I'm 'concerned' about my temps. Currently my PC idles at about 40c, sometimes jumping up to 50c for no reason. I'm sure this wasn't the case last year, when it was around 30c. It's not super warm in England right now (currently about 20c, according to weather sites), and it's not super warm in my room either (just comfortable). Here's some photos I've just taken from inside my PC:
Now, I don't think cable management is an issue. I have 2 fans intaking from the front, and one exhausting to the back. The exhaust is maybe 4~5cm from the wall, so quite close but there's room for air to escape. I picture air coming in from the front, over the HDD, either passing the GPU (that idles at ~50c) or sucking up in to the fan, going through the CPU and then out the back.
My CPU is an i5-4670k, running at 4.2GHz with a vcore of 1.23v. Running Prime95 takes it to ~95c, but Aida only takes it to 65~70c.
Are these to be concerned with? I'm having no crashes, but I just wonder why the temps have gone up ~10c in a year. I doubt the LED strip is giving off that much heat, and I really don't want to remount the cooler with new thermal paste.