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Hyrule Warriors |OT| Why are the enemies not doing anything?

My GAME CE preorder has still not arrived ;__; should've went with Nintendo UK store...

At least I have inFamous Second Son/Destiny to keep me busy for now...


you are trying way too hard

What gets me is that some people say the game is still playable in co-op:

Destructoid said:
Despite the lack of online play and inherent issues, couch co-op is an absolute blast, and I've played at least 30 hours with my wife, even though the campaign is roughly 10 hours. I cannot state strongly enough how much fun it is to share the experience with a partner.

Nintendo World Report said:
Co-op is a whole lot of fun, especially since you can divide and conquer on separate screens. While Hyrule Warriors looks absolutely gorgeous by yourself, the graphics take a gigantic hit in co-op, looking muddled and blurry. It’s understandable, since it’s displaying the game twice, but it’s unfortunate. Luckily, the framerate holds up for the most part in co-op. I never had an issue with the reduced graphics and neither did any of my co-op partners.

Nintendo Life said:
Playing through the entire adventure locally with a friend in tow actually adds a lot to your overall enjoyment of the title, as the tactical choices you make are effectively doubled; you can fight the enemy on two fronts and compose on-the-fly strategies that would otherwise be tricky when playing over the net. The drawback of this method is that the game's already 30 fps frame rate occasionally stutters, presumably because of having to stream two different views of the battlefield simultaneously.

...so I am not 100% sure on when my friend comes over, we will be able to have fun or be like sammyCYBORG.

Ein Bear

Holy shit I just
summoned the Moon from Majora's Mask.

This game is great fun. I haven't played a Warriors game since the PS2, so the gameplay is still feeling pretty fresh for me. I'm enjoying the light RTS elements, there's actually a fair bit more depth to the game than I was expecting, given the series' reputation.
Holy shit I just
summoned the Moon from Majora's Mask.

This game is great fun. I haven't played a Warriors game since the PS2, so the gameplay is still feeling pretty fresh for me. I'm enjoying the light RTS elements, there's actually a fair bit more depth to the game than I was expecting, given the series' reputation.

the series has had a negative image for years because people didnt want to give it a go or just liked hating on something that other people hated on, my hope was this game would convince a few people that Warriors isnt as bad as people have been misled to believe
Finished the main Legend/Story mode earlier, pretty fun stuff.
No playable Ruto or Agitha within the main game is a bit odd seeing the roles they play aren't exactly lesser than their series counterparts but I guess some character unlocks had to be saved for Adventure Mode. Groose's absence is felt when all the characters arrive in pairs except for Fi who turns up by herself.
Loved how the Ganon encounter required usage of all the sub items, ended it with a Zelda light arrow barrage leading into the finisher attack of a light arrow, this whole chain of which is of course started with sub weapon light arrows, SO MUCH LIGHT ARROW!
It's nice that they don't force you to play as Link for that final map, Zelda showing that her triforce piece isn't just for decoration.

Now to dig back into Adventure Mode which is a lot more packed than I was expecting it to be, here I was thinking it as something of a little side distraction. Only problem now is that Zant is still so far away and they ain't making the progress so simple.

Impa kinda reminds me of that water shark guy from the akatsuki in Naruto, can't remember his name but he is teamed up with itachi
Drawing all the mooks into a water sphere and slashing it with a giant sword may be the culprit for this thought, I'm thinking more Zabuza than Kisame mind you because that's one big(goron) sword.
Game is really fun. Graphics are ok and the game in general is not really impressive but I like the variety in the attacks and combos. It's so much fun to feel like a boss, even if I haven't played as Ganondorf yet :p

Edit : yeah quick reply so I can feel like I'm part of the OT since I've received the game this morning but I must go back playing (after watching Wall-E)


Couldn't resist and opened the guide to look at the artwork section. Skipped over most of it, but some of the early designs for the likes of Wizzro (great) Impa (awesome) and Zelda (erm...) are good to look at.

Also came to a discarded characters section that is interesting. Shouldn't be a spoiler to any storyline but i'll spoiler it anyway:

Linkle: Female version of Link, designed to be like a little sister of Link
White Fairy/Black Fairy: Evolved in to Lana and Cia


I like how A Link Between Worlds has a flip-cover. Colors on one side, gold on the other. Exact same scene.

Yea that's awesome and how it always should be!

Couldn't resist and opened the guide to look at the artwork section. Skipped over most of it, but some of the early designs for the likes of Wizzro (great) Impa (awesome) and Zelda (erm...) are good to look at.

Also came to a discarded characters section that is interesting. Shouldn't be a spoiler to any storyline but i'll spoiler it anyway:

Linkle: Female version of Link, designed to be like a little sister of Link
White Fairy/Black Fairy: Evolved in to Lana and Cia

The first one was posted all over news sites weeks ago, no need to spoiler tag that one.

...so I am not 100% sure on when my friend comes over, we will be able to have fun or be like sammyCYBORG.
..who seems to just cherry pick the criticisms and multiplies by 10. :)
Think Im just at the end of the legend mode. Been a blast and the game is not even finished if adventure mode is even longer.

Just beat one of the last stages with Fi, holy shit her continued attack leveled up is overpowered as shit vs groups of mobs. The even more fun thing is that commanders, if you play well, cant even touch you and even the bosses have a hard time while you are dancing all acrros the screen lol

Soooo good.
you are trying way too hard
Have you played it in co-op? Do you think the resolution and framerate is acceptable?

I'm not 'trying' anything, the game is an unplayable mess in coop and I was really excited to play it coop.

You're either blind to technical failings or have horrendously low standards.

It should not have shipped like this. Especially with the Zelda IP attached.

My coop partner and I were literally getting a headache the framerate was so bad.


Got my copy today. I enjoy Warriors games but I really did not expect to love Hyrule Warriors as much as I have. I've been playing it all day and ended up finishing the game in one sitting. I love (post-end story/legend mode spoilers)
Ganondorf having a chapter straight after, was not expecting that at all despite knowing he was playable and was a nice suprise
Anyone in NA willing to trade their Gamestop Ocarina of Time costume DLC for Best Buy Skyward Sword costume DLC?

PM If interested. I really want Ocarina of Time costumes badly, but I cant justify paying $10 more when I have GCU. Thanks!


Ah, the game fights back. You know, it's kind of impolite of a game to have most enemies be speedbumps, then toss in bosses that can take out half your health in one shot. And if they miss, case severed damage to the Allied Base anyway. Looking at YOU, Gohma.

Still, I'm having plenty of fun. Tried out Sheik, and that harp is a fun weapon. Then I found out how to use the Serenade of Water and Song of Storms and suddenly, Sheik became a much bigger threat. Still think Link with a sword is my favorite so far, but I haven't tried Lana yet.

So, being a Mosou newbie, is it common to be frustrated at the incompetence of my allies? Because Link and Impa were more hindrances than help last fight. Link getting KO'd early and Impa needing to be bailed out several times. I mean, could you just stop getting beat up once in a while? Oh, and the enemy is advancing at that keep, could you handle it, please? No? Guess it's up to me... again.

Ah well, made it up to the point where
the story splits into three
so at least that problem will be a bit less now.
Ah, the game fights back. You know, it's kind of impolite of a game to have most enemies be speedbumps, then toss in bosses that can take out half your health in one shot. And if they miss, case severed damage to the Allied Base anyway. Looking at YOU, Gohma.

Still, I'm having plenty of fun. Tried out Sheik, and that harp is a fun weapon. Then I found out how to use the Serenade of Water and Song of Storms and suddenly, Sheik became a much bigger threat. Still think Link with a sword is my favorite so far, but I haven't tried Lana yet.

So, being a Mosou newbie, is it common to be frustrated at the incompetence of my allies? Because Link and Impa were more hindrances than help last fight. Link getting KO'd early and Impa needing to be bailed out several times. I mean, could you just stop getting beat up once in a while? Oh, and the enemy is advancing at that keep, could you handle it, please? No? Guess it's up to me... again.

Ah well, made it up to the point where
the story splits into three
so at least that problem will be a bit less now.

yes, especially at higher difficulties, it kind of becomes a bit like a speedrun game, the faster you take generals and do objectives the higher the morale and the longer it lasts. on DW8CE i've moved so quickly on a level at chaos that my allies actually could survive on their own. At lower difficulties you dont need to worry about allies that much. Also at higher difficulties enemies become A LOT more deadly even the grunts. Also if you fail a critical objective at the higher difficulties while it may not be a game over, it might as well be.


Hmm, enjoying this game so far. I've tried other games in the Musou genre but I've never stuck with them for long. The Zelda theme and the rocking OST is definitely helping out here.

I though this line from the Eurogamer review about the Musou genre was brilliant though:

lol that's an amazing truthfact.
Ruto's moveset is a lot more stilted than I expected it to be, somewhere in my mind I pictured gracefully zipping between pools of water in a display of great crowd control drowning all the moblins in vats of water and bubbles. While the moveset does consist of that sort of stuff Ruto's got a certain stiffness to her standard weak attacks and the big ol' bubble move could use some sort of ability to draw enemies in because often it only nabs a few who may as well be dead already and you're stuck in this bubble swimming around on autopilot while the enemy generals just super armour attack through it with you unable to evade.
Not saying she's bad but I'm a bit underwhelmed, then again a bunch of my characters could use with stronger weapons right now, meanwhile Link laughs at everything because Master Sword.

Turns out Midna is the one who fulfils that whole crowd control moveset aspect quite easily, it's like you just transition into the mashing of strong attack at some point in your weak combo and just watch the chaos ensue.
Ruto's moveset is a lot more stilted than I expected it to be, somewhere in my mind I pictured gracefully zipping between pools of water in a display of great crowd control drowning all the moblins in vats of water and bubbles. While the moveset does consist of that sort of stuff Ruto's got a certain stiffness to her standard weak attacks and the big ol' bubble move could use some sort of ability to draw enemies in because often it only nabs a few who may as well be dead already and you're stuck in this bubble swimming around on autopilot while the enemy generals just super armour attack through it with you unable to evade.
Not saying she's bad but I'm a bit underwhelmed, then again a bunch of my characters could use with stronger weapons right now, meanwhile Link laughs at everything because Master Sword.

Turns out Midna is the one who fulfils that whole crowd control moveset aspect quite easily, it's like you just transition into the mashing of strong attack at some point in your weak combo and just watch the chaos ensue.

The "kill 400 enemies in 10 minutes with Ruto" map on Adventure Mode is tough as nails, with the two Gohmas and the three enemy heroes. I agree that she could use some kind of buff to her moveset.

If anyone's struggling with that stage (not even getting A rank, just finishing it) I found useful the BBY combo, as it lets you attack while being temporarily invulnerable. Getting the A rank is nigh impossible, as losing 4 hearts has you stuck with a B medal on Dmg. taken.

By the way, I'm really enjoying the part on Adventure Mode after
"the ending"
. Ganondorf is just too powerful. I like it.
So NoE posted this on Twitter. I think it should be the OT header.



Have you played it in co-op? Do you think the resolution and framerate is acceptable?

I'm not 'trying' anything, the game is an unplayable mess in coop and I was really excited to play it coop.

You're either blind to technical failings or have horrendously low standards.

It should not have shipped like this. Especially with the Zelda IP attached.

My coop partner and I were literally getting a headache the framerate was so bad.

The game does take a massive hit in co-op, including slowdown, 480p resolution and even tearing on the Gamepad, but it's not an unplayable mess.
I disagree, what you've just described is an unplayable mess and unacceptable in 2014.

Haven't seen it myself yet but if that's what it took to get two screen multiplayer running then it's more than acceptable to me, I'm looking forward to trying it out with my Mrs at some point this week

Xaero Gravity

I absolutely despise these types of games, but I'm still buying it simply because I want a reason to dust off the Wii U and because of the Zelda IP. I'm a fucking idiot and I know I'm going to regret this. u_u

Edit: Hearing how bad it runs during co op is making rethink this whole thing.
Haven't seen it myself yet but if that's what it took to get two screen multiplayer running then it's more than acceptable to me, I'm looking forward to trying it out with my Mrs at some point this week
Yeah we are talking about a game being rendered twice at the same time here


Yeah on wii u hardware and omega team have never done this before too

Even if it was on the PS4/Xbox One and they had GamePad like devices, it would take a hit. That's the way things work.

It's the same reason many 3DS games, such as Resident Evil and Pokémon, took a hit when you went from 2D to 3D
Yeah on wii u hardware and omega team have never done this before too, no wait they might have done this with orochi as a launch title can't quite remember

Actually they did warriors orochi 3 on Wii U, though I don't know what that was like

Edit - just seen you beat me with your edit before I even quoted lol


do your purchases really hinge that much on whether or not co-op runs well? i didn't know co-op was such a big deal in musou games. I'm looking forward to giving 2p mode a spin, but if it's really that bad I'm pretty sure I'll be OK playing solo.


The Birthday Skeleton
Looks like sammyCYBORG succeeded, after so many attempts.

Why don't you guy leave him/her alone, it's his/her opinion/trolling and no discussion will change that. Anyhow people have different perception, sensitivity or elitism. Just last week we found out that W101 was also an unplayable mess. (from others)
do your purchases really hinge that much on whether or not co-op runs well? i didn't know co-op was such a big deal in musou games. I'm looking forward to giving 2p mode a spin, but if it's really that bad I'm pretty sure I'll be OK playing solo.
I would say it's been in the series for a long time though recently they have utilised online though some would argue not very well. It is in my mind a single player game franchise first and foremost.


Happy to see many people enjoying the game like me.
I had a month headstart as I was playing after importing a JP Wii U, and I had the time to start thinking if it was only me or if many people will be convinced too! It seems so!

Up until now I wasn't convinced when seeing Iwata and Nintendo talking about cross-over partnerships who could benifit both compagnies. Like in SMTxFE and other MonHun costumes DLC. Last thing I expected from Zelda Musou is it change my mind on that.

Another refreshing thing for the fan point of view, is that Tecmo-Koei people seems really nice and easier to get than Nintendo on social networks.


I would say it's been in the series for a long time though recently they have utilised online though some would argue not very well. It is in my mind a single player game franchise first and foremost.

I am far from a musou expert but I did play some One Piece Warriors a while ago with a friend. It was fun but I never really felt that the "cooperativity" was a significant part of the experience. Mostly we were just doing our own things. I certainly wouldn't consider it an essential feature.


The game is exactly what I hoped it would be so far. It's just grinding and grinding, but you're given a lot of reason to. You really notice your warriors getting stronger with every battle and it just feels great to slice 'n dice through large swathes of enemies. Sheik is my favorite by far, I love 'em fast. Love the Adventure Mode as well, all the fanservice is really good in this which is great because without it the game wouldn't be half as interesting without it.


Just played the Demo at Gamestop. It has :

LINK-Sword and Flame Wand movesets

Feels sooooooo good. You have a dash button instead of a jump in this game. Using L-trigger blocked and holding it worked like Z target to lock on to folks with the camera for circle strafing and pushing dash button+directions had Link doing dodges and backflips and everything just like the Z targeting. Soooooo good.

Also using the dash button in the middle of attack strings CANCELS the string into the dash on most strings allowing the player to create their own custom combo chaining. Additionally combo strings feel LONG in this game. We had like a 7 or 9 hit string and it was just the Demo with Link.

Midna may look slow in trailers, but the folks playing so far haven't really been goin in with her hard enough. Looks like they mainly mash her slap attack. Her moves hit huge areas and come out super fast. She has with her Y (remember...the X and Y buttons are flipped on Wii U so I mean her base attack not her charge.) a lot of good dash in moves with the wolf and her X attacks use her hat. Her grab attacks do some pretty respectable damage all around and overall I loved using her.

Zelda reminds me of a cross between the DW3 Zhou Yu rapier and some Sima Shi/Liu Shan stuff. The big thing that seperates her is that she has a zig zag dashing slash like Zhang He and she has on what I think is her 4 string (YYYYX) an arrow rain where to close a pretty slick combo she fires arrows up and then a long trail of arrows come down on two sides. Really great character for officer fights and a fast moveset overall.

Link Sword Form is Zhao Yun easy levels of combo chaining. Super good. Has dash ins, 360 degrees crowd clearing and launcher attacks where he jumps up to either let you air combo after wards or bring them back down with a sword stab Nemea style. Not alot to say on specifics. Its all great and it all chains together and it all comes out fast with solid range and damage. People thought this was boring? Maybe compared to the visuals on other movesets maybe, but its one of the best fucking movesets for wrecking people I've ever had in a Musou. If Link appeared in an Orochi title, he'd be up there in terms of useful cast. His sword just works so well and the dash cancels make it so easy to keep wrecking folks as long as you want.

Link Flame Rod weapon is AMAZING. Just hitting X results in a fire tornado that goes along the ground further than any projectile I have ever seen in a Musou game period. If you hold X it will eventually charge and instead of firing the shot create an explosion. It is GREAT to cancel into this with the dash button during one of the several combos that launch folks but to do so may require a wall nearby so you dont backdash too far. His 4 string is fucking amazing...it could be another musou. Its a long combo that ends in a ground stab that explodes into a massive fire dragon that snakes 360 degrees through the field. Any and all strings with Flame Rod are just huge crowd sweeping combos. His 3 string is the flame bellows and ends in a fire tornado thats good for setups. His 2 string turns the wand INTO AN AX THAT HE THROWS! It goes 360 degrees and just annihilates crowds.

Demo was great. Game is mindblowingly good on how rewarding the movesets feel. Using the bomb item in the demo with R1 was fun. You always throw several bombs and its fast. You can guard break folks easy with this and setup juggles. Big Bomb items appeared. If a glowing bomb drops grab it and for a limited time you just chuck big bombs. When you get it go nuts. King Dodongo was fun too.

Really liked all this. When I get it I'm gonna max the difficulty and go in with Midna some more. I really loved her. So much personality in all her moves.

Xaero Gravity

I am far from a musou expert but I did play some One Piece Warriors a while ago with a friend. It was fun but I never really felt that the "cooperativity" was a significant part of the experience. Mostly we were just doing our own things. I certainly wouldn't consider it an essential feature.
When you find these types of games as boring as I do, you'll take anything to make it fun and that's what co op does for me so I view it as a very essential feature. Granted, maybe I just shouldn't be buying the game in the first place. xD
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