Got my HD7950 through yesterday....JEEEES its a big mother. Had to bend the Hdd rack housing to get it in. Its in but it aint pretty.
Came with a free download code for Sleeping Dogs, Hitman Absolution and Farcry 3...which was nice
My PC has been a bit temperamental the past week or so (when i switch the PC on it wouldn't output to the monitor). After checking for slack connections and broken wires, i tried removing one of the sticks of memory.
Switched PC on, display image comes up. Ya dancer
After a bit of checking and swapping memory i found that the first stick of memory was the faulty one. So while i wait for the memory to be swapped and delivered (they were still under warranty) i'll manufacture the hdd rack so that it doesnt look like a blind berzerker took a benny with a hammer inside my case