Yep! His combos blend whining stampy tantrums into the attacks. He either ends each attack screaming or laughing like a schoolkid. It's fantastic.If I can engage in a murderous temper tantrum then I'm golden.
Easily my most anticipated character to play as.
By Nintendo do you mean the one guy who said "yeah that's fine"? Because Eiji Aonuma was like the only guy from Nintendo who even touched the game ;b
Lol at the recent Ganondorf comments. I just unlocked him too snd he is defintely something else. He just swipes down enemies like they're made of paper. His final combo attack too can almost capture a keep alone. It's awesome.
lol just found out you can use the touch screen to equip items with the Skyward Sword weapon wheel by accidentally leaning my hand on the screen. Prefer it to using the d-pad as well.
Just beat the first levels of the three story branches (playing in hard).
Im having a blast with the game. Its incredibly fun, and I wouldnt call the story super good but its pretty interesting right now. Also Cya's story is told amazingly (2D drawings). ALso love the character expressions during the cutscenes.
Lana is so fun to play with the book. Same with Sheik and Impa. Link is worst character lol
The OST is so good when you hear a familiar melody. And for the new tracks I freaking love the song in the Cya assault stage. Dat chorus.
Now Danganronpa before sleep (chapter 5) but tomorrow I will continue my quest with this game.
Really glad I bought it.
Ruse classic items?
so whose getting the season pass (it's actually well priced imo)
so whose getting the season pass (it's actually well priced imo)
so whose getting the season pass (it's actually well priced imo)
No its long before that.So I guess you'll unlock Zelda only after the end of the story mode?
The game wont show slots for weapons, it will only appear underneath his usual weapon if you find one.Does he have a second weapon slot?
I feel like I'm being dumb and missing something obvious here, but once a Skulltula has appeared... Where are they? I keep going to the area of the map marked by a web, but there's never anything there.
I feel like I'm being dumb and missing something obvious here, but once a Skulltula has appeared... Where are they? I keep going to the area of the map marked by a web, but there's never anything there.
I feel like I'm being dumb and missing something obvious here, but once a Skulltula has appeared... Where are they? I keep going to the area of the map marked by a web, but there's never anything there.
I got a question, can you change the difficulty without starting a new game?
Yeah you can change it per Scenario (mission). it records which difficulties each level has been completed on. You can replay the story missions too.
Already posted some Dark Link picso whose getting the season pass (it's actually well priced imo)
Question: Do you guys in EU got the 8 bits sword right away in your inventory (280 ATA, no other bonus)? That's the way I got it after the 1st update in the JP version, but still got nothing in the EU version. I fear for a bug.
Question: Do you guys in EU got the 8 bits sword right away in your inventory (280 ATA, no other bonus)? That's the way I got it after the 1st update in the JP version, but still got nothing in the EU version. I fear for a bug.
Just got the LE - when you've registered the game on Club Nintendo, how long does it take for the Ganondorf costume code to appear?
Also can you buy the DLC through the game or do you have to go through the eShop?
Just got the LE - when you've registered the game on Club Nintendo, how long does it take for the Ganondorf costume code to appear?
Also can you buy the DLC through the game or do you have to go through the eShop?
Question: Do you guys in EU got the 8 bits sword right away in your inventory (280 ATA, no other bonus)? That's the way I got it after the 1st update in the JP version, but still got nothing in the EU version. I fear for a bug.
You get it at the same time you unlock Ganondorf in the story.It apparently unlocks when you beat the game
Just went in to GAME to get a £15 eshop top up and they had this in stock and couldn't resist (70 pages of art and "making of" stuff). Gonna leave it sealed until I've finished the main mode.
Absolutely. It works so well. And it's not the typical Warriors-game-quality here. This game is the best looking Warriors-game (still not great though but way better than any other game from the series). It doesn't "feel" like a typical zelda game (of course, the gameplay is different) but the atmosphere and's great.
Took about 5 hours for me, and you can access the eShop through the game. There's a bit on the main menu prompting you to go
mine was there within 30 minutes I registered at around half 4 yesterday had it before 5
This might be a silly question, but is co-op mode unlocked from the start, and can you play through (what I assume is) the main story mode in co-op too?
IIRC coop is 'unlocked' from the start. mind the performance dip though
I've heard that co-op is locked until you finish the first mission solo.
Maybe my Zelda 1 logic is out of whack but when trying to meet the search conditions for Ruto I bombed that one lone rock on the screen only to find out I needed to use a compass first and make it all sparkly, upon returning with another bomb it still did bugger all, this jagged green thing is a rock right?