I'm considering maybe upgrading my PC to a Skylake build.
Right now this is my system:
i5 4690k at 4ghz (stock cooler)
MSI Z97 GD65 Gaming motherboard
Corsair Vengeance LP 16 gb of DDR3 1600mhz 9-9-9-24 RAM
MSI 1070 GTX Gaming X GPU
Corsair VS 650 PSU
Toshiba 128gb SSD
A 12-13 year old Seagate Barracuda 160gb HDD (yeah, I know)
Today I have ordered a new CPU cooler (Thermalright HR-02 Macho Rev. B) because I want to overclock some more, to basically the highest stable setting I can get with stock voltages. I've run this system stable at 4.2ghz with the CPU undervolted but of course it still gets too hot with the stock cooler.
Is it worth it upgrading this system to an i5 6600k and DDR4 memory or am I better off just playing around with overclocking when the CPU cooler arrives? Money is a bit tight right now, so I'd hope to get a good price for my current motherboard + CPU + RAM and use that plus the €170 I got for my GTX 970 to cover for most of the bill.
Right now, none of the games I play give my system any problems. I don't really have very high system requirements because I game in 1080p on a TV, because I love the comfort of my armchair

I might get a higher res monitor down the line, though.
But there are two games I hope to have a better experience with; Arma 3 and Star Citizen.
Arma runs at 80 fps or higher most of the time when playing alone, IIRC with most settings at max, but it runs at 40-ish at its worst (and up to 80-ish) when I'm playing multiplayer.
Star Citizen's performance was not very good when I last played on the GTX 970 I had until a week or so ago, haven't tried it with the 1070 yet.
I think both these games are not well optimized, Arma 3 because Bohemia, and Star Citizen because it's in alpha state and most of its performance issues aren't actually caused by my PC, but by the server the game is run on.
Arma 3 is really the main reason of my overclocking and possible update plan, because it's my main time sink right now, and it is highly CPU-limited, and the more CPU speed you throw at it, the better it will run.
Apart from those games, I can't think of any game that wasn't running well enough on my system even when I still had the GTX 970.
Hmmm, the more I'm typing here the more I realize I'm probably already answering my own question, there really isn't a good reason for me to upgrade right now, right? Of course having the newest stuff is nice, but will I see a *noticeable* performance increase for gaming if I get an i5 6600k-based system? I don't rip DVDs and I don't stream, either. Maybe I should just take the €170 from the 970 and get a new HDD or try and get a decent used monitor for that money? I'm not sure what to do.