Yes. There's nothing special to it. The motherboard and Windows sees it as a hard drive like any other ssd or hdd.You just installed the M.2 and installed Windows directly?
Yes. There's nothing special to it. The motherboard and Windows sees it as a hard drive like any other ssd or hdd.You just installed the M.2 and installed Windows directly?
Yep, have both open lol. Was writing another post here.
Was going to ask if anyone has any experience removing windows from cases. Considering a TJ08, but I'd like to replace the window with some mesh to put a fan on the side. Not sure how easy it would be to do that cleanly.
Whoa, why do you want to do that? The TJ08 is one of the best positive pressure cases out there. It makes one wonder why you're looking at this case in the first place.
Also, a 25mm-thick fan in the TJ08 would edge out large CPU coolers.
Anyone know of the top of their head what the cheapest video card that can output 4k via HDMI would be? Not interested in gaming performance as its for my parents PC which is strictly a web surfing and media consumption device.
Did you consider buying a new, big TV? For me size makes a lot of the experience, it's like more immersive gaming on a 55" screen when you are sitting not too far away.
You can delete the partition during the install. Just need to choose the bottom option which should be named Custom Install.QUICK QUESTION, GUYS!
I just bought a new CPU and motherboard, and want to reinstall Windows 10. Right now I have Windows 10 on an SSD and all my other shit on a HDD. Do I need to format my SSD NOW or will it format automatically when I'm prompted to install an OS after configuring everything?
Then it's probably coil whine. Take your gpu out of high performance mode and just make a fan curve profile.
Hmm, having a weird problem. When I restart, I no longer see the screen that shows the ASUS logo nor can I log into the BIOS. Restarting or shutting down goes from a black screen to the Windows login screen it no longer shows the ASUS loading screen which tells me what my OC is, etc. It's been a few days since I restarted, but it's my first time seeing it now. Any idea what might be causing this? I disabled the fast boot option from the power options but that didn't change anything.
Most likely you have quick boot enabled in the BIOS, start hitting F2 right when you turn the machine on and you should get in.
Weird. Installed new mobo/CPU and Windows 10 booted right from where I left off. I for sure thought it would force me to reinstall. Heck, might just do it anyway.
That's normal. Since Windows 7, you don't have to reinstall Windows from changing CPU / MB. Each later Windows version have better driver support for hardware changes.
Oh, shit. Really? I had no idea.
Should I bother then with a clean install? What should I do about my mobo? Should I download and update the bios? This is my first time doing this so I'd appreciate any guidance!
If everything is working fine, no need to update the bios.
Usually manufacturers do that for specific cpu or ram support added in later. Not necessary for most.
I think you might be looking for something like a GTX 960 or 970 for something like that.
I was spec'ing out a potential HTPC build and I think those would do a good job.
whats the best i can do with $1650 or LESS for a new PC with latest specs ?
i dont want full tower, either MID or smaller cause i may want to transfere it , full tower is a pain
*excluding monitor, OS and anything else'm thinking about upgrading my R9 270, the 1060 and 480 cost the same here (260€and I can't decide which one to buy. I'm going to keep this new card for about 4 years probably, so the RX 480 might be the best choice, but I'm not convinced. Any suggestions?
I'm thinking about upgrading my R9 270, the 1060 and 480 cost the same here (260) and I can't decide which one to buy. I'm going to keep this new card for about 4 years probably, so the RX 480 might be the best choice, but I'm not convinced. Any suggestions?
Delid. Then you can run a much cheaper air cooler quieter with lower temps.
This is in German, but the tables should be self-explanatory. It's a coin toss, really. Unless you care a lot about power consumption.
Both cards have two versions as well; 4/8GB RAM and 3/6GB RAM respectively. I'd go with the higher RAM versions, whichever you end up choosing, even if you have a 1080p monitor right now.
edit: Actually, what CPU do you have? If it's an AMD, I'd go with the Nvidia card. They have lower CPU overhead.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm inclined towards the 480 because of the better vulkan/DX12 performance, but I might get the 1060 for now and upgrade in a few years when vulkan will be more popular. I have an i5-3450.worst come to worse 480 has sli option. a single 1060 is better in dx 11. 480 is much better in dx 12. 480 might be better future proof.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm inclined towards the 480 because of the better vulkan/DX12 performance, but I might get the 1060 for now and upgrade in a few years when vulkan will be more popular. I have an i5-3450.
Gaf, I'm hoping for some advice on my current hamster driven PC.
My PC is in no way shape of form a gaming PC, in fact I barely use it for gaming with the exception of Wow and Marvel Heroes. It does seem to struggle a bit on both those games when I crank up the graphics. I don't need it to be on Ultra but when playing Wow I like to have good spell effects and draw distance as a priority (with a good frame rate obviously) and for the most part I do achieve that but I want to get a bit more out of it.
I've been looking at building a proper gaming PC but I can't afford it at the moment and I can't really justify it for two games. So the only option is to see what I can do to my current system to squeeze a bit more out of the games. My specs are below. Is it simply a case of getting a new graphics card? Any advice on sensible upgrades would be appreciated.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
Memory: 6144MB RAM
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 1GB GDR5
I do have another card in its box, the GT 630 4GBDDR3 but I think that's a step back?
The simplest upgrade to make would probably be installing a GTX 960. I believe it's the most powerful card you can run with that processor with limited bottleneck. I should know because I just came off an i3-2100 + 960 setup that has served me incredibly well this gen.
You can get a GTX 960 for $160 on Newegg. Don't be concerned with the "refurbished." I had bought this exact model by EVGA a couple years back and I've never had a single problem with the card. Its temps never go above 65, it's super quiet. It's like Nintendo's "refurbished" units: practically brand new, if not actually brand new.
I need an Overwatch + general use machine.
Is this build any decent at all?
I need an Overwatch + general use machine.
Is this build any decent at all?
Hey, LilJoka, can you help me with my ram question I asked in my post up above.
I am somewhat chomping at the bit to hit the submit order button over at Newegg to start my PC build. I just want some else's input whether I should opt for faster but less ram, as opposed to somewhat slower but more ram.
Outside of one thing, my part selections will be identical otherwise.