At first I thought HolyBaikal had died or something.
No way you guys should read this shit.
Op, i choose you.
Hyperdimension Neptunia series maybe?Speaking of cute/moe games, they don’t need to be from either of those companies, I believe Compile Heart makes cute games too, right? I’d just like a list of games that may I may like.
"key" VNs are what you're looking for maybe, (Clannad, Little Busters, etc.)2nd Question: Since I mentioned VN’s for a brief moment, I can safely say I know absolutely nothing about them. If you know VN’s, or believe I should take my question to the VN thread, please say so. I’d like to play some VN’s with light hearted stories, coming of age stories, or the..uhh… the word escapes me, it’s when you help someone grow, those type of stories too. I’m not looking for horror, action, blood/gore stuff, easy going light themes. Ecchi/Hentai content is not required, I repeat, not required.
Haven't played P1 or P2 but yeah, I've been told to avoid 1 and 2 is not for everyone, but it's pretty good.3rd Question: This is for Persona know-it-alls. Since I’ve taken incredibly well to my first Persona experience, I’d like to know if playing the older Persona games is worth it? For it to be “worth it”, the story would have to be some-what good (considering the time-period the games are made) or the combat be amazing. I’ve heard that the first Persona game isn’t worth it at all, but the 2nd might be. Speaking of Shin Megami Tensei games, are the other series worth delving into as well? The Devil games or whatever they may be called. How do they differ from Persona and are they received better or worse than the Persona series? Another question, I’m not going to play Persona 4 just yet, but I’d like to know if Persona 4: Golden is absolutely necessary to have the best experience possible.
Can I get the cliffnotes version?I’ll begin with the story (but probably ramble as I have trouble putting my thoughts down). When we first meet our Main Character, we also meet a small little boy named Pharos and after that, Yukari Takeba. With one simple question/answer the potential to know her can be outrageous. Asking if she saw a little boy around will freak her out, at first I thought it was because she was mass-paranoid, but it’s funny because she’s actually afraid of ghosts, so asking someone who has phasmophobia if she saw some little kid, in what I imagine is a serious tone, would be quite frightful. I’m not going to delve onto the first impressions for all characters, but I will say that the first time I got to know Junpei Iori, I disliked him. I later opened up to him and his struggle to be “something”, but it took a while. The main story took a while to pick up pace and it’s because of this slow pace that I loved the game. I’ve read some threads/opinions where people hated the slow pace and wish the game could have started with a bang right off the bat, but I rather appreciate the slow roasting story buildup. The fact that S.E.E.S was always in the dark until the very end was something I enjoyed; it felt like I was actually a part of the group. The story itself is good; fighting the 12 shadows, the twist that the 12 shadows were actually the objective to a more sinister plot from Shuji Ikutsuki, the doctoring of videos from Ikutsuki, the Strega group and their inability to accept that the Dark Hour and Tartarus/Tower of Demise can be fought against, how the Kirijo group really messed up 10 years ago, all good. The biggest issue I have though is, did the Strega group want Nyx to descend from the beginning, or was it because the S.E.E.S group killed the 12 shadows that they decided to give up? That’s something I’m unsure about, but I know that if the Strega group attempted to talk to S.E.E.S things would have been very different. Speaking about the characters, I really enjoyed the Chidori Yoshino and Junpei love blossom. I felt so bad when Chidori died by giving her “life-force” to Junpei, but it was really sad when she came to after being transmogrified and forgot almost all her memories; fortunately for Junpei, she did remember an important part of the memory which basically contained Junpei and only Junpei. Aside from Junpei, the whole Ken Amada/Shinjiro Aragaki/Akihiko Sanada plot was interesting and unexpected (at first). As a character, Ken played the young, but incredibly mature/smart cliché, which was boring/lame, but getting to understand him more through his mini-plot was refreshing. The way Ken and Akihiko grow may have happened quickly, but I feel like it could most definitely be real and I appreciate that aspect of it all. Yukari and her mini-plot with her father was something I could almost relate to and of all the smaller issues, might be the most genuine. I’m glad that in the end, her father attempted to reach Yukari to tell her the truth; it was an incredibly nice touch. Mitsuru Kirijo is a bit of a different case. I never got the feeling that Mitsuru wanted to protect her father or anything like that (regardless of the fact she says that protecting him was her only objective). I think Mitsuru is the only character that could have done with more expanding, but in the end, the way everything closed worked out okay. Getting back to the story, there are some twists that I didn’t see coming. For instance, I never could have imagined that Aigis sealed Death into the Main Character, and I never thought about how killing 12 shadows will resurrect the hidden 13th, aka Death. I also didn’t see the plot with how the Kirijo group forced 100 kids to take medical crap to forcefully awaken Personas; that was quite a huge shock actually and I felt sad that Chidori, Jin and Takaya had to go through with it. In the end though, Takaya and Jin were a bit crazy and I didn’t feel bad for having to end them. The ending of the game was well done too. After the fight with Nyx’s Avatar and then Nyx itself, we jump ahead to March 3rd and are forced to witness everyone forget everything that happened for the past year; everyone except Aigis, which became obvious as to how she looked at Yukari, Junpei and the Main Character from the tree. Once I realized that everyone forgot about what happened; I was broken. Everything I did was lost, no one aside from Aigis remembered, and I felt so sad. Heck, the feelings that were going through me may as well have been depression. As I talked to the people that I maxed out my S.Links with, getting to see what they’re up to now and how they feel for me, it only hit me harder that I was done, game over. As I was forced to sleep for 3 days because I was tired, I was able to experience something beautiful; Aigis knocks on my door, asking me questions about the others, the Main Character (ME!!!) still remembered everything. Then the Graduation Ceremony comes and an amazing cinematic/cut scene occurs. As Mitsuru is speaking, the members of S.E.E.S begin to remember everything, and as I watched this, tears started rolling down my face, my yearlong (In-game of course) venture into this game and world was not for naught, but was a success. I was going to comment about how I hated the ending because I thought everyone forgot everything, but after seeing the end, it’s one of the best endings I’ve ever experienced. Whoever thought of doing that trick is straight up sly and sneaky, but totally smart. The ending tugged at my heart and to see the culmination of everything happening at once; I really enjoyed how the game ended, even if it did make me cry. (I’d like to believe that I, the Main Character, did not die in Aigis’s lap, in-fact, I’m going to go on believing that I’m just tired, because I sealed away something that shouldn’t have even been defeated in the first place, if you think otherwise, stop, don’t ruin the moment for me. The Main Character will wake up, and everyone will continue living their lives with peace and happiness, because that’s how the ending came across to me =))
People always tend to bash stuff they don't understand or they consider 'unnatural' .. Whether it's something pop-culture someone likes, or something really personal like a sexuality or gender identity. All it takes is a little understanding, putting yourself in someone's else's shoes and try and look at things from another perspective. What I got from this essay is your understanding of 'waifu' culture and whatnot. I appreciate that you were able to look back and realize you were wrong, or just a bit ignorant. That is an important lesson you can apple to many things in life.
Hyperdimension Neptunia series maybe?
"key" VNs are what you're looking for maybe, (Clannad, Little Busters, etc.)
Haven't played P1 or P2 but yeah, I've been told to avoid 1 and 2 is not for everyone, but it's pretty good. As for other SMT games, Devil Survivor series is the only other one I've played and I liked it.
PS2 version of Persona 4 is good enough, you don't really need Golden for the best experience in my opinion.
R.I.P Peace HolyBaikal ?
I'm sitting here, (re)watching The Imitation Game with my GF and her family and trying not to rip out this what anime does to people
I'm sitting here, (re)watching The Imitation Game with my GF and her family and trying not to rip out laughing.
HolyBaikal, I want you to know that I appreciate you more than I have ever appreciated anyone in my life. So much so that I want you to know that I respect everything about you, I truly like your line/way of thinking (Ive incorporated it into my thoughts), I love the way you speak on this forum, I love the stutters and dots ( .) you use when you type, its unbelievably cute and I used to do something like that too; in the end though, I really . . . l..- l...- like you and everything you are. Its hard for me to say this because I get this feeling that NeoGAF will think Im a mega-creep or a super loser for even confessing this, but I no longer care. You have changed me for the better and as I sit here thinking, I believe that every single person on NeoGAF, nay, the entire world would be better if they could have a little HolyBaikal in them.
Yes, Persona 3 is good. I think that's what you're saying... I'm not sure.
Yes, Persona 3 is good. I think that's what you're saying... I'm not sure.
I'm gonna try to read 30% of this.
Play whatever you want, stop giving a fuck about what anyone thinks.At least your getting a laugh out of this. Laugh laugh, it's okay.
I guess the best way to describe it would be is I never didnt have it, but I believe I locked it up and it is kindness, cuteness and the moe of all life. A large theme/subject matter of your posts were about being nice, kind, cute and loving all that comes with it. I sit here drafting sentence after sentence as tears run down my face, what can I say to properly get my emotions across, how do I even say it? HolyBaikal, I want you to know that I appreciate you more than I have ever appreciated anyone in my life. So much so that I want you to know that I respect everything about you, I truly like your line/way of thinking (Ive incorporated it into my thoughts), I love the way you speak on this forum, I love the stutters and dots ( .) you use when you type, its unbelievably cute and I used to do something like that too; in the end though, I really . . . l..- l...- like you and everything you are.
I need highlights. Bullet points. Something. Otherwise...
Your av works I thinkI've spent five minutes looking for an appropriate picture and can not find one.
In English class I could almost always Shmoop or Sparknotes it at least.I didn't even read this much in English class.
I read most of it. Basically, HolyBaikal got banned and he's really torn up about it. He'd sacrifice his account to get HolyBaikal back. HolyBaikal's passion made the OP feel like he was missing something in his life and to fill this hole he decided to play the Ar Tenelico series. In doing so, he found that he finally understood waifu culture and is incredibly remorseful for judging people with waifu avatars. Since then he's gotten really into visual novels and hentai.
There's also a robust LTTP on Persona 3: FES, but I didn't read it because I haven't played the game and he has a LOT to say about it,