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I am disappointed :( [VJ2]

What? I thought it was confirmed that it had a DKC style 2 player mode. That sucks.

Edit: Nevermind. This is like bitching about no bots in Halo 2. It was never going to be in it anyway. 2 Player mode is still in.


Tag of Excellence
Damn no co-op? I'm VERY dissapointed. I was planning on playing this game with a few friends and the girlfriend.


The Viewtiful Touch

Do it now
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
Do it again now
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
Gettin' horny now


Meh... I was 95% sure that co-op wasn't going to make it in anyway.

I still remember the VJ1 post from the old board when I and others brought up the severe downsides to co-op (see impossibility) in this game with the current setup, and MightyHedgehog hit the main problem right on the head. There's no way to impliment the specials with two people without: 1-split screen play or 2-a shared super where one person hits slow mo for example and both automatically enter it. While that might be tolerated, it'd be more annoying than anything.

Add that to the fact that every released "co-op" screenshot still only had one life/power meter to which the topic of a shared life/power bar came up.....wtf? We should've saw this coming.

Oh well... still getting it heh.


Yummy :)



Total crap... the DS/PSP versions better have true co-op. Everyone should pass Joe over and buy Alien Hominid this fall instead...


Wait, so in VJ2 you have to play with both Joe and Sylvia at the same time in the game, instead of just going through it solo with Joe? Ugh I hope I read that wrong, I don't like that set up at all.


It sounds like you can switch between characters at will, so you don't have to use silvia if you don't want to. However, she's the only one with the new "Replay" power.


raYne said:
It sounds like you can switch between characters at will, so you don't have to use silvia if you don't want to. However, she's the only one with the new "Replay" power.

Errr...nope. The E3 and TGS demo had Joe doing "Replay"


Bebpo said:
Errr...nope. The E3 and TGS demo had Joe doing "Replay"

Err.. yes... according to the IGN preview (posted in the first post and dated Oct 18th) she's the only one that can do it.

Sylvia boasts more than just a skintight costume and pom-poms. She's the only one who can use the all-new VFX power "Replay." Joe can choose from the roster of returning powers, including VFX Slow, Mach Speed and Zoom In, but Sylvia has exclusive rights over the new ability.

So :p to you and your old build heh.


jarrod said:
Total crap... the DS/PSP versions better have true co-op. Everyone should pass Joe over and buy Alien Hominid this fall instead...

Woah, woah, woah. I'm as disappointed as everyone else, but that is just crazy talk. The game will still rock.


I've checked the previews at IGN and GS, only IGN claimed there was 2 player coop, GS always reported that you swapped between Joe & Sylvia

Deku Tree

Link316 said:
I've checked the previews at IGN and GS, only IGN claimed there was 2 player coop, GS always reported that you swapped between Joe & Sylvia

So these reports were just typical IGNorance? I'm dissapointed because I was looking forward to playing Joe 2 in co-op mode.



But it wasn't like I am going to buy this game any time soon with all the heavy hitters coming out in November. But without co-op I doubt I'll pick it up at all now.
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