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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 1. Read the OP and RISE ABOVE FORGED PRECISION SCIENCE

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Good luck. Looks like it's gonna be a solid build.

Thanks, I will post some pic once I get it going. I want to try to make it look as clean as possible inside the case, so I will probably spend some time on cable management. do you guys use zip ties, or anything in particular when organizing your cables?
A few points to note. Most aftermarket 970 reviews are compared to reference 290X. A reference 290X hits its peak 95 C temp quickly, and throttles. An aftermarket never reaches this temperature, and provides better performance. Most aftermarket 290s perform inbetween a reference 290 and 290X even if not OC'd because of this. And most 290X's perform far better than you might think.

This 290X at stock is only 5% overclocked compared to a reference 290X. Yet it is 20% faster because it runs at that 105% the entire time, where the reference 290X hits 95 C quickly and drops clocks below 100% (see the PCS at stock is only 5% faster clocks, you can ignore OC results).


Secondly, I tend to consider recent game releases the most because they are either more likely to be played, or more demanding on average. In 10 games released in 2014, most in the fall, even a reference 290X is superior to a 970 at 1080.


And, the poster in question stated its for a 1440 build. 970 vs 290X at 1080 is debatable, and if you consider that 970 overclocks further, that res may still favour a 970 user who is aggressive with their OCing. But at 1440, it's pretty cut and dry.

For example, TPU is often highly cited. They use reference 290s in their reviews. Even with throttling, in the latest GPU average from TPU the 290X is only 1% slower than a 970 at 1080. I would never doubt for a second that the 290X is throttling in some games, and would be faster with aftermarket vs aftermarket.


You will get better OC headroom from the 970, so it's a pretty fair comparison at 1080 when you consider better OC from 970 vs non-throttling aftermarket 290X actually giving proper performance. But if at 1440 even a throttling 290X is beating a 970, I wonder if better OCing would be enough for the 970 to catch up?


Maybe. I would say stock vs stock on aftermarkets 290X is definitely faster at 1440 and, according to most new games, even better at 1080. With OCing, who knows. Maybe it was a bit presumptuous, but I'd still say that for the user I was replying to (1440 user) that the 290X is the faster card on average. And from brand agnostic users, I still hold that 290, 290X, and 980 make the most sense right now because you either want a good bang for the buck, or you want the best.

970 meets a niche for CUDA or G Sync users, 3D Vision, etc users that want to save some cash over the 980, but unless you really need these things it doesn't make sense for the average user (amazon giving you a rebate was worth it, you essentially paid the same price as a 290X, which I can understand favouring the 970 at 1080 if the cards are the same price since you can never go wrong with lower power consumption and heat distribution, though the false advertising still leaves me sour so I'd probably still go AMD in your case, but to each his own).

Thanks for all that info, I didn't really realize that most of the benchmarks out there are using reference 290/290x cards.

I really struggled with my decision but ended up going with the 970 just solely based on my past history with both companies. I switched back and forth between AMD and NVidia the last 4 cards I had, this is the first time I went to the same company twice (a 670 to a 970), and the reason I got the 670 was because I sold off my 6950 because I felt the drivers were not up to par at the time. I leaned Nvidia this time because of my recent experience.

I still wonder if I made the right choice. The 970 is slaying everything I run, although I can't say my 970 runs super cool. I got the EVGA super superclocked acx 2.0 cooling card, and it still hits 70C ish under load. The fans dont kick on until it hits 60C though, so those 70-72 maxes are probably for a very short time while the fans compensate, but its not as super cool as some have claimed.

Like I said I had an MSI R9 290 ordered and intended to return my 970, but after Amazon gave me the 20% refund I felt a little better and cancelled the 290. I'm still within return window I believe, sometime I worry about the 3.5gb vs 4gb situation and if I should return the card for a 290x.

Like you said can't go wrong with either really, and I hear the Omega drivers are a huge improvement for the AMD side (and I'm assuming the driver perf increases arent in the benchmarks either!).

Ugh, now I'm thinking I should have gotten a 290/290x.


Thanks, I will post some pic once I get it going. I want to try to make it look as clean as possible inside the case, so I will probably spend some time on cable management. do you guys use zip ties, or anything in particular when organizing your cables?
This is the only reason my new build took a couple hours. I was planning cable management while I went. God I love building PCs! I wish I had the money to build a crazy one.


Just stick with what you have. It's not worth the hassle of return when both cards provide virtually the same level of performance and you got a discount anyway.


Ok, here's what I think my final build is going to be. Heading over to Microcenter this weekend or next weekend to get everything (having them put it together because I literally have no time to waste hours trying to figure it out, i have multiple trials over the next couple weeks).

CPU - Intel i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory - Team Zeus Red 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
Storage - Crucial M550 128GB 2.5" SSD; Western Digital Cavier Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Graphics Card - MSI GTX 970
Case - What they have available that looks good and is under $60
Power Supply - Depends on what they have (probably a SeaSonic 620W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply).

I think all together, including assembly fee and paying for Windows 8.1, it should come out to around $1250

I'll pick up a keyboard and mouse as well. Already have a monitor.

I'll mainly be playing at 1080P, and I'll be happy if it can hold 60fps on most games for the next few years. I'll mainly be using this for Paradox games, WoW/FFXIV (whichever I end up re-subbing), Total War games, Company of Heroes, and the occasional new game. I still might buy new games on my X1 - unless this build will be able to run things better than the X1 - then I'll get it on the PC.

Alright GAF - let me know what you think?


Only 128GB SSD? Paradox games are small as heck so you can fit them plus Windows on that just fine, but any other modern game will have trouble. If you are interested in faster game loading in more games you might want a 256GB.


Only 128GB SSD? Paradox games are small as heck so you can fit them plus Windows on that just fine, but any other modern game will have trouble. If you are interested in faster game loading in more games you might want a 256GB.

Ok, I'll look for 256GB when I head over to buy everything. Other than that, does the build look OK?
Yeah I wouldn't spend that much on a PC if you're going to skimp on storage and memory. 8GB is probably fine but is 16 really that much more? And I would rather purchase the 512gb Crucial MX100 (or BX100 500gb maybe, it's also a decent SSD at a good price) and not even get an HDD. You can bolt on an HDD later if you can't afford it at the moment, (or if you can technically afford it but it's a bitter pill to swallow). If you've got a mobo that can take more 2 RAM sticks (it probably can, I haven't checked) then by all means go for 2x4 right now. As long as there's room to expand there.


Mostly done. Final specs

Corsair 760t
EVGA Supernova G2 1300W
ASUS X99 Pro
16GB HyperX 3000 DDR4
256GB M.2 SSD
250GB 850 EVO
1TB Caviar blue
SLI G1 970's
H110i GT with push/pull SP140's
Case Filters
Sleeved Cables

Cost around 3k.

Close to finished build pics.

Thank you to knitoe for cable tip on the GPU and mkenyon for general advice.

That's awesome man. Your are gonna be able to do some kick-ass gaming.

All these posts are starting to give me the upgrade itch. Uh Oh. Hard to justify when the only gaming I have been doing is like 200 hours of Banished, which I could be playing on a NUC or something.

I may go small this time and splurge on the Caselabs mitx case.


hide your water-based mammals
I have a 4930k with a single Titan Black. I am but a shell of my former self and I am dissapoint

I'm in the MJ White Sox phase of my PC career
Interesting way of putting it lol

I actually understood it.

I'm going through another prime period similar to how a dynasty works. I'm going to be good for years. And I have money for Rift but I'm waiting on the CV.


Hi everyone, I've built a couple pc's before but I'm looking to maybe get back into PC gaming again after years on the Mac side. So I'll fill out the little form.

Budget: I'd kind of like to spend around 800 but no more than 1000.

Main Use: Gaming.

Resolution: 1920x1080. I'll be needing to purchase this.

I'd basically just like to be able to run modern stuff at 60 fps. Are the builds in the build sheet pretty up to date? Would I most likely be ok with the standard build or should I just go ahead and go with the "great" tier? No deadline and no plans to overclock, never done it before.


Interesting way of putting it lol

I actually understood it.

I'm going through another prime period similar to how a dynasty works. I'm going to be good for years. And I have money for Rift but I'm waiting on the CV.

When you see a post like this


you will know..it is time

Just got sick of SLI?

not really just on a down phase right now. in the past my upgrades were always lined up with graphical heavy hitters or new tech. none of that is happening....right now...


Hi everyone, I've built a couple pc's before but I'm looking to maybe get back into PC gaming again after years on the Mac side. So I'll fill out the little form.

Budget: I'd kind of like to spend around 800 but no more than 1000.

Main Use: Gaming.

Resolution: 1920x1080. I'll be needing to purchase this.

I'd basically just like to be able to run modern stuff at 60 fps. Are the builds in the build sheet pretty up to date? Would I most likely be ok with the standard build or should I just go ahead and go with the "great" tier? No deadline and no plans to overclock, never done it before.

Overclocking's easy, there are many guides, and you'll get more life out of the PC before it feels like you have to upgrade the CPU. That said, if you insist on not overclocking then a bit of money can be saved on the CPU and motherboard that could go towards a slightly better graphics card.

Have you decided on a monitor? Once we know how much budget is left for the tower itself, we can spec a build for you. Something in between the good and great build with a stronger graphics card will probably do you just fine. That said, the prices in the OP are more a guideline, certain parts like graphics cards you'll find cheaper due to recent price cuts, and other things like better RAM and power supply can be found for the same price as what's listed in the example builds.

Any preference on the size of the case? There's no performance penalty for difference case sizes, just size limitations on much you can add in the future in terms of graphics cards and hard drives. And gaming is the most intensive thing you'll be doing on the PC?


Damn, so it turns out that the exhaust fan that came with my 200R is defective. I noticed shortly after buliding the PC that it wasn't running, but as soon as I used my finger to move it, it ran just fine. What I didn't realize was that every time I shut my computer down, the fan never started back up.

I just bought 4 new case fans, and I had a 140mm one left from my last PC, so it wasn't a big deal. But this whole time I've been unknowingly running without a rear exhaust!


Damn, so it turns out that the exhaust fan that came with my 200R is defective. I noticed shortly after buliding the PC that it wasn't running, but as soon as I used my finger to move it, it ran just fine. What I didn't realize was that every time I shut my computer down, the fan never started back up.

I just bought 4 new case fans, and I had a 140mm one left from my last PC, so it wasn't a big deal. But this whole time I've been unknowingly running without a rear exhaust!

Is the fan plugged into the motherboard or a fan controller? Sounds like the fan isn't getting enough voltage to start up.


Thanks RGM79. I'm not positive on what monitor I will be getting, when I was researching tonight I was thinking whatever the top seller on pc part picker would do me just fine. I'm not too picky on that, last pc I built I actually went a little too cheap on the monitor to keep the price lower and it didn't bother me that much in the long run.

Case wise I was expecting to get something mid sized. I'm not trying t build anything super small. And gaming is definitely the most hardware intensive thing ill be doing. No video editing or streaming.

Also I'm absolutely not against trying overclocking it just wasn't something I was planning on. If it's fairly simple I may give it a shot.


hide your water-based mammals
When you see a post like this


you will know..it is time

not really just on a down phase right now. in the past my upgrades were always lined up with graphical heavy hitters or new tech. none of that is happening....right now...
I'm in my tick phase but I'm actually positioned to be high end for a while. Getting the foundation up is always the most expensive part.

Next year will be basically 2k in GPU's and maybe an upgrade to a 5960x.

It does suck that we're basically in a complacent pattern.
So, I've got my decisions narrowed down to either a 280x 3gb or waiting for the new round of AMD cards coming in a few weeks.

Is 3gb enough for 1080p on ultra textures?


Is the fan plugged into the motherboard or a fan controller? Sounds like the fan isn't getting enough voltage to start up.

It was the motherboard. It's just weird because I had 3 fans fans plugged into the motherboard and the other 2 worked just fine. This one also doesn't move very freely. If I push on the blades myself, it stops moving very quickly, like it's resisting movement. I don't know if it's just gunked up or what.

I just took it out and now all my fans work.


Thanks RGM79. I'm not positive on what monitor I will be getting, when I was researching tonight I was thinking whatever the top seller on pc part picker would do me just fine. I'm not too picky on that, last pc I built I actually went a little too cheap on the monitor to keep the price lower and it didn't bother me that much in the long run.

Case wise I was expecting to get something mid sized. I'm not trying t build anything super small. And gaming is definitely the most hardware intensive thing ill be doing. No video editing or streaming.

Also I'm absolutely not against trying overclocking it just wasn't something I was planning on. If it's fairly simple I may give it a shot.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.89 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($28.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($100.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Kingston Fury Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($60.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($44.99 @ Best Buy)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 290 4GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($249.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: Antec High Current Gamer 620W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($58.99 @ NCIX US)
Monitor: Asus VS247H-P 23.6" Monitor ($138.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $953.79
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-18 23:58 EST-0500

This should work well for you and be able to run many games at 60FPS on fairly high settings, but it is on the higher end of your budget. If you'd like to save some money, then I recommend a cheaper 1080p-oriented graphics card like the Sapphire R9 270X 2GB ($160), but with that graphics card, you will have to lower in-game graphics settings to achieve 60FPS.

It was the motherboard. It's just weird because I had 3 fans fans plugged into the motherboard and the other 2 worked just fine. This one also doesn't move very freely. If I push on the blades myself, it stops moving very quickly, like it's resisting movement. I don't know if it's just gunked up or what.

I just took it out and now all my fans work.

Oh, then it does sound like the fan was faulty. Try contacting Corsair about it?


So I had the Shadowplay 2-min record loop cache directory on my SSD for six hours of gameplay time...

*tosses SSD in bin*

I'm still unsure what way to go.

I can get:

Powercolor R9 290 PCS for £200
MSI R9 290X LE Gaming for £250
Inno3D GeForce GTX 970 OC for £270

Benchmarks between the 290 and 290X are within a few percent. The 290 vs 970 is a fair bit more but assuming I am locked to 60fps because of vsync in 1080p are the 290x or 970 worth £50-70 more?


I'm still unsure what way to go.

I can get:

Powercolor R9 290 PCS for £200
MSI R9 290X LE Gaming for £250
Inno3D GeForce GTX 970 OC for £270

Benchmarks between the 290 and 290X are within a few percent. The 290 vs 970 is a fair bit more but assuming I am locked to 60fps because of vsync in 1080p are the 290x or 970 worth £50-70 more?

Hmm, it might come down to the games you want to play and how well which graphics card handles those games. Speaking purely from a price to performance point of view, it's hard to recommend the R9 290X and GTX 970 when the R9 290 costs so much less.


Neo Member
Finally, this is the PC that I bought

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-5960X 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor ($899.99 @ Micro Center)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H105 73.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($109.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X99M-GAMING 5 Micro ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard ($259.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($92.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($119.61 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card ($199.99 @ Amazon)
Case: BitFenix Phenom M Arctic White MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($93.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: Enermax 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
Total: $1776.54
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-19 05:19 EST-0500

Just wanted to get some opinions about the PC and Oculus Rift DK2.
I am thinking about buy it. It's a good idea or tt's worth to wait for another new revision? (maybe DK3)?


I'm still unsure what way to go.

I can get:

Powercolor R9 290 PCS for £200
MSI R9 290X LE Gaming for £250
Inno3D GeForce GTX 970 OC for £270

Benchmarks between the 290 and 290X are within a few percent. The 290 vs 970 is a fair bit more but assuming I am locked to 60fps because of vsync in 1080p are the 290x or 970 worth £50-70 more?

With the 290/X vs 970, the performance isn't a massively wide gap in general. What it comes down to is whether you think that the Nvidia ecosystem is worth the extra £70.

I'd lean to the 290 myself.
Hmm, it might come down to the games you want to play and how well which graphics card handles those games. Speaking purely from a price to performance point of view, it's hard to recommend the R9 290X and GTX 970 when the R9 290 costs so much less.

With the 290/X vs 970, the performance isn't a massively wide gap in general. What it comes down to is whether you think that the Nvidia ecosystem is worth the extra £70.

I'd lean to the 290 myself.

Thanks I will go for the 290 then, I don't want to spend more than £300 on a GPU when DX12 is just around the corner, I want something that will do me for 12 months or so.

I'm hoping to upgrade to Skylake at year end so maybe the 390X will have dropped in price a little bit by then.


Finally, this is the PC that I bought

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-5960X 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor ($899.99 @ Micro Center)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H105 73.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($109.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X99M-GAMING 5 Micro ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard ($259.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($92.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($119.61 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card ($199.99 @ Amazon)
Case: BitFenix Phenom M Arctic White MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($93.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: Enermax 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
Total: $1776.54
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-19 05:19 EST-0500

Just wanted to get some opinions about the PC and Oculus Rift DK2.
I am thinking about buy it. It's a good idea or tt's worth to wait for another new revision? (maybe DK3)?

Very high end processor you have there, but why skimp on the RAM and graphics card?

Sorry, don't know anything about Oculus Rift.


Neo Member
Very high end processor you have there, but why skimp on the RAM and graphics card?

Sorry, don't know anything about Oculus Rift.

Long-term plans to get better mhz/low CL DDR4 RAM in the future, and "next generation" (made in full stablished DX12) more powerful nvidia graphic card.


Long-term plans to get better mhz/low CL DDR4 RAM in the future, and "next generation" (made in full stablished DX12) more powerful nvidia graphic card.

Ah, that makes sense. If you were to wait for those, maybe waiting for Broadwell-E would have been an option, but I guess you needed a new PC now.
I just bought all my parts! For so long I've been wanting to build my own PC. I can't tell you how many times I had my mouse hovering over the "Order Now" button and backed out of it. Today I finally clicked it! AND...payment declined! twice! Third time lucky though! (can't complain...at least i know fraud protection is working on my card!)

Anyway, here's what I bought:

*Gigabyte H97M-D3H
*8gb ram
*MSI 290 4GB
*1TB WD BLUE hd (will SSD later)
* dvd drive
* windows 8.1 (oem)
* nzxt H230 case

total price £802 (including delivery). will be here tomorrow morning. so damn excited!

THANK YOU everybody who has replied to any questions I've asked in this thread (or previous ones). You've helped me out so damn much. Thanks!


Neo Member
Ah, that makes sense. If you were to wait for those, maybe waiting for Broadwell-E would have been an option, but I guess you needed a new PC now.

Indeed, I need it now (my 2006 Core2Duo died and since last year I'm using an absolutely horrible 2009 sony vaio laptop).

Anyway until 2016 won't be Broadwell-E, and it will use the same socket 2011-3, is in it?


Indeed, I need it now (my 2006 Core2Duo died and since last year I'm using an absolutely horrible 2009 sony vaio laptop).

Anyway until 2016 won't be Broadwell-E, and it will use the same socket 2011-3, is in it?

According to the latest news it looks like Q1 2016 for Broadwell-E, same socket as existing X99 motherboards.



Maybe go with 4x2GB of RAM for the quad-channel bandwidth. Though that wouldn't leave you any RAM slots for upgrades. I noticed that the picture of the motherboard on Amazon is a different mobo, the description is correct though. Don't know if that means they'll ship the wrong one or if someone just thought all motherboards look the same anyway.


Neo Member
Maybe go with 4x2GB of RAM for the quad-channel bandwidth. Though that wouldn't leave you any RAM slots for upgrades. I noticed that the picture of the motherboard on Amazon is a different mobo, the description is correct though. Don't know if that means they'll ship the wrong one or if someone just thought all motherboards look the same anyway.

Correct. The picture on Amazon is wrong. This is the one.

About the quad-channel, meh. Crucial DDR-2133 CL15 is a RAM with mediocre quality. In the 1st pc upgrade (maybe before holidays, don't know), will get full 4 slots of RAM (>3000mhz and <CL15 I hope)


Anecdote alert: If you're building SLI systems, do not skimp on the performance of your system RAM. I discovered that increasing the speed of system RAM has really improved or completely removed stuttering in the few games in my library that still exhibit it in SLI AFR mode. Granted, this is a tiny sample size of 4 games.

I realise this is increasingly an unlikely scenario for most people, but if you're adding a second GPU to a system you've had for a while, it may not occur to you to think about this. Some games seem to be moving a lot of data between CPU and GPUs in SLI rendering mode.

My system started out with 1333Mhz DIMMs and GTX 570s. When I replaced the GPUs with 780 Tis, I didn't think that RAM speed would matter and in most games it doesn't seem to. However, Far Cry 3, 4, Watch_Dogs and BF4 all had stuttering problems of varying degrees in SLI mode. When I recently replaced the RAM with 1866Mhz DIMMs out of boredom, frame-pacing problems in these games was either completely solved, or massively improved.

Afterwards, I did find some very brief statements in a few DDR3 reviews that said multi-GPU systems benefit from higher system RAM bandwidth, but this info does not seem widely known. It's probably because most people buying multiple GPUs are buying high performance parts anyway and most games don't show any discernible improvement from more system memory bandwidth. Still, I thought I'd share this. I'm very happy as I can now enjoy Far Cry 4.
Does anyone use custom fan profiles for their GPU?

I've had my EVGA GTX 970 SSC for almost 2 weeks, and I'm a tad concerned at my temps. Idle is fine, in the 30s, but I've seen it go as high as 78C under load.

I know the fans dont kick on until the card reaches 60C, I'm assuming the peaks in the 70s are before the fans can catch up and compensate for the heat. Should I set a custom fan profile to keep the card cooler?


Long-term plans to get better mhz/low CL DDR4 RAM in the future, and "next generation" (made in full stablished DX12) more powerful nvidia graphic card.

I'll be blunt, the GTX 960 is a poor choice. If you're using it as a stop gap, there are faster stop gaps for less money. Nvidia is not competitive around $200 on a bang for the buck basis, so unless you have a real need for Nvidia for whatever reason, I really must suggest other options.

A 280 is cheaper. It is the same speed on average when VRAM is not a bottleneck, and has 50% more VRAM ensuring it doesn't hit that bottleneck sooner (280 begins to pull away from the 960 at higher res and settings). A 280X is barely more expensive (around $200 on the egg), and is certainly faster and also has the VRAM surplus.

You have a 750W PSU, and with a liquid cooler your CPU is going to crank up your energy bill once you OC, so you're not a low wattage user. A 960 is frankly an odd choice, given the rest of your system. You said you already bought it so I guess you're stuck with it?



Get this crucial ram instead gives you quad channel bandwidth

Very good value, very nice looking aluminium heatspreader and black pcb!

You probably will get that kit up to 2666 or 2800 by increasing the voltage to 1.35v, which all higher speed ram runs at in the first place.

Ram wise it is not really worth overspending on those exotic high speed ram.

Btw do take note, X99 requires you to run 125 bclk to get beyond 2400 memory speed, which means adaptive voltages will not be usable no more.

Adaptive voltage imo a great feature for power saving with overclocking.
Can anyone offer advice for what to look for in a new laptop at the moment?
Or if I should even wait a few months?

Budget £900
Development so need a grunty (ish) GPU
Light Preferable
Decent Battery would be nice but not a necessity.
Desktop replacement.... (yes I know a laptop can't truly replace a desktop!)

I'm up to date on everything desktop component wise but it seems laptop components are a whole different ball game


Can anyone offer advice for what to look for in a new laptop at the moment?
Or if I should even wait a few months?

Budget £900
Development so need a grunty (ish) GPU
Light Preferable
Decent Battery would be nice but not a necessity.
Desktop replacement.... (yes I know a laptop can't truly replace a desktop!)

I'm up to date on everything desktop component wise but it seems laptop components are a whole different ball game

Laptop GAF.


Neo Member
Ehm, help me guys. I had a dramatic lapse in my common sense antivirus and I accidentally opened a docx e-mail attachment. In my defense it was adressed to my mom(shared mailbox from my telecom provider), had appropriate names and I spaced out and thought it was something meant for her. Upon opening however I noticed it seemed to be some sort of 10 page manifesto/propaganda text and my common sense antivirus started screaming out nooooo. I opened it in wordpad because this pc doesn't have office installed, so I'm hoping that's already a good thing. But I did check all of my running processes/startup and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I promptly scanned the file on virustotal.com which gave an all clear, after which I deleted the file from my temp folder. I still felt uneasy though and decided I needed to do a deeper scan so I ran microsoft defender and did a full scan which was all clear. Knowing that Microsoft defender is an untrustworthy piece of poop, I backed it up with an mbam threat scan with rootkit scanning turned on which also came back with the all clear. I checked my logbooks and saw nothing out of the ordinary either. My pc is behaving normally but I'm still kind of paranoid because it was a massive fuckup of epic proportions. I'm hoping I avoided infection with some piece of bullshit malware but how can I be even more sure than I currently am?

TL;DR: Fucked up, opened docx attachment - scanned pc with mbam, windows defender, scanned file with virustotal. Nothing detected. Am I ok? Should I nuke this windows install from orbit? Which I'm kind of hoping to avoid.
Just wanted to get some opinions about the PC and Oculus Rift DK2.
I am thinking about buy it. It's a good idea or tt's worth to wait for another new revision? (maybe DK3)?

The DK2 is awesome. But at this point, you're better off waiting until the consumer version. Oculus has stated that there will not be another publicly available development unit. In addition, there isn't really that much to play on it. Plenty of tech demos, sure, but only a handful of full game releases that support it.


The DK2 is awesome. But at this point, you're better off waiting until the consumer version. Oculus has stated that there will not be another publicly available development unit. In addition, there isn't really that much to play on it. Plenty of tech demos, sure, but only a handful of full game releases that support it.

When is the consumer version supposed to drop?
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