier.Needing 8 in order to call it a full sleep is a myth. 5.5 hours is the minimum needed in general, and any more gives an improvement on mood. People live longer on 7 than 8. I got all of this from an insomnia book written by Dr. Jacobs.
Nah, bro, it is individual. I know people who sleep for about 4 hours and are totally fine but it is true that on average most people do require about 8 hours, asking them to sleep less will just hurt them.this but you got it backwards
you fucks sleep too much
Yo I just heard a song like thisi'll try, m8
my dreams are tuned to 11, accurately recalled w / sound and color
a few hours feels like an eternity, like a forever war
far be it from me to understand what's happening, i described some of this stuff in the mental health thread and would rather not frighten people w / some of the ultra violent imagery and prisonlike dream states
I have a similar issue with cats, in that they demand food at 7. I'm trying to retrain them to be fed at 9 (which works now with working from home) and it definitely helps. You should try having a few nights where he's not allowed in your room, and then you feed him at the time you decide, and he'll eventually get used to being fed at that time and not pester you earlier.4-6 hours.
I'm in bed before midnight and up at 7, but I have a house rabbit that wakes up at 5, by jumping on my head from the bedside table until I give him treats, which repeats on and off for the next couple of hours.
This is further exacerbated currently due to him wanting to sleep up against me under the covers in cold weather, which both wakes me up and necessitates my having to use pillows to keep me in place, so that I don't accidentally roll on him, which means I'm less comfortable and wake up more.
We are cursed my brother, we are cursed!I have GERD that doesn't respond to treatment or dietary changes
how many millions of years have you spent in space prison, gobbieI need to stop smoking weed.. sometimes I do it just to escape the dreams tho v_v
It depends how much DeepEnigma scratches my E-spot
3 at the same time - a dream come true