I feel kind of bad having a great gaming PC and playing Age of Empires II 90 percent of the time.
Just run some benchmarks. Either, you'll be happy or depress.
I feel kind of bad having a great gaming PC and playing Age of Empires II 90 percent of the time.
I just got my ASUS VG248QE and connected via Display Port and I just get a black screen that says Display Port No Signal.
This seems to be the case with multi mon (1 DP / 1 DVI) or even just single mon display port. I have newest nVidia drivers and I'm also using the correct monitor driver from ASUS.
Any idea?
I just got my ASUS VG248QE and connected via Display Port and I just get a black screen that says Display Port No Signal.
This seems to be the case with multi mon (1 DP / 1 DVI) or even just single mon display port. I have newest nVidia drivers and I'm also using the correct monitor driver from ASUS.
Any idea?
where did you get your cable for display port from?
scogoth said:Which GPU?
Fry's, does that actually make a difference?
Sorry, forgot to mention. EVGA GTX 680
Cable, maybe but doubt it. 680 supports simultaneous out on all outputs at once so that shouldn't be an issue. Look in Nvidia control panel > Configure SLI, Surround, PhysX. Is maximize 3D performance on?
Fry's, does that actually make a difference?
Sorry, forgot to mention. EVGA GTX 680
Ok I got it to work, but I can only get up to 85Hz. I'm not even sure what this means, but in the nVidia control panel for "Change resolution" there are two groups. The first is HD, SD and the resolution there says 1080p, 1920 x 1080 (native). When I set it to that, the only 3 choices for refresh rate are 50, 59, and 60 Hz. Also when I choose that one, I get the no signal problem.
Below that there's a "PC" resolution group, which also has an option which just says 1920 x 1080. The refresh rate options for that are 85Hz only. That works, but a) I can't get it up to 120Hz, and b) what is the difference between these resolutions, if both are 1920 x 1080?
It has the option to create a custom resolution even if the monitor doesn't support it, but I'm nervous to try doing that and setting it to 120Hz if it's going to damage something.
This is the cable I'm using:
Edit: A quick google search shows there's such a thing as DisplayPort 1.1 and DisplayPort 1.2. Could this make a difference? The cable I'm using doesn't specify which one it is
yea it can, did you pay $60 for this cable?
you should return it & just get this one
the cable i own is display port to mini display port & it states that it only supports displayport 1.1, but i get audio & video perfectly fine which means its working as 1.2
This is the cable I'm using:
Edit: A quick google search shows there's such a thing as DisplayPort 1.1 and DisplayPort 1.2. Could this make a difference? The cable I'm using doesn't specify which one it is
No I paid like $25 for it. Hate how expensive all these fucking cables are though, such a scam. Even $25 is a lot. It's just a damn wire.
And of course it was wrapped in one of those impossible to open containers that you have to basically use a wood chipper on to make a dent in it, so that's all shredded up and I doubt they'll take a return. Anyway I'll guess I'll think about getting another cable. Although there's no guarantee that will work either, could be a driver issue too.
My 2006 MacBook is finally dying forever so the rest of my build is getting put on hold for a few months or more while I replace it. In good news I get a new MacBook I guess. Gonna snag the used H100 so the Compact Splash isn't sitting there all sad and lonely and will just keep my 670 on air until finishing the build.
Kinda chuffs me to have to buy this now and not in July but I need one for work.
Get a Dual Link DVI cable. Screw DisplayPort, I have 3 120Hz monitors and no issues with dual link dvi.
The difference between 1920x1080 and 1080p in nvidias control panel is the 1080p signal is guaranteed to stay with the spec for HDMI hence why it's limited to 60Hz. Why the other one is limited to 85 is beyond me, both DP 1.1 and 1.2 support 120Hz
And if you want to try the custom resolution it won't damage anything, worst that can happen is your monitor won't accept the signal.
I thought Dual Link DVI only went up to 85Hz though?
Nope, 120hz at 1920x1080
Is there any way to tell by looking at my cable if it's dual link?
Every game supports that because the OS and driver supports that. Sometimes you have to manually set it up to run in full screen windowed mode thoughAnother note, is it true a lot of games don't support two screens, meaning one for gaming, one for the desktop?
Haha yeah I keep posting the same post over and over. I need to get it in the op
You need DVI-I dual link or DVI-D dual link
Edit: turns out the 680 only has one DVI-I and one DVI-D so can't use DVI-I cables for both monitors.
This may be a stupid question, but all the games from steam that I've been installing on my new computer, has been installing on the SDD I think... How do I shift them to the HDD?
What are the necessary things on a SDD?
So it's pointless to have Adobe, Google Chrome, Steam, etc installed on my SDD?
Funny how I just realized all this now. What else wouldn't be nescessary on the SDD? Is STEAM something that can go on the HDD?
Funny how I just realized all this now. What else wouldn't be nescessary on the SDD? Is STEAM something that can go on the HDD?
Where DF posted that Crysis 3 CPU bench?hey guys what do you think about amds cheaper quadcores, versus i3 now that games will be moving towards more cores and both next consoles having amds?
Where DF posted that Crysis 3 CPU bench?
It still looks like this to me: http://techreport.com/review/23750/amd-fx-8350-processor-reviewed
What people deem acceptable performance is up to them. Plenty of time to wait and see what happened, but no point in gimping performance now to hope for equivalent performance later imo.
hey guys what do you think about amds cheaper quadcores, versus i3 now that games will be moving towards more cores and both next consoles having amds?
Is it possible to make the HDD the default drive for all my downloads and installs? Rather than the SDD?
Thanks so much for the help guys!
If they're all going into
(SSD) C:\[Username]\Downloads
Then you can change the download folder's physical location by right clicking 'Downloads'.
Select 'Properties'
Select 'Location' tab
Select 'Find Target' button.
And then find the location on the HDD that you'd like your downloads to go to.
Or you can go into each individual browser or app that you're downloading with and find their download path to change it.
For installs, I think since your OS is on the SSD, you actually have to make the decision with each installation to go to the HDD. Since not all apps use the same installation software, I don't THINK there is a simple way to force everything to look there only.