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Hyrule Warriors |OT| Why are the enemies not doing anything?


I second the request for network links. My NNID is Dinjoralo.
I played a bit of Dynasty Warriors 8 on my PC, and I'm surprised anyone would call this Dynasty Warriors with Zelda slapped on. Hyrule Warriors' gameplay seems quite a bit more involved.

Adam Blue

I second the request for network links. My NNID is Dinjoralo.
I played a bit of Dynasty Warriors 8 on my PC, and I'm surprised anyone would call this Dynasty Warriors with Zelda slapped on. Hyrule Warriors' gameplay seems quite a bit more involved.

It does seem so. I went out and bought DW8 on PS4 and it's a bit too simple for me, considering the general non-complexity of Hyrule Warriors. Luckily, HW has a ton of content. I was told here that One Piece is similar, but I have no interest in that universe.


I remember someone saying that the One Piece Musou game was the best of the bunch. That was one guy though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Oh well, finally finished all the weapons on adventure map 1. Is it worth trying to unlock that skill on the master sword? Does the master sword get any additional skill slots or does it do something else? At this rate my 5 star 8-bit seems a lot more powerful.
Remember that skill slots needs weapons of the same type to transfer skills and since the Master Sword is a one of a kind...there are no extra slot. That said the Master sword is the strongest raw power weapon once Evil's Bane is unsealed (at 500 attack) the beams at full health are nice and there is some thought some other buffs are in play. It also might be slightly longer range than the regular sword.

As for Legendary (the non-master sword version of the skill). Well it makes a difference of something like 30 power on a 5 star weapon (comparing a 5 star rank 3 weapon) and you do need to unseal the master sword before it will count down. 25000 kills is a lot of work especially if you're doing it multiple times.
Finished Legend Mode on normal today. This is the best game featuring Zelda characters in a long time. It could use a lot more enemy variety, though. Thoughts on all the characters and how much I like them:

Ganondorf - obviously, he gets a ton of style points, but he can also charge a powerful AoE any time he wants, and he hits like a truck. All of his combos seem to have varying uses, and he can clear out groups faster than anyone but Twili Midna.

Twili Midna - style points again, but her attacks seem so damn slow. Huge range? Absolutely, but she lacks speed and precision. I feel like I can dash around fools with Ganondorf and lay waste, but her first jab is too slow for this. But the cannon warp (how do you aim this?!) and her charged special make her fun to pickod.

Sword Impa - she has a lot of attacks, and they all have different strategic uses. She breaks shields like crazy, and her attacks are all stylish and fun. A little slow in her attacks, unfortunately, and some cancel pretty late.

Rapier Zelda - I like having to be choosey with my resources, but it seems I have to use magic if I have orbs stocked with her. No bueno. If I could choose when to use them, I might always pick Zelda. She is a great melee magic hybrid. Combo 3 is especially fantastic. Combo 2 seems to have issues hitting consistently. She is incredibly gorgeous, too.

Rod Link - I might main him if the special input damage wasn't total crap. Most of his combos suck outside of the axe combo, which is incredible. Unfortunately, that means he ends up playing like a melee character at his most effective. Those fire streams from combo 3 are incredibad. Still, I like how much potential variation you have. Combo 4 is hard to pull off, and having the melee twirl as part of his basic combo is unfortunate.

Book Lana - the walls are fun to break, and she has a unique method of control. I just feel like her boss damage is weak, and it isn't clear why one might want to use some of her combos.

Spear Lana - the deku kids are cool, but unfortunately inconsistent. Interesting and unique playstyle, but it doesn't seem to reach fruition.

Sheik - I love the elemental options. So much strategy. But playing the harp takes forever. It just isn't worthwhile to set up a darkness vortex followed by a fire trap when I can just whack the enemy twice and win.

Cia - her basic combo is awful, but all of her strong enders are great. Combo 3 has a horrid summoning time for no apparent reason, though, and it is by far her coolest move. I love the triple stomp. I might explore her more as I unlock her attacks. Voice acting is annoying, unfortunately.

Wizzro - has some great combos, especially 3 in a crowded room. His arm grab is beefy in some situations. But all of his hits seem to lack punch. Elites take a while to kill.

Midna - fast and agile, but not very strategic. Not much reason to use one attack over another. Her grab is cool in theory, but comes out slow.

Fi - see Midna.

Volgar - zzzzz.

Darunia - super strong, with great options, but they all take too long to fully realize.

Horse Link - the special input is borderline pointless. Who burns through five carrots? Lots of mashy attacks seems to be the way to play, while being able to stay mobile. I think they dropped the ball on making this one fun and interesting. Arrows should have been the default attack.

Dominance Zelda - I just don't feel attached to the puppet, and I hate stance characters.

Fairy Bottle Link
Gauntlet Link
Zora Girl
Music Zelda
Summoner Lana
Nagina Impa


Actually, what IS the point of the carrots? Is it just to get an instant dash? Like we can already do by holding down dodge for a bit longer?

Remember that skill slots needs weapons of the same type to transfer skills and since the Master Sword is a one of a kind...there are no extra slot. That said the Master sword is the strongest raw power weapon once Evil's Bane is unsealed (at 500 attack) the beams at full health are nice and there is some thought some other buffs are in play. It also might be slightly longer range than the regular sword.

As for Legendary (the non-master sword version of the skill). Well it makes a difference of something like 30 power on a 5 star weapon (comparing a 5 star rank 3 weapon) and you do need to unseal the master sword before it will count down. 25000 kills is a lot of work especially if you're doing it multiple times.

Holy crap, 500 atk unlocked? That is definitely worth it on the Master Sword.

I'm not sure if I'll go for it on other characters unless it ends up on a nice weapon already. 25000 is taking a pretty long time to chug through for me.
Actually, what IS the point of the carrots? Is it just to get an instant dash? Like we can already do by holding down dodge for a bit longer?

Holy crap, 500 atk unlocked? That is definitely worth it on the Master Sword.

I'm not sure if I'll go for it on other characters unless it ends up on a nice weapon already. 25000 is taking a pretty long time to chug through for me.
The dash has a hitbox, but I just don't see why it needs a five carrot limit.


I remember someone saying that the One Piece Musou game was the best of the bunch. That was one guy though, so take that with a grain of salt.

That was probably me. And it actually isn't such an uncommon opinion for musou fans. It helps that I'm a big OP nut since nearly 10 years, but the game itself also has some of the most badass movesets, fluent gameplay and character diversity of the genre, so it isn't solely based on fanboy-ism. It's also probably the one most similar to Hyrule Warriors, since it features a dodge button.

That said, the game isn't quite as meaty as HW, but also less grindy. And of course, is by now several years older and less refined. But it still remains as my first recommendation if someone new to musou wants to branch off into other sub-series.

Just make sure to get Pirate Warriors 2, not the original.
I remember someone saying that the One Piece Musou game was the best of the bunch. That was one guy though, so take that with a grain of salt.

I've only ever played two musou games: Hyrule Warriors and Samurai Warriors 3 for the Wii. I like Samurai Warriors 3 better than Hyrule mainly because for that game each character had their own story mode with their own endings while Hyrule Warriors just has a single story mode, though I guess Cia gets her own storymode in a way. I also don't enjoy the adventure map as well as the Murasame Castle mode. Plus Samurai Warriors 3 just has way more maps and characters.

For the next Nintendo x Warriors game, I really would like for each character to get their own story mode.


That was probably me. -snip-
That said, the game isn't quite as meaty as HW, but also less grindy. And of course, is by now several years older and less refined. But it still remains as my first recommendation if someone new to musou wants to branch off into other sub-series.

Unless you frequent SuperGreatFriend's streams, I don't think it was you.

While Hyrule Warriors is fairly meaty, likely because of adventure mode, I think a lot of the meat could just be the game asking you to do most of the game's missions multiple times with different characters to unlock everythiiiiiing. Are most Musou-type games like that?


Finally getting back into this game after taking a long break from it. I'm so incredibly rusty though I've found. Did a battle against two bosses only for Giraham to do the betrayal mid-battle. Did it and surprisingly almost A ranked it but took to much damage so I just got a B.

I haven't finished the original map yet. Figure I should do that before I tackle the other maps since I have the hero of hyrule pack and have all the dlc. I think I'm going to do as what was suggested last time I played. Go through the adventure map as Link first and build up his level, he's already the highest because of the story missions, and money. Then go back as various characters to get their weapons, etc after training them up in the bazaar. Then I think I should be able to use any character I wish in the newer maps right from the start.
The dash has a hitbox, but I just don't see why it needs a five carrot limit.

Truly. I don't think I've seen even the second carrot go out during normal play (outside mashing to force it for fun). Perhaps it's just there as a nod?

I just discovered yesterday that Ganondorf can charge his combo enders to fill his darkness meters in one go. Soooo helpful against the imprisoned (ironically enough).
I'm not sure how to use some of the special gauges that some characters have. (I think Ganondorf and Zelda have one.)

For Ganondorf, do a combo and hold the strong attack button to charge the gauge. When it's full, press the strong attack button to unleash the dark energy for a wide attack.

For Zelda, press the strong attack button to charge her rapier with Light Energy. Do special combos and you'll use the light energy stock to do different attacks that use the Light Arrows with a much wider area of effect.
Iirc, the carrots for the horse are so that you can spam commanders into a corner and juggle them. Been a while since I played though so I may be remembering wrong.


Unless you frequent SuperGreatFriend's streams, I don't think it was you.

Nope. Thought you were talking about the thread specifically.

While Hyrule Warriors is fairly meaty, likely because of adventure mode, I think a lot of the meat could just be the game asking you to do most of the game's missions multiple times with different characters to unlock everythiiiiiing. Are most Musou-type games like that?

Hyrule Warriors takes it to an almost ridiculous degree. The two main series have a larger variety of maps and mission objectivs, the sub-series not really, but they also don't take that much time to unlock everything.

But as has been stated a few times already, for a first entry HW did good, even if the DLC was kinda a missed opportunity to add some more maps.


I think I accidentally "beat" the first adventure map. I wasn't expecting there to be a short little cinematic like that, with an accompanying credit roll. I haven't finished every square yet.

Although I do recall something about "defeat the dark lord!" when I first started up the mode so I guess it's just concluding that.


You don't ever have to play a level twice with a different character, unless you care for heart pieces.

I think that's referencing playing the same map with different enemy placement and such, which obviously happens a lot in the Adventure mode since it introduces no new stages. Really, the lack of areas, and lack of dlc with more areas, is the one thing bothering about Hyrule Warriors in general compared to other Musou games. It's kind of odd too, since they could have recycled assets from the 3d Zelda games for new areas...
OK, I'm not one to post my screenshots usually, but this just happened on the stage to get Lana's level 3 spear... :/

Iirc, the carrots for the horse are so that you can spam commanders into a corner and juggle them. Been a while since I played though so I may be remembering wrong.

You can jugglespam commanders with running normal attacks AND running strong attacks (sword slashes, not horse dashes, which is what will happen if you spam strong attack while holding a direction anyway). Epona is the most broken thing.


I want the Zora tunic outfit for Link, but those damn skulltulas...

Zora Tunic's pretty easy to get if you stick to the Legend mode Skulltullas.
The Goron Tunic on the other hand...

well pokemon musou was koei's first choice for a nintendo musou game. Nintendo didn't like the idea and instead had them make Pokemon Conquest.

Can't fault that really; I feel Conquest does a better job with the concept of Pokemon.

For the love of god give me a materials potion.

I have to grind nearly 30 items from the Imprisoned and it keeps giving me weapons. While we're at it, PATCH THE GODDAMN IMPRISONED ALREADY! Make it possible to break his weakpoint in one cycle!

Yes on both counts. If there was an option to disable weapon drops, I'b be so happy. Being able to completely break the Imprisoned wouldn't be so necessary if they didn't give him SO MUCH INVINCIBILITY TIME!!

Just started this tonight. I really enjoyed it, but was saddened by two things:
1) If you co-op, the graphics take a huge plunge.
2) If you co-op, you need a Wii U Pro Controller or suffer waggle attacks, it seems. No Wii Classic Controller option. :(

Is all the DLC worth getting?

Co-op's fun if you're not both trying to take it too seriously. Me and my best friend started a co-op legend playthrough and while we both agreed that the performance was lower, it didn't make the game any less enjoyable. But we were both kinda riding high on the the thought that everyone in the story was hallucinating Ganondorf running around them (or
two Gandondrofs at the Temple of Souls.

Well, I'd expect something like weapon skins or texture/color swaps as prizes for playing the two new modes, like how the adventure map always comes alongside extras too in order to have unlockables there. But, yes, no actual characters or new modeled costumes.

I'd like to see more weapon skins only if they upgrade the limit of a single weapon type you can hold.

I'll just subscribe to this... and this, and this, and this...
I am loving Twili Midna. She just has incredible range on all of her attacks, and her strong attack can completely clear keeps when it's fully charged. Her Musou attack is pretty weak, though.

Twili Midna is a blast to play but she makes the game so stupidly easy with her charge attack it's not funny.

In a master quest map the boss I fought was Impa armed with an 8-bit sword. Was that a glitch? I remember hearing about a glitch like that during the Japanese launch so it is possible that it was an intended homage to it (as the master quest came out after patches had fixed that).

Speaking of glitches there is this frightening attack of the Midna. Here are some Miiverse posts of it:

Apparently it happens when a Network Link is a very low level and it affects a few spots of the Adventure mode map.

As far as I know, the weapon swaps are intended on Tecmo-Koei's part to make you change tactics against characters. That Midna glitch is horrifying; a mob of characters that barely expose thier WPG and have an annoyingly small hitbox. O_O

OK, I'm not one to post my screenshots usually, but this just happened on the stage to get Lana's level 3 spear... :/

You can jugglespam commanders with running normal attacks AND running strong attacks (sword slashes, not horse dashes, which is what will happen if you spam strong attack while holding a direction anyway). Epona is the most broken thing.

Haven't tried Epona a lot yet, so I can't voice in on that. I can confirm however, that if you clock in at exactly 15 minutes, you get a B rank. happened to me when I attempted Zelda's baton rank 3 mission. ¬_¬

Game Update - I've beaten (but not unlocked) the 8-bit white sword challenge (B for damage,
), gotten nearly everyone's weapons except Link's Tier 3 Great Fairy, Agitha's tier 3, and Lana's Tier 3 Summoning Gate (I've B-ranked all except Agitha's; I rage quit when it turned out I was way underpowered for it.), and completed two portraits from the Adventure map (How are you supposed to succeed at mission one of
Evil Power
? Is it a forced failure state?).

On the Master Quest map, I've gotten the tier 2s for all three characters, their character skins, gotten all but Zant's character skin, and a few 8-bit weapons. Twilight Map has less progress as I'm gated by A-rank adventure challenges where I fail for damage or time, but I do have some character skins from that. All I can say is I'm thankful for Off TV play when I'm laying in bed. :)


Nope. Thought you were talking about the thread specifically.

Hyrule Warriors takes it to an almost ridiculous degree. The two main series have a larger variety of maps and mission objectivs, the sub-series not really, but they also don't take that much time to unlock everything.

But as has been stated a few times already, for a first entry HW did good, even if the DLC was kinda a missed opportunity to add some more maps.

It is kinda crazy and had been wondering if this was the norm as well with other games in the genre. Here's hoping if we do get a Hyrule Warriors 2 they do something else beside the the standard adventure maps.

Maybe we'll get lucky and that's what the last dlc pack is about. It's suppose to be new gameplay modes. Maybe it's another story mode, etc and that's why it's last. Not just due to time to create but it could breath new life into the game more then the current dlc packs could.


You don't ever have to play a level twice with a different character, unless you care for heart pieces.
I think that's referencing playing the same map with different enemy placement and such, which obviously happens a lot in the Adventure mode since it introduces no new stages.
No, it's about heart pieces. I don't care for them, but I could see people who like 100%ing games losing their minds over them

Twili Midna is a blast to play but she makes the game so stupidly easy with her charge attack it's not funny.
"Oh look, a keep. Let me clear it out instantly."

Also, was it ever said that HW is going to be a series?


Those missions where your team has low morale from the start are becoming a challenge for me (the last few have been high-ish level network Links). Especially since I was talking recently about how it's cool that you can get a sense of how much your allies can handle, and when they'll be overwhelmed. Unfortunately, all of that goes out the window when morale is bad and you have to start playing the hero and rescue everybody. It's also unclear about how to reclaim your good morale sometimes, depending on the mission.
I'd like to see more weapon skins only if they upgrade the limit of a single weapon type you can hold.

Single weapon type you can hold? I don't understand what you mean, could you elaborate?

I can confirm however, that if you clock in at exactly 15 minutes, you get a B rank. happened to me when I attempted Zelda's baton rank 3 mission. ¬_¬

Yikes! At least we're frustration bros, or something.

Game Update - I've beaten (but not unlocked) the 8-bit white sword challenge (B for damage,
), gotten nearly everyone's weapons except Link's Tier 3 Great Fairy, Agitha's tier 3, and Lana's Tier 3 Summoning Gate (I've B-ranked all except Agitha's; I rage quit when it turned out I was way underpowered for it.), and completed two portraits from the Adventure map (How are you supposed to succeed at mission one of
Evil Power
? Is it a forced failure state?).

Funny, I've got all the level 3 you're missing, but I'm missing about four more level 3 weapons in the main map.

On the Master Quest map, I've gotten the tier 2s for all three characters, their character skins, gotten all but Zant's character skin

Heh, Zant was the second alt color I unlocked (after Link). I only got these two and Agitha, I think. I unlocked Volga's level 3 spear before his level 2: doing so unlocks his level 2 too; this is probably so that you aren't tempted to never unlock it (in order to avoid level 2 drops entirely). Currently working on navigating towards Wizzro and Cia's level 3's.

Maybe we'll get lucky and that's what the last dlc pack is about. It's suppose to be new gameplay modes. Maybe it's another story mode, etc and that's why it's last. Not just due to time to create but it could breath new life into the game more then the current dlc packs could.

Very unlikely, considering it's half the price of the other packs. I don't really expect new assets aside from perhaps new weapon skins. Wouldn't it be awesome if it let you play as the (large) bosses, though?


Single weapon type you can hold? I don't understand what you mean, could you elaborate?

Sure. You know how the Hylian Sword weapon consists of the Knight's Sword, White Sword, Magical Sword, and 8-Bit Wooden Sword? If each weapon gets an 8-bit skin and then get's a theroetical fifth or sixth, I'd like to be able to have more than ten of any single weapon class so I can make specific builds with more burner weapons.

Yikes! At least we're frustration bros, or something.

We should get matching T-Shirts that say Hyrule Warriors; F**k the Imprisoned.

Incidentally, I'm making a premature vote for a OT2 tagline; F**k the Imprisoned.

Funny, I've got all the level 3 you're missing, but I'm missing about four more level 3 weapons in the main map.

Heh, that is pretty funny. What's funnier is that I can get par for time and KOs for Lana's, and KO's and damage(somehow) for Links...

Rule of Three: F**k the Imprisoned
Sure. You know how the Hylian Sword weapon consists of the Knight's Sword, White Sword, Magical Sword, and 8-Bit Wooden Sword? If each weapon gets an 8-bit skin and then get's a theroetical fifth or sixth, I'd like to be able to have more than ten of any single weapon class so I can make specific builds with more burner weapons.

Oh, I see. Still, since tier 1 and 2 weapons have a very limited number of slots, even with Legendary, does it really make any sense to actually use them? I haven't unlocked Legendary yet, but I assumed they would still be outclassed for this reason.

Heh, that is pretty funny. What's funnier is that I can get par for time and KOs for Lana's, and KO's and damage(somehow) for Links...

Rule of Three: F**k the Imprisoned

Additionally, it's funny how reaching the quotas varies so much depending on whether you're playing solo or co-op. Playing co-op gives you a huge margin for time, not just because you do stuff twice as fast but because you lose a lot less time defending since you can pretty much sweep the map and never let anyone pass through. However, the much, much more meager enemy count means you have to farm enemies after completing all the objectives every time, which gets old fast, especially at the rate they appear.

If I had to ask for a fix for this game, it would be that conquering the whole map automatically gives you an A for KO's, or at least that each keep you conquer gives you a chunk of KOs. As it is now, playing coop has me avoiding to conquer keeps or diamonds in order not to get KO-starved later, which is both unfun and counter to everything the game is supposed to be about.

Oh, while we're at it, LET ME SORT MY DAMN WEAPONS. What order are they sorted in, anyway? It's not by acquisition time as you get new ones inserted in the middle of the list, apparently at random, and neither is it by power, stars, rank, slots or any other sensible metric. Ugh, it drives my OCD self crazy.
Oh, I see. Still, since tier 1 and 2 weapons have a very limited number of slots, even with Legendary, does it really make any sense to actually use them? I haven't unlocked Legendary yet, but I assumed they would still be outclassed for this reason.

Yeah, if you want completely optimal weapons they need to be rank 3 or 8-bit since Legendary doesn't do anything to add slots.


Oh, I see. Still, since tier 1 and 2 weapons have a very limited number of slots, even with Legendary, does it really make any sense to actually use them? I haven't unlocked Legendary yet, but I assumed they would still be outclassed for this reason.

Tier 2 weapons at their biggest number of slots are only 2 slots behind tier 3 weapons, IIRC. That's enough to power up all attacks, for example. So, with legendary they're nearly matched with each other. But, yes, tier 1 weapons lack too many slots even at their best. They're perfectly usable though, if you like their designs, but certainly not optimal.


Maaaan, I just spent some time getting missed A ranks and collecting a bunch of Adventure mode items only to find out that the items DON'T carry over map to map. I was almost certain they did with my first few Master Quest squares...

Oh well, got some Skulltulas out of it anyways. :|


Maaaan, I just spent some time getting missed A ranks and collecting a bunch of Adventure mode items only to find out that the items DON'T carry over map to map. I was almost certain they did with my first few Master Quest squares...

Oh well, got some Skulltulas out of it anyways. :|

Yeah, items are unique to the adventure mode maps. Even the standard adventure map didn't carry over any items to Master Quest. I was a little disappointed in that. It is cool for the Twilight Map since most of the items are new.
It feels good getting everyone's lv 3 weapons. Are there any really good maps for grinding experience and rupees besides the True Partners rewards map? Also, my NNID is KremlinChaos is anyone wants to add me.
Ok Darunia's level 3 weapon mission is pissing me off. I've played it quite a few times now and I dunno what the hell I'm supposed to do to A-rank it. I'm level 52 with a 4-star Igneous Hammer and I feel like I'm doing nothing to the enemies. Oh hey I dealt with Ganondorf WELL GO TAKE CARE OF THE SIEGE CAPTAINS oh but wait like 6 Moblins are going after Midna oh but wait again Zelda is demolishing Fi WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING ALL OF THE KEEPS YOU'RE BEEN DOING THIS MAP FOR LIKE 13 MINUTES AND YOU'VE LOST LIKE 9000 HEALTH JEEZ! I guess I'll level the bastard to 70 so it's actually somewhat do-able.

I'm bitter.
Ok Darunia's level 3 weapon mission is pissing me off. I've played it quite a few times now and I dunno what the hell I'm supposed to do to A-rank it. I'm level 52 with a 4-star Igneous Hammer and I feel like I'm doing nothing to the enemies. Oh hey I dealt with Ganondorf WELL GO TAKE CARE OF THE SIEGE CAPTAINS oh but wait like 6 Moblins are going after Midna oh but wait again Zelda is demolishing Fi WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING ALL OF THE KEEPS YOU'RE BEEN DOING THIS MAP FOR LIKE 13 MINUTES AND YOU'VE LOST LIKE 9000 HEALTH JEEZ! I guess I'll level the bastard to 70 so it's actually somewhat do-able.

I'm bitter.

I hated that mission too. Here's a video of someone A ranking with a level 50 Darunia that helped give me some ideas:



Oh, I see. Still, since tier 1 and 2 weapons have a very limited number of slots, even with Legendary, does it really make any sense to actually use them? I haven't unlocked Legendary yet, but I assumed they would still be outclassed for this reason.

Eh, chalk it up to me wanting to keep a copy to swap out sometimes. I like playing for aesthetics every now and again and get some amusement out of pairing up costumes and weapons together.

Additionally, it's funny how reaching the quotas varies so much depending on whether you're playing solo or co-op. Playing co-op gives you a huge margin for time, not just because you do stuff twice as fast but because you lose a lot less time defending since you can pretty much sweep the map and never let anyone pass through. However, the much, much more meager enemy count means you have to farm enemies after completing all the objectives every time, which gets old fast, especially at the rate they appear.

Not to mention that damage is split between the two players, so you have a shared pool to stick to in regards to damage ratings.

If I had to ask for a fix for this game, it would be that conquering the whole map automatically gives you an A for KO's, or at least that each keep you conquer gives you a chunk of KOs. As it is now, playing coop has me avoiding to conquer keeps or diamonds in order not to get KO-starved later, which is both unfun and counter to everything the game is supposed to be about.

The only time I do co-op is when I'm messing around with a friend (none of my friends have the game so we can't really play seriously) so I can't really empathize on that front. Having fewer enemies just means you can really clean shop and not have inexplicable hordes spawn in behind you and cheaping off some scratch damage. ¬_¬

Oh, while we're at it, LET ME SORT MY DAMN WEAPONS. What order are they sorted in, anyway? It's not by acquisition time as you get new ones inserted in the middle of the list, apparently at random, and neither is it by power, stars, rank, slots or any other sensible metric. Ugh, it drives my OCD self crazy.

Sorting would be nice, or at least make an algorithm that has a sense of logic to it...

I hated that mission too. Here's a video of someone A ranking with a level 50 Darunia that helped give me some ideas:


Did the same thing but in reverse on the keeps; started with the fairy one and ended with the middle, then worried about siege captains and other nuisances.

OT: FINALLY got Agitha's tier 3. I've changed my mind about her; she's a BEAST when it comes to one on one. Having an infinate juggle move and insane range on her WPG strike made that map remarkably easier.

Also, finished unsealing the Master Sword and started working on other characters weapons now. I discovered the Master Quest grind spot
lower left corner of the map
and pretty much threw Link into that until it was done. that map is VERY cathartic with how it's laid out. Link is now level 117...everyone else is in the mid 50s to 70s.

I've only got one more Skulltulla on the adventure map at the tier 3 Gate mission. I've re-established my unending hatred for the Aerofos and Their cheap ass ranged attacks ¬_¬.

Oh, and a question that no one can answer; who designed A1 and why do they have such a deep loathing for humanity?
The only time I do co-op is when I'm messing around with a friend (none of my friends have the game so we can't really play seriously) so I can't really empathize on that front. Having fewer enemies just means you can really clean shop and not have inexplicable hordes spawn in behind you and cheaping off some scratch damage. ¬_¬

Actually, enemies pop up much more often in coop. They appear in the map but are invisible and invulnerable until you kill some of their buddies; rinse and repeat. Makes clearing keeps a chore, and especially racking up the KOs. I've played virtually the entire game coop with the missus, including most if not all weapon missions, so it gets bothersome fast.

There's indeed the shared health pool but I'm OK with that. It forces you to play better which is always good, and it balances your doubled damage output. The KO thing is really bad because it encourages all kinds of boring, counterintuitive behaviours.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, finally got all level 3 from the first adventure map. Got Volga and Wizzro's too, only Cia's left.


It feels good getting everyone's lv 3 weapons. Are there any really good maps for grinding experience and rupees besides the true Partners rewards map?

I'd like to know this as well. The wife and I have just about completed the first Adventure Map, just missing A rank on one or two maps, and like 4 or 5 2nd Skulltalas, but the ones we are missing are an enormous pain in the ass, I think we need some levels. We've played co-op just about the whole time and she's just been getting Link higher and higher, so she has him at like 130 with a pretty great 5 star 3rd weapon, but as a result the rest of the cast is all mostly around level 50-55. What's the best way to grind xp and/or rupees to buy levels? Looking around just mostly seeing people mention some specific level that's on the Twilight Map, but we're not there yet.


I keep wanting to pick this up again... Then I keep remembering how I still need to unlock Zant's lv 3... Then I stop wanting to pick this up again. > _<
Oh, and a question that no one can answer; who designed A1 and why do they have such a deep loathing for humanity?

Assuming you mean on the normal Adventure map. If you try to play it legit, sure. If you use the mixture that makes all your subweapons powered up and just toss giant bombs everywhere then it's actually pretty damn easy.

I'd like to know this as well. The wife and I have just about completed the first Adventure Map, just missing A rank on one or two maps, and like 4 or 5 2nd Skulltalas, but the ones we are missing are an enormous pain in the ass, I think we need some levels. We've played co-op just about the whole time and she's just been getting Link higher and higher, so she has him at like 130 with a pretty great 5 star 3rd weapon, but as a result the rest of the cast is all mostly around level 50-55. What's the best way to grind xp and/or rupees to buy levels? Looking around just mostly seeing people mention some specific level that's on the Twilight Map, but we're not there yet.

If you have the DLC for it, the very bottom left corner of the Master Quest (A Rack Up Your KOs stage) map is probably the best general place for anyone to level up. Using EXP+ and if you can keep a focus chain going most of the map (you'll probably need to take out the giant bosses that spawn before you can really keep it) then you can get quite a lot of experience, like roughly from level 70 to level 80, in the 10 minutes.

On the Twilight Princess map there are two potentially better stages for characters with Light and Dark attacks. The best involves 3 Dark Ganondorfs that split into 2, then each of those splits into 2, resulting 12 Ganondorfs total. Using a Light weapon you can basically force the split/kill each of the shadows with one special use even with lower level characters and there's a Rally Captain that drops a SP Full that is there on the map at the beginning. With EXP+ and 3 special meters you can take out 8 of them and either use the level you get to take out the last one or you can die and restart, which is probably faster than going through the entire level complete/reloading process. You'll normally get at least 1 level in my experience from this in about a minute.

There's also a Fi map that is similar, but she doesn't die as easily to specials so it's not quite as fast or easy.


Yeah, those new mixtures make for pretty good contingency plans for the extra-bullshit stages. Haven't used the item one yet, but I've used guard break a few times on some of the harder maps that feature Zant in some way. I usually go in guns blazing instead of trying to get his weak point to show. I don't got the time to block your attacks, boy!
I hit the wall - hard - on the Adventure mode map. There are a ton of blocks that I need A's to even get access to and I just can't do it. I wanted to complete it before I started on the Master Quest map, but yesterday I just decided to give it a shot. It's got a nice, easy, fair difficulty curve, at least so far. Me gusta.

EDIT - Oh, I meant to ask. I encountered Zelda and Sheik both using 8-bit swords and shields, and using Link's moveset. What's up with that?
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