I'm completely useless when it comes to computer/Windows related technical jargon, so excuse me if I miss out any relevant info, but my Mum has a really basic Vista PC, and we're wondering if there's any way to upgrade it to make it better for gaming.
It's a Zoostorm 45CMX VB Series M2, with:
Processor: Intel Celeron CPU E1400 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
Memory (RAM): 2.00GB
System type: 32-bit
I'm also pretty sure it doesn't have a graphics card built in.
It can run some things alright, like Max Payne, the original Splinter Cell, although Pandora Tomorrow only loads the intro and Chaos Theory doesn't even come on, and Far Cry, but a lot of games run at an unplayable frame rate if they even run at all; Enter the Matrix, Deus Ex Invisible War, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl being three examples off the top of my head. She doesn't want high specs at all, i.e. she's perfectly happy to play things with all the settings at minimum and at 30FPS if it means her games will actually play, and we don't want to spend a lot on it (under £100 definitely). She'll also probably be playing more older games for the most part, so stuff from say 2001-2007, although newer ones are a possibility.
So, as I said, I apologise if this is the wrong place for this, or if I've missed out any important info, but if anyone has any suggestions then it'd be much appreciated.