Great summary in the OP, but I did want to touch on a couple of things...
It would be one thing if the government offered free IDs to everyone, which would be accepted at polling places, but it doesn't.
Most of the voter ID laws being passed now days (except apparently the TX law whose finding of being unconstitutional was stayed by the SCOTUS since the election machinery for this cycle had already started) do include provisions for obtaining a voter ID card for free, including costs for the supporting documentation needed to get the voter ID card. Certainly, that can be a huge waste of time to get the supporting documents and ID card, but the SCOTUS has found that "time" is not an unconstitutional burden to get the card. Obviously, those guys (and gals) haven't heard the phrase "time is money."
This is not to say that voter fraud doesn't exist in the United States, because it does. The problem is, voter ID laws would do absolutely nothing to prevent the fraud that actually exists. Basically, absentee ballots are mailed to your home, and you can then mail your vote. There is plenty of fraud with this system, but likely because a large number of absentee ballot voters are Republican, there has been little done to fix the problem. (my emp.)
Anecdotally, Iowa Ds have always out early voted Iowa Rs. This election is the first time in my memory that the early vote race is close.
Here's a resource with 2014 statistics showing Rs lead early voting in some states, Ds in the others. Those stats don't include overall party registration, but in a spot check in OR, both major party's early vote percentages are outpacing their registration numbers by ~3%.
When the topic came up on another forum several years ago, I spent some time searching for absentee voter fraud. There was a skew to the numbers in what I found, but I would rather not go into detail about that skew since my searching was by no means exhaustive. However, there is certainly absentee voter fraud on both sides of the aisle. (Which is not to excuse it or to say, "So what, both parties do it." Voter fraud, in whatever form and by whichever party should be punished.)