GAF, I was thinking of building a new PC for the next generation, as my current PC has almost stopped working. I have zeroed on the below mentioned config as of now. I have a few questions regarding this. First, will this rig be enough for next generation, at least for first 2-3 years? I will game at 1080p, with the best possible settings almost always (no SSAA etc. though). Also, can I get a better rig at the same budget? Shall I wait for a while as the AMD R2XX series graphics card series? What are the chances of new products or price drops in next 4-5 months? Any suggestions on this build are welcome.
Mobo- MSI H87-G43 Gaming Motherboard
RAM - 32 GB of Corsair Vengeance DDR3 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) PC RAM (CMZ8GX3M1A1600C10)
Graphics card- Galaxy NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 GC 2 GB DDR5 Graphics Card
Processor- Intel 3.5 GHz LGA1150 4770K i7 4th Generation Processor
HDD-Toshiba 1 TB Desktop Internal Hard Drive (DT01ACA100)
SSD-Samsung 840 Series 250 GB SSD Internal Hard Drive (MZ-7TD250BW)