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I Love Bees


Vashu said:
Finally, some movement. Also, be sure to keep that I Love Beer site in check... I live in Holland myself, so I can't do all those things but keep an eye on other things ;). This is pretty fun :)

Anyway, 2 weeks for the next set of stuff I guess... 15 days and 12 hours left to Chunder.


I thought ilovebeer was a joke site..
Dana updated her blog!

From the blog

In early July, an AI named Melissa crash landed, badly damaged, onto the server that hosts my aunt's website. The AI tried to orient and repair itself. The result: It turned 'I Love Bees' into a holy mess.

Now we're investigating the mess. And we need all the help we can get.

Here's what we know so far:

Melissa, a.k.a. "The Operator," used to run communications on a ship. The ship's purpose: to spy on an enemy known as "the Covenant."

The Operator has started communicating again. It's constructing hundreds of "roads" out of the 'I Love Bees' server. The roads all lead to payphones. And the phones are ringing.

We don't know why it's broadcasting, but the Operator is giving us GPS coordinates for the phones, and times to show up. So we are. We're collecting its fragmented messages and trying to put them back together.

Here's what else we know:

When the Operator crashed on the 'I Love Bees' server, it didn't come alone.

It came with two autonomous programs:
1) the SPDR, designed to repair damage to the Operator, and
2) the Pious Flea, designed to... well, we're not sure yet.

The SPDR brought the Operator back to life. But now the Operator is taking orders from the Pious Flea. So when the SPDR tried to eliminate the Flea, the Operator killed it.

We don't know much about the Flea, except that it wants "to seek, behold, and reveal the truth."

There is one other voice we've found on the site: The Sleeping Princess.

The Sleeping Princess uses Aunt Margaret's email account and error pages to share secrets and play games with us. We're not sure where she came from.

That's what we know so far.

We don't know what's going to happen next.



There are a lot more people there than I would have guessed. That must look hella funny to people passing by.. all these people crowded around the phone booths.


We don't know what's going to happen next

Like I said, keep an eye on I Love Beer, the supposed parody site (Pious Flea?). It's counting down, so in two weeks we know a lote more I guess... Also, the soundclips are related. The girl in PQI.wav 'Janecary' is named in Durga.wav. Also, the A.I. named Durga is Melissa, must be.

Cortana with a memory-wipe thanks to the Pious Flea (Guilty Spark? wild guess).


Hehe... That could well be, now that you mention it. Seems a bit strange to me though, but we'll see. I don't think it is, cause it has completely different errors, other than the image errors. Text is different too, with I Love Bees it is obvious that it was a person. These errors are more calculating.


Queen of Denmark
IMO, it's obvious that ilovebeer is a blatant parody. The whole point of the ilovebees website was to tell bits and pieces of a serious, slightly disturbing (especially in context of being framed against a friendly bee site) story. By contrast, ilovebeer is constantly trying to be funny, even in places where the site has been "hacked". The whole "COUNTDOWN TO CHUNDER" thing is evidence of that in and of itself. "This barrel is classified, and has a STRONG BLACKBERRY AFTERTASTE." Seriously. It's a big parody.


Still a bit skeptic, 'they' could've made it to look like a parody site and such, but it could be that it really is :p. We'll have to wait and see ghehe, ILoveBees is good enough though ;)

Enough clips to download already :)


human5892 said:
IMO, it's obvious that ilovebeer is a blatant parody. The whole point of the ilovebees website was to tell bits and pieces of a serious, slightly disturbing (especially in context of being framed against a friendly bee site) story. By contrast, ilovebeer is constantly trying to be funny, even in places where the site has been "hacked". The whole "COUNTDOWN TO CHUNDER" thing is evidence of that in and of itself. "This barrel is classified, and has a STRONG BLACKBERRY AFTERTASTE." Seriously. It's a big parody.

Yeah, i think someone said that it was someone from the Something Awful Forums.. or a group of them.


Blazing Sword said:
Dana updated her blog!
...an AI named Melissa...
I haven't followed this ILB phenomenon, but I do know that during a Making Of Quicktime one of the Bungie people said something about a one Melissa strapping a bomb to Master Chief's back. I don't know the link to this video, but it's on one of my OXM demo discs so I'll just go check it to be exact.

edit: Call me stupid and beat me with a paddle. It was Miranda, not Melissa.

edit2: Correct, MrLemming. I have a rough memory. :(
BuG said:
I haven't followed this ILB phenomenon, but I do know that during a Making Of Quicktime one of the Bungie people said something about a one Melissa strapping a bomb to Master Chief's back. I don't know the link to this video, but it's on one of my OXM demo discs so I'll just go check it to be exact.

I thought that was Miranda?


It's funny how all these soundbites relate to each other. Unfortunately, eyes.wav is a corrupt file. Tried to find out if it was an image file, but to no avail.

Seth C

I love this. I think I was one of the first ones to start pulling text out of the images. I only wish I could play in this part of the game. None of these coordinates are even within 200 miles.


Say Something appears to be non existent, the wav that is. It links to that 404 Error page.

Humz.. weird, when I say save as, it will be saved as an HTML file. I have it with both eyes.wav and say something.wav.... Too bad! :( Probably a database error, or a server overload.


Vashu said:
It's funny how all these soundbites relate to each other. Unfortunately, eyes.wav is a corrupt file. Tried to find out if it was an image file, but to no avail.

I listened to eyes.wav fine. Maybe try to download it again.

stuff from the wavs:

Jersey talks to some kind of machine who knows a lot of stuff and finds out about Jen James and her father.

This guy Jersey is trying to impress this girl Jen James who, apparently, is an alien (since she said her mother would freak out if she found out about her boyfriend Aiden, who is so "Earth"). Aiden helps people with "earth immigration", and he brougth Jen's brother to Earth. Jen runs away to the bathroom when Jersey mentions "intestine parasites". Jersey talks to a friend on a phone who tries to help him, and tells him to talk about her eyes when she comes back.

Jersey and Jen find out that her boyfriend Aiden is cheating on her in a restaurant, but Jersy is more interested that they serve tuna in that restaurant.

Jen is seen jumping of a building.

Jen is interrogated by a police officer.

Jen's father goes to the police station (?) to try and help her.

What do you guys think?


I got it! And I got Say Something too, thanks to a friend who sent it to me... But... Aliens? Humz, I am really intrigued at the moment...


And an A.I., who can do everything but can't find info about herself. She's 'reflected'..... But Jersey found out some rather nasty info bout his mom hehe. Too bad we're missing some soundbites, and there is, at the moment, no way to get to them.


Jersey was really shocked when he saw that there was tuna on the menu at the restaurant aiden was that other girl. And his mother had tuna when she was apparently meeting another man... Or am I getting this wrong?

Oh, and Jersey seems to be able to "tune in" to anyone and listen to what they say. He does it first with Jen and then seems to be doing it to Aiden and the girl at the restaurant.


No offense, but this whole thing was really, really lame. And I feel embarassed for the people who actually went to a payphone to listen to some lame message.


Junior Ace
Celicar said:
No offense, but this whole thing was really, really lame. And I feel embarassed for the people who actually went to a payphone to listen to some lame message.

Agreed. Sure glad I haven't been following this whole mess.


Celicar said:
No offense, but this whole thing was really, really lame. And I feel embarassed for the people who actually went to a payphone to listen to some lame message.

1) It's not over.

2) Good rule for life: just because it's not your cup of tea, doesn't mean other people might not enjoy it. In other words, I feel embarassed for your feeling embarassed.

3) For what it's worth, the "lame" phone message is a part of a much larger story. The people answering the phones were the thing that unlocked the sound files. At least two phones had to be answered correctly for each message to go "hot". If people weren't at those phones, none of the story would now be revealed. In fact, if you look at that link, in locations where people fucked up, those bits of the story are now presumably lost forever. It may be difficult to comprehend, but those glorious super-nerds out there on the streets actually accomplished something for the greater good of people who enjoy this kind of real-time fiction.

While I certainly had never seen so many trenchcoats in one place in my life, I enjoyed the whole thing. From a distance.

I understand that you might be disappointed since the conclusion of the day was not a FREE XBOX AND HALO 2 DISC SUPER GOLD EDITION OMGGG!!!, but I for one can't wait to see where the story goes from here -- this is only the beginning.



oh shit.. they're missing half of the four_goats lock.. i guess I should have gone to answer that call..

i just figured there'd be a bunch of others there..


I can't d/l PQI for some reason..

It links me to a 404 page :( I hope we didn't really lose the messages permanently.

edit: same thing with Tuna.wav, crap and Eyes

Deku Tree

cabel said:
In fact, if you look at that link, in locations where people fucked up, those bits of the story are now presumably lost forever.

Does anyone think these payphone calls are going to repeat tomorrow?


People (the unfiction-ites) are assuming that the 'cold axon's will be repeated tomorrow, yeah.

http://wavs.monkeyinjuly.com/ is keeping a mirror of all the .wavs, but in most cases copying the url and capitalizing any of the letters in the .wav filename will work (eyEs.wav).

Also note that there's only something like 210 axons currently listed, out of the progress bar's total of 777 -- the Aug 24th date was the start date, not the day the Halo 2 demo discs were going to come raining down like manna.

For my money, this ARG/ad campaign is far more interesting than any hi-res Halo 2 multiplayer videos or details on how many guns you can hold in each hand that will fire how many rounds before overheating, but to each his own.

I'm just hoping they can avoid a super chintzy conclusion where the 'winners' get an autographed poster, a photo with a cardboard cutout Master Chief and free Grunt action figure.


Junior Ace
Saint Cornelius said:
Someone who doesn't need to validate his measly existance by acting like an asshole on message boards. Any other questions, XDude?

Calm down, kid. What happened? You spend your day waiting at a pay phone only to have it not ring?
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