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I just have zero confidence from Xbox or PlayStation at this point.

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Gold Member
There’s like 50+ topics, and I didn’t know where to post my position on the current state of gaming.

Xbox is bleeding money. Sure, thanks to Papa Microsoft, they can probably bleed for quite a while longer. I just feel like the higher ups aren’t managing the studios well. There are games finally coming, but look how long it took.

Then you have Sony making ridiculous deals that came to light after the insomniac leak, lower than expected profits and their higher ups talking about multi-platform yada yada yada and that there’s no new first party single player games coming out for a year or whatever.

I just feel like these two companies are being ran/driven into the ground. It’s like they’re both trying to make deals for how they they think will keep/get to #1, that they don’t care about the repercussions later. MS acquires ABK, not caring what it will do to profits. Sony securing Spider-Man and getting those bundles out there, not caring about profits.

My faith in both companies is at an all time low. Obviously much lower for Xbox.

PC gaming really has it right.

Steam and Nintendo are the only two that still look great in 2024.


Reverse groomer.
AAA games are rapidly shifting to a multi platform system model because the development costs are getting too high for devs to limit reach of their games anymore. This is the results of that

And Nintendo are doing fine because their games are cheaper to make. Though I think they're not immune from criticism, at least they keep the games coming...


Flashless at the Golden Globes
They are both fucked and its all due to their own greed. They thought they could put their games on PC to make some short term profit and not impact their long term console sales, and time has proven they were both wrong. Xbox just got there a gen early because they started porting their games in 2016, but Sony will get there by mid next gen. And thats when you will see a similar podcast from Sony studios talking about how the industry is not growing and they need to put their games on nintendo.

Meanwhile Nintendo is bigger than ever because they said fuck you to PC and went closed platform.
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The gaming economy is headed for a HUGE BUST- the budgets for these games has gotten out of control to the point ROI isn’t high enough - combined with hyper inflation over bloated workforce that thinks 40 hours+ a week is CRUNCH and everyone chasing the next fad/Fortnite it’s INEVITABLE and probably much needed reset


Moderated wildly
There’s like 50+ topics, and I didn’t know where to post my position on the current state of gaming.

Xbox is bleeding money. Sure, thanks to Papa Microsoft, they can probably bleed for quite a while longer. I just feel like the higher ups aren’t managing the studios well. There are games finally coming, but look how long it took.

Then you have Sony making ridiculous deals that came to light after the insomniac leak, lower than expected profits and their higher ups talking about multi-platform yada yada yada and that there’s no new first party single player games coming out for a year or whatever.

I just feel like these two companies are being ran/driven into the ground. It’s like they’re both trying to make deals for how they they think will keep/get to #1, that they don’t care about the repercussions later. MS acquires ABK, not caring what it will do to profits. Sony securing Spider-Man and getting those bundles out there, not caring about profits.

My faith in both companies is at an all time low. Obviously much lower for Xbox.

PC gaming really has it right.

Steam and Nintendo are the only two that still look great in 2024.

One thing that Phil talked candidly about and seems to be 100 percent correct is the console market as we know it isn't growing. It's stagnated. An amazing year for games last year and there wasn't really any growth. It's not sustainable. Games will go everywhere, it's the way it is.

If you're a fanboy and can't handle that then it's going to be tough. All anyone should care about is that the eco system you have invested in is saglfe and the companies do the right thing by you to protect your investments.

I think things will be fine but shit is going to change.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Both consoles alienated me this gen. PS5 in the 1st year of owning it. Hate almost everything about it. Xbox has been great for me for 3 years straight - the games, hardware, sub, system UI.

They're losing me now by locking me to Xbox and putting exclusives elsewhere. Just clearly a far better and fairer deal on PC.
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Thinks Microaggressions are Real
MS acquires ABK, not caring what it will do to profits.
Sony securing Spider-Man and getting those bundles out there, not caring about profits.

You can accuse these companies of a lot, but not caring about profits is not one of them. The reason they do what they do is for profits.

Also, why do you care about their revenue/profits. You should care about the games they put out. Both are currently underperforming at this - Microsoft more so than Sony at the moment, but this week Sony said no more major titles releasing this coming fiscal, and Xbox said 10-15 games coming out this year, so who know how the year will end.

My advice, care less about the companies and more about the product. Play games you like where they are.


Exactly my thoughts.

I buy all consoles for exclusives, and Xbox has been weak for 2 gens now always promising "the games are coming!".
And now it seems to have pushed Sony who were on a roll last gen back into lazy mode.



Just go to Steam, Steam is amazing.

I personally don't have faith in Xbox, but I still have faith Nintendo and Playstation in the long run. I think they know what their doing in gaming.


It seems gaming, atleast console gaming is moving forward to something i have mentioned a few times in the past on here. That in the coming years eventually the big games, and maybe all console games, will be available everyhwere, and you basically pick the hardware you want to play those games on.

I think the only way to stop that future is to bring AAA game devlopment costs waaaay down, but no one seems to have a realistic way of doing that.


Xbox lost me. I sold my launch XSX in June 2023, after a terrible 2022 for first party releases, Redfall being awful, and missing their promised window for Starfield and Forza Motorsport (“all games available in the next 12 months” from the June 2022 showcase). At least with game pass, I barely owned any games to tie me to the box. Bought a PS5 in November. Sony has its issues too but I think it’s the best place for console with better third party support (including Microsoft now). My PC is getting way too dated for use now, so that’d be a hefty investment. Maybe later on.


AAA games are rapidly shifting to a multi platform system model because the development costs are getting too high for devs to limit reach of their games anymore. This is the results of that

And Nintendo are doing fine because their games are cheaper to make. Though I think they're not immune from criticism, at least they keep the games coming...
Makes you appreciate games like Robocop, maybe not triple AAA but still games like that are few and far between
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« generous god »
It seems gaming, atleast console gaming is moving forward to something i have mentioned a few times in the past on here. That in the coming years eventually the big games, and maybe all console games, will be available everyhwere, and you basically pick the hardware you want to play those games on.

I think the only way to stop that future is to bring AAA game devlopment costs waaaay down, but no one seems to have a realistic way of doing that.
This x1000000
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Wish we could split the industry in two. Have one with only AA lower budget indie type of games only. Why did we need to go super high budget. Real gamers will still support the hobby. We don’t need these 300M budgets.


Reverse groomer.
Hiroki Totoki said that there won't be sequels to MAJOR franchises (with GOW and Spider-Man being used as examples) on Sony's FY 2024, not that they wouldn't be releasing any new SP games in that time frame.
The article referred to "new major existing franchise titles".

It just means no sequels/prequels for a year, not "no new first party single player games coming out for a year"
so this means more new IP?


Gaming as a whole changed. Its so mainstream now that all they want is more money out of it. We still getting some incredible games, but i really dislike current sony. I loved the PS4 era sony and their leaders much more


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
They are both fucked and its all due to their own greed. They thought they could put their games on PC to make some short term profit and not impact their long term console sales, and time has proven they were both wrong. Xbox just got there a gen early because they started porting their games in 2016, but Sony will get there by mid next gen. And thats when you will see a similar podcast from Sony studios talking about how the industry is not growing and they need to put their games on nintendo.

Meanwhile Nintendo is bigger than ever because they said fuck you to PC and went closed platform.
Jesus Christ, I've seldom seen so much wrong in one post.

"They said fuck PC and went closed platform,". Fucking what? Nintendo didn't go close platform after saying fuck PC. They've been around for much longer than modern PC gaming. How was it working out for them with the Wii U? Did they fail because they were porting their games to PC?
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MS has dropped the ball massively on Halo, Gears, and Forza Motorsport. If you had told me this would happen 5 years ago I'd say you're crazy, yet here we are. This company's gaming division is in a tailspin


The article referred to "new major existing franchise titles".

It just means no sequels/prequels for a year, not "no new first party single player games coming out for a year"
yep, it’s amazing how many people have bought into the BS that is the latter though 🙄

I had to correct a JRPG Youtuber who thought that’s what it meant but even worse that there were no more first-party games this GEN

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Try this prescription, whenever I get mad at Xbox/Playstation I just buy a Nintendo console, it really works effectively and I'm serious.
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Wish we could split the industry in two. Have one with only AA lower budget indie type of games only. Why did we need to go super high budget. Real gamers will still support the hobby. We don’t need these 300M budgets.
I dont understand why some games cost what they do. Like Spiderman 2 with its 300mil budget, why does the budget have to be so high when they already have the game world already made. I mean i know thye touched it up a bit but still most of your game world is already there and ready.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Jesus Christ, I've seldom seen so much wrong in one post.

"They said fuck PC and went closed platform,". Fucking what? Nintendo didn't go close platform after saying fuck PC. They've been around for much longer than modern PC gaming. How was it working out for them with the Wii U? Did they fail because they were porting their games to PC?
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Gold Member
Y’all are fucking weird, turning your hobby into a second job with zero wages, worried about financials and whatever.

Just buy games that interest you and play them on whatever hardware suits you the best.


The nicest person on this forum
I don’t care about any of the companies….I only care about the devs who making the games I love.


Gold Member
Gotta love people on forums thinking they know better than the people who run the businesses
Can’t be much worse, when both companies higher ups don’t seem pleased with the outcome and near future projections.

I’m not saying I know better. I’m only saying that I’m not confident in the management at either company.


Reverse groomer.
Meanwhile Nintendo is bigger than ever because they said fuck you to PC and went closed platform.
If nintendo actually wanted to say fuck you to PC they'd make their next console too powerful for any PC to emulate. As it stands, they have a massive backdoor that they haven't properly addressed
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