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How were you spanked?

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Whatever was in reaching distance, boy do I remember. I have a 7 year old brother now, he never gets spanked/hit, maybe my bad parenting talk finally got through to them.... Or maybe they just didn't like me, I was a really messed up kid from what I hear from relatives.



Usually open hand by my dad or wooden paddle by my mom on the butt. I'd say it happened once ever year or so? (up until probably 10 or 11 years old). I wasn't really a bad kid but I occasionally did bad stuff. They never slapped hard enough to bruise or anything, but I definitely remember not wanting to do whatever I did to cause the spanking anymore after that. It hurt enough.

I have zero ill will towards my parents. They were and are fantastic people. In a small two-bedroom house with about ten of us, spanking was about the only thing they could do to punish us.


Belt or a hand to the butt. Nothing like punches or hits to anywhere else. And usually after the initial sting and tears, it didn't hurt or anything and it was back to business as usual

Usually got spankings for fighting with my brother or just straight up not doing stuff because I didn't want to


Even worse was when they beat you out in public.

Nothing like getting slapped when in a shopping center and all the other kids staring at you like you had two heads.
My grandmother took me over her knee in public a few times. Fully clothed with a coat on and I don't remember feeling any actual pain, but the embarrassment was real.


Oh yeah, you know that expression, wash your mouth out with soap? Well, I once said some horribly foul language and my mom made me literally put a bar of soap in my mouth.


Just the threat of public spankings was enough for me. It'd be like" I'll finish this tantrum later at home, mom. So for now you win"


It's interesting how different peoples' experiences were with corporal punishment. I'd imagine the posts that look back fondly on the experience would be from people who have less of an issue with employing such punishment for their kids, while those who recall traumatic experiences would likely feel the opposite.
It goes to show how much our past experience colors our present view on the world.

I think the important thing is that if a parent threatens a punishment, it is their duty to follow through with it. Otherwise you teach the child that your word isn't good. Last thing you want is to teach your kid to call your bluffs!

I think it's largely a factor of circumstances around the spanking, honestly, rather than the spanking itself. I can't even remember what I ever got spanked for, and I can't think if I ever got spanked more than once for anything bad I did. Even if I don't end up spanking my kids (or bringing out the hot sauce, which was another occasional feature) I don't begrudge my parents for spanking me; they were loving and supportive, pushed me to try new things but didn't force me to stick to things I utterly hated, tried to treat me like an adult and trusted me when I became a teen. Reframe the spankings with a home where mom and dad yelled at each other constantly or where I was constantly being punished, and you could draw a very different picture in one's mind or see the spanking as just one manifestation of abuse.

The stuff I actually remember messing up, I don't ever recall being spanked for it, and those are the more "traumatic" memories of my childhood. Go figure.

My brother and I were way rougher with each other than my parents were with us.
You name it: belt, switch, fly swatter, rulers, shoes, brushes, bare hands, etc.

My wife and I have decided not to spank our daughter, who is currently 2 years old. My sister and her husband, on the other hand, already swat their son, who is only 1. I'm interested to see the difference in behavior between our kids as they grow up.


Oh yeah, you know that expression, wash your mouth out with soap? Well, I once said some horribly foul language and my mom made me literally put a bar of soap in my mouth.
Oh yeah I forgot about this punishment. Used to get soap put on a sponge and then the sponge pushed in my mouth. I think that's why I've grown up to hate the taste of soap.
I'm still really on the fence about it with my daughter. She's got a few years before it becomes a real question.
On one hand, I definitely remember the lessons I learned that were punctuated by spankings (don't lie, don't wander into the street), but on the other hand corporal punishment does have a negative stigma for being old fashioned. I just can't personally vouch for the efficacy of other methods of punishment.
There is definitely a line between what is acceptable and what is excessive though. Is never use a belt or any such whipping tool, for instance, but an open palm (or wooden spoon in my case) on the bottom doesn't seem nearly as harsh.

I can't say, after witnessing/experiencing severe abuse + minimal punishments, that I'll ever lay a hand on my kid in a negative way ever. It's scarring and everyone in here is kinda a prime example of that. People will parent how they want to parent regardless but for me, personally, every time I see a parent lay a hand on their kid at all my blood fucking boils. There are millions of ways to get across to a child that something isn't okay and hitting them to sink that shit in shouldn't be one of them.
Probably a few slaps to the face by my mom in very sever cases. Once I made my dad really pissed and he made a fist while looking at me. He never hit me in my life but that made me nearly shit myself.

Really can't stand the judgmental shit I'm reading just from the first page with people calling other people's parents bad.

I personally wouldn't do it to my children but that is because I have the internet, knowledge, and psychologists that have proved there are better ways. None of the things most of my parents generations had. That being said I was only hit 3 times in my life. I think they did very well considering.


no one deserves physical punishment. have you even read some of the things posted in here? they're fucking horrifying.
The one guy on the other page said he threw a brick in his sisters face. That deserves a spanking and then a talking to afterwards. By spamming I mean hands to the butt. Not punches to the face or heavy body shots


Oh yeah I forgot about this punishment. Used to get soap put on a sponge and then the sponge pushed in my mouth. I think that's why I've grown up to hate the taste of soap.

I also forgot about that.

My mom used green Lava soap. Whatever I said must have been terrible since she was never theatrical about discipline.

No matter what she did, my mom is the sort of parent I can only aspire to be. Our family would have ceased to function if it weren't for her.


I also forgot about that.

My mom used green Lava soap. Whatever I said must have been terrible since she was never theatrical about discipline.

No matter what she did, my mom is the sort of parent I can only aspire to be. Our family would have ceased to function if it weren't for her.

My grandmother made me drink green liquid palmolive once, when I was about five. In her defense, I did call her the c-bomb, but I was also about five and had no idea it was THE big bad word.


Parents kept the paddle ball that I won from Chuck E Cheese with my own hard earned tickets. I purchased the implement of my own ass beatings.


Got the belt a few times, didn't even hurt to be honest, it was more about the ritual than the stinging. It even became laughable.
I forgot my grandpa used a fan-belt.

Yes the fan-belt from a car motor. I was faster than him so he never managed to hit me full on with it but did get a few glancing swats at my legs. He did get my cousins on the ass with it more than a few times though.
I was rarely smacked, I can only recall two times, always with the hand on the ass, one of it was for spitting on my sister (I can't remember why I did) who is a year younger than me, think I was 6 years old at the time.


My dad favored mostly his belt and his hand. One time he was really angry at me cause I told him I wanted to watch wrestling at night so he grabbed me and wrestled me to the ground, smashing my face into the floor. My nose bled a huge pool of blood and then after I stopped crying and cursing he told me to clean up my own blood and then go to bed.

I don't think I talked to him for a year after that.
Kids don't deserve to be hit. I don't give a fuck what they've done, they don't deserve it. They deserve to be punished, and taught right from wrong, physical punishment isn't the way.

Anyone whose seen the threads I've posted before about my dad will know what I'm talking about. I don't give a shit if they've been bad or naughty, they're kids and they don't know better.
Oh yeah, you know that expression, wash your mouth out with soap? Well, I once said some horribly foul language and my mom made me literally put a bar of soap in my mouth.

In grade 1 or 2 I heard one of the older kids, probably like grade 6 or 7, say a swear at school. I repeated it at home, and the mere threat of having my mouth washed out with soap was enough to keep me from swearing at all until about grade 8 or so... and even then, never in earshot of my parents until about grade 11


This thread is seriously disturbing to read....my god.

90% of the spanking people used to get is not even remotely close to what alarmists are imagining, this is why people on this thread shrug it off and take offence to see their parents called bad people, allegations that they were not loved and accusations of not being well adjusted.


The only time i remember my parents spanking anyone was when my brother tried to climb out of the window.

We lived on the 4th floor.

It wasn't really more than 2 or 3 times but it did the trick.

Open palm.
My father didn't use a lot of violence, but when he did, it was quite something else. He once tossed small decorations made of porcelain at me, one hit my head. I still have a scar from it.

Though he usually resorted to verbal humiliation.


My father didn't use a lot of violence, but when he did, it was quite something else. He once tossed small decorations made of porcelain at me, one hit my head. I still have a scar from it.

Though he usually resorted to verbal humiliation.

You see, this is the difference between an act born of rage vs some mild, controlled disciplinary ritual. The father lost his cool (like any person can lose their cool at times) and threw something in rage.

People imagine the "spanking" being administered by the parent with rage in a similar manner, when in reality its just a mild inconvenience for every party involved.
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