AssMan said:Hijacking this thread. Bauer can go to hell. Let Vic clean up the mess:
Eat shit.AssMan said:Hijacking this thread. Bauer can go to hell. Let Vic clean up the mess:
TheOMan said:Because he was on heroin
Is it me, or is this Araz family creepy beyond belief. It's like they're robots :shudder:
Luscious LeftFoot said:Chicks always sweatin' you when you're trying to handle your biness...
Ronnie is so dead
Amen.BigJonsson said:Ronnie is so dead
BigJonsson said:Ronnie is so dead
My F*cking Grandpa said:Was that Buster in that Citibank commercial?!?!?! :lol
tmdorsey said:4 seasons straight man. Insane. Best show on tv!![]()
Gonaria said:I cant wait till monday, i want to watch the next episode now!!
DarienA said:Wow those 2 hours went by damn quick.... that might be because ALMOST ONE FUCKIN HOUR OF IT WAS COMMERCIALS...WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT ABOUT?!?!??!
The ex-President is on an All-state commercial! OWN3D!
Anyway, pretty sweet start to this season. Driscoll better get the f'n bullet in the head.
2 Hours tonight, and 2 more tomorrow.... WOW!
DarienA said:Wow those 2 hours went by damn quick.... that might be because ALMOST ONE FUCKIN HOUR OF IT WAS COMMERCIALS...WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT ABOUT?!?!??!
The ex-President is on an All-state commercial! OWN3D!
Anyway, pretty sweet start to this season. Driscoll better get the f'n axe.
2 Hours tonight, and 2 more tomorrow.... WOW!
Holy shit what is Driscoll gonna do to Hellar's son?!?!?!??!