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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 2. Read the OP. Rocking 2500K's until HBM2 and beyond.

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Just get a new GPU (GTX 970?) and a 700+ Watt PSU and you should be good.

Why should he get a 700+ psu?
He's not going to do SLI, that's for sure.
If his current one is a goodone (please make sure and check out the full name of it and make sure it's not a bad psu) than you only need a new gpu.
As a gpu you can decide between a Radeon R9 390 (8gb vram will be really good in the next years) or 970 (here is a good conclusion why you should choose one of them).

I would personally recommend to overclock the cpu (please get a good cooler for it) if it's possible with the mainboard.
A overclock about 4,4ghz should be possible and increase the overall performance (I oc my i7 2600k to 4,4ghz with a 20 euro cooler with the same P67 motherboard chipset).


Why should he get a 700+ psu?
He's not going to do SLI, that's for sure.
If his current one is a goodone (please make sure and check out the full name of it and make sure it's not a bad psu) than you only need a new gpu.
As a gpu you can decide between a Radeon R9 390 (8gb vram will be really good in the next years) or 970 is a good conclusion why you should choose one of them).

His PSU is garbage, ticking time bomb.
Should replace ASAP.
500W decent PSU like Corsair RMx, EVGA would be fine.


His PSU is garbage, ticking time bomb.
Should replace ASAP.
500W decent PSU like Corsair RMx, EVGA would be fine.

A good 500w one is a good idea.
The 700w was irritating.
As long as he does not do SLI he can get any quality 450w or higher psu and it should be enough.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
OK Gaf my friend is going to start buying parts this weekend and I just want to drop by and ask if this build is good or not:


Max Budget: $1,250

If anyone has any suggestions on something that needs to be changed than let me know please.


OK Gaf my friend is going to start buying parts this weekend and I just want to drop by and ask if this build is good or not:


Max Budget: $1,250

If anyone has any suggestions on something that needs to be changed than let me know please.

Mhmm, you don't need that much stuff with a normal 970 setup (SLI motherboard and big case).

Also you can get Windows 7 or 8/8.1 and upgrade it for free to 10 (which you should, you even get immediatley asked if you're connected to the internet and allow automatic updates while the first boot and configuration screen after the Windows installation).
Just recently build for a similar budget a pc for my friend.

Here is the thread

It's small, portable, quite and in my opinion an overall fantastic choice if you don't need more than one internal SSD and one HDD.


Tagged as I see fit
How difficult would it be to run to different GPUs in the same box? Let's say one is an nVidia Quadro M4000 and the other is a GTX 970. Right now the performance of the M4000 would slot in right between the 960 and the 970.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Mhmm, you don't need that much stuff with a normal 970 setup (SLI motherboard and big case).

Just recently build for a similar budget a pc for my friend.

Here is the thread

It's small, portable, quit and in my opinion an overall fantastic choice if you don't need more than one internal SSD and one HDD.
Well I don't know when and how he ever plans to upgrade the PC so I left a SLI Motherboard on the list in case he ever plans to dabble into that.As for the big case he wanted that himself since he's not interested in a Mini/Portable PC because he has a Laptop for that.

But other than that the list checks out right?


Well I don't know when and how he ever plans to upgrade the PC so I left a SLI Motherboard on the list in case he ever plans to dabble into that.As for the big case he wanted that himself since he's not interested in a Mini/Portable PC because he has a Laptop for that.

But other than that the list checks out right?

As someone who had a big SLI setup who downgraded his pc to a small mATX case and then just recently sold the second 970 I would really recommend doing a small case.

SLI with a 970 is not worth it.
Or SLI in general (only if you have enough money to throw away).
The smaller case will not effect your upgradability heavily other than you can't put more internal HDDs (which you always can buy external later).
Just for the lower noise level and great look I would recommend doing it.
Big cases just waste space and most people do not do anything with that space.
If you build a pc with about 1.000 and don't need SLI or many hard drives/crazy oc capabilities than you really should consider going small.

Your posted pc looks fine, can't find anything wrong other than getting Windows for cheap somewhere else.
I would get 16gb Ram from now on.
I have:
Seasonic S12II 520W EPS12V 20/24PI

Thinking about a gtx 970, 390 or 390x. Any of those cards require more power?

Based on some random benchmarks the 390x might be a problem... the 970 is guaranteed to have lots of room, even with an OC'd CPU. 390 should be fine I would expect. If you wanna be sure pick up a Kill-a-Watt and see how much your current system is drawing.


so after the PG279Q's poor qc issues and general lack of availability, what's the next best g sync monitor with an hdmi in?


I'm passing by to thanks RGM79 and everybody else who helped me here with my new rig. I already installed everything and I'm all set to go.

The CPU cooler is huge and took a good chunk of space, So I had to remove one cooler on the case lateral, it almost cover one of the VGA slots and it's over two memory slots, so I'm glad I bought two and not four. ¬¬

Now I just have to enjoy the machine that I'll be spending the next years with. Thanks again.

I have that same motherboard but i choose the Cooler Master TX3... you dont need a big ass cooler for skylake overclocking and does not cover anything on the board ...


Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
So I'll be building my new pc real soon and it's the first time I'm trying to fully DIY on my own. Previous PCs involve me going down to one particular store with minimal research and then buying everything from them.

This is my current list:

MB: Asus Z170 Pro Gaming
CPU: i5 6600k
SSD: Samsung Evo 850 250gb (bought)
HD: Probably a WD Blue 1TB
RAM: Crucial DDR4 2133 2X8 GB (bought)

Haven't decided on the PSU, case and aftermarket cooler.

I'm slightly wavering when it comes to the motherboard. I'm also considering getting a H170 instead since the main difference seems to be CPU overclocking and not much else. I might not bother much with overclocking. But the price difference really isn't that much.

Also, maybe some advice on what PSU and casing might be good? For those two I'm probably getting them from my local stores.

I'll eventually get a new monitor too since my current one has a native resolution of 1600*900 but I'll have to save more.


So I'll be building my new pc real soon and it's the first time I'm trying to fully DIY on my own. Previous PCs involve me going down to one particular store with minimal research and then buying everything from them.

This is my current list:

MB: Asus Z170 Pro Gaming
CPU: i5 6600k
SSD: Samsung Evo 850 250gb (bought)
HD: Probably a WD Blue 1TB
RAM: Crucial DDR4 2133 2X8 GB (bought)

Haven't decided on the PSU, case and aftermarket cooler.

I'm slightly wavering when it comes to the motherboard. I'm also considering getting a H170 instead since the main difference seems to be CPU overclocking and not much else. I might not bother much with overclocking. But the price difference really isn't that much.

Also, maybe some advice on what PSU and casing might be good? For those two I'm probably getting them from my local stores.

I'll eventually get a new monitor too since my current one has a native resolution of 1600*900 but I'll have to save more.

Since you're thinking of buying an unlocked processor, might as well buy an overclockable mobo. Otherwise you're better off getting the i5 6500 or 6400 instead and save some more money.

For the 970, a 500+ watt bronze rated PSU will be fine.

For case, that's honestly personal preference, I went with a Corsair 200R for my first build as it's a solid mid-tower case with nothing fancy about it, just functional and a decent size. No tools required for installing mechanical 3.5 hard drives and SSDs is a plus.
I have:
Seasonic S12II 520W EPS12V 20/24PI

Thinking about a gtx 970, 390 or 390x. Any of those cards require more power?

I reckon you'll be alright with that PSU. I have a 650w Antec Truepower New powering my 390 and it works with overclocking both CPU and GPU.

It's cutting it fine though.


Wouldn't fit. Coolermaster is 159mm, whereas the max the Xigmatek Asgard could squeeze is apparently 150 and even then I'm dubious, so I need some squatter options, sorry!

Sorry, must have confused that with another case. How about the Cryorig H7 (£27)? It's within your budget, 145mm tall, and by design is shifted over to allow the fan to sit at optimum height and not interfere with RAM in any way.

How difficult would it be to run to different GPUs in the same box? Let's say one is an nVidia Quadro M4000 and the other is a GTX 970. Right now the performance of the M4000 would slot in right between the 960 and the 970.

What are you trying to do? That won't work for SLI.

Hey everyone,

Thinking about building a new PC and was hoping to grab some opinions on this build I parted out: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/GdKmYJ

Looks mostly alright, but there are some changes you could make:
1. The Samsung 850 Evo 250GB is available for a bit cheaper and although the Kingston drive appears to be a decent performer, I'd still recommend Samsung instead.
2. The Corsair Spec line of cases may not fit the 212 Evo, a cursory google search shows that the case is specified to allow coolers up to 157mm in height and the 212 Evo is 159mm tall. I believe some people report that the cooler touches the case's side panel. Maybe look for a different case.
3. There are cheaper options for a GTX 970 or R9 390. You can also overclock the GPU yourself to match the performance of the slightly higher end models which feature slightly heightened clock speeds by default.

Here's my version of your parts list, it's been adjusted to be a bit more cost effective for the price.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($349.00 @ Canada Computers)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($38.95 @ Vuugo)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($178.75 @ Vuugo)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($104.44 @ DirectCanada)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($113.05 @ Vuugo)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB WINDFORCE 3X Video Card ($439.99 @ NCIX)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ Canada Computers)
Power Supply: EVGA 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.99 @ NCIX)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM (64-bit) ($129.94 @ shopRBC)
Total: $1504.10
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-02-05 02:02 EST-0500

Performance-wise it should be nearly identical to what you had before. The cheaper Gigabyte motherboard is technically a lower end model but that won't affect performance and you probably won't miss the differences in daily use.

Quick question : today, at boot, my PC told me I've lost my Windows 7 authentification, and the code no longer appear in my system properties.

My copy is authentic and I just need to fish out the install CD from somewhere in storage, but I find the accident suspicious : am I being hacked ?

Kind of doubt it. Did you upgrade or switch out any hardware parts recently?

Best Z170 motherboard under $250? Does not seem to be a standout in brands, requirements are full ATX size, possible SLI for future and decent audio (1150). Any recommendations would be a great help, can push budget if required.

My go-to recommendation for Z170 is the Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ($128 after $10 rebate). It meets the ATX size, SLI support, and ALC1150 audio requirements you want. It has excellent professional reviews where it is consistently shown to punch above it's weight class for its value (Tweaktown, Hexus, eTeknix, Kitguru), and the user reviews (4.3/5 stars on Amazon after 18 reviews, 4/5 stars on newegg after 68 reviews) show that there's nothing to worry about in terms of quality control (unlike a fair number of Asus Z170 models with flakey BIOS and memory compatibility).

So I'll be building my new pc real soon and it's the first time I'm trying to fully DIY on my own. Previous PCs involve me going down to one particular store with minimal research and then buying everything from them.

This is my current list:

MB: Asus Z170 Pro Gaming
CPU: i5 6600k
SSD: Samsung Evo 850 250gb (bought)
HD: Probably a WD Blue 1TB
RAM: Crucial DDR4 2133 2X8 GB (bought)

Haven't decided on the PSU, case and aftermarket cooler.

I'm slightly wavering when it comes to the motherboard. I'm also considering getting a H170 instead since the main difference seems to be CPU overclocking and not much else. I might not bother much with overclocking. But the price difference really isn't that much.

Also, maybe some advice on what PSU and casing might be good? For those two I'm probably getting them from my local stores.

I'll eventually get a new monitor too since my current one has a native resolution of 1600*900 but I'll have to save more.

What country are you in and what's your budget?


Alright PCGaf, I'm looking to do some upgrading of my current rig, Where should I start?

i5 2500k
770 2gb
8 gb

What's going to give me the best performance boost?


Alright PCGaf, I'm looking to do some upgrading of my current rig, Where should I start?

i5 2500k
770 2gb
8 gb

What's going to give me the best performance boost?
New graphics card and overclock your CPU. How much are you looking to spend, and can you tell us anything more about your PC like what case, CPU cooler, motherboard, and power supply you have?


Thinking about getting a GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 970 OC 1253 MHz

A few concerns: Info page says a 550w PSU is a requirement. I have 520w and my CPU is OCed.

Card seems...large. 310mm and I need to remove "the top HDD cage" in my case to make it fit (info page on my case said it can take 320mm...but I don't know if that includes wires, etc.).

I was thinking of going AMD but prices of the 390 are about the same as the 970 due to sales (Canada) and I don't want to replace my PSU. I also like to use Nvidia 3D Vision every once and a while.


New graphics card and overclock your CPU. How much are you looking to spend, and can you tell us anything more about your PC like what case, CPU cooler, motherboard, and power supply you have?

Intel Core i5-2500K Sandy Bridge Quad-Core 3.3GHz (3.7GHz Turbo Boost) LGA 1155 95W BX80623I52500K Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics 3000

SAMSUNG EcoGreen F4 ST2000DL004 2TB 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive Bare Drive

ASRock P67 EXTREME4 GEN3 LGA 1155 Intel P67 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard

G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL

1 x CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX750 V2 750W ATX12V v2.31/ EPS12V v2.92 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC High Performance

Plus my 770 2gb. Have a Cooler Master case, not entirely sure which model.

I'm willing to spend about $500. Do you have a good guide for OCing?

Edit: My case - Cooler Master 690 II Advanced - Mid Tower Computer Case with USB 3.0 Ports and X-Dock (RC-692A-KKN5)

Also, I added a Samsung 120 gb SSD as well.


Tagged as I see fit
What are you trying to do? That won't work for SLI.

I just purchased a workstation (Xeon 1650 and 64GB ram) for work and I'm wondering if I can use it for gaming in my downtime. From what I've read the M4000 will perform a bit better than a 960, but if I can put another GPU in there without messing things up, I'd seriously consider doing it. I wouldn't be running them in SLI config. I would use the M4000 for work and the GTX for gaming.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Since you're thinking of buying an unlocked processor, might as well buy an overclockable mobo. Otherwise you're better off getting the i5 6500 or 6400 instead and save some more money.

For the 970, a 500+ watt bronze rated PSU will be fine.

For case, that's honestly personal preference, I went with a Corsair 200R for my first build as it's a solid mid-tower case with nothing fancy about it, just functional and a decent size. No tools required for installing mechanical 3.5 hard drives and SSDs is a plus.

Yup. In the long run I'm not really saving much by going with a mobo/processor that saves me about 100 plus or so. So that's part of the consideration for me as well.

Thanks for the suggestion on the case and PSU.

What country are you in and what's your budget?

I'm in Singapore and am trying to keep to a budget of about S$1700, which is about US$1215. Willing to give or take another 100 in my currency.

I'm planning to buy the GTX 970 from Amazon. Even after taxes it's still cheaper than what is available here. And I don't think the local shops carry this model anyway. Based on what I have looked at most other GTX 970 cost about the same or more than what I can get from Amazon. Downside is that I get no warranty.

A Z170 Pro Gaming/i5 6600k combo will cost me around S$650 from a local store.


I just purchased a workstation (Xeon 1650 and 64GB ram) for work and I'm wondering if I can use it for gaming in my downtime. From what I've read the M4000 will perform a bit better than a 960, but if I can put another GPU in there without messing things up, I'd seriously consider doing it. I wouldn't be running them in SLI config. I would use the M4000 for work and the GTX for gaming.
It's really annoying to manage gpus in that kind of situation. I'd just use the quadro for gaming and not worry about adding something different in for now.
So, in the process of ordering my parts, just to make sure, can someone advise me which power supply I need?

MSI R9 380 4GB
ASRock z97 Anniversary
Kingston 2x8GB DDR3 RAM (1,5v)
Sandisk 240 GB SSD
WD Blue 2TB 3,5 HDD

Over 600Watt?


Looking to OC my 6700K , I read some tutorials and played with the A_tuning app for my ASRock board for a bit. For a quick overclock to 4.5 would you guys recommend using a offset on vcore or a fixed voltage? In the bios as well when doing offset, if you were to key in 50, would that be adding .050 to the vcore (decimals dont work, no instructions)? For a simple overclock with no ram OC it looks like I only need to concern myself with vcore? Thanks!
I keep having an issue with Ubuntuserver and I am not sure how to fix it.

I have an N40L and I recently tried to add a 3TB WD Red HDD to it but it just won't take. When I try to mount it, I just get an error and it seems to partition the drive as 2TB with 1TB of unallocated space.

I have a 2TB Seagate Barracuda in there that works just fine.

It seems to work fine in my Windows PC. I am only really getting this issue in Ubuntuserver.

I get the same error no matter if it is NTFS or ext4.


My wife and I are looking into building a small console PC. It would mostly be used for media and some couch multiplayer. Most of the games we have in mind so far don't really need any 3D power, so we're thinking we'll start off just using the Intel built-in graphics, then add a real GPU later if we decide we need it.

Case: SilverStone RAVEN RVZ02B Mini-ITX
CPU: Core i5-6600 OR Core i3 6320
Cooler: Noctua NH-L9i
Memory: Crucial 2x8GB DDR4-2133 CL15
SSD: Crucial MX200 500GB
PSU: SilverStone SX500-LG Modular

The case has a slot for a slim blu-ray drive if we decide we need it (the PS3 is good enough at the moment), though from what I can see the PC blu-ray situation is a big mess due to DRM.

The Noctua fan seems a bit expensive, when the stock cooler would probably do a good enough job, but I'd like it to be nice and quiet

Any opinions on which CPU to go with, whether leaving out the GPU for now seems like a reasonable idea, or any other aspects? I've never built a media PC before, so it's possible that I'm forgetting something important
So Gaf, since I'm what is know as 'The one who understands video games' in my family, my Aunt has asked me to help spec and build a gaming PC for her son. The actual building process I should be fine with, but I'd like some help actually deciding on what parts to put into it.

It doesn't need to be too beefy, the kid is only 8 or 9 and it'll mainly be used for things like Minecraft, but I'd like to get him as much as I can within the budget I'm allowed. She's asked to try and keep it around £400 or £500 (including the monitor), but I don't think she'd mind going over that slightly. Preferably within budget though. Can anyone help steer me in the right direction?
If money is not an issue, are there any reasons not to try to get an itx case and max it out with the best parts that can fit in it?

I want to make a build for the A4-SFX case. I don't think I care about SLI but would just want to get the best card on the market.


Anyone know how the R9 Nano handles 3440x1440? I know it's fine at 1440p but there really isn't any single card that can do 4k and get great FPS and this is kind of an odd in between res.


Anyone know how the R9 Nano handles 3440x1440? I know it's fine at 1440p but there really isn't any single card that can do 4k and get great FPS and this is kind of an odd in between res.

3440x1440 is roughly 1.35x as many pixels as 2560x1440, while 4K (3840x2160) is 2.25x as many as 2560x1440. So 3440x1440 should be much closer to 2560x1440 than 4K in performance


I wasn't planning on getting a new PC just yet, but my i7 930 build from 5/6 years ago is certainly falling off some of today's "minimum reqs"... but an enthusiast friend of mine who I went to high school with (he builds many rigs a year) made a post on FB selling his 2 month old rig, and after talking with him I'm purchasing it tonight:

NZXT Noctis 450 case
intel core i7 6700k
Gigabyte Windforce GTX 980Ti
Gigabyte G1 Gaming z170 motherboard
Corsair vengeance DDR4 3200mhz 16GB
Dual OCZ Trion SSD's 128GB each (256GB)
NZXT Kraken x61 Liquid Cooler
Thermaltake RIING case fans
Corsair CX750 Power Supply ( New version)
Corsair K30 Gaming keyboard
Blue and white led light kits
Windows 10
Rise of the Tomb Raider (he's got a lot of free copies from all his builds)

He's giving me a really good deal, and still has all receipts for warranties (quote to see price)...

So now I guess it's time for me to get a new monitor.
Time to replace my 1680x1050 Samsung 22" ToC

Honestly I'm considering going with a cheap 1080p60 monitor for now, and save for a VR headset eventually if they pan out. I can't do a 1440p144 right now, as they pretty much seem to all be $450-$700 and I'm not prepared to take that hit on top of the PC just yet. I'm excited by the prospect of getting to play The Division on Ultra, and I think a 1080p60 would work well for that and still be an upgrade over my current Samsung. I'd also be using the monitor for Xbone play (Halo 5/etc), but as far as PC FPS games go I probably won't play much til Overwatch.

Any good 1080p60 monitor suggestions? Anything I should be mindful of in the parts list above?


Can anyone recommend RAM for my new setup.

I5 6600K, gigabyte Z170X gaming 5 mobo.

I'm looking at the corsair LPX DDR4 2400. I have experience with corsair and want to stay with that brand. Should I go higher on the mhz?

Also, what's the word on that mobo regarding quality and overclocking, good choice? I can have it at 184$ cad.



3440x1440 is roughly 1.35x as many pixels as 2560x1440, while 4K (3840x2160) is 2.25x as many as 2560x1440. So 3440x1440 should be much closer to 2560x1440 than 4K in performance

So you think it'll handle it pretty well? Might be worth upgrading my monitor after I get my GPU after all (currently on a 29" 2560x1080)


Tagged as I see fit
It's really annoying to manage gpus in that kind of situation. I'd just use the quadro for gaming and not worry about adding something different in for now.

I probably should mention that I'll be using VMs for pretty much everything, so perhaps that will help with hardware management?

On the other hand, I could overclock the M4000 as it's underclocked for reliability. I don't need to be 24/7 rendering. Is there a hood guide that exists for that? Would probably have to do some unlocking first.


So my dad recently built a brand new PC for himself, and decided to give me his old one. It's about five years old at this point, so I'm looking to upgrade a few things. If this is what by potential build looks like...

CPU ... i5 4690K
GPU ... GTX 970
Motherboard ... ASrock H97M Pro4
Memory ... 20GB RAM
Storage ... 2TB Western Digital
Networking ... TP-Link WDN4800

...what wattage power supply should I get? There's a 500W in there right now, so I'm thinking 600-650. Should I go 700+, or is that unnecessary for this build? Also, anything else about this build that I should consider changing?


So my dad recently built a brand new PC for himself, and decided to give me his old one. It's about five years old at this point, so I'm looking to upgrade a few things. If this is what by potential build looks like...

CPU ... i5 4690K
GPU ... GTX 970
Motherboard ... ASrock H97M Pro4
Memory ... 20GB RAM
Storage ... 2TB Western Digital
Networking ... TP-Link WDN4800

...what wattage power supply should I get? There's a 500W in there right now, so I'm thinking 600-650. Should I go 700+, or is that unnecessary for this build? Also, anything else about this build that I should consider changing?

A good 500 watt should handle that fine If you want to give yourself some upgrade room I would go with 600-650.

Why are you aiming for 20GB of ram?

Also what is the reason for going with the 4690K over the 6600K?


A good 500 watt should handle that fine but why on god's green earth are you aiming for 20GB of ram? If you want to give yourself some upgrade room I would go with 600-650.

Don't ask me. It's what my dad put in there before he upgraded. Why he'd need that much, especially right before just building a new PC anyway, is beyond my understanding.
So my dad recently built a brand new PC for himself, and decided to give me his old one. It's about five years old at this point, so I'm looking to upgrade a few things. If this is what by potential build looks like...

CPU ... i5 4690K
GPU ... GTX 970
Motherboard ... ASrock H97M Pro4
Memory ... 20GB RAM
Storage ... 2TB Western Digital
Networking ... TP-Link WDN4800

...what wattage power supply should I get? There's a 500W in there right now, so I'm thinking 600-650. Should I go 700+, or is that unnecessary for this build? Also, anything else about this build that I should consider changing?

That 500W is enough, however the question is what brand is it? That's important.

Also, https://us.msi.com/power-supply-calculator.


So my dad recently built a brand new PC for himself, and decided to give me his old one. It's about five years old at this point, so I'm looking to upgrade a few things. If this is what by potential build looks like...

CPU ... i5 4690K
GPU ... GTX 970
Motherboard ... ASrock H97M Pro4
Memory ... 20GB RAM
Storage ... 2TB Western Digital
Networking ... TP-Link WDN4800

...what wattage power supply should I get? There's a 500W in there right now, so I'm thinking 600-650. Should I go 700+, or is that unnecessary for this build? Also, anything else about this build that I should consider changing?
That motherboard (the H97 chipset) doesn't support CPU overclocking, so you could save ~$30 by getting a regular 4690 instead of the 4690K. Or get a Z97 mobo instead if you want to OC.

I'm guessing you're sticking with Haswell instead of Skylake because he already has the 20GB of DDR3, and you don't want to need to buy DDR4 to replace it?
My go-to recommendation for Z170 is the Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI ($128 after $10 rebate). It meets the ATX size, SLI support, and ALC1150 audio requirements you want. It has excellent professional reviews where it is consistently shown to punch above it's weight class for its value (Tweaktown, Hexus, eTeknix, Kitguru), and the user reviews (4.3/5 stars on Amazon after 18 reviews, 4/5 stars on newegg after 68 reviews) show that there's nothing to worry about in terms of quality control (unlike a fair number of Asus Z170 models with flakey BIOS and memory compatibility).

You are a legend, your advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.


I need some help. I bought a ga z170xp sli motherboard + 6600k a few weeks ago. Today one of my hdds wasn't showing up in windows so I went to the bios. My keyboard is not recognized at all. I get the American Megatrends screen with "push esc or del" and neither key does anything. I've tried a second keyboard and also used a usb to ps2 adapter and nothing has worked so far. Then I took out the cmos battery to see if that would help but nothing changed. Can anyone help me out? This is extremely annoying for a newish build.

I also can't use gigabyte support as they require the bios version for asking them questions. >_>

EDIT: My pci usb hub also isn't recognized wtf


That motherboard (the H97 chipset) doesn't support CPU overclocking, so you could save ~$30 by getting a regular 4690 instead of the 4690K. Or get a Z97 mobo instead if you want to OC.

I'm guessing you're sticking with Haswell instead of Skylake because he already has the 20GB of DDR3, and you don't want to need to buy DDR4 to replace it?

Aha! I knew it was a good idea to find this thread. I haven't built a PC in forever so the refreshers on all of this is much appreciated. Noted about the motherboard. The Z97 was the other that I was looking at, actually; I ended up leaning towards the H97 just to save a couple bucks, but with that context I might go the other way with it. As for Haswell, that's kind of the mindset I had going in, unless you think it'd be worth it to switch? I probably wouldn't be able to immediately, but maybe sometime down the line.


I built a computer two months ago and everything has been going great. Recently though, when I boot up my computer, the fans start up for a moment then power down and then power up again and boots up normally. It only happens every once in awhile, but is there a deeper underlying issue? Aside from that, I haven't experienced an issues so far.
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