Is this a good mechanical wireless keyboard:
If you think there is a better sounding/feeling wireless mechanical keyboard for roughly the same price, please recommend. I also don't want something too gaming focused, you know - with neon pink lights and dragon fire breath coming out of it's ass every time I hit a keystroke. Something sensible for both gaming and professional use.
Wireless mechanical keyboards don't seem very common. I think that's the first one I've heard of. Is there a reason it needs to be wireless? Sorry, but I don't have any alternative suggestions.
That's a territory I'd not like to venture in. As for games, the games I want to play aren't incredibly intensive, and I'm really just using this until a decent Steam machine drops. I play stuff like SFV, Dragon's Dogma, and just a wide variety of games. I'm not looking to start pumping out the realistic graphics, but my CPU has been the bane of my existence since forever.
Unless you absolutely can't wait and you can get an FX-63xx or FX-83xx processor for very cheap, I wouldn't bother buying another AMD FX processor. You'd be replacing a weak processor with one that is just somewhat less weak.