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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 2. Read the OP. Rocking 2500K's until HBM2 and beyond.

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Have you built a computer before?
I've put together one over a decade ago at school in some computer class/course for whatever reason. No, i don't recall a thing about it, other than that someone else managed to blow up a PSU. Also installed some part (network card?) to another computer but that is simply a matter of putting the module in its place, IIRC...
I'm thinking i'll buy the computer from some place that puts it together as well, even if it costs a bit extra, i'd rather not mess up things. That, or ask my friend for help.
I pretty much followed the "Excellent - Best Overall" build from OP - and it is awesome. I can play the Witcher 3 at almost always 60 FPS on Ultra graphics (No Hairworks) at 1080p. The GTX 970 is a great card for the value.

Of course, I'm not sure how much the prices are for parts in your country, but if you can get parts from the next column (Enthusiast - Nice Things), or the next column, its a good idea. 1500 pounds is about 2.3k USD right? So yeah you have tons of money to buy parts for an epic PC.

1500 euros, not pounds. But perhaps the difference isn't that big.

I'll study the best overall bracket and see how much similar computer would cost here.

Also going to need a monitor, keyboard, headphones/set, mouse, joystick... Those get their own budget, me thinks. Fortunately i can afford that... Probably.
And, oddly enough, i realized i have a mouse pad already, a teflon/metallic one. Can't recall where i got one but i've never used it (too big to fit next to this laptop).

EDIT If only i could be sure about a future game i'll want. Or even some this/last year release... Going to feel silly having a new computer and playing something that won't even tax it (or better yet, uses less than 1/100th of available power, like original Command&Conquer...).

EDIT Hilariously, this store i'm looking at, it offers an ultimate custom monster computer, something whose price is 27 000+ euros. Quad SLI-Titans, server-motherboard with ridiculously powerful CPU, 8 TB SSD space, custom liquid cooling. Who the heck wants something like that?
are you saving from Notepad or similar app?
try run the app as administrator

there's higher level in Windows 7/up
even though you're an Admin, you need to launch the app as Admin to write into "restricted" location

Run notepad as admin? Man, they might as well make that the default open command.

Guys which i Core is better?

Intel Core i5-4590 BX80646I54590 Processor (6M Cache, 3.3 GHz) $179 @ Amazon

Intel Core i5-4460 LGA 1150 CPU - BX80646I54460 $185 @ Amazon

I'm assuming the cheaper one is better since it has a higher number but I dunno.


Guys which i Core is better?

Intel Core i5-4590 BX80646I54590 Processor (6M Cache, 3.3 GHz) $179 @ Amazon

Intel Core i5-4460 LGA 1150 CPU - BX80646I54460 $185 @ Amazon

I'm assuming the cheaper one is better since it has a higher number but I dunno.

Are you limited to buying from Amazon only, or are other retailers OK?
I've put together one over a decade ago at school in some computer class/course for whatever reason. No, i don't recall a thing about it, other than that someone else managed to blow up a PSU. Also installed some part (network card?) to another computer but that is simply a matter of putting the module in its place, IIRC...
I'm thinking i'll buy the computer from some place that puts it together as well, even if it costs a bit extra, i'd rather not mess up things. That, or ask my friend for help.

1500 euros, not pounds. But perhaps the difference isn't that big.

I'll study the best overall bracket and see how much similar computer would cost here.

Also going to need a monitor, keyboard, headphones/set, mouse, joystick... Those get their own budget, me thinks. Fortunately i can afford that... Probably.
And, oddly enough, i realized i have a mouse pad already, a teflon/metallic one. Can't recall where i got one but i've never used it (too big to fit next to this laptop).

1500 euros - whoops. Long day for me... *cough cough* I'm pretty embarrased. Ok so according to google, thats about like 1600 USD.

So when I was looking for prebuilt PCs (not because I wanted one, was just curious), a prebuilt PC with a GTX 970 and a good CPU (i5 4690K or i7 4790K) was way more than $1500. If you bought all the parts, you'd spend about $1150 or so. However, another thing you gotta take into consideration is that researching the parts to buy, learning how to put it together, testing it, installing windows and all that learning process for all those things is like 20-30 hours. So if your time is limited, perhaps saving or stretching the budget for a prebuilt PC is the way to go. That being said, building a PC is a cool feeling. It's like working on your car, something about the work and getting it done and knowing you did it is a cool successful feeling.


1500 euros - whoops. Long day for me... *cough cough* I'm pretty embarrased. Ok so according to google, thats about like 1600 USD.

So when I was looking for prebuilt PCs (not because I wanted one, was just curious), a prebuilt PC with a GTX 970 and a good CPU (i5 4690K or i7 4790K) was way more than $1500. If you bought all the parts, you'd spend about $1150 or so. However, another thing you gotta take into consideration is that researching the parts to buy, learning how to put it together, testing it, installing windows and all that learning process for all those things is like 20-30 hours. So if your time is limited, perhaps saving or stretching the budget for a prebuilt PC is the way to go. That being said, building a PC is a cool feeling. It's like working on your car, something about the work and getting it done and knowing you did it is a cool successful feeling.

Time ain't limited. Besides, stretching building over multiple days isn't a problem. My patience and carefulness may be a problem though, especially if i encounter a problem.

At a glance, it seems a pre-built "custom" (as in, a custom designed by the store i'm looking at offers at their site) would cost roughly 1500€, and match "Best Overall" computer roughly, perhaps. Supposedly they're competitively priced. Not sure about that yet, will have to make a list part by part to be sure.

One question: Is 8GB of DDR4 better than 16GB DDR3?


Uh... what does overclocking have to do with folder access?

An unstable overclock can lead to weird errors, during Windows install and after. I am it saying that is the problem, but it's always best to eliminate any possibility, especially since it's easy to do. As I stated first, it's probably a corrupted Window install. Upgrading to Windows 10 can fix it or just a fresh install. Any way, why stay on Win 8 when 10 is better?
Reminder to everyone that D Walker is the best buddy for Side Ops.

You get travel with it. It teleports to you if you call it with a whistle. You can load yourself with assault and silenced sniper rifles and just uses its missiles if you encounter a helicopter you need to take out.

It is perfect. And it totally fits the MGS AI aesthetic.

edit: Also you don't get knocked off under fire like you do from D Horse. And you can CQC guards when you run out of ammo. Wow.

Wait, huh? Am I in the wrong thread?


Older games: MechWarrior Online, Starcraft 2, Civ V, Skyrim, WoW, EVE Online, Dota 2, Wolfenstein New Order (finally).
Newer games, none are guarantees: Star Wars Battlefront, Fallout 4, Doom 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (UE4 game, RTS), Halo Wars 2, XCOM 2

Is Linux gaming feasible yet, or with the games i've listed? I have some reservations about Microsoft systems for various reasons, not to mention the extra expense the OS adds. Do note there are many older (even over a decade) games i'm likely to play.

I use Linux exclusively, so I'd consider it very viable. But you likely won't be able to play all the games you listed. EA at least won't be supporting Linux anytime soon. Out of your list, Dota 2 and Civ V are already on Linux, XCOM 2 has been announced for Linux. Most of the older games can be played using wine (including Wolfenstein TNO), and wine is set to support DX11 by the end of the year, but of course, that's never as nice as playing native.
If you want to keep Linux as an option, I'd recommend getting a nvidia GPU, currently far better driver support.


I use Linux exclusively, so I'd consider it very viable. But you likely won't be able to play all the games you listed. EA at least won't be supporting Linux anytime soon. Out of your list, Dota 2 and Civ V are already on Linux, XCOM 2 has been announced for Linux. Most of the older games can be played using wine (including Wolfenstein TNO), and wine is set to support DX11 by the end of the year, but of course, that's never as nice as playing native.
If you want to keep Linux as an option, I'd recommend getting a nvidia GPU, currently far better driver support.

About what i suspected, i guess.
EA not supporting Linux won't be a big deal, since Star Wars Battlefront aside (and even it is questionable) i'm unlikely to touch their games, unless they happen to revive Command&Conquer Generals 2.

I am most likely opting for Nvidia GPU considering the driver support in general, and the problems AMD may be facing soon.

In any case, it is probably safer to opt for Windows, and then perhaps install Linux alongside it to test it. If it seems good, and games i play work, then i can reduce or ditch Windows use.


About CPU, if I'm not going to overclock and I play at 1080p is worth it to go for a i5-6600 or a i5-4690 would be enough?


Should 550W be good enough for this build. Don't really want to buy/switch out another power supply. The calculator I used said it should be good but wanted to double check here.

PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/dJV2sY
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/dJV2sY/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus GRYPHON Z87 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($89.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Pareema 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($42.49 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial MX100 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($50.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($308.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Azza SIRIUS ATX Mid Tower Case ($41.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Rosewill Capstone 550W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply
Optical Drive: LG GH24NSC0B DVD/CD Writer ($16.89 @ OutletPC)
Wireless Network Adapter: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I 802.11a/b/g/n/ac PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($29.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $811.11
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-19 01:39 EDT-0400

I'm switching out the CPU and GPU. Currently have an r9 280 and i3 4160 and the computer runs fine on the 550W.

Also, is there a good place to find out how much power a part uses besides the PSU calculators. Couldn't find a solid answer on how many watts the processors use.


About CPU, if I'm not going to overclock and I play at 1080p is worth it to go for a i5-6600 or a i5-4690 would be enough?

Just go with the latest. :D

Though more often, i come across people regretted not spending a bit more to get the overclockable model.


I'd still consider a 12% performance drop to be bottlenecking. Might mean the difference between being able to run a game at a higher setting or being able to reliably achieve a certain framerate well at a certain graphical quality. Sorry to nitpick, but I didn't say it'd be a massive performance loss, just that "I'd think I can call that a bottleneck".

If we are on the nitpicking train, then I technically never suggested anything of that nature. I merely meant to state that the real world difference is much smaller than the theoretical (or is it practical? hm...) bandwidth difference. Hence when seeing just the bandwidth difference you would be misled into thinking the real world difference would be similar which it isn't.
My PC suddely won't turn on. It worked fine yesterday and now shows no sign of life at all. I press the power switch and literally nothing happens. No LED light, no sound.
Whats the best way to find out what part died? Case (Fractal Define R4) and Mobo (ASRock Z97) are like 2 Months old and worked like a charm until today. The rest (Seasonic 760W Bronze, 4670k, GTX760) is one and a half years old. Nothing is OCed.
I reaaaaly hope its just the power switch :(

So, I was just ready to switch the mobo as my PC suddenly decided to turn on. Sadly, just for one bootup. It was once again dead afterwards.
Now, it works yet again. Could you guys check the HW stats to see if anything is off?



Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?


This is going to sound stupid.

Can I use my PS3 controller for PC games like The Witcher 3? Otherwise I'll just buy an Xbox One controller I guess?


This is going to sound stupid.

Can I use my PS3 controller for PC games like The Witcher 3? Otherwise I'll just buy an Xbox One controller I guess?

You can with a USB cable or with a Bluetooth adaptor. I use a wireless 360 pad so I'll let someone fill in the specifics. X1 pad is wired only currently.
Just go with the latest. :D

Though more often, i come across people regretted not spending a bit more to get the overclockable model.

Along similar lines, I settled on the i5-6600K a while ago, but I've got an Asus Z170-K board arriving today along with a million other parts. I'm not *super* into max-level OC-ing and stuff but I'm wondering if I should exchange it for the more mainstream Z170-A and just pony up the extra $25.


Neo Member
Hello guys i am building a new pc.


mobo: Asus z170 ranger

cpu: INTEL I7 6700K

ram :DDR4 2666 KINGSTON 16GB

gpu :EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC

hdd: Caviar Blue WD 1tb

SSD : Crucial m4(already exists)



Monitor :DELL U2515H
The build is fine right?
I want a good cpu cooler for stable 4,6 ghz. Is the CM nepton 140xl fine?Or should i buy a noctua dh14 air cooler?I live in Greece so prices are kinda inflated...If u wanna suggest something else please check geizhals.eu .Max budget 90 euros.
Looking forward to your help!


Have got my VR gaming/gaming PC down to two options:

1) Intel Core i7 4790K CPU
Noctua NH-D15 CPU Cooler
Gigabyte Z97X Gaming 3 Motherboard
16GB HyperX Fury 1866MHz DDR3
CM Storm Stryker Case
LiteOn iHAS124 24X Internal DVD Writer with SATA
Corsair 1000W RM1000 G2 Power Supply
SanDisk SDSSDA-120G-G25 SSD PLUS Sata III 2.5-inch Internal SSD

Total £680

2) Intel Core i7 6700K CPU
Noctua NH-D15 CPU Cooler
ASRock Z170 Extreme4 Socket 1151 Motherboard
Hyperx Fury Black 16GB DDR4-2133MHz
CM Storm Stryker Case
LiteOn iHAS124 24X Internal DVD Writer with SATA
Corsair 1000W RM1000 G2 Power Supply
SanDisk SDSSDA-120G-G25 SSD PLUS Sata III 2.5-inch Internal SSD

Total £736

Haven't checked the prices of each part since last night but that's going to be correct today give or take a few quid here and there. Those totals are also adjusted after getting at least a 10% discount for each part from either Flubit or Bespoke.

I'm towards getting option 2) over option 1) for the advantages that the Skylake architecture and DDR4 will give it.

Am building it in November and using the on-board GPU until I can afford to get a decent GPU and the whopperdongler power supply is for the future when I can add a second GPU.


Picking parts for something that is about part for part match for Excellent-Best Overall bracket would cost 1300€. Not too bad, i guess. An OS will add about 80€. Doubling SSD (to 500GB) space adds 100€, something i will almost certainly do as i don't think i'll bother with a HDD. Adding DVD drive adds 20€.
This would match my projected budget of 1500€ but i think i'm inclined to spend a bit more for better CPU.
Picking right PSU is difficult though, not sure about the price (many models seemed to be about 105€ so i used that in my calculation, couldn't figure which one specifically i might require).

Not sure about the case, as i'm not sure about space yet. Will need to get a proper computer desk (and chair) too.

Then i'll need to figure out the monitor, headset, keyboard (mechanical?) and a mouse.

Also, any recommendations for GTX970 manufacturer, there are so many options...


Neo Member
Picking parts for something that is about part for part match for Excellent-Best Overall bracket would cost 1300€. Not too bad, i guess. An OS will add about 80€. Doubling SSD (to 500GB) space adds 100€, something i will almost certainly do as i don't think i'll bother with a HDD. Adding DVD drive adds 20€.
This would match my projected budget of 1500€ but i think i'm inclined to spend a bit more for better CPU.
Picking right PSU is difficult though, not sure about the price (many models seemed to be about 105€ so i used that in my calculation, couldn't figure which one specifically i might require).

Not sure about the case, as i'm not sure about space yet. Will need to get a proper computer desk (and chair) too.

Then i'll need to figure out the monitor, headset, keyboard (mechanical?) and a mouse.

Also, any recommendations for GTX970 manufacturer, there are so many options...

You cant go wrong with EVGA GTX 970 FTW+,EVGA GTX 970 SSC,GIGABYTE GTX 970 G1 OR MSI GTX 970 GAMING ....
Also u will need 650w/750w..U can choose from EVGA 750W G2,Superflower leadex gold or Seasonic G series.
Cases depends on look mostly .Good choice is NZXT S340 for midi or Phanteks Enthoo Pro for full tower....
If you guys were trying to pick a 2 TB HDD for storage purposes, what would you guys buy? This drive is intended to only be used as a destination for system images and File History backups - nothing is going to be run directly from it, ever. (I run a 2 TB WD Black as the system drive. SSDs are absurdly expensive here.)


You cant go wrong with EVGA GTX 970 FTW+,EVGA GTX 970 SSC,GIGABYTE GTX 970 G1 OR MSI GTX 970 GAMING ....
Also u will need 650w/750w..U can choose from EVGA 750W G2,Superflower leadex gold or Seasonic G series.
Cases depends on look mostly .Good choice is NZXT S340 for midi or Phanteks Enthoo Pro for full tower....

Thank you. This will come useful, putting together another list with better CPU (i5-6600(K?)).


Neo Member
Thank you. This will come useful, putting together another list with better CPU (i5-6600(K?)).

The skylakes non K will arrive later...I am not sure u need skylake if u are not gonna overclock at all...U can save money by going to devils canyon and buy a 390x or gtx 980 with that money...
I don't like AMD cards but r9 390 packs a better punch than gtx 970.
U should check the xfx or strix 390...It is sth like 5-7% better than 970 and more future proof due to twice the VRAM


I'm having some serious overheating issues with my computer. While my motherboard temps read normal (33° C), my CPU goes through the roof in minutes to 95°C.

I'm currently using Corsair's H100 water cooler. I'm not sure whether the pumps are functional or not. The fans are working, BUT in the BIOS the rpm is not being reported and reads at 0 rpm.

At this point I'm ready to send it in for RMA, but since I have to wait until Monday, I figure id use these two days to research what os happening.

The PC is new and has hardly been used, and everything is at stock configurations, how overclocking whatsoever.

Could it been a motherboard issue? My CPU? The entire cooler itself?
The skylakes non K will arrive later...I am not sure u need skylake if u are not gonna overclock at all...U can save money by going to devils canyon and buy a 390x or gtx 980 with that money...
I don't like AMD cards but r9 390 packs a better punch than gtx 970.
U should check the xfx or strix 390...It is sth like 5-7% better than 970 and more future proof due to twice the VRAM

The 970 does have pretty nice set of features to go along with their driver packages, though, and should be easier on the PSU. Frame time consistency should also be nicer, too.


Should 550W be good enough for this build. Don't really want to buy/switch out another power supply. The calculator I used said it should be good but wanted to double check here.

PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/dJV2sY
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/dJV2sY/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus GRYPHON Z87 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($89.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Pareema 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($42.49 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial MX100 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($50.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($308.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Azza SIRIUS ATX Mid Tower Case ($41.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Rosewill Capstone 550W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply
Optical Drive: LG GH24NSC0B DVD/CD Writer ($16.89 @ OutletPC)
Wireless Network Adapter: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I 802.11a/b/g/n/ac PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($29.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $811.11
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-19 01:39 EDT-0400

I'm switching out the CPU and GPU. Currently have an r9 280 and i3 4160 and the computer runs fine on the 550W.

Also, is there a good place to find out how much power a part uses besides the PSU calculators. Couldn't find a solid answer on how many watts the processors use.

TDP and wattage should be listed pretty clearly. The CPU you've chosen has an 88W TDP.

550W is pretty much perfect for a single GPU setup.


relies on auto-aim
I'm having some serious overheating issues with my computer. While my motherboard temps read normal (33° C), my CPU goes through the roof in minutes to 95°C.

I'm currently using Corsair's H100 water cooler. I'm not sure whether the pumps are functional or not. The fans are working, BUT in the BIOS the rpm is not being reported and reads at 0 rpm.

At this point I'm ready to send it in for RMA, but since I have to wait until Monday, I figure id use these two days to research what os happening.

The PC is new and has hardly been used, and everything is at stock configurations, how overclocking whatsoever.

Could it been a motherboard issue? My CPU? The entire cooler itself?
Did you read the manual for setup? Has it always been this way?
Post a pic of connections.

Sometimes if you put the pump power on the CPU_DAN or CHA_FAN the mobo wont know its a pump and try to regulate its "fan speed" causing issues.


Did you read the manual for setup? Has it always been this way?
Post a pic of connections.

Sometimes if you put the pump power on the CPU_DAN or CHA_FAN the mobo wont know its a pump and try to regulate its "fan speed" causing issues.
I'll post a picture soon.

I'll give a little bit of the history of whats happening:

This specific overheating problem started only about a two weeks ago, more than three months after the build. It wasn't anything progressive neither afaik. Idle temps ranged from 33-40, typically.

At this time I first noticed a problem when I was using my computer and immediately noticed sluggishness during normal use just after minutes. Restarted, same sluggishness. CPU load was 1-5%. (Intel 5820k, stock)

Since I was running the W10 insider preview, I immediately assumed it had to be related to this. But upon reverting back to a previous stable build, my PC encountered another problem. It shut off and didn't not want to boot past a POST check. I cleared the CMOS (third time a similar issue occurred, not including numerous involuntary restarts after waking the PC from sleep). So i felt this had to be related to the motherboard (MSI X99S) and wanted to RMA it immediately.

After deciding to check my memory sticks first (Crucial DDR4), in which I removed and reseated to different slots, was when I first noticed and felt a generous amount of heat from the hose. One was hot, the other was cool. However, it was 20 minutes or so after I had already turned off the PC. I was also alarmed the sticks were still hot. Still I ignored it, assuming it was normalish, and preceded to move the sticks.

After booting and getting the prompt that the memory had changed and moving to the BIOS was when i saw the temps climb from 65° all the way to 95° in less than a minute. I put my hands over the radiators exhaust fans and they were blowing just fine, but with no heat.

I removed the CPU, scraped off the old paste and reapplied Arctic silver very thinly, applied the plate and tightened it. And now, here we are, still the same issue.


Okay, made a slightly upgraded build that comes to 1450€.

I decided i will not say i won't overclock, i figure i'd rather keep my options open.

Nothing set in stone yet, obviously, i will check prices from other stores and see if there are any sales.
How does this look?

Intel Skylake i5-6600K 289€
Asus Z170-A 165€
Kingston 16GB(2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR4 2133 MHz 114€
MSI GTX 970 Gaming 389€
Crucial 500GB BX100 SSD 199€
Seasonic 650W G-650 130€
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 35€
Samsung SH-S224FB DVD±RW -drive 17€
NZXT S340 midtower 110€

Using non-K CPU saves 30€. There seem to be considerably cheaper cases as well, and availability is something to consider as well (the listed case has unknown availability).

OS will add 100€+ to the price (rather than 80€ i said previously), more or less. Though i did find a 60€ sale price right now, for an OEM version of Win 8.1 Pro...

Oh, and is there any real difference between 4x4GB and 2x8GB memory?


Neo Member
Okay, made a slightly upgraded build that comes to 1450€.

I decided i will not say i won't overclock, i figure i'd rather keep my options open.

Nothing set in stone yet, obviously, i will check prices from other stores and see if there are any sales.
How does this look?

Intel Skylake i5-6600K 289€
Asus Z170-A 165€
Kingston 16GB(2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR4 2133 MHz 114€
MSI GTX 970 Gaming 389€
Crucial 500GB BX100 SSD 199€
Seasonic 650W G-650 130€
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 35€
Samsung SH-S224FB DVD±RW -drive 17€
NZXT S340 midtower 110€

Using non-K CPU saves 30€. There seem to be considerably cheaper cases as well, and availability is something to consider as well (the listed case has unknown availability).

OS will add 100€+ to the price (rather than 80€ i said previously), more or less. Though i did find a 60€ sale price right now, for an OEM version of Win 8.1 Pro...

Oh, and is there any real difference between 4x4GB and 2x8GB memory?

Its easier to expand using 2x8 rather than 4x4..U should consider getting a 128gb SSD and 1TB HDD.500gb is too small.Also the case is kinda expensive...Here it costs 85 euros....Please note that it does not have a place for DVD-RW.How much does a Phanteks enthoo Pro costs?If u get the nzxt u have to buy an externall dvd reader....Also if u want to overclock u have to buy a more expensive cpu cooler like Noctua DH14


Then I can stick to the i5-4690 but K version. I think I'm gonna need a new motherboard. Even if it's not in the OP is Gigabyte GA-Z97X-GAMING 5 a good one?

But why not 6600K?
Z170 boards are better than Z97.
Best get the latest and call it a day for the next 2-3 years. :D

Along similar lines, I settled on the i5-6600K a while ago, but I've got an Asus Z170-K board arriving today along with a million other parts. I'm not *super* into max-level OC-ing and stuff but I'm wondering if I should exchange it for the more mainstream Z170-A and just pony up the extra $25.

Z170-A looks well worth the extra $25 imo!


Its easier to expand using 2x8 rather than 4x4..U should consider getting a 128gb SSD and 1TB HDD.500gb is too small.Also the case is kinda expensive...Here it costs 85 euros....Please note that it does not have a place for DVD-RW.How much does a Phanteks enthoo Pro costs?If u get the nzxt u have to buy an externall dvd reader....Also if u want to overclock u have to buy a more expensive cpu cooler like Noctua DH14

500GB space is enough for me most likely. I have 250GB HDD on this laptop, and i have 80+GB free, and i'd have more if i'd bother to clean up space (i have a lot of duplicate files, and games i don't play but haven't removed because installing them was so slow, and other stuff). Of course, i may end up using more space in the future but i doubt that (this is ignoring the possibility of game space requirements will skyrocketing).
Would prefer (loading) speed SSD offers for nearly all games.

Will check the price for that Phanteks case soonish, if i can find it this time.
And i figure i'll swap the case if the listed one does not have place for a DVD drive. I have so many old games on CDs/DVDs. Also figure external drive is probably a tad more expensive, but it is not out of question.
EDIT Case price: Everything here is expensive, rather typical for Finland. And i haven't yet gone through all the store options, everything in my list is picked from one store's selection.

I don't think overclocking will be something i'll do anytime soon, but i would like to keep my options open. Might end up needing to overclock in the future after all (figure i'll just replace the cooler if that becomes necessary).
Okay, made a slightly upgraded build that comes to 1450€.

I decided i will not say i won't overclock, i figure i'd rather keep my options open.

Nothing set in stone yet, obviously, i will check prices from other stores and see if there are any sales.
How does this look?

Intel Skylake i5-6600K 289€
Asus Z170-A 165€
Kingston 16GB(2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR4 2133 MHz 114€
MSI GTX 970 Gaming 389€
Crucial 500GB BX100 SSD 199€
Seasonic 650W G-650 130€
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 35€
Samsung SH-S224FB DVD±RW -drive 17€
NZXT S340 midtower 110€

Using non-K CPU saves 30€. There seem to be considerably cheaper cases as well, and availability is something to consider as well (the listed case has unknown availability).

OS will add 100€+ to the price (rather than 80€ i said previously), more or less. Though i did find a 60€ sale price right now, for an OEM version of Win 8.1 Pro...

Oh, and is there any real difference between 4x4GB and 2x8GB memory?

Looks solid. Don't forget to check if the case comes with a SSD bracket or if it comes with a SSD to HDD (2.5" to 3.5") adapter bay thingy.


Looks solid. Don't forget to check if the case comes with a SSD bracket or if it comes with a SSD to HDD (2.5" to 3.5") adapter bay thingy.

Another thing to remember, thanks.

EDIT How's Cooler Master Force 500 case (Midi-ATX, i think)? Is on sale right now for 40€

EDIT2, Oh, Cooler Master Elite 310 ATX in Black/Orange looks nice (price 40€). Gotta note the looks as well... Because why not.


Okay, made a slightly upgraded build that comes to 1450€.

I decided i will not say i won't overclock, i figure i'd rather keep my options open.

Nothing set in stone yet, obviously, i will check prices from other stores and see if there are any sales.
How does this look?

Intel Skylake i5-6600K 289€
Asus Z170-A 165€
Kingston 16GB(2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR4 2133 MHz 114€
MSI GTX 970 Gaming 389€
Crucial 500GB BX100 SSD 199€
Seasonic 650W G-650 130€
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 35€
Samsung SH-S224FB DVD±RW -drive 17€
NZXT S340 midtower 110€

Using non-K CPU saves 30€. There seem to be considerably cheaper cases as well, and availability is something to consider as well (the listed case has unknown availability).

OS will add 100€+ to the price (rather than 80€ i said previously), more or less. Though i did find a 60€ sale price right now, for an OEM version of Win 8.1 Pro...

Oh, and is there any real difference between 4x4GB and 2x8GB memory?

Im struggling to see the value of this build, for example:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core OEM/Tray Processor (€347.84 @ Mindfactory)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-U12S 55.0 CFM CPU Cooler (€68.13 @ Mindfactory)
Motherboard: ASRock Z97M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€101.90 @ Home of Hardware DE)
Memory: Kingston Savage 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory (€54.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Crucial BX100 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€85.49 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Toshiba 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€51.91 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 980 4GB WINDFORCE Video Card (€535.57 @ Mindfactory)
Case: Fractal Design Arc Mini R2 MicroATX Mini Tower Case (€85.74 @ Mindfactory)
Power Supply: SeaSonic S12G 550W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply (€90.84 @ Mindfactory)
Optical Drive: Samsung SH-118CB/BEBE DVD/CD Drive (€14.90 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €1437.21
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-19 20:28 CEST+0200

You could swap that 980 to a 970, add 2x8GB of RAM, and still be better off than your config.
Better to buy a nice decent case now than the cheaper tacky cases that you will hate in a few months.


I don't see Black/Orange case as tacky. Especially since it doesn't have any strange shapes or logos plastered all over. And the color's nice (the front just has orange highlights at the edges, otherwise "classic"-design).

As for the price, i haven't finished checking prices, that was preliminary (plus Finnish prices are high-ish no matter what). And it looks like the store ain't the cheapest one (though seems to be popular and professional).

EDIT I picked Skylake and DDR4 largely for future-proofing, or some such, might end up being a good thing (or might not). Obviously could go for slightly older processor and DDR3 memory to save some. Indeed, my first list (didn't post it) is cheaper and nearly as good.

EDIT Looks like i could save 25€ from the SSD from another store. And another 25€ from the CPU. 15€ from the motherboard. 70€ saved if i use 40€ case. 185€ less already. Neat.
EDIT GPU from another store might save 20€ but availability seems problematic.
EDIT If 550W power supply is enough, i could save some 20-30€ i guess.


is Seasonic 550W G-550 80+ Gold good for my setup? I haven't overclocked but I may do some overclocking someday.

i5 4670K
MSI gaming 4g gtx 970
ASRock Z87 Pro4
8GB (2x 4096MB) G.Skill NT Series
Corsair mx100 256gb
Western Digital 2TB Caviar Green, 3.5"
Antec 300

I currently have 730W BeQuiet! Pure Power L8 CM Modular 80+ Bronze but I think there's something wrong with it. My gpu has trouble detecting my both of my monitors through dvi ports. I have tested everything but only thing that could be the cause is my psu.


I don't see Black/Orange case as tacky. Especially since it doesn't have any strange shapes or logos plastered all over. And the color's nice (the front just has orange highlights at the edges, otherwise "classic"-design).

As for the price, i haven't finished checking prices, that was preliminary (plus Finnish prices are high-ish no matter what). And it looks like the store ain't the cheapest one (though seems to be popular and professional).

EDIT I picked Skylake and DDR4 largely for future-proofing, or some such, might end up being a good thing (or might not). Obviously could go for slightly older processor and DDR3 memory to save some. Indeed, my first list (didn't post it) is cheaper and nearly as good.

EDIT Looks like i could save 25€ from the SSD from another store. And another 25€ from the CPU. 15€ from the motherboard. 70€ saved if i use 40€ case. 185€ less already. Neat.
EDIT GPU from another store might save 20€ but availability seems problematic.
EDIT If 550W power supply is enough, i could save some 20-30€ i guess.

Its not about the colours really, its the materials, we all do the same thing with our first PC build, im just sharing the experience. Everything looks good in photos, and when you open the box. After a week youll notice the shoddy plastic that is glossy and grabs all your fingerprints, then later starts attracting dust, internals that are not built with proper research that will tend to hum/vibrate with resonate HDD's, and then finally cable management options and airflow. You are spending a lot of money, its easy to save money on a case which really offers no performance benefit over others, but itll annoy you down the line.

The DDR4 you've chosen will tend to actually perform worse than DDR3 since its a high latency low speed option.

You can future proof for the next Intel CPU which will be around 10% faster as a safe guess, not really going to spend another 300eur in 2 years i think, nobody on an i5 Haswell would upgrade to Haswell refresh. By the time your CPU is outdated, itll be time to swap mobo and CPU.
Now if you were buying something like an i3, and were to upgrade to an i7 in a few years, that makes some sense, but from i5 to i7 it doesnt when the 4790K is an i7 and going to do the job fine for just as long at a lower cost.

550W PSU is enough for an i7 & GTX 970 system when its a quality unit like the Seasonic G series.

is Seasonic 550W G-550 80+ Gold good for my setup? I haven't overclocked but I may do some overclocking someday.

i5 4670K
MSI gaming 4g gtx 970
ASRock Z87 Pro4
8GB (2x 4096MB) G.Skill NT Series
Corsair mx100 256gb
Western Digital 2TB Caviar Green, 3.5"
Antec 300

I currently have 730W BeQuiet! Pure Power L8 CM Modular 80+ Bronze but I think there's something wrong with it. My gpu has trouble detecting my both of my monitors through dvi ports. I have tested everything but only thing that could be the cause is my psu.

Yes thats fine. Are you sure its not the GPU? I dont see how it can be the PSU if games actually run.
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