Yeah, I know. The tech guy who helped me building it (super smart with computers) said I needed a connector with tinier "center pin" or something. Like the biggest of the "pins", the sharp things that stick out needs to be smaaler/tinier.
The stick/pin thing that is circled with red is too big on the VGA connector, so I need one connector with a smaller/tinier one.
I don't think the removing any of the pins will make a difference here, and VGA is completely different connector from DVI. Cards before accepted analog through DVI which is digital interface, the new cards now don't do that.
Honestly I'd recommend looking into monitor that has DP/DVI/HDMI cause all kinds of converters decrease the image quality and VGA isn't that great to begin with, but this doesn't really help your problem.
I did some quick googling and GTX 1080 should be able to run VGA signal through Displayport:
So you will need something like:
Be aware that these limit the monitor running into Full HD resolution or lower, and their quality probably isn't the best.