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I hate gaming corporations, gaming publishers, shareholders and CEOs.


layoffs, studio closures, forced account creations, lawsuits over dumb shit. These past 5 months have exposed how disgusting corporations are. They are the single biggest thing ruining the fucking hobby. I sincerely wish they'd all crumble into massive piles of dust and all those higherups to lose all their fucking money.

Best case scenario, you get to publish your product with compromises and splotches mandated by the greedy publisher, and they keep the rights to your IP to do whatever with it they wish.
Worst case scenario, You can make a transcendental masterpiece that's gaming's equivalent to the godfather, the great gatsby, Star Wars, and Shakespeare and they will throw it, you and your team in the dumpster because it didn't sell enough units or make enough money. And that's assuming they didn't handicap the potential revenue your product could generate by strapping it to some bung subscription service- if they did you may as well already kick the bucket.

They serve hardly any purpose, the studios do all the work, and even then they get spat on and stomped on, and we suffer as players too due to less games being made.
Me Too Samesies GIF


layoffs, studio closures, forced account creations, lawsuits over dumb shit. These past 5 months have exposed how disgusting corporations are. They are the single biggest thing ruining the fucking hobby. I sincerely wish they'd all crumble into massive piles of dust and all those higherups to lose all their fucking money.

Best case scenario, you get to publish your product with compromises and splotches mandated by the greedy publisher, and they keep the rights to your IP to do whatever with it they wish.
Worst case scenario, You can make a transcendental masterpiece that's gaming's equivalent to the godfather, the great gatsby, Star Wars, and Shakespeare and they will throw it, you and your team in the dumpster because it didn't sell enough units or make enough money. And that's assuming they didn't handicap the potential revenue your product could generate by strapping it to some bung subscription service- if they did you may as well already kick the bucket.

They serve hardly any purpose, the studios do all the work, and even then they get spat on and stomped on, and we suffer as players too due to less games being made.
How exactly do you expect games to get made without these fuckers that you hate so much? If we had your utopia then we'd be getting nothing but 16bit indie games, bank loans cant fund games, shareholders and investors do
Yeah but sadly without them gaming (as we know) wouldn't exist, it's a necessary evil.

Want to get back to the early 80s when people coded games in their house and sold the floppies to their neighbours and local stores?
Unironically yes. I really don't care for super high resolutions, super sharp textures, highly detailed and stupidly huge game worlds and all of that. Great games can be made by one person in five years with very simple tools.

If finally someone would release a "counter-culture" console or whatever that's entirely offline, physical media based and all that, that us GAFers can take seriously (not talking about instaturds like the Amico), I'd be there day one. You know what, I'd bet it will happen at some point in the future. A machine that intentionally limits the technologies available for game dev so that all of the library conforms to a certain aesthetic and keeps dev time minimal.


One of the green rats
The big purchases were just a Hail Mary for investor growth. Now they will just squeeze as much out of those purchases until they dismantle and sell off the assets in the end.

Basically when the Xbox passion project got big then the board members wanted their fingers in it and hired consultants and put accountants in the mix to maximize investor growth in their names. This killed the Xbox project years ago now every time they put someone new on the project they just do the basic " raise prices and fire people " to make it look like they are doing something but because of the corporate bone picking it will always have a really hard time to turn things around now without dismantling years of poisonous infrastructure..


Unironically yes. I really don't care for super high resolutions, super sharp textures, highly detailed and stupidly huge game worlds and all of that. Great games can be made by one person in five years with very simple tools.

If finally someone would release a "counter-culture" console or whatever that's entirely offline, physical media based and all that, that us GAFers can take seriously (not talking about instaturds like the Amico), I'd be there day one. You know what, I'd bet it will happen at some point in the future. A machine that intentionally limits the technologies available for game dev so that all of the library conforms to a certain aesthetic and keeps dev time minimal.
This year has made me get a PS1 modded with a SD card port, find a good CRT and just live in that analog bubble. I fucking hate modern gaming with passion


These past few months? Gaming has been taken over by suits decades ago.

It's like everything that is good and becomes popular, big multinationals will want to profit from it. The main draw from having these huge corporations backing them is the fact that they foot the bill and allow for games that would never be possible otherwise. The drawback is, of course, the fact that they own gaming.

It was awesome when gaming was owned by nerds and people with a genuine passion for the medium, but this hasn't been the case in well over 20 years. The problem with artists and creators is that they ain't got a fucking clue on how to manage money. The problem with suits is that they have no fucking soul. In the best of both worlds, the corporate assholes empower the creative people and stop them from hurting themselves. This is seldom the case these days, however.
This is a significantly more insightful, appropriate answer to the problem.
It's significantly deeper than "GRRR I HATE SHAREHOLDERS REEEEE", it's a matter of fact that these suits will only end up failing for fucking over their breadwinners. Capcom and Sony are actually great examples of big companies managing their games studios well.
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