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"I need a New PC!" 2012 Thread. 22nm+28nm, Tri-Gate, and reading the OP. [Part 1]

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I can't find much -good- information on overclocking a 3570k. I would like to know the expected safe temperatures and Vcore for a 4.5GHz overclock. The build I'm working on right now isn't entirely stable (Prime95 usually has an error after ~45 minutes).

Unfortunately I can't help you with your question, but I am curious as to which cpu cooler you are using. I have the same chip and was getting mid-60's (via realtemp) at 4.2ghz with 1.175 v. That's with a hyper 212+. I haven't tried upping the voltage yet because I have a feeling that I'm going to fly past the temps you're getting.
Oh crap. Just went on the AMD Radeon HD6850 spec page and its recommends 500W minim, yet I'm using the Antec 450W.
Antecs are good but specify which Antec that is.

GPU manufacturers overrate the minimum wattage since a lot of people buy crappy PSUs that can't even delivery half the wattage it claims. A system with a 6850 on full gaming load only eats ~300w.


Everything is moe to me
dear neogaf, i need a new pc.

Your Current Specs: hp pavilion laptop x2 2.2ghz zm-82/4650m
Budget: $1000~ canada
Main Use: Gaming (5), Emulation (PS2/Wii)(3), HD Streaming(5), General Usage (5)
Monitor Resolution: 1080p, no plans to upgrade, have monitor.
List SPECIFIC games that you MUST be able to play: starcraft 2 w/ streaming. i wont die if i cant play other games [skyrim/bf3/whatever] on ultra, but i'm enough of a graphics horse to want high/1080p/40-60fps/AA optional.
Looking to reuse any parts? n/a.
When will you build?: 1-3 months. sooner if there's a newegg promotion through GESL, later if not.
Will you be overclocking?: probably.

i greatly dislike large frame drops in my starcraft and i'd like to have the ability to stream some games, so i would say starcraft on high and/or ultra with a 720p stream going out would be the 'this is what i want' baseline.

ps2 emulation would be a nice bonus, but i wouldn't call it a deal breaker.

other than starcraft the computer would be my entry into pc gaming, so while there arent many minimum benchmarks i can name, id like to keep options open for other games without needing to turn around and upgrade again next year if i fall in love with steam.

note: there's a lot of 'i dont knows!' for me when it comes to computer hardware, so im leery of picking from the reccommended builds list because, well, i dont know what i need or what things cost. i say $1000~ but i dont know if thats a lot for what i need or cutting it close. so yeah, i need informed opinions. -.-


Anyone ever heard of or order stuff from gadgetneeds.net? They're selling a Fractal R3 for $87.99, and while that's great and everything, seems to be just a bit cheaper than where everywhere else is selling it.

Edit - Seems slightly impossible to even progress through the checkout anyway, so it's probably for the better. I'm waiting for Newegg to slap free shipping on one of the cases.
Turns out there was no thermal paste on my processor. Asked my friend and his exact reaction was "Oh yeah...Forgot to check that" Guess he didn't spread it enough or whatever.

So my CPU fan is busted and my PC no longer boots and gives me a CPU overheat warning and shuts down. If I completely remove the fan, it boots but blue screens after about 10 seconds.

Taken it to work with me and my other, less stupid friend will have a look at it tomorrow.


Turns out there was no thermal paste on my processor. Asked my friend and his exact reaction was "Oh yeah...Forgot to check that" Guess he didn't spread it enough or whatever.

So my CPU fan is busted and my PC no longer boots and gives me a CPU overheat warning and shuts down. If I completely remove the fan, it boots but blue screens after about 10 seconds.

Taken it to work with me and my other, less stupid friend will have a look at it tomorrow.

Do you have to apply thermal paste to all processors you buy? Even if you don't plan on OC'ing? No processor comes with it already applied?


Do you have to apply thermal paste to all processors you buy? Even if you don't plan on OC'ing? No processor comes with it already applied?
Your CPU cooler will usually come with some thermal paste substance already applied. You can also remove that and apply your own, as the already applied stuff usually isn't as good.


90% done with my build (it's up and running, just the finishing touches [cables, LEDs, etc.])!



Does anyone run Windows 8 beta? Are the requirements harsher than Win7`?

I am really scared that Win8 will be another Vista fiasco... I have never tried a metro device, but I heard a lot of bad things as far as desktop PCs goes. I've been told they have developed a system primarily designed for touch, and not mouse!


Does anyone run Windows 8 beta? Are the requirements harsher than Win7`?

I am really scared that Win8 will be another Vista fiasco... I have never tried a metro device, but I heard a lot of bad things as far as desktop PCs goes. I've been told they have developed a system primarily designed for touch, and not mouse!

A lot of games run like crap in it. I don't really see why you'd want to run it as your main OS right now. It's buggy and, yeah, the Metro interface looks like a crap desktop environment. So its biggest selling point is actually a liability for serious desktop users.


Passing metallic gas
Im pretty close to finalizing my specs just one question for you guys. What are the benefits/drawbacks of having 4X4ghz ram vs 8x2?


Im pretty close to finalizing my specs just one question for you guys. What are the benefits/drawbacks of having 4X4ghz ram vs 8x2?

The benefits:

- If a stick craps out and you have to send a pair back, you still have a functioning computer.

- Possibly cheaper.


- It can be more difficult to get RAM overclocked to extreme levels. You're only as fast as your weakest link.

- You're using 4 sockets. If you decide you want even more RAM in the future, it means you'd probably have to toss 2 sticks into the trash (or ebay).


Worth noting a growing number of reviews including this one http://www.hardocp.com/article/2012/05/14/geforce_680_670_vs_radeon_7970_7950_gaming_perf are showing when all cards are fully overclocked the 7970 is faster than the 680. Even though public perception is the opposite.

Most people aren't running 30" monitors. I think most people have known that the 7970 has a stronger memory system and that on 25x16 and multi-monitor setups the Kepler chips start to feel it. Also if you look at frame latency the Radeons are FAR worse than the GeForces. Average FPS just tell half the story. And it's not just performance dragging down the 7000 series. They'd be a lot better regarded if AMD hadn't decided to price gouge the crap out of customers. If the 7970 came out at $400 you'd see a lot more people have respect for them.

It is supposedly only going to be $420 retail price. Just need to order it now, got my case and motherboard in today and the CPU can't be too far behind.

The DC2 MSRP is $400, the TOP is $420. Retailers are just gouging us before they even show up. I'll be waiting until I can grab one for $400.


Passing metallic gas
The benefits:

- If a stick craps out and you have to send a pair back, you still have a functioning computer.

- Possibly cheaper.


- It can be more difficult to get RAM overclocked to extreme levels. You're only as fast as your weakest link.

- You're using 4 sockets. If you decide you want even more RAM in the future, it means you'd probably have to toss 2 sticks into the trash (or ebay).

Thanks. I think I'm gonna go 4x4. I probably won't be upgrading for at least a year or so.


Does anyone run Windows 8 beta? Are the requirements harsher than Win7`?

I am really scared that Win8 will be another Vista fiasco... I have never tried a metro device, but I heard a lot of bad things as far as desktop PCs goes. I've been told they have developed a system primarily designed for touch, and not mouse!

First of all, Vista wasn't that bad. A lot of the benefits that people saw in Windows 7 actually existed in Windows Vista as it was the first Microsoft OS to make Windows more modular. People did not give Vista a chance because of tech perception (whatever the hell that is.) To me, it's not surprising that people continue to spew the hate machine when they don't know certain built-in Windows functions. I still see people on these boards recommending memtest86 and backup tools when Windows already has them built-in.

Windows 8 is great. Running it as an upgrade from my Windows 7 installation, and I don't have any issues at all. PC users tend to be the most conservative when it comes to changes.

The kernel is even lighter than Windows 7's, so the requirements are less stringent. Uses less RAM as well.

I can use a keyboard and mouse just fine on it. Metro serves as a replacement to the useless Windows Gadgets that existed for Windows Vista and 7 and a fancy Start menu launcher.

As for games, I've only tried Sonic Generations and Starcraft 2, and both work flawlessly.


mkenyon, you are my hero.

Rearranged my H60 rad last night... now it is set up as:

<-Fan|Rad|Fan<- on my 600t exhaust.

CPU temps never got above low 40s in Diablo.

That, combined with putting the mesh side on instead of the plastic, lowered my SLI temps significantly. One card stayed in the 60s while the other never went above the 70s in Diablo.

Before, these were both in the 80s.

Thanks again for your help and suggestions. Still going to try to order some of those BitFenix Pro 200s to replace the stocks with, as well.


I need a new computer but im not opposed to buying a pre-made one. If I go that route, what should should I be looking for as far as a setup that I can upgrade in the future? Any specific mobo, CPU, GPU I should watch out for? Basically all I wanna do is play Diablo and Starcraft and not have my computer come to a screeching halt.


I need a new computer but im not opposed to buying a pre-made one. If I go that route, what should should I be looking for as far as a setup that I can upgrade in the future? Any specific mobo, CPU, GPU I should watch out for? Basically all I wanna do is play Diablo and Starcraft and not have my computer come to a screeching halt.

I'm in the exact same boat. Playing Diablo 3 on low settings at under 30FPS on my 3 year old MBP was depressing.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I may need to give up my Samsung XL2370 monitor. I have a GTX 560 Ti. What is the best monitor in the 24-27" range nowadays? Is it the Dell U2412M?


Passing metallic gas
Don't discount looking at the 670, almost as good as the 680 but a fair bit less cash.

I would but I'm already coughing up a fair amount of money. At this point id rather just get exactly the card i want even if it means i gotta wait a few.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I need a new computer but im not opposed to buying a pre-made one. If I go that route, what should should I be looking for as far as a setup that I can upgrade in the future? Any specific mobo, CPU, GPU I should watch out for? Basically all I wanna do is play Diablo and Starcraft and not have my computer come to a screeching halt.
Check out Velocity Micro.
First of all, Vista wasn't that bad. A lot of the benefits that people saw in Windows 7 actually existed in Windows Vista as it was the first Microsoft OS to make Windows more modular. People did not give Vista a chance because of tech perception (whatever the hell that is.)

Vista was a brand new architecture. So when you combine new hardware with new drivers that companies had zero experience with developing and the fact that minimum PC requirements were a jump up from Windows XP... it's no surprise the whole thing was a mess. Once the driver situation stabilized and computer hardware caught up Vista was fine.

Windows 7 uses the same architecture as Vista and thus didn't have any growing pains at all.

K' Dash

I need a new computer but im not opposed to buying a pre-made one. If I go that route, what should should I be looking for as far as a setup that I can upgrade in the future? Any specific mobo, CPU, GPU I should watch out for? Basically all I wanna do is play Diablo and Starcraft and not have my computer come to a screeching halt.

I'm in the exact same boat. Playing Diablo 3 on low settings at under 30FPS on my 3 year old MBP was depressing.

Well, if you don't really mind pre-made, maybe you should go to this thread:

Alienware X51 thread of 2.56TFLOPS comfy couch gaming at 180W in a console size box


I need a new computer but im not opposed to buying a pre-made one. If I go that route, what should should I be looking for as far as a setup that I can upgrade in the future? Any specific mobo, CPU, GPU I should watch out for? Basically all I wanna do is play Diablo and Starcraft and not have my computer come to a screeching halt.
OP. Pick out a price.

SC2 likes really speedy cores, so a 2500K OC'd to 4.5Ghz is a good bet.
mkenyon, you are my hero.

Rearranged my H60 rad last night... now it is set up as:

<-Fan|Rad|Fan<- on my 600t exhaust.

CPU temps never got above low 40s in Diablo.

That, combined with putting the mesh side on instead of the plastic, lowered my SLI temps significantly. One card stayed in the 60s while the other never went above the 70s in Diablo.

Before, these were both in the 80s.

Thanks again for your help and suggestions. Still going to try to order some of those BitFenix Pro 200s to replace the stocks with, as well.



I'm running on a Win7 upgrade from Vista for a few weeks and I just cannot believe how much smoother my system is, from games to email.

Best 100 euros I've spent on upgrades so far.

Chris R

Well, if you don't really mind pre-made, maybe you should go to this thread:

Alienware X51 thread of 2.56TFLOPS comfy couch gaming at 180W in a console size box

That thing is so damn cool, but I wouldn't buy one right now until it gets updated with Ivy Bridge and Kepler. After that happens though I'm suggesting that one of my console exclusive friends pick it up. Trying to get him to register for a steam account so I can just start buying him games come the next sale :p


Thats a good point. I do eventually plan on getting a second one so i guess I'm just a bit fussy. The other thing is that newegg doesn't have either one of them, so thats a bummer.

If you're planning to go SLI think of it as 100 bucks towards a new card :p Just something to consider anyway :)

K' Dash

That thing is so damn cool, but I wouldn't buy one right now until it gets updated with Ivy Bridge and Kepler. After that happens though I'm suggesting that one of my console exclusive friends pick it up. Trying to get him to register for a steam account so I can just start buying him games come the next sale :p

I reaaaaally tought about getting one, looks super cool, if it carried a 7850 and i5 2500K I woulnd't even think about it.
ok.. well the wife has given me the go ahead to build a new computer..I haven't built a gaming rig in over 10 years but I know I can still do it.

my budget is about $1k max and I need a monitor and an OS.

HELP!! is my best bet to just build a computer based off the guide in the OP???

thanks GAF!


How does this look? I know its all stuff in the OP.

am I missing anything? better deals?? etc.. etc..
Unfortunately I can't help you with your question, but I am curious as to which cpu cooler you are using. I have the same chip and was getting mid-60's (via realtemp) at 4.2ghz with 1.175 v. That's with a hyper 212+. I haven't tried upping the voltage yet because I have a feeling that I'm going to fly past the temps you're getting.

I'm using the Hyper 212 EVO, and the ambient temperature is around 72°F (~22°C). The core temperatures have yet to go over 75°C (with RealTemp) while running Prime95. However, my 2500k is at least 10°C cooler at the same clock with a 212+. Ivy Bridge's temperatures are whack.

I think I have 4.5GHz stable around 1.23/1.24V; however, that seems high to me for Ivy Bridge. Anyone with a (semi-)professional opinion?


Unconfirmed Member
What would the HDD of choice be for a media drive? The drive I'm using now has been kind of finicky lately, and checking up on the SMART information, it's basically telling me I need to replace it.

Was thinking an F4, but apparently those have already been handed off to Seagate. With all that involves, I'm hesitant and looking at other options. Doesn't need to be particularly fast, or even big for that matter. Probably wouldn't want to go less than 640GB, but that's what I'm using now and it's not full.


What hard drive works best for this build between the two I selected? Is saving the extra $10 worth it? Also, do I need a higher wattage power supply?

CPU: Intel Core i7-3930K 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor ($569.99 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 612 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($47.27 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: ASRock X79 Extreme6/GB ATX LGA2011 Motherboard ($278.94 @ Newegg)
Memory: Samsung 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($23.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Samsung 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($23.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Samsung 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($23.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Samsung 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($23.99 @ Newegg)
Hard Drive: Western Digital RE3 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($117.09 @ Compuvest)
Hard Drive: Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($109.99 @ Newegg)

Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 2GB Video Card ($399.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: Fractal Design Define XL Titanium Grey ATX Full Tower Case ($149.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 620W ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($85.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Optical Drive: Asus BC-12B1ST/BLK/B/AS Blu-Ray Reader, DVD/CD Writer ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1905.20
(Prices include shipping and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-05-17 00:25 EDT-0400)

So more like 1800 once I pick a hard drive. Is there anything I should be worried about? Any last minute bargains I can take advantage of (as in, are there some cheaper alternatives to some of these parts that still provide comparable performance)?

What would the HDD of choice be for a media drive? The drive I'm using now has been kind of finicky lately, and checking up on the SMART information, it's basically telling me I need to replace it.

Was thinking an F4, but apparently those have already been handed off to Seagate. With all that involves, I'm hesitant and looking at other options. Doesn't need to be particularly fast, or even big for that matter. Probably wouldn't want to go less than 640GB, but that's what I'm using now and it's not full.

I bought one of the "Seagate" F3s, and it looks identical to my Samsung F3 and scores the same when benchmarked. I've been using the Samsung F3 heavily for 8 months for media and games and it has never given me any issues.
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