Okay, still first ever pc build related woes here. Dunno if you guys'll be be able to help me out tho, I might have to contact Asus or something at this point with the driver stuff. I hope not.
So I installed windows 10 on my newly built pc and that went just fine. Haven't done any benchmarks yet because I'm still in the progress of updating my drivers and I did run into some problems there. It's late now so I'm gonna call it quits for now, but if anyone has any advice that'd be appreciated.
Ok, so first of all, my biggest issue. My damn disc drive isn't being detected by windows -
at. all. I installed windows through USB so I didn't need it for that but I did have my suspicions when it didn't show up in the Asus eufi bios before all that, though I'm still not a 100% sure if it was supposed to show up in that without a disc, I can still check if it does.
Still, I've got no idea how to fix this now. It's powered just fine. Little light turns on and it ejects when I press on the eject button. I can enter a disc and hear it spin for a second.
I've tried removing the sata cable and tried different ports but that's not making a difference. It's not showing up, I've gone through device manager and all that. Maybe it's faulty but I'd be surprised if that's the case, anyone have got any idea what I should do?
Also, Windows is updated to the latest version, display driver and nvidia stuff is too and so are most of the mobo drivers except for a few that refuse to work along. I'm not sure what to do with those either.
1) The mobo's Intel Graphics driver refuses to install. I've forgotten the exact wording but basically it errors out saying my pc's specs aren't up to par for the thing or something along those lines, nonsense right? or is this one specifically for intel graphics cards? This seems like a major driver issue if not, I figured I needed it anyway. I checked if the Intel auto update program did the trick but it's not detecting any drivers to update so maybe I'm good though.
I did take a look at my cpu in device manager. Didn't see anything out of the ordinary except that it shows up like 8 times. That normal?
2) Seemingly less important : Realtek audio drivers don't want to update. I don't know if I have to, Windows says it's up to date, but my mobo supplied driver download, which appears to be latest version, isn't working properly. Basically when I run it it says it's uninstalling the "old" version. Once done it prompts me to restart, saying it'll automatically install the new version afterwards. I do this and the driver update utility does start up automatically... except it shows the uninstall text again, with a restart prompt afterwards. And it keeps doing this again and again until I tell it to cancel the whole install.
My audio's working fine so far and like I said Windows says Realtek's up to date so what do I do, just ignore it?
Hyper 212 its normal to slide even when fully clamped.
Temps seem fine. Try a game and use something like HWMonitor to record the temps.
RAM - Need to enable XMP in the overclocking section in the BIOS fpr it to run at 3000Mhz.
Video card should show up in Device Manager. And GPU drivers will complain if there is no GPU connected.
Optical drive should show in My Computer at all times - Check the connections SATA to the Motherboard and a SATA Power to the PSU.
Better to hook up as many fans to the Motherboard and let it auto control - or set your own fan profiles with the mobo software. Unless you are ok leaving the fans at a constant speed - which is also a method some people use for extra silence, but can do a similar sort of thing with mobo software.
Thanks for the help here, but I think you missed I wrote all that before my windows install, checking the uefi. I think I got the RAM sorted and luckily my video card shows up just fine in windows.
Disc drive doesn't though, as I outlined above. I checked the SATA cords, looks fine and it does power on. Just no feedback from it at all at the software side of things. :s
I'm considering leaving my fans connected to the fan controller because I do appreciate the consistency, I feel like I'm able to ignore any fan noise better this way. But the fact that I could do all that through mobo software does make me feel like I should hook em up to the mobo instead. Hmmm.