You'd find that a lot of gay men also dislike the "stereotypical" gay man. MANY personal ads specifically(and sometimes rudely) state "NO FEMS!". Speaking personally, i'm attracted to men, specifically men with "manly" qualities. So feminine guys(or masculine women) don't do it for me.
Anyway, is it so hard to view people as a spectrum, and not points. There are so many varying degrees of "masculine" or "feminine". You have your super tomboy straight women and your pretty and dainty lipstick have your "light on his toes" straight interior designers and your rugged gay car mechanic. Polarized thinking needs to stop.
Oh, and why do you qualify the fact that a particular gay man's "gayness" is very pronounced(flamming) as him trying to "shove it down your throat"(to be blunt)? Sure it's obnoxious as all hell, but that's a personality flaw that has nothing to do with his sexual orientation. You get that in all flavors...the loud attention whore chicks, the loud overcompensating for being short chicks/dudes, the loud sloping forehead, knuckle dragging chest beating alpha males, etc. And really, even though I don't act like that personally, and find it to be a turn off(sexually), I have a very good friend who leans towards the fem side, but he still acts like a male. He doesn't cross-dress, he doesn't do the metrosexual thing, and he's not overly "detectable". I still respect those who are out and out proudly(not obnoxiously) because THEY are the ones that are paving the road towards equality(read: sanity), and I always find it insulting when i read or hear people say they should "keep it to themselves". Why should anyone have to repress apart of themselves just because of someone else's selective morality/acceptance scale? Are you even aware of all of the ways you express your sexuality throughout the day? The stares, the turns, the glances, the flirting, the gossip, the way you dress, the way you speak, etc. Try repressing all of that all the time and see how "human" you feel.
In closing, i'd say that if someone announces that they are gay, instead of viewing it as "OMG, why are they telling me they're gay, they're totally forcing their lifestyle on me", view it as them just telling you they're
not straight...there isn't an equavalent to telling someone you are straight because being straight is the assumed status.
Oh, and megarolleyes at gay=promiscuous. To be blunt(and this was touched upon a bit already), (slutty) gays aren't sluts because they're gay....they're sluts because they're (slutty) men.
. A dog is a dog, no matter who he fucks.