Thank you for responding. I looked into it and basing it on your advice, I looked at this
gtx670 here. 2 of those would run about 200 less than the cheapest 690 so I like this plan already. I have an important question here too regarding my current motherboard
here. The 670 seems to be using PCIe 3.0, I have 2 PCIe 2.0 ports and the 670 is a 3.0 spec card, would I be losing huge performance since I would be going dual 3.0 cards on 2.0 ports? EDIT - doing a search, it seems that I can do SLI even if my MB doesn't say it does. That eliminates that worry. I guess my ultimate question would be on required PSU and a 7970 vs a 670.....the 7970's have 3GB of memory while the 670's have 2. I'm thinking this over as I will be spending lots of money on this.
PIC OF MY MB (not my own pic)
I deletes this paragraph since I already read up and edited in my findings.
The PSU's you linked a little above my price range right now but by income tax, I can bite the bullet and spend the 150-180 (as you said, 30 is small if I'm going to bother spending that much change) on a good PSU. The Samsung SSD in the 128gb config sounds fine to me but I have some questions if you would bare with me. I should plug that into my SATA 3 port or else I may not see the improvement in speed I'm looking for right? And can I place that in an HDD bay or is there some rule on not placing it directly on metal to rest?