I have 2 Titan X 2015s and I've been debating selling them to get one X 2016. Nice to hear it copes well with 4k though, since I have the 3440x1440 and 4k tv too.
Do it. I was able to sell my 2015 Titan X for $760 on ebay a month ago. If you sell both and get a 2016, you'll actually make money and have a superior setup.
What are some headphones you guys and gals recommend? I'm steering away from gaming headsets, moving on from a Siberia v2 that's seen better days, to a dedicated mic/headphone setup. I've already purchased the Blue Snowball, and it'll be on the way tomorrow. I'm looking for a solid pair of open back headphones.
The last pair of dedicated headphones I bought were the Senssheiser HD202 back around 2012 lol. Outside of the mic, my budget is around $75-$100. Thanks for any suggestions.
If you can stretch that budget to $140, these are the best headphones you'll find less than $200.
If it needs to be within that, check these out.