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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 2. Read the OP. Rocking 2500K's until HBM2 and beyond.

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Hoover works (queue the static discharge parade).

Hoover? Just a normal hoover or is it a brand? Do you have a link for one? I can't seem to find anything on either Amazon UK or US.

My computer is so dusty inside. I feel like I am killing it slowly. :(

If I'm getting a new PC in about 6-8 weeks...now this question sorta answers itself because i have a relative budget but if i value a good IQ and a good framerate (60fps+ whenever possible. i can't notice a lot with drops in the 50s tho) would I be better served getting a 1440p gsync monitor (to go alongside one of the two 1080p i have atm) or go bat shit futureproofing and get some 4k monitor and tweak to my needs etc to get the framerate required.

I feel like since in the future I'd like to go 4k then getting a 4k monitor now (if the price isn't stupid) would be good, but i've heard nothing but gold about GSYNC.

I am clueless.

Stealth Edit: I'm sorta leaning towards a 980Ti, because some of the benchmarks I've seen don't really show a ton of difference between that and a Titan X to warrant the price difference. I will be doing some rendering etc over time but...


Hoover? Just a normal hoover or is it a brand? Do you have a link for one? I can't seem to find anything on either Amazon UK or US.

My computer is so dusty inside. I feel like I am killing it slowly. :(

Lol UK term for ordinary household vacuum (like Dyson).

Problem is, if it gets super dusty, then you either need to dismantle and wipe, or as you were looking to do, get a high pressure air compressor and fire that. I cant do that since im allergic to the dust badly, so i vacuum, or combination of medium sized paint brush whilst holding the vacuum to quickly suck up the dust.


Is it possible for my wireless printer to be causing me a memory leak? I didn't notice I had a memory leak until I used it again for the first time in months. I didn't install any software though. My PC just detected it was in the network. Could there be a driver issue somewhere? Where would I find it?


Quick question.... I've a new mobo and CPU and fan to install. Am I safe just backing up PC, dismantling my existing build and carefully piecing it back together? Never done this before but have installed GPUs and SSDs etc. Hope its hassle free!


Another quick question, I'm at the shop and I can't find the MSI z97 gaming 7 MB, instead they have the Asus maximus vii hero (for $251) and the vii ranger (for $203). I've read some reviews about the asus boards and kinda tempted now but I want some advice first. Either get the asus hero or ranger or look around for the msi.


RushKit reviews the new EK Vardar fans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRDFtmi2oeY

They're supposed to be Gentle Typhoon replacements, basically.



Another quick question, I'm at the shop and I can't find the MSI z97 gaming 7 MB, instead they have the Asus maximus vii hero (for $251) and the vii ranger (for $203). I've read some reviews about the asus boards and kinda tempted now but I want some advice first. Either get the asus hero or ranger or look around for the msi.
Those are both crazy overpriced, and expensive because of the aesthetics of the board. You can get something with more or less the same exact features for $50 less.


No bald cap? Lies!
Quick question.... I've a new mobo and CPU and fan to install. Am I safe just backing up PC, dismantling my existing build and carefully piecing it back together? Never done this before but have installed GPUs and SSDs etc. Hope its hassle free!

You should be fine. Look up some Youtube videos for tips and general overview of what goes on if you need it and definitely read your mobo instructions as that should tell you everything you need to know about what wires go where and what have you. Do all that and you shouldn't have any issues. It's really quite easy, just follow the instructions and you'll be done in an hour or so tops.


You should be fine. Look up some Youtube videos for tips and general overview of what goes on if you need it and definitely read your mobo instructions as that should tell you everything you need to know about what wires go where and what have you. Do all that and you shouldn't have any issues. It's really quite easy, just follow the instructions and you'll be done in an hour or so tops.

Great thanks. It looks pretty easy but I will probably mess it up!


No bald cap? Lies!
Man, when are the 6700k's going to be sold? It's been more than a week since they "launched"!

Apparently the US is one of the last regions getting it in stock for some reason. So it might be another week or two. Which sucks because I will have the majority of my new rig components tonight and tomorrow, just waiting on the case which comes next week. So all I need to order now is my CPU and MB.

I'm hoping Newegg gets it ASAP because they don't charge sales tax and their free shipping is crazy fast. Otherwise I'll have to go through Amazon to use my Prime 2 day shipping or maybe go to Microcenter if they get them in stock.

Great thanks. It looks pretty easy but I will probably mess it up!

Just take you time, get a big clean table to work on and there shouldn't be any issues or screw ups no matter how lost you may feel.
Err, this may be too early but maybe based on past experiences that are comparable, what would a reasonable guess be as to a safe OC on a 6700k with 212 Evo thingy cooler.

I'm not really bothered about OCing unless i'd get tangible performance increases. I'd also like the system to remain as cool/quiet as possible, which I guess might lead some people to suggest water cooling. Which I wouldn't be against but I feel like if I'm not OCing and maybe using a 980ti on a 1440p gsync or MAYBE a 4k Monitor (not always playing at 4k) then it'd be overkill on 1080s.
It's happening.

TSMC has released a statement saying that its "16nm [chips] smoothly entered volume production as expected".

70 percent more power efficient
Twice the density

Yes apple goes first and pascal probably won't be here until Q1 or Q2 2016 blablabla. That's not the point, the point is that TSMC has started volume production of 16nm finfet chips and that they show a wafer with 300mm^2 dies.
Keyword smoothly, and secondly them showing a 300mm^2 die showing it's not just for low power mobile trash this time (like 20nm was)
If any further delays to pascal do happen it will not be due to the fabs anymore.

Goodbye 28nm, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. *spit*

There's also the rumor in the article that big pascal will have 17B transistors (980ti has 8B, 970 has 5.2B, a gtx 560ti had 1.9B. Which makes sense looking at the double density number.
HBM2 is coming with enormous memory bandwidth gains over GDDR5.

Massive performance increases are coming to GPU land.
Now it's just a matter of wether nvidia don't pull some stupid shit like limiting HBM2 to their titan 3 only, raising prices by 50 percent AGAIN or *shudder* leave their midrange and low end cards as a 28nm rebrand of maxwell.

If all goes well we'll get the first significant performance/dollar increase in years.
I'm already looking forward to replacing my gtx 970 with a non gimped HBM2 equivalent with lower power consumption.

Evo X

Err, this may be too early but maybe based on past experiences that are comparable, what would a reasonable guess be as to a safe OC on a 6700k with 212 Evo thingy cooler.

I'm not really bothered about OCing unless i'd get tangible performance increases. I'd also like the system to remain as cool/quiet as possible, which I guess might lead some people to suggest water cooling. Which I wouldn't be against but I feel like if I'm not OCing and maybe using a 980ti on a 1440p gsync or MAYBE a 4k Monitor (not always playing at 4k) then it'd be overkill on 1080s.

If you want the system to remain cool and quite, don't OC that chip unless you delid. The shitty TIM Intel put on it leads to astronomic temperatures, even with a slight OC. It turbos to 4.4Ghz out of the box, and that should be enough for your needs.

You can try and see if it will hit 4.5-4.6Ghz on all cores at stock voltage and see how the temps are.
It's happening.


70 percent more power efficient
Twice the density

Yes apple goes first and pascal probably won't be here until Q1 or Q2 2016 blablabla. That's not the point, the point is that TSMC has started volume production of 16nm finfet chips and that they show a wafer with 300mm^2 dies.
If any further delays to pascal do happen it will not be due to the fabs anymore.

Goodbye 28nm, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

There's also the rumor in the article that big pascal will have 17B transistors (980ti has 8B, 970 has 5.2B, a gtx 560ti had 1.9B. Which makes sense looking at the double density number.
HBM2 is coming with enormous memory bandwidth gains over GDDR5.

Massive performance increases are coming to GPU land.
Now it's just a matter of wether nvidia don't pull some stupid shit like limiting HBM2 to their titan 3 only, raising prices by 50 percent AGAIN or *shudder* leave their midrange and low end cards as a 28nm rebrand of maxwell.

If all goes well we'll get the first significant performance/dollar increase in years.

Big Pascal = Titan 3?

<_< Damnit, why does my (comparative) need for a new PC have to be in this bridge between the old and new :p
Big Pascal = Titan 3?

<_< Damnit, why does my (comparative) need for a new PC have to be in this bridge between the old and new :p

Sadly big pascal will probably be limited to titan 3 again , at least initially till they release a 1080ti.
People are eating that titan shit up so nvidia are going to keep doing it.

Medium pascal should match a 980ti though unless they gimp things on purpose...

If I had to guess their release schedule:

Q1-Q2 2016: gtx1080 and 1070 with 8GB HBM2 , price again 350 and 500 dollars (medium pascal)

Q2-Q3 2016: titan 3 (1000+++ dollars) , 16GB HBM2, the first ever proper 4K 60fps capable single GPU.
and gtx 1060 and maybe a 1050 (gimpy pascal, 200 dollars, probably no HBM2 for the 1060 because fuck you and fuck me)

Q4 2016 : gtx 1080ti (700+ dollars) big pascal, slightly cut down, maybe 8GB HBM2 to save some costs.

The 1080 etc name is obviously arbitrary, they could call it the nvidia frooglemoogle for all we know, but you know what card I'm referring to.

They'll also undoubtably rebrand or release some gimpy low end gt 1020 or 1040 cards for OEMS, which might or might not just be rebranded maxwell, who knows, and who cares:p

Possible modifiers:
-nvidia first to market with this kind of performance and power efficiency, they might pull an AMD and just price it even higher (and consumers might once again bear the higher prices, who knows at point people will say "enough")
-amd having nothing to compete with big pascal at all, titan 3 price is up in the air, 1080ti might not release at all in the first year and be kept for the 1100 series.
-28nm maxwell rebrands for the low end, you never know, maybe they have some ongoing contracts with the 28nm fabs and need to do something with those wafers they might still need to buy.

edit: thinking about it more I can see this happening:
Nvidia release an 8B transistor 8GB HBM2 gtx 1080 at 650 dollars (slot in alongside the 980ti)
Nvidia and enough consumers rationalise the 'value' as having twice as much VRAM (DUH, HBM2) and lower power consumption (DUH node shrink) and some new pascal software features or w/e) at the same performance and price as the old 980ti
BAM from now on midrange gpus cost 650 dollars instead of 500.

This is what I'm betting will happen, so expect me to link to this last paragraph in 6-8 months with an 'I told you so'.
Feel free to tell me what you think if you'd have to pay 650 dollars for a midrange gpu (instead of 500). It'll be fun to compare reactions now to boiling frog rationalisations in a year ;)

@ AMD, they are not on the list of TSMC customers, rumor is they're going for 14nm finfet from samsung. Fuck knows when that is going into volume production.
I hope amd have their bases covered because if samsung flake out on them and they can't move to 14 (or 16) nm then they're boned and we are instantly looking at amd vs intel in gpu land.
If you want the system to remain cool and quite, don't OC that chip unless you delid. The shitty TIM Intel put on it leads to astronomic temperatures, even with a slight OC. It turbos to 4.4Ghz out of the box, and that should be enough for your needs.

You can try and see if it will hit 4.5-4.6Ghz on all cores at stock voltage and see how the temps are.

Forgive my ignorance but TIM = thermal paste? There's a chance my PC may be prebuilt due to student discounts etc (that would make teh costs saved by building myself negligible) and if I say picked Arctice Silver 5 (or whatever its called) would that alleviate it somewhat? I think you're right, 4.4ghz should be more than enough for whatever I need (I'd be doing some Maya, UE4 etc in additional to gaming etc) but I just wanted to at least ask about it just incase.

My only other PC related query would be 4k (with one mind on the future when it can be 4k 60fps without "gimping" settings) or GSYNC for a monitor. I sorta feel like 4k. I have no idea why ASUS PB287Q is so cheap compared to some others...

Sorry for the long post but thanks!

Edit: @ Sneak Stephan Eh, I'm not too fussed in that case. When I was checking earlier a Titan X was still a few hundred more than a 980Ti which just seems ridiculous for the price/performance...so I'd probably go with a 980Ti and a 4K Monitor, then keep an eye on whether to go sli or in a few years get whatever the latest is.

Thank you!¬

Evo X

Forgive my ignorance but TIM = thermal paste? There's a chance my PC may be prebuilt due to student discounts etc (that would make teh costs saved by building myself negligible) and if I say picked Arctice Silver 5 (or whatever its called) would that alleviate it somewhat? I think you're right, 4.4ghz should be more than enough for whatever I need (I'd be doing some Maya, UE4 etc in additional to gaming etc) but I just wanted to at least ask about it just incase.

Yes, TIM is thermal paste.

Unfortunately, to fix the problem, you will have to take the chip apart and replace the TIM inside. Pretty easy to damage the processor if you don't know what you're doing.



It does lower the temperatures by about 20C under load though.


The enthusiast grade X99 chips don't have this issue because the die is soldered. If you're working with Maya, why not pick up a 5820k instead?
It's happening.


70 percent more power efficient
Twice the density

Yes apple goes first and pascal probably won't be here until Q1 or Q2 2016 blablabla. That's not the point, the point is that TSMC has started volume production of 16nm finfet chips and that they show a wafer with 300mm^2 dies.
Keyword smoothly, and secondly them showing a 300mm^2 die showing it's not just for low power mobile trash this time (like 20nm was)
If any further delays to pascal do happen it will not be due to the fabs anymore.

Goodbye 28nm, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. *spit*

There's also the rumor in the article that big pascal will have 17B transistors (980ti has 8B, 970 has 5.2B, a gtx 560ti had 1.9B. Which makes sense looking at the double density number.
HBM2 is coming with enormous memory bandwidth gains over GDDR5.

Massive performance increases are coming to GPU land.
Now it's just a matter of wether nvidia don't pull some stupid shit like limiting HBM2 to their titan 3 only, raising prices by 50 percent AGAIN or *shudder* leave their midrange and low end cards as a 28nm rebrand of maxwell.

If all goes well we'll get the first significant performance/dollar increase in years.
I'm already looking forward to replacing my gtx 970 with a non gimped HBM2 equivalent with lower power consumption.

So does this mean that my #28nmFOURMOREYEARS hashtag is worthless?
Yes, TIM is thermal paste.

Unfortunately, to fix the problem, you will have to take the chip apart and replace the TIM inside. Pretty easy to damage the processor if you don't know what you're doing.



It does lower the temperatures by about 20C under load though.


The enthusiast grade X99 chips don't have this issue because the die is soldered. If you're working with Maya, why not pick up a 5820k instead?

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have no confidence in myself not to fuck it up and waste 250-350+ :p The potential benefits sound worth it though, but I might just enquire at the pc tech shop in town/down the road and ask.

And as for a 5820k...I hadn't really considered it, to be honest. I'll have a think about it. Maya won't be the dominant part of the "work" useage for it though, it'll probably be 50% UE4/Unity etc and so on...but I'll look it up and think about it. I know the performance gains are supposed to be fairly small (?) from a 5820k to 6700k...so if it saves some money to spend on something else...


Lol UK term for ordinary household vacuum (like Dyson).

Problem is, if it gets super dusty, then you either need to dismantle and wipe, or as you were looking to do, get a high pressure air compressor and fire that. I cant do that since im allergic to the dust badly, so i vacuum, or combination of medium sized paint brush whilst holding the vacuum to quickly suck up the dust.

I took mine outside onto the patio and blasted it with air. Worked well but the dust build up wasn't too bad (although I also did a laptop and that was full of dust in the fan area).


28nm has been a heck of a ride though. 7970 had the crown, then the Titan came out, then the 290X, then 780 Ti, then 980, then Titan X. No node has ever had such a varied dynastic change.

Fury X is basically double the 7970 in everything (Shaders, TMUs, ROPs, almost memory bandwidth) and it's amazing it was all done on the same node - in terms of performance it is generally 75-90% faster. Likewise Titan X is more than double the speed of the 680 in most games You never saw this before, i.e. 6970 and 580 were respectively only about 15% faster than 5870 and 480.

Can't wait for it to die and we get our 16GB HBM2 cards.


No bald cap? Lies!
28nm has been a heck of a ride though. 7970 had the crown, then the Titan came out, then the 290X, then 780 Ti, then 980, then Titan X. No node has ever had such a varied dynastic change.

Fury X is basically double the 7970 in everything (Shaders, TMUs, ROPs, almost memory bandwidth) and it's amazing it was all done on the same node - in terms of performance it is generally 75-90% faster. Likewise Titan X is more than double the speed of the 680 in most games You never saw this before, i.e. 6970 and 580 were respectively only about 15% faster than 5870 and 480.

Can't wait for it to die and we get our 16GB HBM2 cards.

Yeah, this is making the choice to stick with my 7950 in favor of saving my money for a monster card next year all the easier. Unless I could get like a 970 or 290X for ~100 bucks I just can't justify dropping any cash on them for a short term, although large, improvement when big gains are coming soon.


Microcenter has the samsung 850 evo 500gb for $169.99, that a good price for this ssd?
Within $10 of current market rate. It's not a bad deal (I just paid $170 for mine).

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have no confidence in myself not to fuck it up and waste 250-350+ :p The potential benefits sound worth it though, but I might just enquire at the pc tech shop in town/down the road and ask.

And as for a 5820k...I hadn't really considered it, to be honest. I'll have a think about it. Maya won't be the dominant part of the "work" useage for it though, it'll probably be 50% UE4/Unity etc and so on...but I'll look it up and think about it. I know the performance gains are supposed to be fairly small (?) from a 5820k to 6700k...so if it saves some money to spend on something else...
For productivity workloads, the 5820K is going to be superior. Brute force, because of the minimal IPC gains, can't overcome the core/thread advantage that Haswell-E has over Skylake.



This came out of nowhere :-(
I bet my graphics card is dying?

Quoting my own post to give you guys an update: thankfully it was just my GPU failing that caused this. I switched it today with an old GTX 280 and my PC is working fine.

I think I'll stick to it since I rarely play games anymore. Is GTX 280 more powerful than my CPU's integrated graphics? (3570k)
28nm has been a heck of a ride though. 7970 had the crown, then the Titan came out, then the 290X, then 780 Ti, then 980, then Titan X. No node has ever had such a varied dynastic change.

Fury X is basically double the 7970 in everything (Shaders, TMUs, ROPs, almost memory bandwidth) and it's amazing it was all done on the same node - in terms of performance it is generally 75-90% faster. Likewise Titan X is more than double the speed of the 680 in most games You never saw this before, i.e. 6970 and 580 were respectively only about 15% faster than 5870 and 480.

Can't wait for it to die and we get our 16GB HBM2 cards.

Your comparison is off
the 580 (gk110 big fermi 300Watt TDP) was almost twice as fast as the 560 (GF114, medium fermi, 150W TDP) . There is nothing unusual about the titan x (GM200, big maxwell, 300W TDP) being twice the speed of a 680 (GK104, medium kepler, 150W TDP)

Performance is in line with power consumption and die size as you would expect.

The only unusual thing (and something that is lucky for us) is that nvidia managed to increase performance/watt by like 60 percent between kepler (gtx 680 and original titan and 780ti) and maxwell (gtx 980 and titan x and 980ti) despite both being on 28nm.

That is pretty astounding and if it hadn't happened then things would've been really dire for gamers.

So if you meant maxwell performance gains then you should have compared big kepler (titan and 780ti) with big maxwell (titan x and 980ti).
It's important to do an apples for apples comparison.

So does this mean that my #28nmFOURMOREYEARS hashtag is worthless?
The architecture performance gains from maxwell have kept 28nm feeling somewhat fresh but in reality it's archaic shit.
Can't wait for 16nm FF.
Also we'll probably be stuck on 16nm/14nm ff for another 2 years, let's pray that volta is to pascal what maxwell was to kepler (and that amd can make an efficient architecture too, because GCN was a shitshow power consumption wise, it only looked good initially due to the gains from going from 40 to 28nm (6970-> 7970).


I'm just talking about which cards had the absolute performance crown in order. 40nm started with 5870 and ended with 580 for about a 33% increase over the course of the node. 28nm started with 7970 and ended with Titan X for over double increase. The 290X / 780 Ti are twice as fast as the 40nm king the 580. This is what you expect for a node shrink. The fact that Fury X and Titan X have gone even further is something to behold.
Edit: @ Sneak Stephan Eh, I'm not too fussed in that case. When I was checking earlier a Titan X was still a few hundred more than a 980Ti which just seems ridiculous for the price/performance...so I'd probably go with a 980Ti and a 4K Monitor, then keep an eye on whether to go sli or in a few years get whatever the latest is.

Thank you!¬

Do not go for SLI on 28nm now that 16nm is around the corner.

If you have a decent gpu already (7950 or a gtx 670 or better) I would definitely wait for pascal.
If not then upgrade away by all means:p


Looks like i will be doing a complete system rehaul for Big Pascal aka Titan III. Skylake-E 8 core, Pascal SLI, all SSD, 4k surround oh gawd

Until then...4930k and a Titan X


Do not go for SLI on 28nm now that 16nm is around the corner.

If you have a decent gpu already (7950 or a gtx 670 or better) I would definitely wait for pascal.
If not then upgrade away by all means:p

Many are skeptical that Pascal will be able to launch in 2016. You're probably talking about a 1 year wait at least.

Evo X

Looks like i will be doing a complete system rehaul for Big Pascal aka Titan III. Skylake-E 8 core, Pascal SLI, all SSD, 4k surround oh gawd

Until then...4930k and a Titan X

I was wondering if the baby arrival would take you out of this crazy game, but guess not!

Sorry future little Smokey, but you gonna be paying for your own college tuition. Daddy's gotta have that beast mode pc. Lol
Do not go for SLI on 28nm now that 16nm is around the corner.

If you have a decent gpu already (7950 or a gtx 670 or better) I would definitely wait for pascal.
If not then upgrade away by all means:p

I have a 5xx GPU.
I still have 1-2 months before I'd get anything so I'll deliberate and flip flop till then.
Looks like i will be doing a complete system rehaul for Big Pascal aka Titan III. Skylake-E 8 core, Pascal SLI, all SSD, 4k surround oh gawd

Until then...4930k and a Titan X


I might bite on Broadwell-E, depends on how things have moved on from my 2500k by then. I'm not sure I'll be able to wait for Skylake-E.

I do want all that PCIE 3.0 goodness though, and M.2 support, USB 3.1 and type C...
I'm just talking about which cards had the absolute performance crown in order. 40nm started with 5870 and ended with 580 for about a 33% increase over the course of the node. 28nm started with 7970 and ended with Titan X for over double increase. The 290X / 780 Ti are twice as fast as the 40nm king the 580. This is what you expect for a node shrink. The fact that Fury X and Titan X have gone even further is something to behold.

Fury x has not gone much further though.
The 7970 was a midrange gpu with REALLY poor (performance) drivers initially, which seriously skews any performance comparisons.
If you look up reviews for the 7970 when it launched they are not representative, because it has since seen a large increase from improved drivers.

offtopic but ironically if amd had had their drivers sorted at the 7970 launch then nvidia would not have been able to match the 7970 just by slightly overclocking their gk104 and they would've had to release gk110 to beat it.
The titan brand might have never even been a thing in that case...
But we caught that bullet with our faces...

In the end the fury x competes with the 980 (nvidia's midrange card) not the 980ti. It's a poor showing. Mountains of memory bandwidth allow it to catch up a little bit at 4k (not that the 980 ti or fury x are capable of 4k 60 fps anyways so it's kind of meaningless unless you SLI)

GCN 1.2 (r9 285, fury x) saw some power efficiency improvements over the gcn 1.0 7970 but they are pretty minor (15 percent I believe?)

Again I know what you mean and you are right (maxwell vs kepler), that performance gains during the lifetime of 28nm have been good , but you are using the wrong gpus and reasoning.
7970 is not the best gcn 1.0/1.1 could do, they made a much bigger gpu with the 290x.
(just like the 680 is not the best kepler could do obviously as the titan and 780ti crushed it on the same architecture).

Those are not efficiency gains, just bigger dies... (with equivalent more power consumption)

If you want to point out how far performance/watt has come on 28nm then point to the difference between the 7970 and r9 285, or the 290x and fury x for AMD
And for nvidia you point to the difference between the 680 and 980 (both 150W cards) and the titan/780ti and titan x/980ti (both 300W cards)

I have a 5xx GPU.
I still have 1-2 months before I'd get anything so I'll deliberate and flip flop till then.

Yeah ok you might as well upgrade then. pascal is at least 6 months away and who knows how ridiculously they will be priced... You might get burned and not actually get any more performance/dollar at all (just like with the amd 6000 series to 7000 transition , the 7870 initially had some insane price like 400 euros... worse performance /dollar than a 160 euro hd6870 you could have bought a year before.
Though tbh I'd go for a midrange card not a 980 ti and then replace it when pascal is out.

In the end the 980ti is still a power hungry gpu that needs a lot of cooling, and NVIDIA GPUS age like bread driver wise once a new architecture is out. (look at how shit the 600 series does in recent games, it does worse than even a 270x in several games, I've seen some dissapointed 780ti owners on this forum)


So both the monitor and the Wacom are being sourced via one graphics card? It does sound like the graphics card could be experiencing some sort of issues.

When was the last time you updated the drivers? I might try doing a clean install of the latest drivers and see if that clears up the issue.

Edit: I used the driver uninstall program and got rid of all of my AMD drivers and reinstalled the latest. My tablet screen is now dark when I get to desktop but still looks corrupted when booting up. What is the chances the DVI cords or something are messing up?

Edit 2: When I load up a game, then the second screen goes on the fritz.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($193.00 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: ASRock H97M-ITX/AC Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard ($72.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Kingston 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($38.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($47.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($312.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: Corsair 250D Mini ITX Tower Case ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 430W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($41.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $787.92
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-08-14 15:21 EDT-0400

How is that looking if I wanted to build something in a Mini ITX case? Anything I should change? I would for the time being be doing mostly 1080p gaming, but I'd like to be able to run things at fairly high settings. Figure maybe the one spot I could save money would be the graphics card, but I'm not sure what else to consider besides the GTX 970. Should I be considering something like a GTX 960 or maybe an AMD card.
Fury x has not gone much further though.
The 7970 was a midrange gpu with REALLY poor (performance) drivers initially, which seriously skews any performance comparisons.
If you look up reviews for the 7970 when it launched they are not representative, because it has since seen a large increase from improved drivers.

offtopic but ironically if amd had had their drivers sorted at the 7970 launch then nvidia would not have been able to match the 7970 just by slightly overclocking their gk104 and they would've had to release gk110 to beat it.
The titan brand might have never even been a thing in that case...
But we caught that bullet with our faces...

In the end the fury x competes with the 980 (nvidia's midrange card) not the 980ti. It's a poor showing. Mountains of memory bandwidth allow it to catch up a little bit at 4k (not that the 980 ti or fury x are capable of 4k 60 fps anyways so it's kind of meaningless unless you SLI)

GCN 1.2 (r9 285, fury x) saw some power efficiency improvements over the gcn 1.0 7970 but they are pretty minor (15 percent I believe?)

Again I know what you mean and you are right (maxwell vs kepler), that performance gains during the lifetime of 28nm have been good , but you are using the wrong gpus and reasoning.
7970 is not the best gcn 1.0/1.1 could do, they made a much bigger gpu with the 290x.
(just like the 680 is not the best kepler could do obviously as the titan and 780ti crushed it on the same architecture).

Those are not efficiency gains, just bigger dies... (with equivalent more power consumption)

If you want to point out how far performance/watt has come on 28nm then point to the difference between the 7970 and r9 285, or the 290x and fury x for AMD
And for nvidia you point to the difference between the 680 and 980 (both 150W cards) and the titan/780ti and titan x/980ti (both 300W cards)

Yeah ok you might as well upgrade then. pascal is at least 6 months away and who knows how ridiculously they will be priced... You might get burned and not actually get any more performance/dollar at all (just like with the amd 6000 series to 7000 transition , the 7870 initially had some insane price like 400 euros... worse performance /dollar than a 160 euro hd6870 you could have bought a year before.
Though tbh I'd go for a midrange card not a 980 ti and then replace it when pascal is out.

In the end the 980ti is still a power hungry gpu that needs a lot of cooling, and NVIDIA GPUS age like bread driver wise once a new architecture is out. (look at how shit the 600 series does in recent games, it does worse than even a 270x in several games, I've seen some dissapointed 780ti owners on this forum)
Hmmm well it's just something I'll have to think about. Depending on how things work out I may be lucky enough to afford a GPU upgrade next year so if Big Pascal is worth it I may be able to do it...but ones I'd rather save money. If I got a 980Ti I wouldn't really want to upgrade for a few years though unless Big Pascal had much better frame rates at 4k.

I guess Skylake will eventually get 5820k types in terms of the multithreaded/core stuff...eh. I'll just spend more time looking into benchmarks etc and make decisions closer to the time.
Hey, PCGaf, what would happen if I were to pretend that the motherboard shield... doesn't exist?

I couldn't figure out how to get it in and it's one of the crappiest, flimsiest piece of metal I've ever seen. Is it bad to just leave that small hole open?

edit: By motherboard shield I meant I/O shield.


Hey, PCGaf, what would happen if I were to pretend that the motherboard shield... doesn't exist.

I couldn't figure out how to get it in and it's one of the crappiest, flimsiest piece of metal I've ever seen. Is it bad to just leave that small hole open?

Dust city + potential static electricity buildup (ie dead computer) awaits, I would think.


Yeah ok you might as well upgrade then. pascal is at least 6 months away and who knows how ridiculously they will be priced... You might get burned and not actually get any more performance/dollar at all (just like with the amd 6000 series to 7000 transition , the 7870 initially had some insane price like 400 euros... worse performance /dollar than a 160 euro hd6870 you could have bought a year before.
Though tbh I'd go for a midrange card not a 980 ti and then replace it when pascal is out.

In the end the 980ti is still a power hungry gpu that needs a lot of cooling, and NVIDIA GPUS age like bread driver wise once a new architecture is out. (look at how shit the 600 series does in recent games, it does worse than even a 270x in several games, I've seen some dissapointed 780ti owners on this forum)
High-end cards usually retain their value pretty well, though. If you can afford a 980 Ti now, you can probably afford a Pascal card down the road, especially after flipping your current one.
High-end cards usually retain their value pretty well, though. If you can afford a 980 Ti now, you can probably afford a Pascal card down the road, especially after flipping your current one.

Not when a new process node is out.

Who wanted a gtx 580 (300W hairdryer) when the 670 was out and matched it at half the power consumption?

The 980 ti will be in the same boat (except the hairdryer part, air coolers have improved a lot since those days, unless you get an amd reference cooler hurhur:p)

The only way the 980ti retains its value is if there is (yet another) big price hike...


Dust city + potential static electricity buildup (ie dead computer) awaits, I would think.

The shield is mostly there for aesthetics. You are going to be drawing in a lot more dust through your fan ports, and if you have positive pressure in your case it probably won't be a problem at all.

He will be fine with no shield.


I have had one little problem with my pc for 2 years now. I can't get signal from both dvi ports at the same time. Weird thing is that whenever I install new nvidia drivers the dvi port which gives signal changes. It has been small annoyance since it hasn't affected gaming performance or anything else. I thought there was something wrong with my gpu(760) but I bought new graphics card(970) and still I have the same problem. I gave my old gpu to my friend and it works perfectly on his computer.

I have tried using different cables and replace monitors with tv but nothing helps.To my understanding PSU could be the problem? but I don't have any spare parts to test things with. What do you guys think? What could be the problem?
High-end cards usually retain their value pretty well, though. If you can afford a 980 Ti now, you can probably afford a Pascal card down the road, especially after flipping your current one.

Yeah, I hadn't even really factored in a resell value of a 980Ti. If Pascal+ had "worth it to upgrade" value then I'd probably resell the 980Ti and upgrade.


Not when a new process node is out.

Who wanted a gtx 580 (300W hairdryer) when the 670 was out and matched it at half the power consumption?

The 980 ti will be in the same boat (except the hairdryer part, air coolers have improved a lot since those days, unless you get an amd reference cooler hurhur:p)

The only way the 980ti retains its value is if there is (yet another) big price hike...
I had a couple of offers for $200-250 for my used GTX 580 before I decided to keep it. Not the $500 I originally paid for it, but not a horrible loss to take if you can put it toward an upgrade.

That's not to mention the ever-climbing prices of high-end cards - things seem to get pricier every refresh. I'm sure that you'll get at least $300-400 for it, even after Pascal launches. There are always people looking to go to an SLI solution, and the perfect time to do it (IMO) is when there's a refresh, as tons of people are looking to get rid of their old single cards.
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