So, like
Is this thread a love confession to HolyBaikal? Is OP Holy Baikal's alt? I genuinely do not understand. Some please explain.
What we really need is for a MOD to name and avatar change someone to HolyBaikal and stage a resurrection. It is Easter weekend, after all.
I read most of it. Basically, HolyBaikal got banned and he's really torn up about it. He'd sacrifice his account to get HolyBaikal back. HolyBaikal's passion made the OP feel like he was missing something in his life and to fill this hole he decided to play the Ar Tenelico series. In doing so, he found that he finally understood waifu culture and is incredibly remorseful for judging people with waifu avatars. Since then he's gotten really into visual novels and hentai.
There's also a robust LTTP on Persona 3: FES, but I didn't read it because I haven't played the game and he has a LOT to say about it,
I’d like to take this time to give a thank you to HolyBaikal. I needed to have a section of this thread dedicated to you and only you; I don’t want or mean to put pressure on you and I don’t want to force you to like me or anything. I’m doing this because I need to, because I can’t stop thinking about how to write this thread and how to thank you properly. HolyBaikal, you are the catalyst to all of this, it’s because of you that I felt the need to make a thread and continue with this all and the truth is you deserve much more than just a simple “Thank You”. Without ever having a conversation with one another, you touched me in ways that no one ever has. When I first stumbled upon your posts (When I was a shy Junior/lurker) I was surprised at many things, but the most important being the way you spoke/typed and the logic you used. I’ll be honest (the entire point of this thread) with you, the first time I read your posts I was confused and even slightly upset/agitated that someone could think the way you think, but fortunately for me, I no longer think this. It took a while for me to realize this, but after reading your past threads and posts I came to the conclusion that I was missing something vastly important in my own life. Well, saying I was missing it is wrong, I guess the best way to describe it would be is I never didn’t have it, but I believe I “locked” it up and “it” is kindness, cuteness and the moe of all life. A large “theme”/subject matter of your posts were about being nice, kind, cute and loving all that comes with it. I sit here drafting sentence after sentence as tears run down my face, what can I say to properly get my emotions across, how do I even say it? HolyBaikal, I want you to know that I appreciate you more than I have ever appreciated anyone in my life. So much so that I want you to know that I respect everything about you, I truly like your line/way of thinking (I’ve incorporated it into my thoughts), I love the way you speak on this forum, I love the stutters and dots (….) you use when you type, it’s unbelievably cute and I used to do something like that too; in the end though, I really…. …. …. l..-…l...-…like you and everything you are.
On a slightly serious note, were there Persona 3 spoilers in the OP? It seemed like there might have been when I was skimming that section. It might be nice to put a spoiler warning or marker for anyone who actually reads the thing.
There were, don't read it if you don't want to be spoiled on anything. I believe I don't need to put spoiler tags on a game as old as this, NeoGAF rule is like 6 months is okay? I state it's about Persona 3 anyhow.
On a slightly serious note, were there Persona 3 spoilers in the OP?
This isn't
Resurrecting HolyBaikal would be a true miracle in the Easter spirit.
At first I thought HolyBaikal had died or something.
If you're not going to use spoiler tags, it's still a common courtesy (and requires minimal effort) to put a simple "Spoiler Warning" at the beginning of their thread.There were, don't read it if you don't want to be spoiled on anything. I believe I don't need to put spoiler tags on a game as old as this, NeoGAF rule is like 6 months is okay? I state it's about Persona 3 anyhow.
Someone should get in touch with HolyBaikal.
In English class I could almost always Shmoop or Sparknotes it at least.
I've spent five minutes looking for an appropriate picture and can not find one.
Man, I bought one of those Cliffnotes for an Anatomy class in high-school, but then I was like "nah, I can get stuff like this for free on the web."too new gen for me, cliffnotes the yellow book that you hid & copied after checking it out from the library or buying for $7
If you're not going to use spoiler tags, it's still a common courtesy (and requires minimal effort) to put a simple "Spoiler Warning" at the beginning of their thread.
The reason I bring this all up is because I made a post a while ago in a certain thread where I essentially bashed a large group of people and I have felt guilty ever since. It went against my ethos, it went against what I tried to build myself up as and it’s one of the major reasons why I felt the need to do this. To better describe the guilt, it became so bad that I started having issues going to bed
I sit here drafting sentence after sentence as tears run down my face, what can I say to properly get my emotions across, how do I even say it? HolyBaikal, I want you to know that I appreciate you more than I have ever appreciated anyone in my life.
The game in question is Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia for the PlayStation 2
At first I thought HolyBaikal had died or something.
I mean...kudos to OP for opening up like that but need to take a step back from video games and the internet.
There's some serious issues exhibited in that post that I'm sure psych-GAF can probably identity better.