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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 2. Read the OP. Rocking 2500K's until HBM2 and beyond.

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I just use my pc to game, so it sounds like I can't really make use of any more cores can I?

I don't think there's that many games that use more than 4 threads (and those that do apparently don't get much of a performance increase), but the i7 might still be useful just for keeping background tasks from holding back a game's performance, along with giving your system some extra longevity if/when more cores/threads become worthwhile, but if neither of those seem like they're worth plunking down the extra $100 for, then yeah, go with the i5.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
May as well post pics of the build I finally finished last week. (After a defunct i7 processor ruinated my initial build I was posting in here about in late Jan. Now replaced with a working one)




You guys have any suggestions for a good and compact computer desk (like not much wider than a computer chair style desk)?

May as well post pics of the build I finally finished last week. (After a defunct i7 processor ruinated my initial build I was posting in here about in late Jan. Now replaced with a working one)



Looks great. Great specs and good choice on a 21:9 monitor.
Going from a 60hz monitor to a 120hz monitor was easily the most noticeable upgrade I've made in over 10 years. I used to be all about everything on Ultra even if I ended up with 30-50 fps instead of a solid 60... until I started playing at 120hz.

Ever since then, I'll happily go down to High or even medium to get a better framerate.

How is game support? That would be my main concern if I was ever to get a 120hz monitor. Don't a lot of them start acting strange at super high framerates?

My projector can do 120hz @ 720p, I should really try it out sometime...
So I now own all three current gen consoles, but I'm starting to see the benefits of building my own PC... I have never built one before, and I am excited at the prospect. My PC would be heavy on gaming and programming applications, certain IDEs, some photoshop, general web stuff. Ideally I could run Arch or another distro of linux, but I understand using Win will offer more gaming options. I have done a bit of research, and I think I am leaning toward the 970 as my graphics card. I think it is more affordable, and it can run most things I would like (witcher 3 @ 60fps, for instance). It appears to be a very solid card for newcomers.

The thing is, I don't really know much else to add to that. I guess I'm looking at the $1000 tier, with an overclockable cpu, 970, 8gb RAM... I have my own rack so media storage isn't an issue. I'm leaning toward a 500gb ssd. I've been looking for build guides that offer these sort of specs, as I would rather have everything laid out for me because it's my first time doing this from scratch.

I guess I'm basically asking: what build guide should I be looking at? I mainly want to have the specific parts picked out so that I can just monitor sales and gradually get the pieces I need over the course of a 3-4 months.



More parts have arrived just now.
Everything should be here by tuesday just in time for my 3 days off work.

This noob is nervous.[/QUOTE]

Nice, I put together pretty much the same system with an Asus 970. Loving it.

Also using an ultrawide monitor which is great. Not 4k, just a 2560x1080 one but its fantastic.

I was lazy though and had memory express put it together. :P I'm sure you will be fine, its not that hard, just take your time.


I'm trying to keep it to a budget, but it's harder than I thought. There's no point in me buying a K processor as the motherboard is only an H model. The Z models which allow overclocking are even more expensive. The K processors are way too expensive anyway. The 6700 (non K version) itself is over $120AUS more expensive than the 6600 so I have to question as to whether it's worth it...

Physical foot print is incredibly important so Mini-ITX is where it's at for me. :)

Whats the budget?

I have a Fractal Define R5 case. Currently, one of my hard drives does not have a SATA power cable that reaches it. The SATA data cable is no problem, the only issue is the power cable.

To resolve this, I plan to get a SATA power cable splitter. (i.e. 1 SATA male to 2+ SATA female)

I noticed that SATA power cable splitters are a lot pricier on Monoprice than Molex -> SATA splitters. Sometimes when stuff is expensive on Monoprice, that indicates that the thing I'm trying to do is unsupported or unwise. Is there any reason I should be worried about ordering a SATA power cable splitter and using it to hook up another hard drive?

Because Molex is an awful connector and i would never use it unless its a total last resort.
Get the SATA Power splitter. Its only £5 in the UK for a Y splitter.

The feeling of having Rise of the Tomb Raider sitting on steam and your new PC still isn't there :(

Apart from that, I have a question for my old PC and Windows 10.

I overclocked the GPU and somehow I must've hit the slider of the fan to 100, so it's always at 100 when I boot until MSI starts where it loads up the profile 1, where it's at auto. I don't know why it does that.
But thankfully, Windows 10 has the option to reset everything and to install Windows 10. Will it solve the issue ?

What GPU? Likely you have it set to 100% fan speed in the nvidia/AMD control panel, then after MSI AB loads, its applying its profile.

Question because I cant find the tech support thread and you guys might know.

I currently run a EVGA 970 SC, and I have a Asus Xonar Essence STX sound card, and a HD598 that I use for my headphones, on an asrock extreme6 z87 motherboard.

When I plug the the sound card to PCIE1 and graphics card into pcie2, everything works 99% fine, but I have a slight buzz whenever I play video games (no where else from what I can tell). If I move the graphics card away to pcie3, the buzz is gone but my card only runs at x8 instead of x16 (since it's meant to be the dual card slot.)

I have this buzz regardless of which headphones I plug in (tried my 558 and 598). I don't have another slot for the sound card.

My desktop speaker (one of these, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KIQ15U/?tag=neogaf0e-20) (which in also into the same sound card) does not seem to buzz. This suggests to me that the sound card is not going bad but that the there is some interference between my sound card and gpu when they are so close to each other that is picked up by my headphones.

Is this buzz something that I could get to go away with an amp for my headphones? I've never used one before so I'm not sure how they work.

PCIE 3.0 x8 is more than enough for todays GPUs, so dont worry if your having to keep those cards separate. If problem is solved, its solved. Amp is not going to help, only amplify the signal (+noise). USB DAC would avoid the whole sound card so also would work.
Question because I cant find the tech support thread and you guys might know.

I currently run a EVGA 970 SC, and I have a Asus Xonar Essence STX sound card, and a HD598 that I use for my headphones, on an asrock extreme6 z87 motherboard.

When I plug the the sound card to PCIE1 and graphics card into pcie2, everything works 99% fine, but I have a slight buzz whenever I play video games (no where else from what I can tell). If I move the graphics card away to pcie3, the buzz is gone but my card only runs at x8 instead of x16 (since it's meant to be the dual card slot.)

I have this buzz regardless of which headphones I plug in (tried my 558 and 598). I don't have another slot for the sound card.

My desktop speaker (one of these, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KIQ15U/?tag=neogaf0e-20) (which in also into the same sound card) does not seem to buzz. This suggests to me that the sound card is not going bad but that the there is some interference between my sound card and gpu when they are so close to each other that is picked up by my headphones.

Is this buzz something that I could get to go away with an amp for my headphones? I've never used one before so I'm not sure how they work.
Make sure line in and mic and any other inputs are muted


After missing a few things, I finally got my new build up and running. I still need to get a low profile fan for the rear, some thermal tape to fix one of the ram heatsinks on the graphics card, it won't stick, and lastly a beeper.

The monitor in the picture is my second monitor, I use duel monitors, have for 14 years or so.
Whats the budget?
It was just a way of say I don't want to spend too much. :p

Another question for everyone though, are corsair power supplies good? Because I'm trying to decide between a 600w Bronze Corsair and a 550w gold Seasonic. The Seasonic is $30 more expensive.
Whilst my new rig won't have a dedicated GPU in it just yet, when I do get one I won't ever be running SLI and in theory Pascal cards will be quite energy efficient?
Guys, is a single GTX 980Ti good enough to have a good G-Sync experience? I may have found a good G-Sync Dell monitor here (S2716DG), just wanted to know if a single 980Ti would suffice.


Guys, is a single GTX 980Ti good enough to have a good G-Sync experience? I may have found a good G-Sync Dell monitor here (S2716DG), just wanted to know if a single 980Ti would suffice.

Oh yea, it'll suffice just fine. I have a 970 that I pair with the 1440p G-sync monitor and it works great. You don't need more power to run G-sync, G-sync lets you get a smooth experience with less power.


relies on auto-aim
I got a temp ban right after I got it finished up, but I wanted to post a few pics of the setup and say thanks to everyone that gave me advice/input/help.

Also, I'm not sure how often the OP is updated, but it has the ASUS PB278Q listed as $700, but it's like $408 most places now.
Nice. It hasn't been updated since most of the things are just price changes. With 6600/6700K actually seemingly being available I might do it soon-ish, but life has been far more of a priority for me and HBM2 cards still aren't out yet.
Question because I cant find the tech support thread and you guys might know.

I currently run a EVGA 970 SC, and I have a Asus Xonar Essence STX sound card, and a HD598 that I use for my headphones, on an asrock extreme6 z87 motherboard.

When I plug the the sound card to PCIE1 and graphics card into pcie2, everything works 99% fine, but I have a slight buzz whenever I play video games (no where else from what I can tell). If I move the graphics card away to pcie3, the buzz is gone but my card only runs at x8 instead of x16 (since it's meant to be the dual card slot.)

I have this buzz regardless of which headphones I plug in (tried my 558 and 598). I don't have another slot for the sound card.

My desktop speaker (one of these, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KIQ15U/?tag=neogaf0e-20) (which in also into the same sound card) does not seem to buzz. This suggests to me that the sound card is not going bad but that the there is some interference between my sound card and gpu when they are so close to each other that is picked up by my headphones.

Is this buzz something that I could get to go away with an amp for my headphones? I've never used one before so I'm not sure how they work.
Electrical interference on your board is a real thing. The STX has an amp already in it.

You could try messing around with the Mobo Voltages and GPU power draw I guess? Maybe PCI-E bandwidth and FSB (Make sure they are 100.0Mhz)
Also if there are any big load things on your power strip the computer is on, move those off it.

More parts have arrived just now.
Everything should be here by tuesday just in time for my 3 days off work.

This noob is nervous.
Guys, is a single GTX 980Ti good enough to have a good G-Sync experience? I may have found a good G-Sync Dell monitor here (S2716DG), just wanted to know if a single 980Ti would suffice.


It was just a way of say I don't want to spend too much. :p

Another question for everyone though, are corsair power supplies good? Because I'm trying to decide between a 600w Bronze Corsair and a 550w gold Seasonic. The Seasonic is $30 more expensive.
Whilst my new rig won't have a dedicated GPU in it just yet, when I do get one I won't ever be running SLI and in theory Pascal cards will be quite energy efficient?

Atleast give us what your current config is totalling in the shopping cart so we can optimise the list based on that. We can help a lot faster with this.

Corsair RMx range is good, their flagship stuff is good like AX range. Rest others do better. You should be looking at Gold rated PSUs really.


Well guys, I bit the bullet and the new PC was ready for me today (I thought about building it myself but I didn't really want to feel the pain of accidentally breaking a CPU somehow)

I didn't get it 100% the way I wanted it for now because I didn't feel like waiting for certain parts to be in stock locally but now that it's home , It's running nice and quiet.

i7 6700k
asus z170a
32 GB (2X16GB) corsair vengeance 3200mhz
480 GB SSD sandisc ultra II (they were sold out of the evo 850)
1 TB Western digital BLUE series
850i PSU
Define R5 titanium (no window because I realize I never look in there anyway)
windows 10

Now you'll notice that it's missing a GPU , I had intended to re-use the year and a half old XFX 290 4GB I owned from the previous computer but it seems as if ATI's crimson drivers decided they'd rather cook it to death by disabling the fans so now I'm thinking of switching to Nvidia for the first time in 8 years (last time I bought an nvidia card it was the 8800 GT 512 MB) but now my problem is that Nvidias cards are ridiculously expensive ... the 980ti 6 GB is 900$ Canadian. In the meantime I was going to attempt to RMA this 290 (xfx has a 2 year warrenty thankfully) but I'm debating selling the replacement if I can't maybe just ship it to NCIX for a refund.

What do you other builders out there think I should do ? now that I have this nice new PC it seems an awful waste to go without gaming on it for what could be a month +.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
X posting from tech support thread

Hi guys! today, I need your help.

Last Summer, I lost sound on my PC. I think the problem had to do with critical system sound files being quarantined and removed by AVG. It was never resolved, and I've given up trying to fix it. Instead, I am going to buy a new motherboard. Surely, this will fix the problem (...yeah?). When discussing the problem here, a poster mentioned that I should try to get a mobo which stores its sound files some place other than where my current mobo stores them. If that makes sense. I might be misremembering as this was a very long time ago.

So... I'm in the market for a new motherboard.
Here's what I need:
-USB 3.0 support

actually that's all I need. And, if possible, for the mobo to fit the criteria above, re: sound file storage.

My current mobo is a MSI 760GM-P34 (FX)

Thank you so much for your help in advance!

my CPU: AMD FX 8120
my GPU: AMD Radeon HD7900
X posting from tech support thread

Hi guys! today, I need your help.

Last Summer, I lost sound on my PC. I think the problem had to do with critical system sound files being quarantined and removed by AVG. It was never resolved, and I've given up trying to fix it. Instead, I am going to buy a new motherboard. Surely, this will fix the problem (...yeah?). When discussing the problem here, a poster mentioned that I should try to get a mobo which stores its sound files some place other than where my current mobo stores them. If that makes sense. I might be misremembering as this was a very long time ago.

So... I'm in the market for a new motherboard.
Here's what I need:
-USB 3.0 support

actually that's all I need. And, if possible, for the mobo to fit the criteria above, re: sound file storage.

My current mobo is a MSI 760GM-P34 (FX)

Thank you so much for your help in advance!

my CPU: AMD FX 8120
my GPU: AMD Radeon HD7900

Did you try to reinstall your mobo sound drivers? It's unheard of for a av to totally kill your mobo sound.


X posting from tech support thread

Hi guys! today, I need your help.

Last Summer, I lost sound on my PC. I think the problem had to do with critical system sound files being quarantined and removed by AVG. It was never resolved, and I've given up trying to fix it. Instead, I am going to buy a new motherboard. Surely, this will fix the problem (...yeah?). When discussing the problem here, a poster mentioned that I should try to get a mobo which stores its sound files some place other than where my current mobo stores them. If that makes sense. I might be misremembering as this was a very long time ago.

So... I'm in the market for a new motherboard.
Here's what I need:
-USB 3.0 support

actually that's all I need. And, if possible, for the mobo to fit the criteria above, re: sound file storage.

My current mobo is a MSI 760GM-P34 (FX)

Thank you so much for your help in advance!

my CPU: AMD FX 8120
my GPU: AMD Radeon HD7900

Did you re install Windows? Because this is a known issue with avg and nothing to do with hardware.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Did you re install Windows? Because this is a known issue with avg and nothing to do with hardware.

I was unable to reinstall Windows because I would hit some critical system error when trying to access the BIOS menu. Something like that. Mind you, this was like 8 months ago so I don't exactly recall.

Anyway, I do really need USB3.0 and don't mind buying a new mobo to get that while also fixing the sound problem.


I was unable to reinstall Windows because I would hit some critical system error when trying to access the BIOS menu. Something like that. Mind you, this was like 8 months ago so I don't exactly recall.

Anyway, I do really need USB3.0 and don't mind buying a new mobo to get that while also fixing the sound problem.

It makes no sense to buy a new motherboard for a missing file firstly.

You can install a USB 3.0 PCIE card if needed.

Critical system error? Need more info.
Create a Ubuntu live cd on a USB stick and test the audio.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty


Is there currently a ~$200 gfx card that would be a major upgrade from a Radeon 7850? I was looking at the benchmarks on Anandtech, and see that both the R290X and R390 are 2-2.5x the performance, but I'm not looking to spend ~$300 on a card right now...I've always bought ATI/AMD cards, but I'm not totally opposed to picking up a Nvidia card.
Does anyone have a link to the post about booting/installing Windows from a USB stick? Will Windows 10 boot for a trial period before I get my product key?
I never actually posted an image of the final build. Here it is laying on its side. Cable management could be a bit better.

That image I posted a month ago of all the parts got a lot of random comments and amd hate directed towards it. I was so confused when I logged into imgur for the first time in a month today.


GAF GPU Experts:

So I want to buy a 4K monitor but the last time I looked into it, my Geforce GTX 590 was not officially supported for 4K monitor support.

My question is simple, is there any way to get a regular 4K monitor to work? Mostly want it for 4K movies and tv shows. Has anyone been able to patch in 4K support or did they ever add it for the Geforce 590 GTX series?


My older brother's PC met its end at the soggy hands of a tall glass of water. I am helping him put a build together as he hasn't done his own build since he was a teenager some fifteen years ago. He plays mostly Chivalry and Battlefield games, but he has a soft spot for huge open world RPGs like Elder Scrolls and the Witcher, and maximizing settings. So he needs something somewhat beefy, but doesn't want to (and probably can't) spend more than $1200 CAD. (Preferably less, he just got a degree and is feeling poor). I've been thinking an i5 and a 970 at its core, but is there any reason to go further up to i7 with the CPU? Have we started reaching a point yet where more cores are needed? I've found my i5 and 7970 set up lagging behind a bit recently (though I might be having some kind of power issue or air circulation issue, because in some games my PC crashes).

Which build would you guys recommend he get? It's hard to judge from the OP how much more things would cost in CAD, but I am thinking the 'best overall' build would be great, but maybe a bit too much in CAD.


My older brother's PC met its end at the soggy hands of a tall glass of water. I am helping him put a build together as he hasn't done his own build since he was a teenager some fifteen years ago. He plays mostly Chivalry and Battlefield games, but he has a soft spot for huge open world RPGs like Elder Scrolls and the Witcher, and maximizing settings. So he needs something somewhat beefy, but doesn't want to (and probably can't) spend more than $1200 CAD. (Preferably less, he just got a degree and is feeling poor). I've been thinking an i5 and a 970 at its core, but is there any reason to go further up to i7 with the CPU? Have we started reaching a point yet where more cores are needed? I've found my i5 and 7970 set up lagging behind a bit recently (though I might be having some kind of power issue or air circulation issue, because in some games my PC crashes).

Which build would you guys recommend he get? It's hard to judge from the OP how much more things would cost in CAD, but I am thinking the 'best overall' build would be great, but maybe a bit too much in CAD.

What kind of i5 are you running?

It's probably the 7970 that's lagging behind. I run a 280X which is basically a rebadged 7970 and it's just starting to show it's age now. Still should be okay for 1080p gaming for a while yet though. I run most games at 60 fps in mostly ultra with a couple of settings switched to high or medium here and there.

There is nothing wrong with going for an i7 but if it's purely a gaming rig it seems like that extra money could be spent better elsewhere. I don't really believe in spending big on components in the hopes of future proofing.
Well I guess there's no 2016 thread yet...

But anyway I was trying to wait to the next gen GeForce GPUs to come out and upgrade my Alienware X51, but the fact that my current rig can't even run run modern games like Quantum Break (even though I do have an Xbox One) and the recent 30% off HP deal, I just bought this computer. I plan on upgrading the HDD and adding a 1GB (or close, maybe 960) SSD, and maybe throwing in the 2TB from my current rig and running them in RAID, but I honestly don't even know the advantages of that anymore it's been so long since my main PC actually had room for more than one HDD... I don't want to spend over $250 for the SSD, maybe $300 if it came with a game I want, I don't know why the more expensive models are better, I've never had an SSD. Is this a good one?

Also... RAM. SO there's DDR4 now... I think mine is coming with 24GB of DDR3 (not sure what speed). I probably won't replace it right away but what's the best RAM I can put in this rig?

Nevermind it already comes with DDR4 RAM but I'm not sure the exact speed.

So anyone have any HDD advice or comments on the HP Envy Phoenix? I know it has liquid cooling and some type of built in overclocking feature...

Also I need to do something with one of these old computers I have now... I don't really want to replace my Alienware because I like how it looks in my home theater, the desktop isn't going to mesh as well but I'm gonna be looking at my 55 inch 4k TV and not anything else when playing a game so I think I can deal with that. However how practical do you think it would be throwing a next-gen GPU in an obviously more dated computer? I'm thinking I might just settle with this computer for a year even and just throw in a mid-range next gen GPU and continue to use it as an HTPC. I could then throw the 660 that's currently in their and my previous desktop, but I'm wondering if that's practical either... I would probably sell it or let this girl use it to play The Sims 4. I guess I need to dig up the specs of both computers before someone can really help me.

Ok would there be any major bottle necks if I replace the Radeon with a GTX 660 in this setup...

Dell XPS 630i
Nvidia nForce 650i Motherboard
Intel Core 2 Q6600 Quad-Core 2.4GHz Processor
4GB OCZ Platinum 800MHz DDR2 RAM
Sapphire ATI Radeon 4870 512MB

Also my current rig CPU is i7-3770 3.4 GHz Quad Core processor, 8GB RAM... not sure what speed or even what speed my motherboard can handle...
GAF GPU Experts:

So I want to buy a 4K monitor but the last time I looked into it, my Geforce GTX 590 was not officially supported for 4K monitor support.

My question is simple, is there any way to get a regular 4K monitor to work? Mostly want it for 4K movies and tv shows. Has anyone been able to patch in 4K support or did they ever add it for the Geforce 590 GTX series?

Hmmmm. What specific video card is it?


What are the rest of your system's specs?

Core i7 (the first 6 core one), 24gb of ram. The rest of my system seems find for now, I more or less just need a new GPU but I guess I'm going to have to wait. Seems pointless to update to a current one with Pascal getting close to release.


My current computer is a I5 3570k @ 3.8GHZ with 16gigs of RAM and a GTX 670.

Would it be worth it to upgrade to a GTX 970? Would it be bottle-necked a lot by my CPU?

I was thinking of upgrading to a new computer this summer but I don't feel like spending 1500$ on a new computer when 75% of my gaming involves Blizzard games and old Infinity Engine games.


My current computer is a I5 3570k @ 3.8GHZ with 16gigs of RAM and a GTX 670.

Would it be worth it to upgrade to a GTX 970? Would it be bottle-necked a lot by my CPU?

I was thinking of upgrading to a new computer this summer but I don't feel like spending 1500$ on a new computer when 75% of my gaming involves Blizzard games and old Infinity Engine games.

Yap wait for pascal or Polaris. Meanwhile you should overclock that cpu to 4.2-4.4ghz with no or minimal voltage increase.
Well I guess there's no 2016 thread yet...

But anyway I was trying to wait to the next gen GeForce GPUs to come out and upgrade my Alienware X51, but the fact that my current rig can't even run run modern games like Quantum Break (even though I do have an Xbox One) and the recent 30% off HP deal, I just bought this computer. I plan on upgrading the HDD and adding a 1GB (or close, maybe 960) SSD, and maybe throwing in the 2TB from my current rig and running them in RAID, but I honestly don't even know the advantages of that anymore it's been so long since my main PC actually had room for more than one HDD... I don't want to spend over $250 for the SSD, maybe $300 if it came with a game I want, I don't know why the more expensive models are better, I've never had an SSD. Is this a good one?

Also... RAM. I don't know how much of a difference better ram will make but it comes with 24GBs of 2133 DDR4 RAM.

So anyone have any HDD advice or comments on the HP Envy Phoenix? I know it has liquid cooling and some type of built in overclocking feature... Found a review of it here.

Also I need to do something with one of these old computers I have now... I don't really want to replace my Alienware because I like how it looks in my home theater, the desktop isn't going to mesh as well but I'm gonna be looking at my 55 inch 4k TV and not anything else when playing a game so I think I can deal with that. However how practical do you think it would be throwing a next-gen GPU in an obviously more dated computer? I'm thinking I might just settle with this computer for a year even and just throw in a mid-range next gen GPU and continue to use it as an HTPC. I could then throw the 660 that's currently in their and my previous desktop, but I'm wondering if that's practical either... I would probably sell it or let this girl use it to play The Sims 4. I guess I need to dig up the specs of both computers before someone can really help me.

Ok would there be any major bottle necks if I replace the Radeon with a GTX 660 in this setup...

Dell XPS 630i
Nvidia nForce 650i Motherboard
Intel Core 2 Q6600 Quad-Core 2.4GHz Processor
4GB OCZ Platinum 800MHz DDR2 RAM
Sapphire ATI Radeon 4870 512MB

Also my current rig CPU is i7-3770 3.4 GHz Quad Core processor, 8GB RAM... not sure what speed or even what speed my motherboard can handle...

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