Probably during the last week of the month.
Sounds about right. If they give us one final patch, what'd you guys want to see in it? I only have three requests;
*Get loading times back to pre-MM DLC speed.
*For the love of the Goddesses, The Imprisoned automatically getting up after its weak point goes to half has to stop. Make it like the other bosses, it's annoying enough to bring him down once. Also, why don't the little Imprisoned give out materials? It'd go a long way to make getting badges for Agitha/Fi less tedious and time consuming.
*Have an option to move locked skills into different weapons. Put a hefty price to it if you must, but it's a shame to get 25,000 in lower level weapons when the ones I actually use have a blank spot going unused.
Takes forever to get levels after 70 though. Even with EXP+, a potion and a good grind level you only ever seem to get like 3. Beginning to wonder if the EXP potion even matters for anyone other than a lvl 1. Its cheaper to use the rupee potion, Rupee+, Exp+ and then use the money to buy levels.
I do realize I've repeated this enough to where it may be annoying, but I seriously recommend Master Quest Map's very bottom left square. I've been training Fi and Ghirahim there, they started at mid 75 levels. Now with EXP accelerator, EXP+, plus killing stuff while in Focus Spirit's More EXP!, they're both at 90 or further, and this after three matches at most. I've yet to earn less than 6 levels upgrades this way.