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Hyrule Warriors |OT| Why are the enemies not doing anything?

You can dodge the lightning. OMG. I didn't know. I just ran away a bit and was lucky that the damn thing wasn't in the middle of the room. How should I have known that the dodge move works on the lightning as well. :( Still beat it with A rank, so...

You can dodge every single attack in the game, I'm pretty sure.
Yes, the fact that the Imprisoned will always get up after taking down his meter halfway is bullshit.
Yeah, I'm not a fan but looking at the boss battles I can see why they did it.
Most other bosses have a weakness that gets opened by boss behaviour and isn't available most of the time, but the Imprisoned is the opposite: Unless it does the slip and slide attack, it's vulnerablity can be brought out by the player at any point and several characters can just blast all the toes off in a single blow (sheik is super good at this thanks to effectively infinite special given by the prelude of light :3 )

I think the 'weakness escape' was their rather clumsy answer to prevent it being an absolute cakewalk compared to the others. A rather bad way of doing it though, if you ask me :/


Yup, the only reason I've got weapons left to collect is because most of the characters are so low leveled. Gonna maul everyone with Ganondorf now!

My problem is just either character being attacked during the off-time.

I need to get a friend here to man player 2


There is one mission with Ganondorf, that puts you against 1 large one and 2 little ones in a tiny room. The red lightning area attack was really unfair in that mission. Almost no way to avoid it.

btw. why can't I get both photo pieces at once? I'm killing everything left and right and just had to replay a master quest mission twice just because the 2nd photo didn't want to spawn, although I wasn't hit at all. On the second go it even spawned in the same place as the first one.

To the first: Load up the dark meter beforehand, go into the room and to the big Imprisoned legs and press X. Ganondorf's C1 takes out all toes and the red lightning won't have time to hit you.

To the latter: Nope, only one skulltula per try spawns and both will always be in the same place.


Whoever came up with the idea for the mission to get Lana's master quest outfit is evil. I love the game, but the combat really isn't meant for that kind of challenge, unlike something like The Wonderful 101.
I think the 'weakness escape' was their rather clumsy answer to prevent it being an absolute cakewalk compared to the others. A rather bad way of doing it though, if you ask me :/

I think they all could have had the ability to make them enter weakness mode at any time if you're good enough. Sitting there and waiting an unknown amount of time for Dodongo to open his mouth somewhat breaks the flow in a game that otherwise flows as well as your abilities let it. I'm not saying it would be nice to hit it whenever, but maybe a trick to knocking it into its weakpoint meter state whenever, if you know it. It might not work, but I'd like to at least a try a level where that happened, and see if it makes a difference.


Wait for the boss survival level. That was actually a real pain.

Oooooh. I don't think I've seen that one yet. There's only a half dozen levels on the original Adventure Map that I haven't done, so it's probably buried in there! I can't wait!

On a somewhat unrelated note, that level where you have to fight Beast Ganon, Gohma and Dodongo got much easier when I realized I just needed to fight Ganon first and draw him away from everyone else. But then the game said that the others had started to notice the fight, and that I should run away from Ganon. Why? So that he could follow me as I ran into the other two, and then have to deal with all three? What kind of sense does that make? Needless to say, I avoided that "advice" and got my A rank just fine. That was some of the most ridiculously unhelpful advice I'd ever gotten in a game.



Impa of The Day.

I keep getting B in adventure mode because of the number of the K.Os :\
Holy hell, I just spent ~40 minutes getting the second skulltula on the final level. Every time I did a stamina break attack against
powered up Ganondorf
it did maybe a tenth of his health. My poor
was level 28. I thought about leveling him up some before attempting this but I didn't figure it'd be that hard! I did manage it first try but I was saving quite often.

Both this and the Shining Beacon level took me quite a while because I decided to capture pretty much every keep and kill every officer to ensure the npcs wouldn't kill themselves. Now that I have all of the secondary skulltulas, it's time to go back to adventure mode!

Neo Dark

Holy hell, I just spent ~40 minutes getting the second skulltula on the final level. Every time I did a stamina break attack against
powered up Ganondorf
it did maybe a tenth of his health. My poor
was level 28. I thought about leveling him up some before attempting this but I didn't figure it'd be that hard! I did manage it first try but I was saving quite often.

Reminds me how much I hated levels with lightning. I just hated how half the times the warning circles weren't showing up so you'd get hit by it. So I end up spamming dodge half the time which slows me down and also sometimes fail me since lightning can hit me between dodges.


Holy hell, I just spent ~40 minutes getting the second skulltula on the final level. Every time I did a stamina break attack against
powered up Ganondorf
it did maybe a tenth of his health. My poor
was level 28. I thought about leveling him up some before attempting this but I didn't figure it'd be that hard! I did manage it first try but I was saving quite often.

Both this and the Shining Beacon level took me quite a while because I decided to capture pretty much every keep and kill every officer to ensure the npcs wouldn't kill themselves. Now that I have all of the secondary skulltulas, it's time to go back to adventure mode!

I hated that one. Even with a level 50 Darunia he still took way too long to take down with the level 1 hammer.


I think they all could have had the ability to make them enter weakness mode at any time if you're good enough. Sitting there and waiting an unknown amount of time for Dodongo to open his mouth somewhat breaks the flow in a game that otherwise flows as well as your abilities let it. I'm not saying it would be nice to hit it whenever, but maybe a trick to knocking it into its weakpoint meter state whenever, if you know it. It might not work, but I'd like to at least a try a level where that happened, and see if it makes a difference.

If you have a focus spirit bar filled, you can knock them down straight to the weakpoint meter by using focus spirit and during it a special attack (the one triggered manually by pressing special, rather than letting the focus spirit end by itself).

It doesn't work on the Imprisoned though, and I haven't tested it on Ganon yet, but it works against every other boss or unique officer.


Sweet lawrd, Midna's YYX combo is one of the most overpowered moves in the game. I can take anything with it. Darunia, Zant, Impa....whatever....come all at once if you want.

I feel like a KOF final boss or something.



No, I don't like the dark theme. This is the first time I heard someone say they find the OP hard to read. I just designed it to be easy to read no matter the theme. Headers do look a little better in the dark theme, but they look good in bright theme too.

Hm, odd. I always found the orange font and the character bits tough to read in the way of blending into the background a bit too much. Didn't notice how much until I switched to the dark theme. I brought it up since I suspected it contributed to people not reading the OP or missing crucial information (the /!\ section about the DLC, for example). :D


Actually, it's the level 2 portal. (I haven't unlocked the weapon yet)


Will try the block strategy. I love that attack!

By the way, I need to find a stair item but it refuses to respawn, any tips?

Summoning gate 2 was really hard to get but I figured out a good strategy.

First I would get the level one summoning gate. Then complete the level like this.

1. Beat the rogue captain.
2. Get the fairy from the north keep.
3. Clear the allied base and defeat the enemy captain. This will trigger the rogue commander to head toward the Allied base.
4. While defending your base kill the rogue commander. This will trigger Cia, who will move towards the enemy base.
5. Use the fairy to remove the barrier at the enemy base and beat the enemy commander.

You should get to 1200 kills easy from all the enemies that attack your base. If not take a keep or two.

To fight effectively mash X until you summon Argorak then use C5 to summon him in combo. Mash Y and melt all enemies around you.


I remember having hard time with Gate level 2 too, but managed it with the pushing walls attack when the ennemies inevitably keep invading the main keep.
I did the level 3 one in coop though.


It seems like I'm the only one that uses the previous tier of the weapon to get the next one.

That stage isn't a Lana only stage is it? If not just use Link with the master sword.


Unconfirmed Member
It seems like I'm the only one that uses the previous tier of the weapon to get the net one.

That stage isn't a Lana only stage is it? If not just use Link with the master sword.

Well you don't get the reward if you clear the mission with a character the reward isn't for. At least I never did.


It seems like I'm the only one that uses the previous tier of the weapon to get the net one.

That stage isn't a Lana only stage is it? If not just use Link with the master sword.

I think it is Lana only though you can use any weapon. I also use the previous tier weapon. It helps that the stage is always had a recommended element of the weapon you are getting which gives the weapon a damage increase enough to be on post with other level 2 weapons. Also a lot of enemies are weak to that element on the map.

Neo Dark

No matter how many levels I play with where I have to defeat Zant, I hate every one of them. Does he literally only have one attack that opens a weak point? It's just boring as you can get and I hope they do something to get rid of that.


No matter how many levels I play with where I have to defeat Zant, I hate every one of them. Does he literally only have one attack that opens a weak point? It's just boring as you can get and I hope they do something to get rid of that.

I think it's because his weak point gauge goes by the twilight meter. He has to get dizzy before it will show up.


No matter how many levels I play with where I have to defeat Zant, I hate every one of them. Does he literally only have one attack that opens a weak point? It's just boring as you can get and I hope they do something to get rid of that.
Don't bother imo. It's way too random to have to wait for him to fail his combo so I rather pummel him to death.

Neo Dark

I think it's because his weak point gauge goes by the twilight meter. He has to get dizzy before it will show up.

That.. just.. sucks. Why doesn't beating the crap out of him count as making him dizzy

Yup thats why you gotta just block

I imagine there's some master quest mission where I won't be able to block

Don't bother imo. It's way too random to have to wait for him to fail his combo so I rather pummel him to death.

That's been my strategy for the most part when using higher level characters.


No matter how many levels I play with where I have to defeat Zant, I hate every one of them. Does he literally only have one attack that opens a weak point? It's just boring as you can get and I hope they do something to get rid of that.

You need to block his attacks, and actually make them connect with your defense, if he misses, it doesn't count. Still, if you can block successfully he'll continue spamming the attack up until he exposes his weakness by himself. Even blocking it partially can lead to him exposing his weak point in the next attack if you block it partially too at least.

There are some Master Quest missions where you can't block and they put you against Zant, but there generally he doesn't seem to have as much hp as in other missions, so you can just beat him up there without losing that much time.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Lana's spear is a complete piece of shit. Did they even bother playing with it?
Well, I just got the second skullchula in Lake Hylia. Took me forever. The reason it was taking me forever was because, for some odd reason, instead of having to keep Sheik alive like the requirement says, I had to instead keep Impa alive (was playing in freemode).

Neo Dark

You need to block his attacks, and actually make them connect with your defense, if he misses, it doesn't count. Still, if you can block successfully he'll continue spamming the attack up until he exposes his weakness by himself. Even blocking it partially can lead to him exposing his weak point in the next attack if you block it partially too at least.

There are some Master Quest missions where you can't block and they put you against Zant, but there generally he doesn't seem to have as much hp as in other missions, so you can just beat him up there without losing that much time.

Yeah.. blocking attack sucks.. the amount of time it takes for that to happen.. i can get the same amount of health done just by chipping at him. I've just been going all out and bashing on him. Seems effective lol


I need to at some point decide if I am going to bother getting the higher level weapons of characters I don't like (same with getting all of the heart pieces) at the very least though I have shiek, impa, midna level 3 weapons now which makes me happy. Still need to get Rutos though.


Just picked this up Friday and loving the shit out of it. It's shocking how well Dynasty Warriors and Legend of Zelda go together. The remixed soundtrack is amazing too.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It's really not good because all the superfluous twirls delay the attacks so much that enemies can shake off a hit and strike back between them, so it only combos if everyone is just standing there. It also has very little range until you do some of the slowest combos into strong attack finishers, and only one or two of them is worth anything. It's really hard to kill a lot of enemies quickly with it, so getting A-rank times can be tricky on more combative maps. It also lacks impact for large enemies, so they just take too long. Compared to her book, it's worthless, and it's all the worse if you've been playing a beast like Impa or Sheik who can run up on a group of captains and take them out in 10 seconds.


I'm not a fan of the Deku Stick's musou, but it gets the job done for the most part.

Spamming naked special on huge groups of officers is pretty effective if you get lucky with lots of deku scrubs. Come to think of it, I'm not sure why you don't get a deku scrub every time because the "trees" are useless. Balancing I guess?


Oooooh. I don't think I've seen that one yet. There's only a half dozen levels on the original Adventure Map that I haven't done, so it's probably buried in there! I can't wait!

It's not on there. It's on
the rewards map
, that you get for
collecting the picture pieces

You will curse a lot, because there are always 3 bosses at once and they will immediately be in the same spot. I beat it with a tiny bit of health left after dying 3 times or so. No idea how anyone is supposed to get an A rank on that one.

On a somewhat unrelated note, that level where you have to fight Beast Ganon, Gohma and Dodongo got much easier when I realized I just needed to fight Ganon first and draw him away from everyone else. But then the game said that the others had started to notice the fight, and that I should run away from Ganon. Why? So that he could follow me as I ran into the other two, and then have to deal with all three? What kind of sense does that make? Needless to say, I avoided that "advice" and got my A rank just fine. That was some of the most ridiculously unhelpful advice I'd ever gotten in a game.

The advice makes sort of sense. You are supposed to stay in the first area and run away a tiny bit from Ganondorf. Then the message will tell you that the others have lost interest.
If you keep attacking him and you are not fast enough, then the other 2 will join the battle and you are literally fucked :p

I got my A rank by following this message.
So I've cleared Legend mode and most of the Adventure map, and suddenly a Trial mission teaches me that special units have weaknesses to certain items? Stuff like moblins being weak to bombs or flying units being weak to hookshots. Blew my mind that it never came up before. I wonder how much easier I could have made it for myself had I known this sooner. The hookshot one kind of makes sense, and flying dagronmans are usually a huge pain in the arse with some characters.
Hm, odd. I always found the orange font and the character bits tough to read in the way of blending into the background a bit too much. Didn't notice how much until I switched to the dark theme. I brought it up since I suspected it contributed to people not reading the OP or missing crucial information (the /!\ section about the DLC, for example). :D



Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
So I just started Adventure and is there some trick for those Ruto stages with a bunch of bosses chasing you and you need to kill X many enemies?

Neo Dark

So I just started Adventure and is there some trick for those Ruto stages with a bunch of bosses chasing you and you need to kill X many enemies?

Not sure which one you're talking about but in general knock out the boss, kill some mobs, knock out the next boss.. kill some mobs.. In general you just don't want them gaining morale and such.
It's not on there. It's on
the rewards map
, that you get for
collecting the picture pieces

Gah I'm a moron. Of course it's the Rewards Map one. I even have most of that picture.

The advice makes sort of sense. You are supposed to stay in the first area and run away a tiny bit from Ganondorf. Then the message will tell you that the others have lost interest.
If you keep attacking him and you are not fast enough, then the other 2 will join the battle and you are literally fucked :p

I got my A rank by following this message.

Oh weird. I didn't know they could lose interest. I just killed him before they reached me. I think the one time I followed that message it didn't work, and everyone ran over to me anyways so I just assumed it did nothing. I guess I didn't do it correctly or something.
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