The only thing the OP should admit, is that just because he knows how to start a thread maybe he just shouldn't. At least not with such a barebones "thesis".
Give the man some fucking wings. Charge me later.Can someone nuke my mouth with some Chicken Wings? Kinda hungry.
Bethesda games got lots of bugs and glitches so when they have the launch I bets that reviewers are going to nuke it to the stone age.
I love their games though hope it does well.
You make it sound like reviewers have a vendetta against Bethesda or Arkane. What games did they give low scores to? Hell, Deathloop was getting perfect 10s.Bethesda games got lots of bugs and glitches so when they have the launch I bets that reviewers are going to nuke it to the stone age.
I love their games though hope it does well.
Bugs smugs, not many are actually going to pay for it.
Thank you I thought the sameWhat are you admitting? That you think reviewers are going to review a game you've not played poorly?
I feel like I'm missing something here.
Starfield is is looking like a game i would pay full price to play it on day one. Saddly i don't have and X console. Anyway... shame that is not on PS5. Hopefully is gonna do well.
I'm on the same boat. I don't own an Xbox, but if the game was good I'd buy it day one full price, which I don't do often. In fact I'm not that "worried" about the bethesda bugfest; that can be fixed even though it shouldn't be given a free pass. I'm more worried about the gameplay and that footage that shows the character using a hand-laser to mine ore from cave walls. Borefest that way lies if this is the main motivation for "exploring" planets. In Mass Effect at least you could just ignore that planet "exploration" shit altogether.
Only thing that could really hurt the game is if the main story turns out lackluster or if the NPCs are boring or worse yet, hated like Ava in borderlands 3. You can mod /patch everything else but you cant mod boring or uninspired main plot.
This.There's a reason Skyrim has been remastered and rereleased 100 times. There's a very special and unique game under there. It was able to draw you into it.
If it can do that... People will accept the bugs.
If it can't.... they're screwed and frankly so are we... because it's really the only game this year that has the potential to be something that special.
Like space.Bugs aside, the game looks terribly bland
Edit: He said Redfall is in much better shape than Starfield so it's probably bogus.
There's a reason Skyrim has been remastered and rereleased 100 times. There's a very special and unique game under there. It was able to draw you into it.
If it can do that... People will accept the bugs.
If it can't.... they're screwed and frankly so are we... because it's really the only game this year that has the potential to be something that special.
Bethesda games got lots of bugs and glitches so when they have the launch I bets that reviewers are going to nuke it to the stone age.
I love their games though
hope it does well.
I wager that will be the last time they attempt that formula. Even kings make mistakesFallout 76 has entered the chat and would like a word with you….
There's a reason Skyrim has been remastered and rereleased 100 times. There's a very special and unique game under there. It was able to draw you into it.
If it can do that... People will accept the bugs.
If it can't.... they're screwed and frankly so are we... because it's really the only game this year that has the potential to be something that special.
It does happen. Cyberpunk 2077 got universally panned on consoles as it was broken and performed like crap, and the critics scores reflected that.But reviewers never dock points for bugs, poor performance, etc. It's like they either don't see it or don't care.
It does happen. Cyberpunk 2077 got universally panned on consoles as it was broken and performed like crap, and the critics scores reflected that.
Reviewers generally have better than average PC's, so bad ports were probably not a big factor when it comes to their playthrough. At least in their experience. So games like The Last of Us and Jedi Survivor may still be an enjoyable and playable experience despite poor optimisation. Its different story than constanty coming across bugs, crashes and having sub 20fps dipping to the teens in FPS.
This branch of Bethesda though.. doesn't have the best track record of launching complete games at launch, at least from the last few games from them. And I'd be hugely surprised if they managed to pull that off with a brand new game and IP as ambitious as this is.
thats becasue its moslty based on real life science not just fantasyBugs aside, the game looks terribly bland
True. There's a limit to what reviewers can take and game breaking bugs probably isn't one of them lol.Sure, but Cyberpunk wasn't just buggy, it was absolutely broken (at least on PS4/XBO).
What PlayStation game is coming out this year that's going to be the next Skyrim? Please enlighten me.Lol, the only Xbox game maybe...
You sure about that? The original Spider-Man for PS4 will be 5 years old this September and it's still talked about.Look I'm sure Spider Man 2 will be great but it's not going to be talked about in 10 years, sorry.
Remember the leak / rumor that Redfall and Starfield were in rough shape?
It sounds like he got Hi Fi Rush right and Redfall right. Doesn't bode well for Starfield but we'll see.
Edit: He said Redfall is in much better shape than Starfield so it's probably bogus.
last year they demonstrated a video running video below 30fps and honestly speaking it was very boring to watch.have zero faith this thing will be anymore than a 7. Bethesda aint what they used to be, and MS has no what idea what quality looks like.
Hope its great - Xbox needs it to be.
What PlayStation game is coming out this year that's going to be the next Skyrim? Please enlighten me.
Look I'm sure Spider Man 2 will be great but it's not going to be talked about in 10 years, sorry.
Skyrim was groundbreaking and an amazing place to get lost in or sink hundreds of hours into. Starfield has the POTENTIAL to be as well. We haven't had that yet this generation. We've been waiting for it.