Possible justifications for taking money: I could use it, IDs show he has a steady job and residence anyway (probably won't destroy his life), he gets an expensive lesson about why you shouldn't carry around huge sums of cash, finders keepers, nobody carries around that much money unless they are doing something illegal with it (drug buy)
karasu said:Why is a 5dollar ID card more important than 600 bux? You realize how many hours you have to work to make 600 bucks???
Not really, I'm just saying that my conscience would allow me to keep the money and feel only mildly bad, but I would feel awful if I just blew it on something stupid and frivolous. There are degrees to everythingMrCheez said:Yeah, as long as you use the stolen money for stuff you need you shouldn't have to feel bad at all, right?
Is there any reason that you advise against this?don't contact him directly.
I bet half the world DOES have such morals.Bristow said:Man. If only half of the world had the morals of the supposed boy scouts in this thread, it would be a much better place. Seriously, you guys are wonderful.
Bristow said:Man. If only half of the world had the morals of the supposed boy scouts in this thread, it would be a much better place. Seriously, you guys are wonderful.
DarienA said:Actually HALF the world does. That's why there isn't chaos everywhere.
What is your point? There are plenty of other people that AREN'T like that. Just because there ARE doesn't mean everyone else should live by their rules.Bristow said:Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. Maybe I'm just a pessimist, but I've seen too many 'so-called' moral people stab their best friends in the back for monetary or work related gain.
Alot of people will do whatever it takes to get ahead in this world. You can view the world with rose tinted glasses all you like, but that's a cold, hard, fact.
No, people understand that quite well. They're only responding for those people that try and justify it without admitting what you have.Eminem said:You know, people here don't seem to get the point. I don't think there is any persuading here.
Either you're a jerk and you keep the money, or you're a good person and return it. Really, I think Border knows what he's gonna do either way. You just have a feel for it, right away.
Again...personally I'd keep it with no regrets. And again, I am a bad person. I wouldn't need any persuading.
Just do what you're gonna do man. You already know.
Goreomedy said:Here's what you do, Border.
Give it back.
But first... print off the URL of this thread, and stuff it into the wallet so the owner can easily find it. His curiosity will bring him here, he'll read through all these suggestions, and know how lucky he is.
We might even get a reply.
What's half a grand when you have a chance to make this thread a true GAF classic. To be preserved for all time.
Gek54 said:Found a wallet with $1400 in it. Returned it to find out it was worht 2 months of this guys paychecks and it was all he had saved for his family's (4 kids) christmas. He wanted to give me $200 of it, but there was no way I could take that.
If you have a soul, give it back.
Bishman said:Everytime I find a wallet on the street, I will think of this.
Dan said:*waits for a joke account pretending to be the guy who got his money back*
yes, the man could claim that you returned it without any money, or missing something important. you could be implicated in a crime. when you return it to the police you'll probably have to fill out some paperwork, and an agent of the law will bear witness to what was in it when you got there, etc. even doing that it's a bit of a can of worms. in most cases i think the guy will be happy enough to get his important stuff back that it shouldn't be a big deal, but you never know, and even as the good samaritan, you have to protect yourself.border said:Is there any reason that you advise against this?
Decisions, decisions...