Getting close to narrowing things down, just need tips on a motherboard.
CPU: 3770K; I understand that it offers poor gaming price-performance but I also do significant amounts of video work.
Budget: $100-$130 for the board right now; winter/spring/next GPU price-performance break further upgrades planned, so unbalanced spec is not necessarily an issue. US online retailers, Best Buy, or Micro Center are basically my convenient options; sadly I don't have a local Fry's. The CPU is probably coming from Micro Center, so a combo deal would be great.
Games I play: X264 10Bit Time Trial Championship Edition, Source engine, FFXIV but we don't know what 2.0 will want, assorted casual/older stuff that runs acceptably even now.
Hardware sitting on my workbench/on my desk/on a UPS truck:
1080p, 60hz, 2d monitor
Reference AMD 5770
Corsair VX450W PSU
2TB Barracuda - hasn't come yet, so I don't know how I did in the plant/sub-model lottery
Newegg's cheapo G-Skill
16GB DDR3-1600
Fractal Arc Midi case
May or may not even bother yanking my DVD-ROM out
Planned spring updates:
PSU - VX450 comes back out, gets crammed back into my current box for use as a HTPC/segmented encoding slave
Cooling - see if I can push it a little.
GPU - 7850/7870 or comparable power consumption and performance
RAM - up to 32GB and/or better performance, depending on usage patterns; I regularly bump up against my current 8GB in daily use.
SSD - May or may not even bother, I rarely reboot and mostly play multiplayer games where I wait on the slowest player's load time or MMOs with limited and safe zoning.
Non-planned updates:
Heavy overclocking - neither radiators nor high-performance fans are an option, so an overclocker's dream board isn't necessary.
3+ fast internal drives - Not particularly hungry for fast local access.
High-performance GPU - Will be either CPU-bound or monitor-bound for most tasks.
SLI - I'll cross that bridge in terms of board support when I come to it, especially as I'm not interested in committing to either brand right now.
Loads of cards in general - it may, may someday get a tuner card, that's about it.