Windows 7 (relatively new install)
various Hitachi/Samsung drives
ASUS M4A78T-E AM3 Mobo
Rosewill 700W PSU
HIS Radeon 5770 (also tried using an old ATI 4670)
AMD Phenom II X4 945 Deneb P5W
x2 Mushkin DDR3 4GB DDR3 SDRAM
build is less than a year old.
my PC has been crashing over the last week in odd ways. i was hoping someone here had some ideas. (if this is not the right thread for it ill repost elsewhere)
last week while my wife was playing LORTO the screen went black, then the monitor displays a "no signal" message and goes blank. the system stayed on, lights and fans still working, but no picture our sound. CRTL ALT DEL does nothing. i think the system restarted itself eventually.
since then its been happening more frequently. at first it was just while playing games, now it happens with no real strain (checking email etc). i updated video drivers and it seemed stable for a day or two, then started again. i swapped my video card for an old one and it crashed after 15 minutes. so im guessing its not a GPU or a GPU driver issue.
most of the time it crashes and just stays like that until i hard power it down. it occasionaly restarts itself. a few times it does a startup repair routine. the last day or so it crashes as its booting. sometimes i can log in and it will run for a bit and then crashes again (it seems to work a little better if it remains shut off for a while. could just be coincidence).
so it doesnt seem like a GPU or graphics driver issue. im guessing its not a power issue, because the power stays on during and after the crash. everything in the case seems cool enough and its not too dusty, so it doesnt appear to be an overheating issue.
im just not sure what to look for at this point. id appreciate suggestions on where to start.
claviertekky said:
Hey man. I saw what you wrote before the edit. Sorry I didn't reply back earlier as I'm not in
this thread all the time.
You can start by testing out your RAM, so we can eliminate that issue first. Start by clicking on the Windows logo icon and type, "Windows Memory Diagnostic."
Let Windows reboot. Windows will proceed to run two tests twice and then boot back to desktop. If everything works out ok, then a balloon box will appear. If your RAM is faulty, a dialogue box will appear warning your equipment is falty.
You will also notice if something is wrong during testing as the system will say there is a hardware problem in your system.
ok. mem diagnostic done, no errors. the system rebooted like six times before i could confirm in the event viewer.
its actually rebooting itself a bit more than usual this morning. usually it just locks up and goes blank.
a few things ive noticed over the last day of watching the thing crash: the hard drive seems to cease all function. it just stops, not sound from the drive and the red light that signals that is in use does not come on at all. otherwise everything else seems to be functioning. the disk drive even opens and attempts to read a disk when inserted, lights and fans all remain on, etc.
i also attempted to do a check on the HD for errors, but it rebooted part of the way through. its crashing and rebooting constantly this morning. i cant get to stay on for more than two minutes at a time if i can even log on at all.